other way was a thief and a TAKIN G THE W IND OUT OF vegetables at the Lake county fair held in Lakeview recently. robber. And yet, owing to the W ALL STREET. Published every Thursday at Seven first and one second prize perversity of human nature, Nyssa. Oregon Under the above caption, the were the trophies brought back people have been striving from Western Magazine for September front the show by Judge F, A. THE JOURNAL PUB. ASSOCIATION that day to this to discover says: Remington, who had charge of some other method of being There are few finer examples of the exhibits. F. A. Watkins of Entered us second-class inatte. Next door to Noutoffice April 14. lttlO, at the post office saved. And likewise, the way team work on the part of presi­ Lake won four firsts on white at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act to be saved from the exactions dent and cabinet officers than the oats, peck of rye, red potatoes and of March 8, 1879. of the beef trust is so plain that one furnished in Julv by Presi­ white potatoes. Henry H. Hoch he who runs may read, any yet dent Wilson and Secretary Mc- won first and secoud prizes on SUBSCRIPTION RATES way under Adoo. One of the ailments of th9 bt-st grain exhibit north of Sum­ On« year, in advance ................. ll.fiO every impossible Six months, in advance ..................' heaven will be tried rather than past generation has been the mer Lake Hill, and first prize for Three months, in advance..................bu accept sucli a simple and natur­ ability of Wall street to corner best sheaf of rye. The wheat, capital at critical moments iu a summer barley and other grains al solution. 1.::. manner to squeeze dry the indus­ displayed received favorable men­ The result of the elections tries of the country, create great tion, with the exception of speltz, held in various states Tuesday or incipient panics, and lick the which won first prize. These exhibits were grown on may well be cause for congratu­ politicians ell at the cast of a sin­ G F N T R A L O F F IC E S gle stone. land that had been in sagebrush lation to those who believe in N E W YORK A N O C H I C A G O Suc:h a coupe as this had been for ages and until the present go.»! govern nieiit, repaid less î ..7 a \ c : i : 3 i : i : - the p r i n c i p a l cities of what particular parly an in­ planued for u certain tine morn­ owners took it up as homesteads, ing in July of the present year. was not considered valuable ex­ dividual may believe in. The THE PRICE OF BEEF To proceed logically and with cept for winter pasturing of live­ How to keep the price of beef, drift in sentiment away from deadly effect it was arranged for stock. a« well as other meats, within the o'd corrupt, h iss-ridden Joseph T. Talbert, vice president the reach of the common peo­ style of politics is shown unmis­ of the National Oity Bank of New M. E. Church Notes. ple is fast becom ing one of the takably and will be a severe York, to throw the initial bomb o f all kinds acute questions of the day. Al­ blow to those who have been into the commercial situation in Sunday, November 9. ready it is beyond I l.e reach of hoping that th>- present move­ the shape of an Associated Press 10:30 a. in.—Sunday school. ß o C K S P R IN G S AND HIAWATHA CO 41 the man of small means who ment toward a bei t r and purer interview, which was promptly 1130 a. m.—Morning worship; printed, ol course, in every daily government was hut. temporary has a family to support, except — Subject, “ Seeing tne Signs. — newspaper of the civilized world Text, Matthew 16:1. at i ai e intervals, and still the ai d that Dm backward swing of because its purpose was fully ap­ price is clim bing Those in a the pendulum was about due. 7:15—Epworth League; Miss parent. N Y SSA , OREGON Georgia Dennis leader. position to ki ow predict tliHt Tammany Hall, probably the In this interview. Mr. Talbert’s most corrupt and thorot.gh- b-dore the end is reached steak 8:00 p in.— Evening service; statements, divested of their dip. Will retail at $1 per pound. organized gang of political free­ lorratic verbiage, were a notifica­ Subject, •‘Getting Out of the s ä This of course will place it be­ booters the country has ever tion to all banks to cease extend­ Shadow.” Text, Hebrew 1:1. yond the reach of the average known, was i-iusliingly defeated ing credits and begin to force col Thursday at 8:00 p. tn. Prayer This interview bore meeting. family. T7urious remedies for and a clean man elected as lections. You are invited to attend these mayor of New York city. The date of May 26rh. No excuse for this condition of affairs are be­ services. r IRE AND LIFE Strangers welcome. ing proposed by ou. economic election was also an endorse­ it existed and no excuse was ment by the voters of Presi­ given. But the banks of the experts, hut no one has yet seemed to bit the right spot. dent W ilson’s policies and will country responded, however un­ Jersey’s for Sale. Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, Orcharc willingly, purely in self defense. It was fondly hoped by many, strengthen his hands in his Nyssa ( Nine head full blooded Jersey The crisis was planned for a Tracts« Relinquishments, City Property! including some of our eminent fight for remedial legislation. Exclusi cows and one regi stered full certain week in July. As an il­ statesmen, that placing beef on The currency bill is having lustration of how the plan was to blooded bull, coming two years the free list would cause the hard sledding in the senaie work, on a certain day a New old. for sale. Will sell separate or in a herd. bottom to drop out of the price, finance committee and it is York bank had $20,000,000 of cash N EIL MOREHEAD, Nyssa. but it has been discovered that probable that by the time it in excess of its required reserve. our benevolent beet trust con­ emerges from that financial in­ But it suddenly refused to make loans; no security, however guilt- trols the foreign output of beef, cubator it will be so changed edged, eveu from its most valued as well as the domestic, and out­ that its own mother wouldn’t patrons, could coax a dollar from last condition is worse than our know it without an introduc­ this batik. It simply wasn’t loan­ All the money you have se­ first, as the lack of tariff duty tion. It is difficult to tell just ing money. And all the other curity for on We carry a compii will permit the importation of what form it will eventually as­ RIAL. Let us figure yo big banks on the same day adopt­ MAIN STREET - - NYSSA, OREG(l§ cheap cattle by the beef trust in sume, but the tendency appears ed the same policy. competition with the home pro­ lard on Front St., near to be toward a more complete It was the beginniug of a well- duct, while still allowing the control of the banks by the gov- planned Wall Street panic, With- trust to control the price of ernment than was provided for in a week we would have been in beef on the block. Thus are in the original bill. This fea- its deadly clutch. The season for the efforts of our statesmen to ture will commend itself to aH the movement of croP8 hfwl fir- At 8 per cent with Optional Payments. relieve the situation brought to those whose selfish interests do r*ve^’ ani^ suddenly the Money naught, and apparently no so­ not conflict with a policy, fori j Trust had cut off credit. Busi­ OFFER NO. 1 lution is in sight. We say ap­ ness paralysis was iuevitable, and despite the fact that certain FEED ANC PROFESSIONAL. F R U IT G R O W E R & FARM ER (leading horticultural such was the cold-blooded intent. parently, because the simple patriots (?), in order to dis- . , ., ... paper in America). . . , And then, upon that same eve- and obvious answer to the prob­ W ILM ER & courage t us t ea, ave een njng s ecretary McAdoo gave to P O U L T R Y CU LTU RE (foremost poultry journal). C. E. McREYNOLDS lem will never occur to the depicting jUncie Sam in car- the Associated Press an official K IM B A L L ’S D A IR Y F A R M E R (best dairy tnagazinlL powers that be. There is an PHYSICIAN & SURGEON toons as a corrupt and bloated statement wherein he offered to in the country). t fIR ST GASS TURNOUTS old and trite saying that the W ESTERN F A R M E R ’S R E V IE W (largest and mos r loan $100,000,000 of government Homedale - - Idaho Lord helps those who help more worthy of confidence than ALSO practical weekly farm paper in the Intermountaiif money to the small banks of the themselves, which is applicable the harpies who have been West. United States for the purpose of Good Avenue to the present case. If the peo­ in control of the nation’s finan­ moving crops. W. B. H O X IE ALL FOUR ONE YEAR FOR A DOLLAR! ces for many weary years. NOTARY PUBLIC ple, through their government, Wall Street gave one single, Office at residence OFFER NO. 2 would go into the cattle busi­ The fact that there is not wild-eyed gasp— and then what Nyssa - - Oregon HOME L IF E (A m erica’s best home magazine). enough barley raised in this vi­ ness on a scale sufficient to happened? The very bank in W OM AN ’S W ORLD (A magazine for every woman.) cinity to supply the local demand supply the needs of all and sell New York which, on the day pre­ is an indictment of the farming T O D A Y ’S M AG AZIN E (A review of current events). it at cost of production the beef methods of our agriculturists. vious, had refused to loan a single D r . J. J. SARAZIN W ESTERN F A