Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1913)
r i nyssa a n d ~ vicinity ! ¡rmer man $500 : Week V^ashi ^ fo r |nti«,n Lat ion - lis storj |re Wat aiti a | i-i-kly s be pass fo n b ill l it ional 1)001 -ssf imeelf |on bot subii I n fh a ll |roin h i 7 HtSOII i A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town 1 What Your Neighbors Are Doing. f NEWS FROM ADRIAN The Grange Meeting Arch Jones transacted business in Ontario, Tuesday. Mrs. C. 0 Kilburn is the guest of her mother in Harney county. Proves a Big Success The Malheur County Grange met in Nyssa, Friday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis, of Thos. A la in s went to Payette Wilson tiros, pay 35c dozen Caldwell, are gdests in the Wick- and a large attendance was present. lund home this week Weilnesday. The chief attraction was the pres for eggs. FREE TICKETS TO MOVING P ic tu re Shoi 28 HE BLACK H A * Hinsch pays $1.40 per 100 for Mr. and Mrs. LoraPilbury spent ence of Dr. James Withycombe, he S. H. Thompson, manager of Wheat in trade. the Oregon-Idaho Lumber Co., several days in Caldwell the past of the silver tongue, delightful per week visiting friends. A l Gamble of Payette is in will go to Vale Saturday on busi sonality and profound knowledge ness. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ekin and town concerning those things of such to Respectable Citi Our Woolen tilankets and Com daughter were Boise visitors the Men’s Wool Socks for 25c per vital import to farm life. The doc latter part of the week. »jyssa Accused o f forts are going fast. Better look pair at Hinscb’s. tor is the able head of the Oregon Mr. Fred Wamsley, of Parma in. L. Spier. Hand Methods; A A l Glenn was in town several spent Friday in The Bend and Agricultural College located at For a good cup of Coffee for bought a large amount of clover Corvallis, one of the state's most Swiping a Flock o f days this week. breakfast try H ill Bros, high se ed. important institutions, and judg Hinsch pays 35c per dozen for grade, sold by Wilson Bros. Archie Sinclair, of Nyssa, spent ing from the work it is accom fresh Eggs in trade. ¡The Black Hand soi Don’t forget that Mackinaw a few days here restocking the plishing through research, teach Theodore Rust was in town jerating in. Nyssa! ranchers with McConnon’s sup ing and practical demonstration, Coat It will you good to see Ifhis startling stateme from Owyhee Wednesday. plies. the institution is doing a vast ours. L. Spier. liahock to many of out For Staple and Fancy Grn- Roy Bishop of the Rumely Pro amount of good along the lines of |o will find it difficult Luther Hughes, who has been ducts Co., headquarters at Poca- its chosen field of activity The eeiie«, Wilson Bros. tbe truth, but the p employed on the Owyhee, wns tello, was a caller iller in The Bend topic selected for discussion by and /.Inuiun u n d i incontrov n en n tr 'inclusive and Mrs. C. P. Eiige and children, in town Wednesday. . He was Friday. the doctor on this occasion was Ireral of Nyssa’s most of Boise, a.e visiting in Nyssa. on Lis way to his ol I home in Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mundlj and that of •‘ Agricultural Co-opera- Lot people being imp Just arrived, fresh car Stock Kentucky for an extended visit. daughter, of Parma, were enter tiou.” a subject with which he is R im is thus raised at < tained in the Rockfeller home, A iia n g em eiil- Lave been made for exception Sail ut Wilson Bros. wop into the New Yorl apparently thoroughly familar, and Uurgent business took Henry Sunday.' |d her claims to metro ally good shows during the balance of this the suggestions endeavored to be E. M. Dean shipped several Fields and Frank Golden to Boise Frank Porter bad the largest I conveyed to those present will no goors established upon month and ibis is an opportunity for all Thursday. The boys say it was a carl, ads of potatoes this week. W enduring foundation strictly business trip and the fact crop of clover seed lels of^rst" I l^ou^t a,hl materialy to a knowl patrons of ilie. Golden Rule Store to enjoy Dr. Arnold