it a GATE CITY JOURNAL DOINGS AT ARCADIA Published every Thursday ut Nyssu. Oregon [Too late for last week] THE JOURNAL PUB. ASSOCIATION Entered as secord-class in a‘ to; April 14. IMO, at the post office at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act of March II, lb7i*. S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S One year, in advance $>..">0 Six months, in advance ........ S' Three months in advance............... ho PROGRAMME — OF TH F- la d ie s ' IfTlissionary Society — OF— NYSSA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Nyssa, Oregon 11114 Œ 5 Regular Meeting Second Thurs­ day of Each Month at 2:80 P. M. Mar Hostess, Mrs. A. R. Carnok Topic Immigrants. Leader Mrs. Carman. Assistants Mrs. Hurt, Mrs Car- rick. Mrs. Marshall. Response: Texts on the Promised. Land. April M Hostess. Mrs. Farmer Topic— India. Leader— Mrs Farmer. Assistants — Mrs McVey, Forbes, Mrs. Davison. Mrs. Response, Why I Believe in Missions. May Hostess, Mrs. Duncan Topic—Cuba and Porto Rico. Leader— Mrs, Carrick. Assistants--Mrs. Closson, Mrs. F. R. Marshall, Mrs.Moreho ad. Rwponac, My Favorite Field. June Hostess, Mrs. Ehrgood Topic—The Home Base. Leader Mrs. S, F. Foster. Assistants Mrs. McDonald. Mrs. Rich, M rs. < (rrell. iionpouee, Item» From Missionary News. July Hostess, Mrs. Howsley Topic—Annual Meeting Review. Lender—Mrs. Dean. Assistants—Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. Ehrgood. Response, Patriotic Texts. Aug. Hostess, Mrs. Blodgett Topic—Young opte— i on People in Missions Lender- Mrs. Blodgett. Assistants—M iss Theo, Blodgett, Miss Kingman, Miss F. Mc­ Donald. Responso, Do Missions Pav? Sept. ; Hostess, Airs Hunt Topic—Africa. Lead. Mrs C. Marshall Assist-mu Mrs. Sherwood, Mrs A. McDonald. Mrs. ( ’. H. Dnv- IS O tl. Reaponse, Name »ml Locate one Presbyterian Missionary Oct. Hostess, Mrs F. R. Marshall Topic— Mexicans ill the U. S. Leader— Mrs. Rich. Assistants- Mrs A. H. Foster. Mrs. Deau, Mrs. Largent. Response, On© Requisite for a Good Hociety. Nov. Hostess. Mrs. Closson Topic— Latin America. Leader—Mrs. Sherwood Assistants - Mrs. Duncan, Mrs Caldwell, Mrs, C. Marshall Rsepcnst. Thanka^muK Texts. Mr. and Mrs. George Hauso'" visited the Gamble island last Sunday. E. B Butler, Sr., received word that his aged mother died last Wednesday afterhoon at Wood- bine. Iowa. Some one said spring was com­ ing by the sign of marble playing Why we have seen water sacks soaking already. Ni xt Sunday evening there will be a meeting at the school house, held by Latter Day Saints. Every­ body is cordially invited and a large attendance is wished, Don ('ot)klin culled on Arcadia friends last week Mrs.-I C. Fleming spent last Monday with Mrs. Thos. Coward in Ontario. C V. Richardson has taken his sheep to Indian Valley. Tom Drost visited Arcadia friends Sunday. George Ransom returned from Boise last week, where he has spent the winter with his daugh­ ter. A1 Thompson left Tuesday for Indian Valley, Idaho, where he is employed for the summer. His family left Wednesday to join him at Midvale. IT’S A TOPSY TURVEY WOI To Trade 10-acre tract iu Boise Valley on iuterurban. Paid-up water right, all in cultivation, to trade for dry claim near Nyssa. Let us know “ Say,” remarked a (>'0Qe.;t| what yon have. Inquire at the farmer to the Journal ysterday, Journal office. “ I believe in that stub you haJ OREGON WOMEN FORM FIRST POLITICAL CLUB; WILL VOTE FOR MAN, NOT PARTY I I P » L v ,y ., H. R. McNee is the only Nyssaite so far to announce himself as u candidate for a nomination at the coming pri­ maries. Mr. McNee is after Dan Kerfoot’s job of sheriff, and his petitions are being freelv signed. There is one thiugcertain, if Ilank went after a law violator he would bring him in if he could get within / Officers of the Or. Smith for