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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1913)
ATS' F0 Bl ¡rmer ' V man $500 : Weel V^sshi I h tifali Htion o lis story |vc Wal ni«] a lei-lily 8 be pass Imi bill litioniil tlfí-t -SBf limaelf |on but subir Il ■! ! hn 11 B on i a IVittsoii GATE CITY JOURNAL Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Oregon THE JOURNAL PUB. ASSOCIATION Entered as second-class indite. April 14. 1910, at the post office at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act of March 3,1879. constitution which guarantees every man the right of trial by jury. When the U. 8. supreme court deliberately changed the plain intent and meaning of the Sherman anti-trusl law by in serting the word reasonable it violated that provision of the constitution which provides that the legislative function of government shall be vested in congress. These are some of forces that President Wilson would be up against should he attempt to restore constitutional govern- meht in the United States. The U. S. Department of Agri culture does not distribute this hog cholera serum direct to far mers. The department produces only such serum as is required for its own experimental work Farmers, [therefore, should uppeal to our state officials. THE PRIZE HEN. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County. In the matter of the Estate of James J. Thomason, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that the undeisigned was, on August 2(’>th, 1913, duly appointed executrix of the above-entitled estate, by order of the above-entitled Court and letters testamentary issued to her. All creditors or persons having claims against Said estate are no tified to present them, with the I proper voucher«, to s a id adminis tratrix at Nyssa, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Nyssa, Oregon. this 2(5th day of August. 1913 MARTHA ADKLINE THOM- A SON. Executrix. McCulloch. Wood <fc Eckhart, Attorneys for Executrix. . . THE . . Merchants’ Lunch Roi FREE Next door to i'ostoftice Every admirer of a good lien takes off bis bat to Hen C-543 of the O.egon Agricultural Col lege. There may be nothing in a name, but the fowl that bears San Francisco is raking the the aforesaid cabalisitic title is earth fore and aft with a fine- declared to be the greatest hen tooth com b for the unusual, the in the world. And it is a justi abnormal and the grotesque to fiiable claim for she has broken excite interest in the Panama- Wasn’ t t rather a reflection all records by having laid 291 Serial No. 08870. Pacific exposition. The an upon our Revolutionary fore Notice for Publication. eggs within a yeur, beating by nouncement is made that tne fathers for the government of one egg the record of another Dominican government has con ficials to prevent the landing Oregon hen. Department of the Interior, sented to lend the exposition of Mrs. Pankhurst on the Tradition informs us of £ U. S. Land Office at Boise, Idaho, j August 25.1913. authorities the hones of Chris ground of innrai turpitude? The goose that laid a golden egg Notice is hereby given that topher Columbus, that the mor suffragettes are aiiacking the but ibis lien is a really fact Grace Britton bailey, of Nyssa. bid curiosity of Joskins may he wrong, taxation without repre that beats tradition all to pieces. Oregon, who. on April 19. 1910, rr o f all kinds gratified and the gate receipts sentation, that the members of Considering the average price made Homestead Entry, Serial No 08870. for Si of N W j and N h I thereby increased. Palestine the “ Boston I’ea Party” were, ot eggs throughout the year she of SWA Section 1, Township (5 R v C H S P R I N G S AND IIIAKATHA G should now contribute the sepui amt their method oi procedure has paid for her keep many north. Range 5 west, Boise Meri Why make chre of Christ, the remains of is very similar. times over, no matter how high dian, has filed notice of intention S ilomonV tern file and the broken fish of one and fowl of the the cost of the food that was to make final three year proof, to) establish claim to the land above) tiblets on which were inscribed other? T h e E m p i r e L u m b e r C o .PL served her She does not lay described, before the Register and the Ten Commandments, if NYSSA, OREGON an egg every day in the weex, Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at j Boise. Idaho, on the . 