Jacobson, a Pay that a classy boxing contest was The Bend. 290 bushels ,.:i in the case, as unc edge of mauy things pertaining to them absolutely free of cost. Th e same low a Journal reporter ette dentist, was in town Thurs sobeduled for that night hud noth class seed. sucessful farm life and vastly im- prices will prevail throughout the store and ing to do with the case. Iliant Sherlock Holmes Mrs. Ina Abbott and son and, , .... .... , day Mrs. Leta Brown and daughter | P »v e d c o i t i o n s among tillers o f purchasers will receive full value in goods for as follows: They ure loading up Winter Sup with their Chicago guests spent the soil. Preceding the address of Tom Lowe a id Harry Pratt Some time ago whan < their money. The tickets are merely a com Dr. Withycombe, however, those were in from the Owyhee the plies of Flour. Sugar, Beaus. Rice, Tuesday at Mitchell’s Butte. ■ten moved into town plimentary gift to our patrons as an evidence etc., at Hinsch's every day and who came to hear him were treated farm near the city be first of the week. A number of rauchers in this that their patronage is appreciated. keep him on the jump. People re vicinity sold their hay to various to a genuine old-time basket feast, icd of ducks there, inti You need a Hat for winter. alize these times that a dollar sheep men the past week. The in which the good things of the some more convenient Hinsch has got your choice of price paid was $4, $4.50 or $5, ac great Lower Snake River valley saved is a dollar made. remove them to his cit style and price. cording to the quality. ice. Tim e passed, at were spread out upon the tables as An automobile party consist C. F. Smith, of the East Side ithered bipeds evident A. H. Brandt loaded his belong- if poured from the ample recesses ing of Lewi., Orrell, George Cas ed of the simple lif livery barn, made a business mgs at Parma Friday and return- of the Cornucopia of Abundance. sidy, Harry Sharp and Jack rted to town to hunt uj Vale 0760 (D L E 916) Burns 02755 Range 46 IS., Willamett trip to Baker last weeK. bT h . 1 1 i ì J W - " t L follow' I A " ° * ' ,h« r > ». ........................of Ollithorpe, made a pleasant trip Mi.“ ient owner. W hile ou dian, has filed notice of in| Preserve your Eyesight and pleasure and profit to those pres- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . rney they were overtal to Homedale Monday. They ing Tuesday. to make final proof, to ei dnt. save headaches by getting the right Saruzin in his auton fouud the roads in fine condi Charles Purdy has completed a claim to the land above dei fitting Spectacles at Hinsch's. io stopped and loaded fine modern corn crib, the first Department of the Interior before the Register and U i tion. M. E. Church Notes. machine. It H. V ogt made a shipment of to be erected in the Bend. The U. S. Land Office ut Vale. Oregon U. S. Laud Office, at V Hto the iwever, of deliverin g th For Quality, try a sack Wilson crop of corn grown on the Purdy September 23, 1913. gon. on the 31st day of potatoes and apples to Payette Notice is hereby given that 1913. |eir rightful owner, he, Sunday, October 26. Bros. “ Veribest” Flour. Every ranch satisfactorily proves that the first of the week. corn is a paying crop in this sec Thomas W. Cl&ggett, of Ontario, . Claimant names as wi abetted by his confed 10:30 a. in.— Sunday school tion of the country. A. L. Long, an old-timer in sack guaranteed. Oregon, assignee of Ebenezer M Ed Norris of Ontario, Ore lie Smith, the same whi 11.30 a. m.— Morning worship; (treig, who, on March 28, 1907, P. Pullen of Ontario, Malheur county, was in town ide Nyssa’s cheese fa The only place to buy a Watch A. A. Hall, state game warden, I Subject, “ Dwelling iu the High made Desert Land Application Chas. L Thompson of riled the fowls away, several days this week. or a clock is at a Watchmaker’s of Ontario spent a few days in pia Text, Matt. 20:22. No. 0760, for E^ SE± Sec. 12, and Oregon BRUCE R .K E S this neighborhood on business _ ^ , ent whereabouts beinj Do you know why? Hinsch can N^ NE^ Sec, 13, Township 19 S., H ighest market price paied s25 connected with his office. While 7 :lo— Epworth League; Mrs. ffn except to said com f« r Turkeys, Chickens and tell you and you will say that he here he visited the primary room Arnold Cook, leader, . The next day Mr. ( is right about that. in District 46, presided over by a 8:00 p in.