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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1913)
T he G ate C ity J ournal COVERS THE FAUOUS EASTERN OREGON FRUIT BELT : fa<L. X NYSSA, M ALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. JAN UARY 23. 1913 NO. 42 ment aid is expected, an approp ! OWYHEE riation being pending. A large number will sow an ITEMS increased acreage to grain crop. Conditions look favorable for this section to receive water Pipiseli was out from luring the next year eiher t. V < dnesday. N> from the Farmers co-operative W I. l.C Chuning helped Mr. Morey ditch or from the Black Canyon ; for several days last week, district plans. jj^BFred Klingback made a trip to A heavy increase of dry grain | the Hot springs last Wednesday. acreage is expected in the sunny {^■Freeman Olaiborn is putting in : dra ins in the field south of his slope district, reports from that I ft u s e . section as to present moisture M il Mrs. Bertha Hobson of Ontario give satisfactoiy conditions for 1 visited relatives on the Owyhee spring grain crops. A good last week. yield of wheat and barley is ex ■ Grandpa Hatfield if very ill. Broom corn and « Someone sets up with him most pected. potatoes will be planted also. J of the time. » If you like good brown beans The yield per acre is the ; you can get the first class kind measure of successful farming. from Don Forbes, i j Farmers of Oregon have for to0 ! ■ Mrs. Pinkston has been quite ill but is recovering quite nicely long spread themselves over too much land, and thus cut their ; at present writing. r Dick Robertson and Mr, and profits und into their store of 1 Mrs. Frank Newbill came home soil fertility. The problem ot from Ontario Tuesday. the Oregon farmer is to main a There has been a case ofchicken- tain the fertility of his land, !' pox in the Kolony school, but no taking off crops of increasing J further cases are reported. ■ Grandpa Rigby is reported to value without depleting the | b* in somewhat better health at yielding power of the soil. present than during the past i month. ft John Forbes suffered from an Attack of pneumonia, following*a ! Bess ion with the grtppe, but is able to set up at this writing. There is now on the eve of in- Mr.and Mrs.Wm. Martin were in itiation in Nyssa an industry j Ontario Tuesday and Wednesday < on account of the serious illness which will do more for this coun ! of Mrs, Martin's brother, Artie try. if properly supported, *han anything else that has ever been J Robertson. done for us. A big cheese fac A brotherinlaw of Mrs, Minnie tory, with a big monthly distribu I | Gahley of Parma last week under- tion of money, would place us on j went a surgical operation at the a footing with the solid substan Holy Rosary hospital, Dr. Prinz- tial dairy communities of Wiscon ng operating. sin. We are too far from mar The many friends on the Owy kets to ship with orofit our un ¿sa. Oregon hee and in the Kolony of Mrs- B. finished products. Huy may be jJF. Farmer will be grieved Jto learn *'27 per ton iu Omaha, but what flBf'Mis. Farmer’s continued and does that profit us? But if we can ship that hay or grain as beef, ? Serious illness, mutton, butter, cheese or pork, we [ Artie Robertson was taken to ier'* Trick. have some chance of marketing le to watch a the Holy Rosary Hospital Thurs- our products without paying it all with ordinary l day to be operated on.for appendi out for freight, Proper commun In the New Y of* citis, but Dr. Prinzing found that ity co-operation will in time cause n enormous jx the appendix was ulcerated so the elimination of Mr. Middleman. ny wise buyer badly that he posponed the opera We most decidedly and emphatic end with croi tion. and then he b: ally need a cheese factory here. of trestlework Messrs. Fenn and Carman of But what has been the history he fine sized ni yssa are plastering and finishing of individual efforts to establish on top When i Walter Pinkston's new house ami creameries and cheese factories :he potatoes < otherwise preparing it for occu where branches of the creamery s a flash into a l pancy. Mr. Pinkston will have trust had their representatives? rben the house* oue of the most substantial and A h soon as the cheese factory got he find the gta well finished houses on the river. well started the trust representa y filling the Is when she cuts Oh, what music the toot of the tives would boost prices to a point tor boiling. As at which the cheese factory could tracklaying machine makes to our hare a great I not profitably operate and farm nsldes as black B ears. Talk about grand opera— ers, like a band of sheep, would Sshuman-Heinck or Castle Square idaya they are sei sell to the trust. Atter the fac Garden harmony! We do so ap other truck tory goes .out of business down em They take preciate some sounds not common go butter fat prices to zero, until per