T he G ate C ity COVERS THE FAMOUS EASTERN OREGON FRUIT MILI N\KNA, M AL H E U R CO U N T Y .O R E G O N , T H U R SD A Y . JU N E 12 ¡resting ents on ie Owyhee them as their house guest, Miss Ella brink of Eugene, another schoolmaie of Mrs. Morgan’s at the University of Oregon HOMEDALE IN BRIEF. Mr. Tracy was a Caldwell vis­ itor the last of the week. Mr. Hill, of New Meadows. Ida , is a Homedale visitor this week. Local berries are now on the »ad Surveyed Out of market and eize and Huvor rival tman Kolony— Farm- the famous Hood Rivers. »f Kingman »ring Lands. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy of Malheur Kolony City. Oregon, are visiting Mr. Tracy’s brother near Homedale. Dr. McReynolds went to Nyssa Tuesday to take care of the prac­ Martin is building an tice of Dr. Surazin while the lat­ i to his homestead on the ter is away on a vacation. Chiming is working out his tent on his desert claim be- Jk Butte. , McGivern and McCreary Ln went to Ontario Friday Liness trip. A tine boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hellyer, who live three miles southeast of Homedale. Dr. Mc- Keynolds reports all doing nicely. Mr. Peterson, who has run a restaurant in Nampa for the past three years, moved his goods here ¡Robertson, who has been and expects to open a lunch room j for A. G. Kingman, is on in the building recently purchased [list this week, from Contractor King. f Rush mere left for Salt C. E. King, who has been in jty last Wednesday. Mr. Salt Lake City for a week re­ Ire may decide to stay for turned Thursday for final settle­ ue ment of business here and then (id Mrs. Reuben McCreary went on to Payette lakes, where ghter Thelma of Adrian he will join his crew of workmen. Caldwell on a business ^ping expedition. SCHOOL ¡LECTION NEXT MONDAY Is the Hope Mr. Tall­ madge Expresses in Message. Message Authorized Under Unanimous Action o f Board of Directors, June 9. Nyssa, Oregon, June 10, 191a. C. L. Tallmadge. 37 Wall Street, New Y ork City.— Board unanimously passed resolution throw ing district open for your proposition. P. J. P H IL L IP S , Rresident Owyhee Irrigation District. Reply, Received June 11. New Y ork, June 11, 1913. P. J. Phillips, Nyssa, Oregon.— Message received. I assure you I appreciate your expression of confluence in me through the action of your board. I will do everything possible to hurry the matter along, h opin g to be able to to work out the proposition and furnish water next year. C. L. T A L L M A D G E . The meeting of the directors of and the colonization of the lands the Owyhee Irrigation distrist, withia district; and • was held in Nyssa on June9,1913. A full board was present and the . . . various proposals for the construe- tion of irrigation works were care. Whereas, there are not at this time any contracts to or with this district for the building of lrnga- tion works or the coionization of ¡{g |anj 8. ancp confidence in the possibilities of our unimproved lands. They are the richest in the big Snake basin and no one can doubt that with an increased population provided the desert can be made to blossom as the rose. Water and sunshine, land and population, the concom ­ itants of prosperity, are all neces sary, and should come together Perry Houseman Is Injured in Runaway Surveyor For Kuhns Still Busy Searching for Gravity Sys­ tem for W atering Lands Dr. Sarazin was called to the Owyhee Tuesday to care for Perry Houseman, who was injured quite severely in a runaway. He was dragged for a quarter of a mile by the frightened team. Mr House­ man finally, with the help of one line, turned the team into an o b ­ struction sufficient to stop them and extricated himself from the rig. The right knee was badly injured. The left leg was also in­ jured to some extent through no bones were broken. Ho will be confined to the house for some time. GOOD SHOWING AT NYSSA COAL MINE o f the Owyhee and Snake Valleys. Owyhee. — Regular Correspon­ dence to the Journal. — Harry Pratt left Saturday morning with Mr. Gilbert, engineer for the Kuhns, for the upper reaches of the Owyhee, where Mr. Gilbert expects to spend fifteen or twenty days in search o f some feasible way whereby the water', of the Owyhee may be diverted and brought to the Snake river and Owyhee valleys by a gravity sys- stein. The Kuhns are studying the advisability of bringing into this project a much larger acreage Preparing to Sink Shaft to than has ever been before in­ Coal Layers Disclosed Last cluded. fully