Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1913)
G ate COVERS THE FA M O US EASTERN ORCON F'RUIT BELT NY88A> MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON, vtf HUBSDAY WHITLEY BOTTOM and d o w n m THRIVING OWYHEE V A LE J ournal OCTOBER 23, 1913. $1.50 PER YEAR. 5c PER COPY I 1 ’ SHIPMENTS O F FRUIT FROM V A LLEY POINTS Rutledge Buys Farm. TANK AND TOWER FOR WATER SYSTEM ARE OEING PUT IN PUCE At the sale of state lands which O. E, Stewart maile a trip to took place at Homedale Saturday Nyssa Monday. between 12u0 and 1400 acres were Mr. Thacker was in the Bottom disposed of. The land comprises the Lrst of the week. some of the choicest in the Gem hers Busy at King- Miss Martin visited her cousin, district and took in most of the state's holdings near Homedale. Lack of Supplies Causes Kolony; Perry Hous- Miss Creentield, of Sunuyside, last From C. J. Sinsel, fruit inspec- tatoes and 1 car honey, Sunday. tor for the Short Line, the Nampa Parma. 29 cars prunes, 1 apples. Mr. Nash of the laud had charge Slight Delay In Laying and Family Will of the sale, which aggregated Ed Braswell returned home last Record learns that the prune ship- Nyssa, 58 cars prunes, 2 pota- about $40,000, the land selling at Pipe; Right of Way Across inter in California. Monday from Council, where he ments this year between Hunting- toes, 1 apples, $30 an acre, its approximate value ton and Nampa, between August Crystal, 17 cars prunes. has been laying brick. O.S.L. Not Yet Secured. Homedale is establishing a rec 18 and September 27, amounted Weiser, 35 cars prunes. O. B. Looney made a trip to ord as a shipping point. In the to 745 cars. One hundred cars of | Middleton, 12 cars prunes. if, and Mrs. Arthur Derrick last two weeks McLeod and asso Mrs. Derrick’s sister are liv- Payette Sunday, returning on prunes were shipped from the up The work of laying the pipes Beatty, 2 cars prunes. Monday with a load of rye. ciates sent out two train loads of for the city waterworks has per Boise valley after that date, Perkins, 15 cars prunes. ¡n Wm. Glenn’s house near The two Mrs. Fitzgeralds visit making a total for this season of These shipments were only to sheep to western markets. R. A been teinporariiy retarded, ow j Pratt’s. 845 cars. The shipments from the September, 27. and since that date McDowell started two carloads of ing to a delay in the arrival of ed Mrs. Jack Meeker at the On ie Ladies’ Aid met last week different stations up to September 94 more cars were sent oat from hay to Eugene, Ore., and a num : Mrs Edwin Wilson. Their tario hospital on Sunday last. supplies, but Contractor Phelps 27 were as follows: Bcattjr. Pet kills and Mel idiwu, uud ber of cars ot stuff have been hopes to finish the job by the of th is ng meeting will be held at Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boor and Payette 260 cars prunes, 7 ap 6 curs from Orchard, making the freighted from Homedale to Jor ÌOB lull J borne of Mrs. H. M. Ramsey, children visited at the Carpenter middle of next week. A short ples, 33 peaches, 1 plums, 10 wa total for. the season 845 cars, as dan VaLey. enjoy in.Tremblay struck quicksand home on the Bench last Sunday. termelons. 16 cantaloupes, 3 pears, The free ferry at Homedale la wait is also being caused in above stated. Apple and potato ne low ' depth of about 100 feet and L. T. Clement has been quite 2 honey, and 18 cars of peaches, shipments have exceeded the rec proving an unqualified success getting right-of-of way across have to case at least that far sick in Payette for several days, prunes, pears and cantaloupes re aud ord of last year. In this state judging from its liberal patromigi the O. S. L. tracks to fhe East well he is drilling for W, E but is better now and expects to mixed. ids for ment Payette gets credit for large The ferry was secured by sub- Side by the usual red tape return home soon iris. I com- Boise 223 cars of prunes, 5 pota shipments that originated at New scribtion and is maintained by which seems to be necessary to Miss Kate Harris was a Payette toes, 5 apples. and Mrs. Joseph Sheldon, idence Plymouth, Fruitland and other the Hill Townsite company, hav successful operations of large Others who ew Plymouth, came over dur- visitor Saturday. Meridian, 88 prunes, 1 car of points on the P. V. road. Boise ing been in operation under the enterprises like transcontinent 5 the latter part of last week to visited the same place were Mrs, honey, 1 car apples. also gets credit for a number of new schema for the past three al railroads. Nampa, 9 cars prunes. here during the threshing sea- Henry Jones and H. J. Tharp cars that originated at points on weeks. Permission to cross the tracks and son William. Caldwell. 