I NYSSA I AND VICINITY /ADRIAN A B rief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town What Y our N eighbors Are D oing. H E h i « ii at V il« Mrs S .J. Minton of Hois*- is visiting relatives at Sy»*a this week. Mrs Olive VVaiker and daogh- t-r. 1 .aura. visit*'I in Ontario last The Nyssa An to Co sold a new Ford car to the Rutledge family this week. Ferguson-McKinney Shirts at L. Spier's. Fit and wear strictly guaranteed. Now is the time to get your hats cheap. The Golden Rule store is having a sale. An anto truck will be the next improvement our popular drayman will add to bis exuipmeut. Miss M ittie Dennis returned f orn a visit to Mr. E H Supers borne in N-i up* on >louda> Zeke Gan but run iri from the Shearing camp at Bnckboa.d springs Saturday and .Sunday. It is worth your while to see our fine line of shoes. Latest shapes arid all guaranteed L. Spier. Mr. and Mrs Harry McKee and baby McKee are paying are pay­ ing a short visit to Nyssa friends. A. G Kingman, honorary may­ or of Kingman Kolony. way a business visitor to the city yester­ day. Do yon need an extra pair of t reusers t We have a tine assort­ ment jost in from New York L Spier. Mr McKee has returned from Logan, Utah, and taken a position as timekeeper on the Oregon- Eastern. Rev. Johns, pastor of the M. E. church at Ontario, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Farmer and Rev. C. L. Walker Tuesday. R. F. Jessee is the present O. S. L. agent at Nyssa. J. H. Kinnaird is taking a liO-day vaca­ tion in the East. Mr. and Mrs. M. A . Patison of Emmett, Idaho, visited this week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. W. Nichols of this city. A man was canvassing for tog- less harness this week. The use to which it is especially adapted is orchard cultivation. Ernest Wilson took in the big Sells-Floto show at Payette Tues­ day, stopped at Ontario over night and returned to the Gate City Wednesday. Superintendent W. A. Winters, of the La Grande district of the M. E. church, was in Nyssa Fri­ day and held quarterly confer ence. Clarence McConnell went out to Agency valley Monday, after a visit of several days with his mother. Mrs. Sarah McConnell, in Nyssa- Councilman George Phillips treated himself to a vacation Tues­ day and accompanied by his young son, attend«! the Sells-Floto show at Payette Only about one month until the Fourth, Now is the time to get your choice of a fine lot of Hart, Hchaffner & Marx and Style-Plus Suits. L. Spier. An excnrsion train with a bunch o f homeseekers aboard will leave Nyssa on Saturday, May 31 at 11 a. m. to attend the sale of state lands at Homedale, Idaho. The Polk Co. are getting out their 1913 directory for Malheur and Harney counties. W. W. W oodbeck. their traveling solici­ tor, was in the city this week. All the newest styles in canvass •hoes. The only chance you will have this summer to get shoes at the prices we are offering. All vises at the Golden Rule store Miss M. M. Edwards, formerly a capable teacher in the Nyssa schools bnt more recently o f Los- tine, visited old-tim e friends in the city several days this week. ! MOXEY RAISING Mr. and Mrs. Cora Pilsbury w r e Caldwell visitors recently. A number of Bend people at tend«) tbe circus in Boise M«n M 't. J. N. Thomason returned fro«n a trip to Vale this week with d ty. Mr. A. L. Tate, who has been the strayed horses belonging t° Thomason •ad tha diatene* hl,h from pole to pole la »? nearly one half mil# Ita K V Ä ?"* aoout 115 or lJO feet and will ’ ha maata of any vaaaal oomtn* here at pr*a**L-fa*wpo»% Long ; •• John Proprietor. At Davison's Barber Shop ♦ ♦*............. ................................... .. WHITE Beginning Saturday Morning, May 31 Ending Saturday Evening, June 7 E are owing several large bills which «re co m in g due, and in ordor to several lines of SEASON. we are offerin g them »1 without profit because we sim ply M U ST have m oney to pay ou r bills. are offering special inducem ents on W i.romptly we These Merchandise goodr are right in season now and Here are former prices and the prices oflered d this money-raising WHITE SALE: Regular $1.75 Ladies’ white canvas two strap pomps “ 1.80 Ladies’ white canval 12 button Shoes 1.25 Children’s white canvas two strap Pomps . 1.50 Children’s white canvas Shoes 3.50 Ladies’ lon^ kid Gloves, 3 colors to select from .55 White Linen TABLECLOTH 66 inches wide Salt Ones Get B Special Millinery Salfft With P Empire on Ì road. la d ie s ’ Hats and Trimmings, One Third O ff R egular Price Having bad a profitable s i n on Millinery, we have decided to give our customer* tbjj r- j r. ti* i irk'd th>- PR IC E D O W N JU ST ONE-T^H^H This Special Mdlinerv Sale giv.