T he G ate C ity J ournal COVERS NO. 13 THE FAMOUS EASTERN OREGON FRUIT BE LI X^SSA, MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 17, 1913 NGINEERS He Liked Nyssa. ‘Pcop!eInvit<*d to Turn t and Help Exterm inate H R. Warner was in the city Monday looking the situation over as regards a business location. Mr. Warner is from Weiger and was uuablo to find a vacant build­ ing for the purpose. There being nothing vacant at this time is a good commentary on the trade here, though uot an evidence of live property owniug citizens. Went His Way Rejoicing A young inau named Tilton called into Dr. McReynold’s office •Long Ears—Fun Com- Wednesday to have a small piece of metal removed from his eye. It i at 2 O’clo ck . is perhaps unnecssary to add that the job was performed with neat­ ness and dispatch by our worthy pressing invitation is ex- medico and the young man went ¡to Nyssa people to take on his way rejoicing. in the big rabbit drive on East Side next Sunday, nencing at 2 o’clock. The eared pests have raulti- ! to such an extent they are ^joiis menace to the crops Chas. Sweeting, formerly of Ne­ esettlers of one of Nyssa’s rapidly developing tribu- braska and lately employed at the sections and the people Wpde ranch in the Kingman Kol- are anxious for a big ony, was examined by Drs. Mc- Reynolds and Payne for insanity. j so that the whole bunny He was found suffering from a can be exterm inated, if mild form of that trouble and 'Me. Lots of fun for every- committed to the Pendleton asy­ butthe rabbits is protn- lum. The examination was con­ and refreshments will be ducted before Magistrate Boydell id at the corral immedi- on Wednesday and the asylum after the drive. authorises were notified. In several ways Sweeting show­ ^rations will commence at igar homestead, two and ed an unbalanced mind. An al­ miles from Nyssa, and most total lack of memory as to :over Whitley Bottom. The names of even those with whom tion of East Siders will be he was well acquainted was no­ ticeable, also the belief that he ud to instruct the city had been poisoned in some man­ in the gentle a rt of knock- ner. A cure is expected. jack rabbit in the head, Purchased Holsteins. the fun will commence, Smith and Canham have pur­ is is a splendid opportun- chased the vanGilse herd of Hol­ r Nyssa people to show steins and will care for them on friendliness to th eir neigh- their acreage near town. Mr. ind at the same tim e do Smith is an efpert chreso maker i a good tu rn by help- and knows the value of the dairy wipe out a pest which is cow. About $2000 is the value erf ling crops in one of the the herd. Cheese will be made at i sections of the Snake the ranch in case the dairymen of entailing a consequent this section do no^ furnish suffi­ trade to Nyssa business cient milk to run the big plant in town steadily. From 2 to 7 cents per pound for butter fat has been Working on Oil W ell. paid in excess of creamery prices. ■ork will be resumed on the Visiting at Nyssa. soil well, some euterpris citizens of that town having N J. Minton and family are abated ¥1000 toward the cx- down from Boise in their big au­ Sixty thousand dollars to, the family staying at the -been »unk in the enterprise, Brown home while Mr Minton is ■ was started tive years ago, looking after his last investment 'be Democrat says the indica­ in Malheur City- te some will keep dig- The Bodfish store was the latest . until the long looked for purchase. Mr. Bodfish is now the t is found. owner of a two-thirds interest m the big opera house block on Main street in Nyssa and SO a-.res of improved land adjoining tbe east s i d e s o l d towusite on the north. ADJUDGEDINSANE; TAKEN TO ASYLUM ORCHARD ON bi8 real estate deal was closed E. G. Johnson pur- ^ 280 acres south of Nyssa near Apple Valley of W. C. -barn. Nearly the entire ‘Re is in apple trees and will be subdivided into small 1 and »old to home builders. : tract was originally part of Unnon farm, one of the first i-oved places on the east side 'be river. Vr. Johnson it very successful ■be investments made in this bbe valley and haa materi- b*lped thia section by his 8 in developing orchard $150 PER YEAR. 5« PER COPY WORKING WarVeteran Figuring Out Prob­ able Cost of Irrigat- ingDistrictLands. $425 Carload for Prunes. The Westlake fruit farm, owned by Arthur Richard, has sold -itsj eutire crop of prunes to the Earl j Fruit Co. of New York at a mini-1 mum price of $425 per carload, f .1 o. b. Emmett. This is au advance of $25 per car over last year from the same firm. This advance, however, is contingent upon the | freight rate of $25 per car charged between Emmett and Nampa be­ ing eliminated. George Skinner, Pioneer