7 cars prunes, 39 po- the Interurban road. ion their ranch. The Peter Realty company sold is looked for on every mail and Mr. and Mrs. J H Boor went the Jesse 120 near Homedale last when it arrives the completion D. Kunkey, the genial agent Monday to I. N. Rutledge, for of the East Side extension will the well known nursery firm of to Ontario last Tuesday, where merly of Nyssa, now of Middleton. be a m atter of a few hours. . Weaver & Sons, is interview- Mr. Boor’s sister, Mrs. Clyde Wil y for the I Mr. Rutledge intends to improve friends and acquaintances on son, boarded the train for her ly is happ Foreman Eastman, of the his newly acquired property. ■ river this week in this interest home in Nebraska. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., >ur Fall Several weeks ago The Journal An enterprising blacksmith is who Lave the contract for erect Bbis reliable company. J. H. Boor dug his potatoes last A horse belonging to Roy Crock pier's bt itters from Mr, and Mrs. Perry week, realizing a heavy yield, a gave an extended account of the ett ran away Sunday. It sturted putting up a shop and a dwelling ing the tower and tank, is in ' in pria itnan bring the news that small patch easily making live progress of the work being done from the watering trough in front in Homedale. the city and is assem bling a )und heruj will not winter in Arizona, as hundred bushels to the acre of on the above named property by of Foster’s drug store while its Owyhee Volcano Active crew to start the work immedi W. W. White, the owner of this driver had removed the animal’s first they expected to do, but nice large well formed “spuds.” ately. He will not hazzard a Report reached 1 the valley yes Monu go to California for a while, Mrs. Jack Meeker is at the hos valuable segment of Mother Earth. bridle to allow it to drink. Dash guess as to the leugtli of time terday that an extinct volcano ¡on Since then a resume of the activi of ill kiuila . ing down First street at a Nancy e weather there is delight- pital in Ontario, where she under vk» myself, the Owyhee river alx>nt 12 miles that will be required to finish ties of the place, its achievements me >t Psyi'ti Hanks gait it scattered pedestrians went quite a serious operation at the present time. lino of del south of the 45 ranch, had been and some of the more important an(j continued the work, but the city officials on its way out of IT H , Payetj caat-oiT clothing collection last Friday. She is improving in eruption several days last week. innovations and improvemen'seon- express the opinion that water be taken at the Kolony school nicely and will soon be able to re templated can at the present town, until it evidently concluded Parties at a distance seeing the will be flowing in the mains not there was nothing to be scared , and all articles donated for turn home. time be more clearly outlined. In about after all, when it stopped fire and smoke thought some one ater than December 1. T. Adams of Nyssa yisited at the matter of bog-raising, the in poor will be left in care of was camping, but as the smoke It is a m atter of satisfaction Overstreet. The Ladies’ Aid the home of his daughter. Mrs. crease and improved conditions and was easily captured without continued to rise for several days having done any damage. will make a like collection, Clyde Hurd, last Saturday eve in handling a rapidly increasing au investigation was made and to the mayor aud couucilmen A magnificent team of blacks the ground near the rim rock was and the citizens of Nyssa gen ning, returning to Nyssa Sunday, number of blooded Durocs, Mr. ^_itly from the North Side, belonging to Jerry Hurley became covered with molten lava, but the erally that the work of install ny ncco**“ ^ and Pete Glasscock. H. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. White has made gratifying prog frightened Tuesday forenoon while flow had ceased.