and fill up t ly classed as classic. j they have made back all they lost cd then pile in J. O. McGinnis, Win. Smith, in destroying the independent l the price. F. Clairborn and Walter Pinkston concern. In this way, and in no hauled hogs last monday for Wal other, can a creamery trust hold ter Pinkston; and J. I. Chuning, its own. It can generally depend S u D e r s t 't io n . tlished in Cole* C. S. Beaumont and Charles ! on the shortsightedness of farm title of Geistl Toombs, with a four-horse ream, ers. and their failure to stand to- tteney wider hauled porkers for E. F. Pratt. ' gether for their own interest, to ide explanatichi Messrs. Pratt and Pinkston made help it. maintain its throttle hold •avages. We Is up a carload of hogs for W, H. on farmers. le eccentric mi Ross of Roswell, to be shipped Now. it seems to the writer, who ts. eclipses of has seen this old, old game played from Nyssa to Portland. lundations. tan 1 wars Often, E. F. Pratt A. G. Kingman and in other kinds of business besides fflurium set ti H. Walters went to Ontario on the creamery bnsin< s, that this •*. It is free business last Tuesday. Messrs. is a subject on which farmers in the anger of Pratt, and Walters returned Wed general und Grangers in particu ch as injustic nesday, but Mr. Kiugmati attend lar, should not only interest them oppression of ed the Pomona session of the selves but come to some definite s, the dearnessj id gaming. grange held at Boulevard and decision, as they did in Wiscon went on to \ ale to transact vari sin years ago. Independent con ous business. Messrs. Kinginau cerns dot that state, and trusts do Consequently and Walters were also guests of not hold sway. the Ontario commercial club dur farmers have some reward for ing the Tuesday evening session, their labor there, instead of hand ing it all over to some bediamoned trust representative. Snake s why pping house, n fact, fe for es, About the New Cheese Factory 'H Sunny Slope. and ou. a . O re g o n | E F P ratt A Correction. H. L. Stout is adding 60 acres In the Journal of January 9 to his crop area. appears a statement in the write O. L. Brown will plant 60 up of the dance party that I was acres if conditions remain a ‘'guest and that I spoke my favorable having purchased a good feelings towards dances of The author« Spaulding deep tillage machine that character.” whoever he mav be, presumed too for preparing the ground. much. I did say that no dance An immense tract of fine but a clean due could be held in lands will be watered iu the that hall, but I never have seen future on the Sunny slope side anything in any dance to arouse of the river through completion any good feelings in me. of the district plans. Govern R G. W h it e Track Being Laid Local and Personal One Mile Per Day Items of Interest $1.50 PER See L. Spier’s windows for bar- gains. Electric fixtures at Owyhee Merc, Co. See the Owyhee Merc, for over alls, gloves, etc. The Golden Rule takos produce of all kinds in trade. A. G. Kingman, president of tho Bank of Nyssa, is in the city. The telephone linemen are rais ing the wires at crossings of the railroad between Nyssa and River side. Mrs. U. G. Hand was quite se riously injured by a fall occas ioned by the icy condition of the walks. S. H Thompson, B. F. Farmer and H D. Binlsall have taken up the skating game since Jupiter Pluvius opened the large rink at Nyssa. William Allen of Boise expects to take over the U. G. Hand livery property the coming week. Prop erty at New Plymouth, Idaho, is exchanged. Win. Wilburn purchased the Duncan crop of hay recently for feeding his band of horses and mules. The feed yard is on Snake river south of town. YEAR. 5c PER COPY School Notes. Eighth grade county examin- . ations will be held Thursday and Friday, January 23 and 24. C. DeBoer was in the oity W ed The track-laying crew on the nesday. Cecil Caldwell has again reg Nyssa-Buhl line has reached a Charlie Odell the O. S. L. fire istered in the High School. We point three miles out of the city man, was home Saturday. wonder bow long he may be to the south. A mile per day is with us. J. I. Chuning and C. Beaumont going down and the crew is being of Owyhee were in Monday. The term closes Friday, Jan augmented by additions from the uary 31. Cramming for final Born, to the wife of George crews laid off at other points examinations will soon be in Green, January 22nd, a boy. where heavy snow has compelled order. Fditor Craig is at Portland on abandonment of labor for the win The High School faculty Lave the road back to Nyssa. where the ter, been busy reading plays. It is Our old friend McKee has been Sun shines. hoped that the Senior play may E. F. Pratt was in the city transferred to this point again soon be decided on and work from the Oregon-Eastern line Monday attending to the carring begun. ot a shipment of hogs. west of Vale. Rev. O. F. Jones, in