— Evening service; Ducks at Wilson Bios. lived a letter with the pi former pupil of his. Miss Lackey Subject, "The Mistake of Worldly Roy Wilson, whose good nature black hand aud a duel J. L. Griffeth, the well known is usually his most prominent Mr. and Mrs. Plin Case were the Mindedness." Text. Mark 10:22: request th$t he mee PAYING- monument man, of Payette, was characteristic, surprised his friends victims of a surprise on last Fri- iter in a certain seel Thursday at 8:00 p. m.— Prayer looking after businessa in Nyssa Monday by appearing at the scene day evening. Music, dancing aud meeting. specified in the letter, of his duties with a well developed cards whiled away a pleasant eve-| You are invited to attend these would be told upon Tuesday. A t the Bank of Nys$|i grouch. But there was a good rea nin and at midni light the lunch I services. s the ducks would t he handles many accoi Mayer’s Honorbilt Shoes for son. In some manner he had lost baskets containing pn elaborate) Strangers welcome. aed to him. Instead of of a size yours w( a valuable diamond set out of his lunch were produced. Mr. and Men and Boys and Girls are sell ing, however, he had A yield. He will tell ring, which he prized highly. Mrs. Case fully sustained their | ing so fast that even Hinsch is P. J. Phillips draw i Nearly everybody has a cold. that’ the proportion reputations as royal entertainers. surprised about his Shoe sales. Sixteen pounds caue sugar for small accounts is id rant for the doctor’s ai McConnon’s Cold and Grippe Tab Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wick lets will fix them. Phone A. Sin lsrger than the numbe rging him with conspi E. W. McManis, who got his $1.00 at W ilson Bros. lund entertained a number of large ones. So do inst the complainant’s clair at residence. Hugh McDonald, of Caldwell left foot under the wheels of a frieads at a card party, given in hesitate to start one ■ character and dignity, "7 m oving hand-car last week, was visiting friends and relatives honor of Mr. and Sirs. Fred cause your business is BO ranl wa8 duly served, in Nyssa Friday Mr. McDonald large. It will grow and so will the account! with painful results, is again formerly lived near Nyssa and stil Brown of Chicago, who are guests High Grade Monuments I. Smith, who had ch in the McDowell home. Music able to attend to his duties. owns valuable farm property here was one of the principal features ^ the evidence, refuse Tablets and Headstones o f all kind» o f Granite and Marble. I set all works myself. Satisfac JL feW -^^duce them in court, cl of the evening and all enjoyed the tion guaranteed. Write me at fcayette I will Mothers— now bring in your call on you with a fu ll line o f designs and Hey, there, you sheep men ¡¡¡they were too poor t musical treat. Elaborate refresh boys for that new Winter Suit. •amples. J. L. G R I F F I T H , Payette, Idaho. ments were served. tesentable. The case was Get that warm sheep-lined coat B ig lines to select from. Suits in Ijourned until the “ evide and those good shoes at L. «Spiers brown, grey, blue serge, etc., in Celebrate Silver Wedding. been fattened up to a ] Dont get excited, but look up plain and Norfolk—and the price state, and there the m Assisted by a large number your bills and note how you can will please you. L. Spier. ts at present. In the u of intimate friends and neigh save dollars; », however, President Mrs. H. Burbidge went to 10U lbs Cane Sugar............ $5.65 bors, Mr. and Mrs W ill Adams has issued his Thank Vale Monday to assist in enter Guaranteed Flour, per sack. 1.00 celebrated in a fitting manner proclamation and taining the C ivic Im provem ent 5 Gals. Coal Oil in your can 1.00 their silver wedding at the sen is worrying over Club, which met at the hom e of Hams, per lb ............ *......... ’ 20 Parish House lust Saturday eve >r that his ducks will i her mother, Mrs. Thos. H alli- 10 lbs Lard ....................... 1.50 ning. e to b9 produced in cour Th e occasion was one day, in Vale Tuesday. More Corn, per can..................... 10 which occurs in the lives of but 10 E L E C T R IC L IG H T IN S T A L L A T IO N A N D R E P A IR IN G than 60 ladies were assembled. Milk, per can..................... few, and in anticipation as well 5 lbs Net Weight S yru p ... 35 Mrs. Burbidge returned to And other special low cash as in retrospect such events | Nyssa Wednesday. prices on goods at Hinsch’s. prove an oasis along life ’s path way, in which flowers bloom I I f you are in the market’ for an automobile, look.upjthe con- and from which eminate the in struction features of the high priced cars, such as theGarford cense of love and affection, of I f ST-*, in the State of Oregon, at tl Locomobile, Mitchell, etc., and note the similarity between The Safety, Service and Facilities of the Malheur County Bank fidelity and conscious pridp I buine«, October 21, 1913. safeguard your funds and protect your financial iuteres. Whe them and the RESOURCES. and helpfulness. The prepara ther your account is large or small, it is invited. • and discount«.........................$51 tions made on the occasion of aft«, secured and unsecured ' and warrant!......................... I the entertainment of the host of ng house.................................. ! tare and fixtures................... friends who had gathered to do 'from banks (not reserve banks). NYSSA, ORE. Pfrum approved reserve b a n k s-----II lonor to the happily married « and other cash items............. "Known for its Strength aad Service.” 1 on hand............................... I couple were all that could be IT o t a i ............................. $71 H J Ward, Pres. John Ray, Vice-Pres. J. H. Wolf, Cashier desired, and the many tokens in LIABILITIES. the nature of presents attested I »tock paid in ........................$3-1 ded profits, less expenses and the feality and love of a large taxes p aid. ....... T ...... ••• S ... ............................................................................................. circle of friends and neighbors. ‘I Savings Bank Deposits....... •it« due state treasurer............ » anal depoaita subject to check. 38 Th e repast was prepared with 1 certificates of deposit........ 1 checks................................ an eye single to the varied • certificates of deposit............• H tastes of those assembled and H. MUKBID 0 C , Prop. Steel construction throughout, Power Plant, Bosch Magneto, M ultiple Disc Clutcl T o t a l .............................$7! OF OREGON I . . consisted of every delicacy to in oil. Gasoline in shroud, full floating axle, shock absorber, Demountable rims, S ill OF MALHECB I •* tempt the appetite and make Mohair T o p and the safe, easy ridin g quality of the low construction and standard $fank D. Hall cashier of the » bank, do solemnly swear that the glad the inner consciousness of clearance. \V e believe it to be, in its class the best car in the world. . *cnt is tree to the best of my kno L—bef. FRANK D. HALL, Cashier a labor of love and esteem that -Attret: A. Q KINGMAN. T ry our ROBERT VAN A » w ill linger long in the memory E. J . BURROUQH, Dire« Horn «»Cured Bacon and Home-Made Lard. of those who were so fortunate | ribed And sworn to before me thi /•»October, IMS. as to be present. APPEAR IN N Given with each d o lla r’s w orth o f goods purchased at the GOLDEN RULE STO] B egin n in g O ctober 20th E nding October 31st I One T ick et With Each $1 Purchi ras oi «ewig )regc i a ~»e A sk the B ookkee THE B A N K i - OF Nyssa Auto Garag A U T O M O B IL E A N D G A S E N G IN E R E P A IR IN G ) AUTO LIVERY DAY OR NIGH’ A B S O L U T E SA FETY ÌP0RT OF THE [ DITION OF THE BANK OF NYSSA NUMBER 56 Malheur County Bank i 'ftyssa TFleat m arket $1040— $1040 Unit Fresh and Salt Meats PHONE FOR A DEMONSTRATIO] U MLSOll, Notary Public. ■M M *