-s everyone an opportunity to gt t a genuine bargain J b u n ch ; of Snake line in time for the FOURTH < )F JU LY s from Nyssa and vi a trip on the I ial M onday last. T GOLDEN RULESTOR? Q U A L IT Y TH E S A M E -P R I C E S L E S S od business men, acquaintances arding the miles of new line MEKRAN, LAND OF Mv S TE R i i Oerccat*d by Natur« and Shunned By Man— Few Tribes Linger There. Nyssa AUTO Mekran, mysterious Mekran, Is th> and stretching almost from the In.ti­ ro the entrance to the Persian gulf The greater part of Mekran is desolate i:d forsaken, a land desiccated by na lure and shunned by man. The few rribes which linger there are the jet iam of history, stray wreckage which oas drifted into this obscure corner of H L I P M O B lL E SAILOR IS BES1 Adaptable From FI reroom to Oat ley, It Industrious and Sticks t* Ship. There la a growing disposition os lie part of ship owners and officer* In various parts of the world to send to China for complete crews For E te ^ a J T lS R Une” to carry about a third more Chinese for the same service. On the other hand there are many officers and owners who claim that with such additional allowance of help * vessel lg run more easily and effl clently. and that, all things consid­ ered, the Chinese sailor ta the best all •round man aboard ship to be found anywhere. He Is adaptable from flreroom to «•Hey. it Industrióos, hat little or no desire to leave the ship In port and therefore «Ives little or no trouble from drunkenneee and desertion As soon as they become accustomed to foreign ways Chinese crews are aa efficient aa and often more efficient than foreign crews man for mar, and some companies pay their Chinese crew practically as much man for man as they do white crews and carry the same complement they wvmld of white employees. She Knew. Mother—"The king was In the counting house, counting up bis money; the queen was la the kitchen, fating bread and b on ey" Mo«lem Child— ‘ Must be a fairy story; the cook wouldn't let her."— Harper a Ba portion of tbe 8 . nd an extension o S T I J D E B A K I s y s t e m s of ditches F O R D _ events. It is even believed that the Oravidlans passed through Mekran on their way to southern India and left stragglers, whose descendants have Iwelt there ever «inee. There are patches of Mongols from the '¡»vs of TenghU Khan: colonies of half-breed Arabs from the time when an Arab dynasty held Sind; unmistakable Raj­ puts, who were there before Alexan­ der; African negro«», the offshoots of medieval slavery, and traces of still alder peoples, whose origins are lost In the mists of time. Yet Mekran can­ not always have been either so dry or so deserted. Then there are vast ma­ sonry dams, obviously built to catch the water In the hills Just as engineers »re making dams In the Indian ghauts today Sometimes the hills are ter raced for cultivation, after the fashion of hills In southern Japan and else­ where: only In Mekran the terraces f are dry and bare and not even a blade '» of grass remains. The crumbling ruins of whole cities, the very names of which are forgotten, lie concealed be tween the serrated ridges CHINESE at H om edale, newest irrigate« tbe great N ortl ,de the wide Snake states of Oregon ral large bod been placed t iring tbe past six ailin g of new on forward. district pum •pidly Harley Davidson Motorcycleoem Indian Motorcycles Expert Repairing A uto Livery, day on!11. dirtrict land ~ " j is receivin g the a 1 Eastern capita re entertained of a Electric Light W ork o f A ll Kinds ade during 1913. Bicyc.es Repaired 4 K olon y new ] water for 3000 usand acres u r water rights oc across Snake river 1 1 7 E have secured a lim it«! supply of booklets on J________ townsite of Adrian, * ' and H ogs.' “ Alfalfa Seed and Potatoes." l'ta Nyssa to H om eda practical books and apply to irrigated lands of thii watered tract. 'n and alfalfa, by trees and other evidenc con dition s were eyes! of the visi The Bank »if Safety and service. lenient extends wit Nyssa. Oregon. hrough tbe lower vernm ent pioject, dica and Fargo F to H om edale, w bulk of tbe Gem are being impre em pire of 50 i i l the valley o! or. Nyssa at edale at tbe so re unli mited poss Careful attention given to Stock it for the homeme G oa l R ig gs- Courteous Treatment y in -the future, h soil: and unlilt being join ed an Ny»*-' g fortunes are t by those w bo s * * * * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * * * ♦ • • • * > a>♦♦#»>»••>♦••♦< ities at band. F will spring up at by the i K ingm an Owyhee n a n ,t h e t Ileys; Adr: LU M E IN A N D G E T ONE Malheur County BantT East Side Bart Livery - Sale Stahlt” * I Roy Crockett ! Announcement?^? T o the people of Nyssa a n d ’ ’ icin ity : I have bought out Mr. F-. A. Sailor, of' Nvssa Meat Market, and by givin g you best of service, I hope to receive a sbar* you r patronage. “ A at the Big B< the center of 10, rich aD(j ^ J L hern Gem HORACE R U R B ID Í H om edale and N]