R M E R ’S REVIEW . trust would be left holding the With climate and soil peculiarly dollar,of its millions of cash de­ PHY8ICIAN A SURGEON H. BL ALL FOUR ONE YEAR FOR A DOLLAR! sack, while the people would be adapted to the raising of cereals posits, loaned six million dollars Office between Second and Third it is little less than criminal that Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity, send your on Main street. able to secure meat at a price this important agricultural pro­ before noon! And all the other dollar AT ONCE to banks acted with similar intelli­ Nyssa Oregon within the reach of the hum­ duet is not raised in sufficient gence. blest wage-earner. But of course quantity to at least meet local re­ WESTERN FARMER’S REVIEW, BOISE Wbat did it all mean? It meant this will not be done. We quirements. It cannot be con­ P. J. P H ILLIPS would rather pay three or four tended that the land is more val­ simply that, for the first time in uable for some other crop, for 50 years. Wall Street had found a lomc-Gured Bacor ATTORNEY- AT-L AW prices for our meat, or go with­ with alfalfa selling at $4.50 and out entirely than gain our ends $5.00 per ton, barley would un- competitor, an institution which Nyssa - - Oregon YELLOWSTONE WHISKEY in any such revolutionary man- donbtly prove a more profitable had the money to loan and stood Clear and pure is every ter. product. ready to loan it—in other words, fe Carry n Full Supply of glassful of wine or liquor that 0 C. WILSON This case is, in some respects, the LTnited States government. you buy here, because we are Huerta still continus to sit on LAWYER analogous to that pertainiug to very particular in mying With a simple “ twist of the wrist” our spiritual salvation. Christ the lid down in Mexico, but the it had deprived Wall Street of the from wholesale houses so that Real Estate Insurance iu the beginniug laid down a signs of an eruption are daily we may conscientiously sell - . Oregon power to create a panic. Within Nyssa plain and simple way by which becoming more portentous and to our patrons. Yon will like people could be saved, and said an explosion may occur at any an hour’s notice it had entered the flavor and the strength of the field as a competitive money W. H. BROOKE ) t * ines and Liquors, and that anyone who tried any moment lender, and it had more money to after the first trial we shall R. W. SW AGLER expect you to become a regu- loan, on better terms, than Wall ATTORNEYS AT LAW : lar patron. Street. Immediately Wall street's Ontario, Or. meney was valueless, except to be Wilson Bldg L B. TETER, Ontario STOCK B O A R D E D B Y T H E D A Y , W E E K O R M ONTH put back into circulation, and iter’ s Drug Stori E. W . m ’ MANIS C. P. SMITH that is precisely what happened.\McCULLOCH, WOOD No finer act of practical states­ & ECKH ARDT manship has been performed by this or any other government" Attorneya-at-Law ---------------------------------- PROPRIETORS---------------------------------- within a quarter century. Neither LEU CK & COOK, Props - - Oregon has the effect been lost upon Wall Ontario Street. G O O D RIGS C A R E F U L ORIVERS * m a r k « and copyright» ol«taino<1 or no M ALH EU R COUNTY ‘ *«>d m odel, «ketches o r whaUm and de- GATE C i n JOURNAL . . THE . . Merchants’ Lunch Ro rmer man $500 : Wee! Washi (for tit i o n ation " 8 stor> re W at id A eekly 8 e pass on bill tional cci'ssf mself on bet aubnr ufhiill o in a ’ litSO II Billiard Hall H A R R Y E A R P , Prop Lumber and Building Material Free to t ’ ith the na Stove. For two i dian Head S them. T h e E m p ir e L u m b e r Co«,Ltd NYSS. Real Estate & Insurance- J Oregon-Id Communications Promptly Attended To W. LEE BLODGETT Laths, Lu Window Cement, Oregon-Idaho Real Estate ing Pap & Commission Co. FIRST MORTGAGE FARM L O A N S ; Two Sensational Offerì* j )» .( The Ny t fly s s a 1H F r e s h an :hool Suppliei looks Pencils tablets Inks, Etc. i SMITH & McMANIS PIONEER BLACK MI1H SH0P| EAST SIDE LIVERY BARN Sage Brush Prize Winners. REAL ESTATE Cboire Ferme end Relin quMmiente on both eidei of Snake river City Property General Blacksjniths NYSSA ORE. AUTO SERVICE D A Y OR N I G H T You Are Soie to Be Setiefled ABSTRACT COMPANY From sagebrush to sweepstakes THOS. JONES, MANAGER prize winners, is the happy ex­ perience of Christmas Valley VALE, OREGON homesteaders, who exhibited an Abstracts of title to all lands and assortment of grains, grasses and town lota in Malheur County. Wagon Work and Horse Shoeing Plow W o r k a Specialty for FREE SEARCH J Bank reference*. b u ild ro a T U M tis fj " « r fr w b sok teM trll how . » > * « «•> W r it , t o . « T- , „ SWIFT & CO. PATENT • Srventh St., Washington D. C