charge of The total tax levy iu Nyssa for A steam shovel with crew is on the Episcopal church here, vis the way from Richfield, Idaho, all purposes is 13 mills, a reduc ited the school Wednesday where work for the winter has tion ot 5 mills from 1912. m orning and delivered an en tertaining address to tho pupils been stopped by a fall of five feet Red lanterns make valuable of the upper grades. of snow. Only two inches of new sheep protectors during these snow is on the ground in this sec early spring moments. Miss Hinkley took her phys tion and the ballasting will be ics class Monday to see the H. Walters of Owyhee will take track laying maohine. In spite ready to start as soon as the track a car of fat ewes and lambs to of being accused of “ playing reaches Riverview, 12 miles to the Portland in a few days. hookey,” getting hair, muffs, south, where a pit will be opened. B. F. Monette of Yakima, etc., singed in bonfires, rolling Sixty men arrived on Wednes Wash., expects to start a lunch down embankments and falling day to replace some workmen the J. E. Roberts has been convict up hill, they had a very en joy counter the coming week. recent payday started celebrating, ed by a jury at Vale of embezzle able time. Two Washington capitalists to the detriment of the usual ment of $310 of the funds of the Mr. W right, of the W right- working force. About 3000 men, are looking over the city this Malheur Publishing Co, He is Hall-Marquette company, who week with a view of invesiing. well known in this section. it is estimated, will be run furnished the last lyceum en Reuben McQuary made a trip H. Haley has returned from through the sorting process be to Vale Wednesday for filing on Seattle, where helds a position tertainment, visited the sohool fore the 30 miles are completed. an addition to the townsite of with the Frye-Bruhti Co. He in Monday afternoon and gave a Enough workmen to run the Riverview. forms us that the company is most entertaining and instruc big steam tracklayer are always The new manager of the Mal feeding in Washington this win tive talk to the pupils o f the seventh and eighth grades and present and no delay is expected ter. heur Home Telephone Co., Mr. the high school.' on that portion of the job. Sight Garner, is getting acquainted with seers are out each hour of the day The literary society will meet the patrons in tnis motion. from the surrounding country to uext Friday, with the following Frank Minton has just returned watch how actual railroad work is program: from a 10-day Boise trip. He Song— Spanish Cavalier, School accomplished, very few having Recitation, Florence McDonald ever seen anything of the kind. was in Nyssa Tuesday, accom An interesting and useful ses- School paper, Louise Robertson The old method of carrying the panied by George Eastman. of the Pomona Grange waa| Piano_:jadna Blodget, Georgia Write for Farmers bulletins sion ties and steel forward of the en held at the Boulevard on the 17th.| j j rown gines is none away with, the Nos. 521-522 U. 8. Department of The representatives from th D bate — Resolved, That the mammoth uiaohine doing the work Agriculture, containing valuable Owyhee were the Master, Oliftoi Parcel Poet will not be a suc M. Beaumont,. Me»srs. Tboi of Ì00 men, carrying an. endless G nL>. «nation. Send 19 cents. cess in th« United StnWe. / Lowe and A, G. stream of rails and ties from the O. M. Doubleday, of Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. * Perry'Houseman. Recitation—-Gertie Ray. • loaded cars iu its rear to the grade Michigan, purchased 7100 head of Mr. Dean of the Nyssa Grange Reading— Theo BlodgetC- in front with very little manual sheep recently of Sewell & Squin- gave a paper • on “ Fraternity.” Jokes— Manilla Reed. •» labor necessary. The whole op niger at $5.00 and $5.25 per head. Vlrs. Dean spoke on the woman S ong— Love's Old Sweet Song side. Mrs. Estelle Riddle Dodge School. , eration of laying 11 yards of Jess Thompson’s little boy was of the Ontario Woman’s club, Since the question of refusing track only requiring oue and one severely scalded by the upsetting spoko in behalf of club women for fourth minutes of time. Several 0f scalding coffee upon his arm co-operation with the Grange in to pay the teachers for the green hands have received bumps last week. Dr. Sarazin dressed matters pertaining to the beauti Christmas holidays has come fying of country school grounds up we are interested in the re and pinched extremeties while the injury. and the modernization and stan port of State L a b o r . Commis feeding and caring for the “ ani Yakima, Wash., parties are here dardization of the country school. sioner O. P. Hoff, air extract mile,” though nothing very seri looking up the Western Hotel She also brought in other matters from which is printer in the ous as yet. interest. Master last issue of the Oregon Teach proposition wii i view of renting of common One noticeable feature is the same if a satisfactory rental price Mitchell of the Nyssa Grange er’s Monthly.'