Governor" elub, recently organized by women at Halfway, Ore. Left to right— Mrs. Lucia B Clemens, secretary: Mrs. Maud Brown, president, would, If elected, enforce the criminal laws of Oregon to the letter, and refer red In proof of that to his previous ex cellent public record The object of the organization was briefly declared to be to promote the candidacy of Dr. C. J. Smith for the next Governor of Oregon Much interest Is attached to the or ganlzatlon of this club, for the reason that It Is the first purely political or ganlzatlon of women known to ha\. been gotten together in the State, out side of the organizations, which wen bound together two years ago in sup port of the suffrage movement The politicians have for some time been nonplussed as to how best to np proach the new voter, and this Initial organization seems to confirm the pre­ vailing idea that women will refuse to be bound by purely partisan lines and will insist on voting for its s and for men, rather than for party The women in the new Dr. Smith Club are of every political faith, and regardless of party lines, say they pro pose to back the man for Governor who they think stands most firmly for better moral conditions. [N ews of the present week] Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coward of Ontario visited at J C. Fleming’s Sunday. J M Lackey and family autoed out to their ranch Sunday. Harry Butler and wife moved to Ontario last Wednesday. George Ransom and wife moves] to Payette last week. Mr. Wal­ lace of Nyssa has rented their place. President Hale and Elder Mc- Kendrick gave excellent sermons Miss Alma Watson is visiting last Sunday evening at the school Miss Eunice Yeck at Emmett. house. The solos rendered by Mr Hale were greatly enjoyed by the audience of about 80 people. Mrs. Charles Bullard is able to Sing Wo, an experienced Chi­ sit up after being confined to her nese laundrymau from Boise, bed for over two months has opened a laundry in the Enjoying the weather attd good old laundry building across the roads in their auto, were E. H. railroad tracks. Sing says a Butler, wife and son, Mr. and Mrs. 1 band laundry is the proper Wills. They had a nice trip over thing. “ Steam laundly too in Idaho. There is an effort being made tiiuch hot; spoil um clothes. to have the Mormon elders at the Me heap savee- You put ad. in school house next Saturday even­ paper. Tell everybody.” W hich ing and Sunday morning. shows that Mr. Sing W o may prove to be a progressive citizen. Locals News o f HUby send out o f town for iprinting? The Journal Office has just received a new and up-to-date lot of stationery for its job department •ind is now equipped to do your For Mrs. Chas. Bean and son are with E. M. Blodgett while look­ The 200,(XX) acres of land in­ ing for land for a home. cluded within the famous Oregon Frank Thomas is in town military road grant owned by the from Parma. Oregon - Western Colonization , ... „ , „ . . . s , ... J. W. Fogle this week further company, has just been traded by . . . . , . . L. W Hill and VV. P. Davidson "«p r o v e d Ins borne tins of that company for the 22 story b>' Pai,,t"*8 1,18 residence. Transportation building located T h e color scheme is terra cotta, t the southwest c .inter of Harri- j trimmed with maroon. Ed in and Dearborn streets in Christen ell aid the fancy work Chicago. The building is valued j in his usual artistic manner. at «3,500,000. It is considered Mr. Fogle seems determined to one of finest office buildings in do his share toward making the city of Chicago. The land Nyssa a City Beautiful if it was acquired some years ago from takes all he makes. a French syndicate for the pttr- Win. Sexton has disposed of poee of colonization. The larger jiercentage of it is located in his interest in the Owyhee store Crook county, Central Oregon. and moved back to Nyssa. He is thinking of tackling placer Wanted m ining on the Snake and will To rent t sewing machine for family use. Apply at Journal go down below Huntington next office. week to look the grouud over. Dec. Hostess, Mrs. Francis Topic— Mountaineers. J. H. Bitner and son. H. S. Londer — Mrs. F. R Marshall. Smith and VV. M Davison formed Assistants Mrs Blodgett, Mrs. a party which went out to the Ehrgood, Miss Kingman. Peter Stamm auction sale in Lent Response, Christmas Texts Wilson's Overland today. Jan. Hostess, Mrs. S. F. Foster Topic—China. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davison. Lender, Mrs. Carrick. Attorney P J. Phillips and W illis Assistants Mrs. Sherwood. Mrs. Megorden were a jwtrty of busi­ W. M Davison. Mrs.Thompson. ness x isitors to Vale today. L. E Re«pon«©. Text« on the Tithe. Wilson's bin Overland car pro­ Feb. Hostess. Mrs T- Car tick vided llu* means of conveyance. Topic The American Indian. Leader- Mrs, Hunt. AH aboard for Ontario. Nyssa- Assistants Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. ites will U- at the county declama­ Holmes, Mrs. Dean. tory contest tomorrow (Friday) Ree|x»nsr. American Missionary throes night 100 strong, a special train being chartered for the occasion, President— Mrs E. H. McDonald and all arc con tide at that Nyssa S Vice-Pres.— Mrs. F. K. Marshall contestant. Miss Ruby Morehead. will win honors for herself and Secretary — Mrs. S. F. Foster the cup for Nyssa. Treasurer— Mrs, A. R Carrick H. D. Birdsall expects to leave soon for Long Valley to take charge of a ranch which he re­ cently traded Nyssa property for. Th e East Side hotel has been leased to other parties. Frank Leuck and John R. Pangburn went to Boise yester­ day on land business. Mr. i Pangburu homesteaded a vaiua-1 ble 120 on the East Side. Th e local high school baseball team will go to Apple Valley Saturday to play the team of | the Idaho village. The Apple Valley team is said to be com­ posed of fast players, but the Nyssa boys are undismayed, and j expect to return victorious. W e guarantee buy­ ers for farina that are priced right. If nd accurate, complete deacrip- A K LE S L A N D CO. St. Charles Hotel. Portland. Or. NTED been printing about cap!® J tronizing their home ' \ r „ "but you can occupy told by a Nyssa firm unit wind e pleasantly. Here Is a coup- . . , ^.a entliies you to admission to ' it just as convenient to do in trading there? I wish voiil would “ roast” some of Wte NysJ business men.” Th e Journal doesn’ t feel liJ roasting anyone, but it dual seem like the Farmers and Bn mess Men’s League wasn’t w ganized any too soon. “t his liliic .t lC i i a te ly to S lo an 's L ln- reliev es ach in g and r ts in sta n tly . R educes an d q u ie ts tlia ta g o n - pain D ~ o n ’t ru b —it pen e- 5/ Little Boy Bine come blow youtf horn; If you don’t it won't be blown, The people won’t Ho 'k To buy yonr stock If you never make it known. SLOAN'S ÜKÏMENT So Little Boy Blue o »me bl«t «Be eUef ns. Have you tried Its the proper b u sin e .s r iper fl|*»f H ere’s what oth icrs say: if from Rheum-Atitna And the very best way has used one 60c. bottle ment, and although she To make it pay ________'ears o f age, she has ob- Is I" blow it through tins i»per,^^gH ^iL*S/. _____ fo r Coid and Croup — Exchange. little 1 <>y next door had croup. I S tation ery It will be just as neat as that r f the other fellows if you get it done here. Como iu and lot us figure with you on any job you have ^ ^ " ‘-tther Sloan’s I.inim ent to e him three drops on sugar to bed, and lie got up with- >in the morning.” — Hr- FL. j 21 Elmwood A m ., Chicago, ILL j Thoroughbred Barred R > 'k liggijj 1 Neuralgia G one 75c per setting. ¡L nim ent is the twst medi It hns relieved me I Mrs. Clias. Bradley, Owyhee, Oi.