considered. Mr. Purdum. Whereas, the statements and W. B. Slick and Judge Fremont representations made to this board Year; Vein 22 Feet Thick The Cabbage Worm. Wood were present and presented by said A. R. Thomas concerning In answer to an in qu iry re­ Shown. the proposal of W. B. Slick. This the proposal C. L. Tallmadge will garding the cabbage worm the proposal was a continuation of make this board, have led this A Director and a Clerk to follow ing is given : the R. W. Purdum proposal, plus board to believe that were such a [Kunkey is busy remodel- A. J. MoNeo will take a load of “ T h e best treatm ent for the Be Elected; Matter of an increase of $10 per acre in the proposal submitted the same freight to the coal mines Friday 1 enlarging the Walters com m on cabbage worm is tbo price of the system. The district might be accepted; it is therefore where work is going steadily for­ pn the South Side. Mr. Bond Issue for Improve arsenical soap k iutlon. T h is was given teD days to accept or Resolved, that G. L. Tallmadge ward in the direction of unwater- is adding another room is prepared as fol >ws: 3 pounds ments to Be Voted On. reject this proposal. invited and urKed to 9ubtniV ing preparatory to sinking the greened porch.' The proposal of C. L. Tallmadge at the earliest possible date a pro-J shaft to the coal layers disclosed ot lead arsenate, 3 pounds of lartha Overstreet is ex- was then taken up by the board, posal for a contract to construct! by the drilling last year. whale oil soap, and 50 gallons (lome from the College of The school olection on the 16th Mr. Tallmadge has represented to irrigation works and for the o o lo n -( A reservoir has been construct­ of water. The soap olmuld be out the twentieth, She should be well attended, as be-‘ lain for the commencement sides the usual election of a clerk the board that he will make a deti- >zation of the laud9 of this ° wy- ed in the shaft wall at the 100- shaved fine and dissolved in nite proposal for the construction hee Irrigation District, and that a | foot level for the Cornish pump to hot water before add in g to the i at that institution. and director, other matters of im­ of an irrigation plant ami the col- copy of these resolutions bo mail- lift the sump water as rapidly hb general solution. T h is mate­ J. 0 . Franklin of Ontario portance are to be acted upon. A delivered by the Cameron p u m p 1 rial may he used safely until onization of the lands of the dis- ^ to L- Tallmadge. ng Mr. and Mrs. Nichols. vote upon bonds for erection of a trict as soon as the Purdum deal Land owners at the meeting used iu sinking the shaft. the cabbage is practically ready Ichols' sister, Miss Patter- building to house a domestic had been disposed of. At a for- seemed in hearty accord with the It has been reported that a vein to eat without danger of poison­ purse of Boise, has also science and manual training de­ r meeting of the board Mr. aation taken in this matter and 22 feet thick of good bituminous in g .” kiting at the Nichols’ home. partment of the high school is an­ Thomas, acting for Mr. Tallmadge, firmly believe that it opens up coal was shown by the drill 80 McGinnis painted his other matter of extreme interest appeared before the boar-1 and opportunities for big things, feet lower than the bottom of the |his week. Mr. and Mrs. to the district. School entertain­ outlined the proposal Mr. Tall- Some of the features of Mr. Tall- shaft and capital lias been inter­ Bis have moved their house- ments are to be provided for in madge expected to submit. The madge’s proposal are: No power ested to continue the shaft to th;it cta back from the Kolony the same structure and a govern­ colonizatiou feature of this pro- [ charges or interest will be pay- depth for a thorough investiga­ | again living at their home ing body of the directors, faculty posal has appealed to the board able for the first three years; tion. and students is proposed. [illiain Smiths. A coal mine would las o f suffi. and to the entire district as the a family will be located on each The Ladies’ Guild will give a A larger amount than the $2000 one thing needed to make our pro-' forty-acre tract within two years; cieut value at ihis point to divert Strawberry and Ice Cream Social I measles bave swept the now proposed eould be utilized to ject an assured success. The each forty-acre tract will be ¡laid the proposed Boise-VS innouiuoca on the Boydell lawn Monday about Parma. News a very substantial benefit of the question