—Owvhee Nugget. ing this big improvement is be Durs wofBters and George Smith helped Hurd. ress,Jas the result of these advanced the driver was loading coal at the ing carried on so successfully 11 tell jflHpnt the Bar P on 25 head of methods is abuntantly attested by Empire Lumber company’s yard, and is so nearly completed. »portion of on the E. F. Pratt ranch the fact that there has been little or and ran madly down Main street, no loss but a phenomenal increase narrowly escaping a disastrous n u m b e ® 1'this week- The bo98‘e8 and in number. By Christmas Mr. wreck at the bridge across Wilson So do ^Bcolts didn't like it much, but irt one didn't make any difference, White expects to have at least one creek. The wheels of the wagon iness is ^B eorge can rope pretty nearly hundred of fine healthy hogs on tore the railing from the bridge Former Njssa Man Gets tell as some of the cowboys Thrilling Contest Between the place. This, with a start of and smashed it to pieces in a twink Nick Collins and Johnnie one porker three years ago, after ling. This caused the wagon to Magnificent Property at C. F. Smith and E. W. McMan- at the fair. Ontario - Van Gilse Farm is have leased for six months, 'S S . itatoes, they grow sma-a-all, Hatfield Promises an In marketing something like $300 swerve slightly and saved the team with the privilege of renewal, the worth during that period, demon and vehicle from being precipi Figures in Deal. Out ’n Kansas; East Side livery barn, heretofore teresting Exhibition. strates the possibilities along th is tated into the muddy water sev eat ’em, skins 'n a-a-all, operated by W. H. Hou. This val line by any one interested in this eral feet below. Running another Out ’n Kansas." uable business has, sincj it estab growing industry. W. U. Sanderson, until re block the animals were brought to e don’t know what they did to A wrestling match that prom lishment some three years ago, in Provision for storing the piesent a sudden stop when the wheels of cently owner of th» famous man who wrote that song, ises to be unusually thrilling will creased its facilities an 1 equip year’s crop has been provided for the wagon diopped into the trench Idanha orchard, has purchased her he still lives is of no con be held at the opera house next by the erection of a commodious ment from from time to time, until being dug for the city water pipes. the elegant Moore hotel in On the place has assumed all the pro Saturday night. The match will 'l l * Bmence to us on the Owyhee, for and substantially built warehouse, No damage was done to either tario. The purchase price was portions necessary to adequately ^ raise 'taters and we don\ be between Nick Collins, of Chi 16x26 feet, with a basement seven team or wagon, and not so much ot made public, but it is un- answer any reasonable demand who knows it. Mr, Walters cago, and Johnnie Hatfield, of feet in height and extending sev as a chunk of the coal, with which lerslood a 160-acre farm near mude upon its resources. The pop 1200 sacks from his 5-acre Roseberry, Idaho. The contest will eral feet beyond the limits of the ularity of Messrs. Smith & Me- the wagon was partially loaded, take place immediately after the Nyssa, recei tly purclia°ed by Manis, and their intimate knowl h this year. building. In this basement, which was spilled. The bridge has not SlG close of the picture show and a edge of the business in all of its in Warren’s thresher is thresh- large crowd from Ontario, Parma will be provided with a chute and yet been repaired, and it may be Mr. Sanderson from Mayor requirements, is a guarantee that Robert van Gilse, was a part of • , , everything up to the Kolony. and other outside towns is ex equipped with track and car to fa-' reDlamd w in the service offered the public will , . ■ — the consideration. Mr. Sander tie flrst-class in every detail. The H. Brumback threshed that out pected to be on hand. The men clltat,. the handling of th . pred. ,T ! ° “ J .L .I d0"* son took charge of the hotel rigs, for business or pleasure, are Brnmback says that grain have splendid reputations and will act, Of the place. „ „ up-to-date. If careful drivers, men at least oO ions of potatoes, pump- 1 * ^ «uug Sunday and will who know the country, r>.uls, etc., are unusually poor this year, do doubt put up an exhibition of laid in