28th day of Morgan has not already gobbled but she comes so close to doing October, 1913. up these sacred pieces of stone; o that she deserves credit for Claimant names as witnesses: France should send the tomb of such a performance. She also Charles Fremont Smith, of Nyssa. Oregon; David W. Johnston, of Napoleon, and England the The prevalence of hog cholera leserves credit for being an Ore Nyssa, Oregon; Mary F. Williams, Chapeau and blunderbuss of in many 1 icnlities in the Snake gon hen. Other hens go on of Nyssu, Oregon; Wesley N. W ellington; Holland the original River valley, but, fortunately, not «trike, but this one has no fault Rowe, of Nyssa, Oregon. cheese and a keg of ancient in this immediate vicinity, so far to find with hours or wages, W ILLIAM BALDERSTON, r IRE ANI) LIFE Register. sauerkraut; Ireland should ante- as the Journal has been able to cheerfully doing her stunt and >oo<>coocoo up with the old aromatic dudeen learn, calls attention at the present asking no favors from anyone. of St. Patrick, and Arkansas time to the necessity of keeping Farm Lands, Stock Ranches, Orcha We Carry a Full Supply of No “ clockin’’ foolishness with should be happy to furnish a constant vigil over herds and the Tracts, Relinquishments, City Proper her. She stays on the job all portrait of the only man who adoption of every precaution to seasons. It seems safe to as ever lived in the state and who prevent this hog malady gaining a foothold in this end of the valley. sume that she is a modest hen, did not spend the greater part From Farmers’ Bulletin 558 is and that instead of cackling at of his leisure moments in shak sued by the U. S. Department of the top of her voice every time ing the nails out of the shingles Agriculture, it is stated that hog she lays an egg she lets her in a Greco-Roman wrestling cholera ha* existed in the United work speak for itself, just like match with the ague. The be States for 75 years, and that in human beings who refrain from ginning of the end of exposi each of the last 25 years the far boasting over their achieve tions, and of local fairs in which mers of the country have lost mill ments. horseracing, drunken buckaroos ions of hogs from the disease. It is. however, a great wrong and flimflam shell games are It is estimated that during the to designate her Hen C-543. In MAIN STREET - - NYSSA, ORE! the leading features, can easily year 1912 'approximately $150.000,- view of what this Oregon fowl A. J. M c N E E 8c SON has done for the world’s better be discerned in the not distant (XX) worth of hogs died of cholera ment it is outrageous to desig The investigation and experiments future. County fairs are admir GENERAL TEAMING of the department has resulted in nate her with a name like that able institutions to bring the the discovery of a serum that will given to submarine vessels and We haul everything any time people of the county in closer Other hens are prevent the disease when properly torpedo boat. Give us a trial. touch with each other, to com referred to affectionately as Pet, prepared and administered. In the N yssa - O regon Topsy, Biddy, Etc., then why pete in friendly rivalry with the meantime, while the necessary in not show the same regard for products of the soil, in superior formation preliminary to a general O F F E R NO . 1 this more deserving member of animal bone and flesh and with campaign against hog cholera is PROFESSIONAL. FR U IT G R O W E R & FA R M E R (leading horticult the hen family? This is a ques choice specimens ot the poultry being secured, farmers can do tion for the Oregon Agricul paper in America). yard, the pig pen and the other much to protect themselves and tural College to settle, and com PO U LTRY CU LTU RE (foremost poultry journal). C. E. M cREYNOLDS things that make life worth the help to restrict the disease by a mon justice demands that they K IM B A L L ’S D A IR Y FA R M E R (best dairy magaz P H Y S IC IA N tfc SU R G E O N living. But in recent years the careful observance of a few simple settle it as soon as they can, and in the country). in doing so decide in favor of a county fair has signally failed rules, such as the following: W ESTERN F A R M E R ’S R E V IE W (largest and rr • - Idaho (1) Do not locate hog lots near name more appropriate and Homedale practical weekly farm paper in the Intermount to carry out the purpose for euphonious. a public highway, a railroad, or a W est which they are presumed to be W. B. H O X IE stream. The germ of hog cholera ALL FOUR ONE YEAR FOR A DOLLAR! conducted. They have degener N O T A R Y PU B LIC may be carried along any one of Notice of Sale o f Real Prop ated into aids for conscienceless Office at residence O F F E R NO. 2 these avenues. erty. graft, in affording opportunities Nyssa - Oregon HOME L IF E (Am erica’s best home magazine). (2) Do not allow strangers or •for cheats to ply their calling neighbors to enter your hog lots In the County Court of the State W OMAN’S W ORLD (A magazine for every woman.) of Oregon, for Malheur County T O D A Y ’S M AG AZIN E (A review of current events) and in hornswaggling a confid and do not go into your neighbor's In the matter of the Estate anc D r . J. J. SA R A ZIN W ESTERN F A R M E R ’S R E V IE W . ing public with the tawdry tinsel lots. The germ of hog cholera Guardianship of Jacob H. Teutsch, P H Y S IC IA N A SU RGEON and veneer of shallow shams. may be readily carried in a small insane. ALL FOUR ONE YEAR FOR A DOLLAR! Notice is hereby given that un Office between Second and Third amount of dirt on the shoes. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity, send y (lir| on Main street. der and by virtue of an order of SOME AN ARCH ISTS. (3) Do not put new stock, either dollar A T ONCE to the above entitled court made on Nyssa - . Oregoi hogs or cattle, in lots with the herd the 18th day of September, 1913, If President Wilson succeeds WESTERN FARMER’S REVIEW, BOISE already on the farm. Newly pur- the untlersigni-d guardian of the in restoring constitutional gov chased hogs should be put in sep above entitled estate was directed P. J. P H IL L IP S Mail or 1 ernment in Mexico, it might be arate inclosures well separated to sell at private sale for cash or ATTORNEY-AT-LAW well for him to apply the knowl from the herd ou the farm, and partly cash with security for the remainder, all of the real property Nyssa Y E L L O W S T O N E W H IS K E Y ( )regon edge thus gained in an effort to kept under observation for three belonging to the above entitled CJear and pure is every perform a similar stunt for the weeks, because practically all stock estate described as follows, towit C. C. W ILSON glassful of wine or liquor that United States. The most casual cars, unloading chutes and pens Lot 1 of the Irrigated Lands Cor you buy here, because we are LAW YER Barj poration according to a plat there very particular in niying observer cannot fail to note the are infected with hog cholera and of on file in the office of the Real Estate Insurance from wholesale houses so that many instances in which con hogs shipped by rail are therefore County Clerk of Malheur County, we may conscientiously sell • - Oregon Oregon, being in the east half of Nyssa stitutional safeguards are ig apt to contract hog cholera. to our patrons. Yon will like (4) Hogs sent to fairs should be the SEJ of Section 31, Township nored, even by our highest the flavor and the strength of quarantined for at least three 19, South of Range 47, E. W. M , W. H, BROOKE » i • ines and Liquors, and courts. The action of Judge in Malheur County, Oregon. weeks after they return to the farm after the first trial we shall R. W. SWAGLER That in pursuance of said order Humphries of Seattle in im (5) If hog cholera breaks out on expect you to become a regu prisoning men and women with a farm, separate the sick from the the undersigned will on Saturday A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W lar patron. October 28, 1913, at the hour of Ontario, Or. out granting them their consti apparently healthy animals and 10 o’clock a. m., at the residence Wilson Bldg Nyssa 1 L B. TETER, Ontario tutional rights was no different burn all carcasses of dead ani of Thomas Canhatn, Jr., in Nyssa. Exclusi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦»«♦♦♦««A from that of Huerta in im pris mals on the day of death. Do not Malheur County, Oregon, offer for McCULLOCH, WOOD sale, snbject to the approval of oning the members of the leave them unburied, for thin will the court, the above described A ECK H ARD T chamer of deputies. They were endanger all other farmers in the premises for cash or partly cash, Attorneys-at-Law both the acts of anarchists, and neigh borhood. Dogs, crows or buz with good security for the bal ance, to the highest bidder there LEUCK & COOK, Props. on the same plane. And Judge zards may transport particles of for. and upon or after said date Ontario Oregon flesh from dead hogs and thus H um phries’ act of judicial an will receive private bids in writ oarry the disease. ing either sealed or unsealed, for archy is not an islotated in (fi) If after the observance of said premises, the guardian re M ALH EU R COUNTY stance. The power which he all possible precautions hog chol serving the right to reject any and ABSTRACT COMPANY claimed and exercised is claim era appears on your farm, notify all bids. ' TH O S. JO N K 8, M A N A G E R We carry ft com pi Dated this 25th day of Septem ed by the entire judiciary. the state veterinarian, or state ag RIAL. Let us figure y ricultural college, and secure se ber. 1913. W. A TEUTSCH, Every time a judge sentence as VALE, OREGON rum for the treatment of those not Guardian of the above Estate. man for contem pt of court he affected. The early application of First publication thereof Septem Abstracts of title to all lands and Yard on Front St., near ber 25, 1913. violates that provision of the the serum is essential. town lots in Malheur County. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance ............ $1.50 Six months, in advance ..............V Three months, in advance,.......... ho Billiard Hall H A R R Y E A R P , Prop. Lumber and Building- Materii dian Head S them. Real Estate & Insuran School Supplies Books Pencils Tablets Inks, Etc. Foster’s Drug Store wi et ith the na Stove. For|tw o i TO PREVENT HOG CHOLERA Vas Free to t Communications Promptly Attended To Oregon-Idaho Real Est; & Commission Co. N Y S S j Weel I UNTII M Two Sensational Offei The Oregon-Idi PIONEER BLACKSMITH SH General Blacksmiths W agon W ork and Horse Shoeing Plow W o r k a Specialty Laths, Lu Window Cement, ing Pap