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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1913)
Sioux Indian Free to the boy or girl who supplies us THÀ G ^ith the name o f a person who buys a Round Oak Stove. F orjtw o names we will give you an In- G o., Ltd dian Head Scarf Pin, sale or no sale. them. iraní N Y S S A H A R D W A R E CO. Orcha Proper iptly THE Weekly Oregonian ist; ORE Call and see Including 4 page Supplement ^ U N T IL J A N U A R Y 1, 1915 I More than an Entire Year for [[ ■ ticultu ra) After careful investigation ¡¿¡id examination, anti after hearing the testimony and objections ot more than 30o resident taxpayers of Malheur county. Oregon, with reference to the assessment con tained upon pages 1 to 42, in clusive, under the title of •‘Mort gages,” in Vol. 1 of the assess ment roll, and it appearing to the board that such assessment has been made without consultation with the persons assessed therein and upon unreliable data and in formation, and that nearly all of such property assessed has been paid or partly paid, or represent mortgage notes taken as security, and not representing the value or for no value at all or are held by the person to whom same were made, or not held in, or held by residents of this county; anti it further appearing that the Board of Equalization cannot, within the time allowetl by law to equalize the assessment roll, make an ex amination and ascertain what, if any. of such items are properly assessable; and it further appear ing that such assessment roll con tains no description of the prop erty assessed sufficient to identify the same for taxation purposes; and it further appearing that the law requires that an assessment as to each person be made as a whole and not segregated and placed in different portions of the roll, and the same appears to be a special assessment made without regard to the regular as sessment made at the time of as sessing property in this county, and it appearing that same has been appended to, and is not a part of the regular assessment as returned by said assessor; and it further appearing and being found by the Board that such assessment is irregular, invalid, void and uncollectible. It is therefore hereby consid ered, ordered and adjudged by the board that the assessment pur porting to have been made by the assessor contained upon pages 1 to 42 inclusive in Vol, 1 entitled “ Mortgages” of the assessment foil of Malheur County, Oregon, be, and the same hereby is, de clared invalid, void, irregular and uncollectible, and the same strick en from the assessment roll Protest of L. E. Hill. Be it kuown. that I, Louis E. Hill, Assessor of Malheur County, Oregon, and ex-officio member or the Bourd of Equalization for S a i d County and State, do hereby ob ject to protest against the action of said board, and of the other members thereof, in striking from the roll my assessment of Mort gage notes or any part thereof, r*i except those which have been Mail or bring your subscriptions today to the office of paid prior to March 1st, 1913, as such action of the said members of the board is ||| not in compliance with, anil is contrary to section 3553, Lord's Bargain Day Agents of the Weekly Oregonian. ____________ Oregon Laws. It is unfair end unjust to make the honest man, who lists his mortgage notes with the assessor, pay on them and let the person * W ILLS I who refuses to list his mortgage Proprietor of notes, go without taxation. ¡Such action is discriminating, anil is THE C IT Y DRAY showing favors to a class who are (L IM IT F D ) Oregon . - Oregon able to pay their share of taxes Exclusive agents for King Coal Nyssa and should do so as by law re quired. Witness my ha ml this 4th day of October, 1913. LOUIS E. H ILL . Assessor. Ending October 31,1913 g To New or Present Subscribers W ho Hand Us Their 75c Now The Gate City Journal Oreffon-Idaho Lumber Co. Nysan Laths, Lumber, Shingles, W indows, Coal, Doors, Cement, Plaster, Build in g Paper. We e f t y . complete line ■>' BCILDINO M ATE. RIAL. Let us Hgnre your bills.^ TH0 Mpg0ii Mgr. Yard on Front St., near Hotel Weste rn ^ PATENTS Notice . T ' , - F P E I SCAWCM - d ~ P - r » ' J l . » r U N I I for .................. • voti morp r W rite V M L D. SWIFT & CO. M bs . E H i m . ik r . PATENT L A W Y I*** 303 Seven'.h St., Beginning October lb, all mil linery will be sjld at greatly re duced prices before moving stock back to Caldwell. P.C^ Across from Golden Rule store. They are as fine in fabric, *» itinctive in style and as w de as many clothes which t for $20 to $25. The price o f S T Y L ttP U J S would have to be much higher if the makers did not operate the largest single clothing plant in the world. And STYL E PLU S is the supreme q u a lity o f th is great equipment. See yourself in a STYL E PLU S suit or overcoat. Y ou will like the clothes and you will appreciate that the price is low . We also want you to bop our Sweaters MAN AND BOY’S and STORE Woolen Over hirts Gha Start a f Clothing. Cconomi*— Gha S T Y L E PLU S Stera with the T A R IF F O FF anil the Q U A L I T Y O N L. SPIER Nyssa M a n and Boy’s S to re I ' . U 4 =r- ,L g H ® ' 'o the east, the west, north and south the possibilities for a conversation with triends and bust* ness associates at a distance are end less if you have a TELEPHONE M alheur Hom e Telephone Com pany O R ------- E L L ’S NEW * CLEAN lonsonal Parlors & * S A N IT A R Y Skilled W orkm en-Prom pt Service L E W I S O R E L I * - p r o p Nyssa Bank Building. First and Main Streets N Y S S A P R E S S O R Y IN C O N N E C T IO N Hotel W estern J. H. B ITN E R , Prop. ROOMS and M EALS Sunday Dinners a Specialty Prompt and Courteous Service Nyssa Oregon ,