^ L I world. Those pains have ail gone I D truly say your Lin im en t did B.” dis. C Al. D o » kmr o f Johan- For Sale. d b e Houm a! Interest to All Oregon Land Traded Office Building Sav -Page Co. f SE con . d I hud dealt to r a lo n g 1 mis tt, >vlng picture show.” there was so much bu ¡er COt t . ^ ing in from Parma and do»J range. Fruitland way that I had bettei| A Modern Miracle. find another market for m "Jiy wife Is an astonishing woman.* dairy product. Now, if I hav I s e h e f' " I ’ll give It to you. She told me the got to drive to some oilier town] other night when I proposed going to get rid of my stuff, why isn y out that she would be ready In a min- at«. And she was." The first woman'» club ever organ tied in Oregon In behalf of a candi­ date for office, so far as known, was put on foot In Baker County recently when the "Dr. Smith for Governor Club' became a reality. More than fifty women of Pine Valley, enrolled ae charter members, and It was ex­ pected that as many more would add their names to the roll within a few days. Pine Valley Is ten miles from Copperfield, the scene of Governor West's celebrated raid. The Baker County women have adopted as their slogan, a continuation of Governor W est’s policies of law en­ forcement, and they have espoused the cause of Dr. C. J. Smith of Port­ land, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor, because of his public endorsement of the Gover­ nor’s work along that line. At the initial meeting of the Club, Mrs. Maud Brown was elected Presi­ dent, and Mrs. Lucia B. Clemens was elected Secretary Resolutions were adopted declaring that the women be­ lieved in law enforcement, and In con­ tinuing the good work So well begun for better social conditions. They de­ clared (hat they felt certain Dr. Smith ___ )a ir y P r o d u c e w tntvd. W r it « for our C asi / offer ID m la r .. P rice 25c., 50c. S t 51.00 sioaa’ ^ ln ctru ctire Booklet on »ent free. ’A H l SLOAN, lut., BOSTON, «ASS. ! YOU NEED Nourishment IN Warm Weather In our product you will find the most nourishing qualities of the finest Saazer Bohemian Hops and the cream of the Wisconsin Barley crop. Ihese combined with the absolute cleanliness ol our plant insure that “ BOISE’S BEST” is the best tonic vou can take. A single glass will prove to you the trulli of our contentions. You should buy it by the case. oi yea rs we have been stating itry that a great many women by taking Lydia E. Pir it is true. re arc permitted to publish lets from the letters of five 1 ltly ^received unsolicited. C i convincing? M e . —“ I had pains in bot could •:••fly straighten up at t «nervous I could not sleep, and I I submitted to an operati Inkham’s Vegetable Conipoun Irs. H a y w a r d S o w e r s , Hodja > t t e , N. C.— “ I was in bad both sides and was very lector said was a tumor, and I ? ration. A friend advised . ¡able Compound, and I gladly _____ P—Mrs. R osa S ims , 13 V Winona Vinoni I a x o F e r , P ■dg' ■ d a .— “ T he d o c to r advised 11 E. Jhnkham's g ’v;'.: i d ie f iii a s h o rt tim e, j a h a rd d a y ’s work and not , Hanover, Pa. r . I I I . —“ I was sick in bed t id I would have to be taken ^ ^ ^ ■ d something groxving in my > the Operation and took Lydia E. —and it worked a miracle in my ci d 1 mm <1 —M rs. L a u r a A t, Decatur, HL BREWED AND BOTTLED BY THE Idaho Brewing & Majting COMPANY ^ ^ ^ I and , Onio. —“ I was very irrei ty ride pained me so that I expectec \ Dol ors said they knew of not helprn I took Lydia E. Pinkhai ug J P i } lnd and I became regular sain. [ am thankful for such a go ad wOl always give it the highest t . H .G r ; rn, 7303 Madison Av., Clex R É t t H e to LY D IA E .P IX K H A M M EDI (C 0 > U D E N T I A I, » LYNN. MASS., fo ^ ^ ^ ^ x x i l l 1 m - o p e n e d , r e a d a n d a: and held in strict co nil den