P OLMSTEAD FINDS THINGS CHANGED NYSSA AUTO COMP’Y AGENCY FO R Nyssaite, Visiting in GROCERIB Notice! w the East. Is Having a Fine Time, Hut Is Not Sat- isfied. 7-* .1. B. 01 instead, ii well-known Ny-isa farmer, who recently lciisi d his ranch and left for an extended visit in the East, is now at M‘>n- ticello. Iowa. He writes the Journal and other friends as fol­ lows : Kind Friends—I will write a few lines. My health is pretty good, except a bad cold. I left I Dell Rapids, South Dakota. The INDIAN AND H AR LEY DAVIDSON MOTOR CYCLES weather there at that time was real damp, with snow and rain, Expert Repairing Electric Light Wiring of all kinds Auto Supplies blustery and cold. So I cut my visit short, with a promise that I would return. I came here on the morning of the fourth of April, and it was snowing and Washington county, Idaho, will co JJ i ^’ith som<* rain. You can hold a wet or dry election May 28. ¡magine about how I felt. Well. Middletou is enjoying a small it made me think of the dear old boom, nine families having lo- state that I had left and my home cated there this spring. that I had enjoyed so many years Outside mining men are enter- 011 the banks of the old Snake ing the Malheur mining field, says river. the Malheur Mining News. But I wanted a visit and I am A crew of men will be put to I Kitting it. I am having a tine work soon building a light and time, but am not satisfied. I had ¡lower line from Parma to Kos- ^>,,en aW;l>' too lon g --2 ' years. In wejj that time there are always so many charges — people leaving, The court bouse grounds are be­ some returning, others dead ing plowed and prepared for the I see it is far different from my ; foundation of a lawn, says th e' home state, so far as health is i Vale Enterprise. ' concerned. They have too manv S A F E T Y Weiser has a chickeu thief who Phone For Our ... . . . . storms and the weather is too Solicitor is keeping right the job and cold and changeable for the peo- several residents have suffered pie to enjoy good health. There C O N V E N I E N C E wholesale losses. is not enough brilliant and bright Secretary Chapman, of the On­ sunshine. tario commercial club, is about to Well, I guess I will bring my remove to other pastures. Mr letter to a close by wishing my Chapman was also secretary of many dear friends health and hap­ piness. As ever yours, the Fair association. J. B. OLM STEAD. John McClure ha9 purchased 20 "E WISH T ) ANNOUNCE to the pu(,|lt and ¡ifter Tuesday, April X|®h, we will, our deliver» wagon in the country, making the lowing on V ^ e folloiMtig d IJ\Y 1 II R I routes Wtj S ^ . i r A ' W V V lX G M A N KOLONY vW _ _ _ i r y\ fkJ V ' Hupmobile, Studebaker and Ford Cars * WILSON ELECTRIC I _ Friday of each week ARCADIA Wednesday of each week. APPLE V A L L E Y J T Thursday l l t l r s d l t V of c l l WHPlf J of M each week. ' Groceries N Y S S A , OREGON LIGHT AT Fleming HOME Manufacturers of ECONOMY . Merchants’ Lunch Room . THE . . « il Next door to Postoffice Billiard Hall EA RP & H ALEY Props. T I J A O 1 IN IN STRENGTH SERVICE MALHEUR COUNTY BANK NYSSA, OREGON. D IR E C T O R S i If. J. W ant Geo. L. P h i l l i p C . C. Hunt John Pill/ J. J. Sarazin J. K . Clinton, Jr. J . Ä W o lf PIONEER BLACKSMITH SHOP LEUCK A COOK, Props General Blacksmiths Wagon Work and Horse Shoeing Plow W o rk a Specialty i Sale of Holsceins. Money to Loan IHyssa iment HHarket E . A . S A I L O R . I*H< >p. Fresh and Salt Meats, Home Made Lard, Hairs and all kinds of Sausage. 4 I ’ ASH PAID FOi\ Itib E S N DS BUILD IN G A N D PELTS On Improved Farm and City Property At a reasonable rate of interest. All applica­ tions given immediate attention and loans clos­ ed promptly. P. A. MAIN S T R E E T WILEY Caldwell, Idaho Phone 422 W C H U R CH ^ ^ ^ ^ E e c o id t andlhc depot being a foi it befo ¡te fixed lar for s »service ide lino £ ve coun C a lle d b y th e S u p e r in t e n d e n t o f B a n k s of ____ is tapp o f O r e g o n at c lo s e o f b u s in e s s A p r i l 4. W Jorday Valley- R esou rces. will event Loans and discounts.................................... from the pres Overdrafts. viaNyss; Bonds and Warrants m distric Banking house, furniture and fixtures................................. Mike heavy Due from banks (not reserve banks)................. $ 568.33 grain and s Due from approved reserve ban k s..................... 11,382.01 Checks and other cash item s....... ................... 99.70 o f Homedal Cash on hand......................................................... 5,151.13—J r of the large Statement o f the Bank of] L ia b ilitie s . Capital stock paid in.............................. Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Deposits Herd of Ma Rave Been ■ed head i ieu place ree Fingi year by Owney ier ranch ownei 3 . Shearing has I and the mohair t flock of goats ii will be deliver id iu a few days, raising in the mo district south an rill undoubtedly a fine range ex out of reach of nimble goat, ai ex cu rsio n s gas? Via Union Pacific Systei p a ry th in g th a t tolA the produi \ ery law rouud trip fares to Denver, Kansas City. fleece. Louis, Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and many price < goat flesl points. » m o r e s with mi resent son DATES OF SALE i be told ittle educal May 7, 8, 10, 17, 24, 31; June 3, 7, 13, 28; July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31; August 1, 9, 10, ve of It value and 16, 22, 28, September 10, 11. food Would changt it for the ii ima LIMITi oat meat at October 31st. 1913. | food of la tes and ¡9 pr See any OREGON SHORT LIN E Agent to be mori For further details ¡and entirely Babies, « “ The Union Pacific System’' upon the Reaches Omaha and points East i than upon EPISCOPAL n otes . Sunday, April 27. Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Morning worship. 11:30 a m Subject. “ Our Inheritance.” Text Ps. 16:5. Epworth League 7:15 p. m. Evening service 8.00. Subject, ‘'The Wideawake God.” Text I Kings 18:27. Special music at morning and evening services. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. You are invited to attend these services. Strangers welcome. t and IGenera] and Assistan Ocr Strsdjfcy of tb id Co. ten boai am pa at 2 < x' 1 ■ fo r a tour the aouth sit omedale. Assii of Nampa Osborne of the the party, preliminaries fc road t^rcr to e Shorl d the for dur WE GUARANTEE OUR Dr. Sarazin reports the follow­ Stock wanted to pasture on ing births in Nyssa and vicinity | Bridge Island. Sl.Oo per head per month. R. R. Clark. al7tf during the past week: To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sin­ $10 Reward clair, of the Owyhee, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. John Hash, a will be paid for information leading to the arrest and convic­ girl. tion of parties who shot up stand­ To Mr and Mrs Oscar Purcell, pipe of Nob Hill Pipe Line Co. a lioy. «1. C. Beam, Pres. H. R. Sherwood. Sec. The best is none too good and can be procured at cost. Do not Eighty acres in section 1, delay. Buy nursery stock o f H. Kingman Kolony. $55 per G. Monce. M E T H O D IST Oil I Cement Work, Sidewalks, Septic Tr* *iUi “iui'“ * Cement Waterproofing ^ “ “l j acre, $30 tor land, $25 for water; good land, plenty water, cheap; | terms. J. K. Shelden, New I Plymouth,Ida, or J. B. Shelden, on the premises. a3tf ' 9 1 Contractors of all { acres of land on the south half of McKinney island cn the Payette river east of Fruitland, from A. C. Berding, at $50 an acre. As advertised in the Journal The Weiser commercial club last week, an uuction sale of gave a home talent ministre] thoroughbred Holstein cows will show in that city which was a be held at Ontario next Saturday. hummer with horns. After all This will be an excellent oppor­ expenses were paid the club was tunity for dairymen to improve ! $375 to the good. their herds, and incidentally add Mayor Trow of Ontario has fin- to the prosperity of this section. | ished planting 200 acres of grain. These sales are being held through ¡This was sagebrush land a few the efforts of the Ontario commer­ j weeks ago and it is some task to cial club, and is one of the many transform that much land in one ways in which an organization of that character can be of lasting season, asserts the Argus. benefit to a community. Vale is to have another saloon, J which will bring the number of | Nyssa Real Estate. j life saving stations in the county ! First M E. church of Nyssa to j seat town, with a slightly larger Clyde L Walker, lots lit and 20 j population than Nyssa ---------------- — has, up t o ,, 1913; $300. four. They pay a license fee of b _ ^ y8Sa‘ ’^nn ^ $2 A IA _ . . T elephone or write your orders a day b e f o n ^ ^ l Railrt * ledale wagon com es your way,,so that we will h iv».^^^_ cient tim e to g c your order. W ill be no orde: Provided T h small nor any too large. Little orders appreci and larger one- in proportion Remember T r a in s N the wagon com es your wuy and get in yourordjiTr* ----- ----- time. Telephone or write your orders to traiu'i ha •'s NEWS FROM NEARBY 8E NO. 2 “ The Direct Way” to pa knd. ll.'U R. R. Cleri inted a good fellow and let The J< do your printing. We need the Be