NYSSA AUTO MUST BRAND BUTTER SAYS COMMISSIONER C O M P 'Y Late Spring AGENCY FOR The -lournal has been requested j by the Oregon dairy and food com . missioner to publish the following: | “ The statutes regulating the manufacture and sule of butter | provide for tin* branding of cream­ ery butter, but not for the brand­ ing of duiry butter except that each roll or square must be plainly marked l(i ounces full weight or| V 32 ouuces full weight. We find /m some dairy butter that is not so | marked and we also find some that is short weight. “ We would be glad to hold the manufacturer responsible for the misbrandiirg and also for the short INDIAN AND HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLES weight, but in the absence of any name and address on the butter so Expert Repairing Electric Light Wiring of all kinds Auto Supplies as to positively identify the manu­ facturer we cannot do so. The fol­ lowing ruling is therefore made: “ All dairy butter offered or e x ­ posed for sale will be considered Mr. and Mrs. John Boswell misbranded if it does not have were over Sunday visitors in Vale. plainly marked on each roll or Mr. and Mrs. S. Hill of Roswell square the words. 'Dairy Butter,’ OF Heights were, calling in this yd* ‘ lli ounces full weight.” or ‘32 ounces full weight.’ and the name cinity recently. and address of the manufacturer. Mr. Pliu Case of Arena was a Any person offering or exposing business visitor here the fore part for sale dairy butter not branded*^! of the peek in compliance with this ruling « Miss Lucy Post of Parma spent will be prosecuted under the slat- a couple of days in the Bend the : utes providing for the branding £ of food pnxlucts. Signed, past week. ' 1). M ICK LE. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Morely Oregon Dairy and Food Com ­ missioner. sjauit »Sunday in the Kelley home S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 10th, our Stock in Hast Roswell. • it Electiical A J* J liantes Nili he murk- Mr. Chas Purdy has been suf­ ilown 33 1 3 i r cent. fering from a severe case of pois- oning the past week. ¿a Mr H. S Stark spent a couple of (lays in the hills looking after m Hupmobile, Studebaker and Ford Cars BREVITIES. SALE I * i * I I Appliances 'à i * * I * » I Special Price, May 10, Only I * IDAHO - OREGON LIGHT & POWER COMPANY a * t PAY ETTE tk , -tl* - . . THE . , Merchants’ Lunch Room Next door to Postoffice Billiard Hall EARP & HALEY Props. L ^ IT ^ Q F T L J r ir * ) L IN IN STRENGTH SERVICE M ALHEUR COUNTY B A N K N Y S S A , OREGON . DIRECTORS I //. J . W ard Geo. L . Phillip* C. C. Hunt John 1lay J . K . Clinton, Jr. J . //. W o lf ./. J. Suntzin ....................................t t n I PIO N E ER BLACKSMITH SHOP L E U C K & C OOK, Props General Blacksmiths Wagon Work and Horse Shoeing Plow W ork a Specialty Announcement 1 o the people of Nv -a and V icin ity : I have bought it Mr. E. A. Sailor, of the Nyssa Meat Market, ard by giving you the best of service, I l,