of Mr. Richards estimates his crop j The Owyhee Irrigation pro­ viewed by Mr. Tallmadge, ia this year at about 30 carloads, al- j Snake Valley, Meets For­ ject is rapidly whipping into cheap storage and cheap power. though he has received boxing I mer Comrades at^Historic shape to commence installing He is confident that both fea­ material for 45 carloads, which | Gettj sburg. tures can be worked out on woulo make the total considera­ an irrigation system. The en­ such a basis that the project tion $12,750. He may receive gineers afe working out an out­ can be made an assured success. more than that, as the contract of line of the" system, which it is The reports he has from bis en­ sale provides that if the fruit shall One of the survivors of Co. I, reported will consistof a divers­ gineers indicate that the project sell at an advance of the price First Vermont cavalry, in the per­ ion dam on the Owyhee river will be mapped out in tbe very agreed upon Mr. Richards is to son of George Skinner, a pioneer and a storage system. It is pro­ near future so that be will then receive 10 per cent of the ad­ resident of this valley, has re­ posed to make a combination of be able to work out the cost of vance. The output of the orchard turned from Gettysburg, Pa., where a reunion of vererans of gravity and pumping systems, construction and enter into a last year was 30 carloads.—Em­ both the union and confederate mett Index. the gravity canals to cover all, contract with the district, armies was held. the district lauds under tha La9t Tuesday Rex M arquis, The other members of Mr. Skin­ 2320 or 2340 contour and all Thus. Cauham, Jr., P. J. Phil- ner's company, Jonah Stevens the land between this point and lips, Thos. Glaggett, H. D. Gosb- and Albert Cole, still residents of the 2500 contour by pum ping/jert and Thoa Coward met Mr. the Green Mountain state, were found after a day of search Thus making the pumping Tallmadge in Boise and dis­ cussed matters in connection charge very low. W. J. Turner traded his. Nyssa through the big camp where 70.- Mr. Tallmadge, accompanied with the project. At th a t time property, consisting of bis tine 000 old soldiers of the North and by F. Farmer, district engineer, Mr. Tallmadge promised to home and some vacant lots, for a South were assembled, and atter P. J. Phillips, president of the make sufficient investigation.of 20-acre tract near Nampa. He Mr. Skinner had about .given over hopes of finding any of his old board of directors, aud Thomas the project to be able to submit recently traded a 200-acre ranch comrades in arms. Tin ir meeting Cauham, today made an auto a contract at a stated price in on the Owyhee for Seattle prop­ was a sourse of intense satisfac­ trip up to the Mitchell butte tbe very near future. He hopes erty and will remove there, tem­ tion to each individual. The bat­ country for the purpose of view­ to have all these m atters de­ porarily at least, to look after the tle ground was tramped and rode termined and a contract con­ rentals. ing the dam site. By the trade N. J, Minton be over in company und the happen­ The main features to be summated before he returns to comes the owner again of the resi­ ings of 50 years ago retold. Mr. Skinner- was one of the youngest worked out on the project, as New York. dence in which he resided during men enlisted in the war, being the winter, Mr. Minton has only 18 years of age in 1801 and made many large deals in Nvssa is still active and thoroughly en­ his trip. All ordinary ex­ real estate during the year past joyed penses were paid by the govern­ and is firmly of the opinion that ment and the Boy Scouts of the Nyssa is the best point in the in­ United States furnish'd willing termountain section, barring only and active service to the old regu­ Malheur City, in which he has lars in camp. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Meeting to Organize Will made heavy investments recently Back From Battlefield TURNER TRADES NYSSA PROPERTY WILL ENTERTAIN W. OF W. TO HAVE BIG CAMP HERE SOCIAL CIRCLE Spier to Be Hostesses at Meeting Next Thursday. Be Held at Hotel Western Parlors Friday. A ttention, Rebekah’s. Chinaman Runs Amuck. You are hereby cordially invited to attend tbe installation ceremony of Yellow Rose Rebekah Lodge No. 202.1. O. O. F., on.Thursday night, July 24th. iti Odd Fellows’ hall. The D D. president of the Assembly of Oregon will be the installing officer. District Attorney W. H. Brooke held a preliminary examination before Justice Z. G. Wilson at The Social Circle of the Pres- The work of organizing a local Vale Tuesday of Fred Huffman, a byterian church will be enter- circle of the Women