is often asked: “ If we for within two years; each forty- line down the valley regardless of night, June 16. E w ry S s ly in* ived that Herbert. district for the purpose stated and had a system without people toicre tract will be in crop, occu- any other considerations. vited, A good time assured. Be Grace Walters, who ate a discussion is wanted. The make the lands productive, howpied by a bin * fil e homemaker sure ami come. Jrs. Gabley, hsve had it and Should Try Fish Lure. largest amount proposed will place would the charges and interest on within two years. The lands upon twering nicely. only a charge of $300 per year in­ the bonded indebtedness be met?” | which the bonded indebtedness Bad luck still attends the ef­ A CASUAL RESEMBLANCE. |ty Surveyor Miller was terest and is not noticeable com­ The idea that we get people to ( for plant is a lein will not be oc- forts of L J. Largcnt am I W. H. Pm Vale the first of the pared with the benefit derived. It “ Can you tell me why an unmar* ocenpy and improve our arid cupied by speculators or unim- Bitner, proprietors respectively of prveying out the new coun- will also be in order to register the Aed baronet is like part of a horse’ s the Golden Rule ami Hotel Wet - lands, with the means to carry proved by reason of the owners trappings?” | leading from the Kolony desires of the patrons in matters them into income bearing proper- inability to stand the initial ex­ tern, to attain success in piscato­ “ Good gracious, no! I can’t sea We bank of Snake river to of school control. rial pursuits. The aforesaid gen­ ty, is everywhere voiced by those pense of cropping more new land the slightest resemblance What is Me Ferry. The road is tlemen made another trip to the who are familiar with the diffi­ than his finances will permit. Mr. it?” M. E. Church Notes. I by the new settlements in Tallmadge will furnish ample Snake one day this week in quest “ Because he u a ‘sir’ I'Mgle.” i culties in reclaiming arid lands. polity. bond to protect the interests of of the finny beauties, but there At the meeting on Monday the Sunday, June 15, 1913 the district in entering into a con­ was nothing doing. Instead, a Ip through the Kolony last For Sale. president of the board, P. J. Phil­ 10:30 a. m.—Sunday School. tract with him, so that when a heavy rain storm came np and Bowed the scribe that the lips, was instructed to «ire Mr. Nine head o f Lincoln lambs contract is consumated we will be thoroughly drenched the unlucky pites are getting their crope 11:30 a. ra.- Morning worship. Tallmadge the action taken by the (throughhred); four bucks, tlvo Subject, “ The Presence of God s absolutely assured that the con­ fishermen, who returned home veil watered in spite of the On motion of Thomas ewes, one 7-yea' old buck, five Kingdom " Text. Matthew 6:10. board. sadder and, it is to be hoped, tract will be carried out to the The fields and or- Canham. Jr., seconded by Rex ewes, three to 1 years;good money letter. The record Tallmadge has wiser men. if'o°k so neat and thrifty 7 ;] 5 — Epworth League. Marquis, the following was unani­ makers; $1250. per head. John made in other states where he has p i such a contrast to their 8:00 p. ui Evening Service. Sub­ Forties. Owyhee, Or. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. mously passed: ject "The True Source rtf In­ colonized lands is suffieient guar- Bnce twelve short months Whereas. C. L- Tallmadge, by antee as to the ultimate success of Black inare, weight about 800 spiration" Text. “ Hebrews Do not neglect getting informa­ pounds, white star ou forehead his agent, A. H. Thomas, has rep­ 12 *2r our project under conditions out­ tion re pianos from J. Boydel). branded bar 4 on the shoulder Bud ,Mrs. Fred Morgan of Thursday at 8:00 p. m .-p rayer resented to this board that he will lined. the exclnsive dealer direct from Had on colored tan halter. Re­ i f attended the wedding make a definite proposal to this factory. No middleman. Tart .Seulmel, New Plym We believe we are on the verge ward. ok in Boise of one of Mrs. meYou are invited to attend these irrigation district looking to the cash; ba mice good mite. All We hare absolute I outh, Idaho. fully guaranteed. B's college mates Mr and services. construction of irrigation works of big things Stra-gers welcome. ¡organ brought home with |Anna McGivern, of the I force of teachers, is ex- |bortly to spend her vaca- relatives at Adrian. I I 1 , T i 1 \ J! 1 STRAWBERRIES AND ICE CREAM; Y-U-M! IV ! ? • ■ 'I