the bottom of the ditch to property yields in the Bend and else- skill well worth seeing. Hatfield kius, squash, etc. A second cellar carry the water and the ditch filled doubtless be as successful as a are desired, either of the above re ranging from 50 to 75 per won the title of lightweight cham has also been dug, over which the width of the street with dirt. landlord as he was as a bonanza can be relied upon to fill the bill. l of last year's crop. While in pionship of the Northwest at Wei another warehouse will be con orchardist. Successful Teachers Kolony Mr. Brumback threshed ser in 1912, and Collins has met structed similar to the first named j Half Acre Yields Eight Tons The Moore hotel is a five- Superintendent of Schools Mc- Mr. Sheldon’s beans. The some of the best men in the East. aud which will be used for a simi H. C. Vogt of Owyhee was a story structure, of white pressed Ph»arson stopped in town on his ter portion of the Kolony's Lately he has defeated several fast lar purpose when completed. business visitor to Nyssa. He brick, and covers about a quer crop will be threshed by Don men in Boise. He agrees to throw The number of chickens, ducks, staled that the farmers out his ies of a block and is one of the way back from Me Derm ill, where he had «one to yisit the ‘•cbools in bes, who has a bean thresh ar Hatfield twice in one hour of ac etc., on the farm has increased way are all busy harvesting and largest and leading hostelries in the lower end of the county. He in number and from this source| almost entirely by himself. tual wiestling, and if he does he It is said found the schools there making ex lalone no inconsiderable revenue is some phenomenal yields are re Eastern Oregon. • will be the Kolony's leading will have to go some. that Mr. Sanderson secured a cellent progress. Miss Edna Blodg ported. William McEwen se expected to be derived. this year. So far they are ett, of Nyssa, is teaching at Mr. The management guarantees a half block ill the deal. The Oreida Gardens, while ex-1 cured eight tons of commercial Dermitt and Miss Gram Bowman ing out well. clean, orderly contest and ladies ceptionally situated to successfully! potatoes from one-hall acre and man, from Ontario, is teaching the Housework Wanted - Mrs. Ver- are cordially invited. school at Oregon Canyon, both of carry out the purposes for which Thom as Rust harvested mere Hallowe’en Social. hoeven. wants housework of any whom are having exceptional suc it is being used, fnrnishes a con-| than 1200 sacks from four acres. kind by the week or month. Ad cess and their pupils advancing Milch Cows for Sale Inhere will be a Hallowe’en So- vincing object lesson to the home- rapidly. The pupils of these two Nine bead first-class milch cows, seeker and investor. Within the About all the surplus hay on dress box 44, Nyssa. lin the Parish Hall on Friday schools are mostly BaMpies, and Owyhee has bee.i sold, the crops 6 head heifer calves, yearlings “ing, October 31. Admission Clutch next few years such places will Y o n will find your Fall Suit or ‘bf children are making wonder- 'to all. Everybody come and past. 4 head yearling steers. 1 first- command a premium and will bej of Frank Newbill and Mike is, Silk ____ , at t L, Spier's . better .. progress in the studies.— . I o r Overcoat in _ful O’Brien being about all that re t*ke in the usual Hallowe’en class yearling bull, 3 yonng calves. hard to get at any price. dan Valley Eqpress. andard mains in the hands of the grow quality and tietter in prioe than AH cows will be fresh in 90 days; See posters. For best Nursery Stock and any other town around here. nearly all will be fresh in from 30 If you are looking for cheap ers. Five dollars a ton was the lowest prices, place your spring |^ou have not used the best to 60 days. Must be sold at once flour, Wilson Bros sell it at bottom price. Mr. ,r ogt re- Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! See order now. See or write S. I) Kunkey, Nyssa, Ore you try sack Wilson Bros. for bankable notes. Private sale $1 00 per sack, $1.90 per bsrrel. ceived $5.25 a ton for his crop. Spier. “ NufT said.’ J. O McVey, Nyssa. Oregon. r»nbest” Flour. THE 0REIDA TWO RUNAWAYS DO NO DAMAGE GARDENS WRESTLING MATCH SATURDAY NIGHT H T ON MR. SANDERSON BUYS BIG HOTEL NEW’ LIVERY MANAGEMENT # • ìli