- We quote: “ The touched a subject near to all when high proportion of foreigners teachers in California receive, is made. he spoke on Co-operation. We working. The men in responsible on an average, during the Rev. B. F. Jones, general mis are beginning to discover that our school year more than fifty per positions as engineers and fore problem is not so much the matter sionary of the Fpiscapal church, men being about all the Ameri of co-operative buying, as it is of cent more pay than do ours and will preach in the opera house co-operative selling. If Grangers though as stated above, we have cans on the work. An immense area of new country will be opened kunday morning al * * a. m. All would take the initiative in this reason to be proud of our teach matter of community sule ot po ers, we certainly should feel are cordially invited. to settlement by the completion tatoes. fruit, stock, creamery pro humiliated over our treatment this week A fire at Cambridge of the line in June. ducts and farm produce in gen of them. The demands of so destroyed a block structures, en eral, it would do much to remedy ciety are such that a teacher’s tailing a loss of several thousand the situation that exists in the dollars A brother of Lewis distribution of commodities—a expense« increase with the pass Orell's lost a Btock oi harness of a condition which the overreaching ing ot time, and fn order to live value of $3000. middleman has made intolerable, com fortably, appear creditably, Harry Coshow sustained an in both to producer and consumer. and save for future need, such jury to his leg by a horse falling It is a subject that farmers must remuneration should be given G. B. Holloway of Portland was upon hi” * on Sunday afternoon iu consider if they do not want to be that will retain for the public in the city Saturday. His prop front of the Methodist church, throttled by commission men and school the best brains in its ser Mr Beaumont was vice and also be an inducement erty interests are principally at where ice had formed in the road their ilk called on to speak as Master of for other« ranking h *h intel Nyssa, he being the owner of 100 way. the Owyhee grange and assured lectually to enter the field.” acres of fine land under the On- Mace & Phillips expect to furn the Pomona of the hearty support by the active Owyhee grange of tarin-Nyssa ditch in sections 12- ish goat milk to the Portland hos all measures determined upon for 20-46. The tract will be placed pitals next year. A bunch of sev the benefit of farmers. Come one, come all. Box social in cultivation this spring, a por Mr. Kingman was invited to in the opera house on Monday eral hundred angoras will furnish tion in fruit trees. the supply. The demand is un speak and threw a bomb into the evening, January 27, under the Mr. Holloway is thoroughly ac meeting when he told the Grang auspices of the Ladies Guiid. limited. ers that merchants and hankers Program begins atbo'cl-ick sharp, quainted with this part of the Gleun Pounds was injured Sat had secured a 20 |ier cent reduc followed by sale of boxes and a Snake valley. As traveling agent urday by falling off a tie upon tion of their taxes from the pres social dance. (Coffee on sale dur of the biggest harness house in ent county court, and when bn ing evening. Everybody welcome. Portland, he has been making this ) his right arm. No fracture of the wanted to know what the farmers Ladies please bring a box. A bones wap discovered, but Glen territory eight years, and the pur- ! weregoing to do ,m nil it, the Pr>- jolly good time is assured. chase of land here was merely will wear his wing in a sling for mona advis si each of the suhor dinate granges to authorize thair backing his best judgment With | ®°m” ('ays respective masters to appoint a hogs from the cash. The value of the land has A car of fat Djed. at Nyssa. on June 12, representative to enquire into tax and Pinkston increased 200 per cent since the ' Pratt A VV alters ation matters as th'y aro conduct Mrs. Rebecca Newbv, age 73 investment made three years ago. Smith herds was loaded for uopst ed at Vale. A nuilllier of grans year». Mrs. Newby leaves two sons, Business conditions in his ter delivery Monday. W H Ross of irregularities permitted by !l..‘ John and Hamid, a dau„'liter, Mrs ritory are better than ever. Mr. Roswell, the buyer, also shipped a former county court h iv • been r» Allen Green, to mourn her loss. ported, and farmers in general arc Hallowag states. 172 sets of har- 1 car of mutton sheep from Parma Moused o n . the subject. Mr. Her illness had existed for some ness for his first trip out in 1913 Parties contemplating orchard Beaumont, on-behalf of the Owy time. Pomona Holds Interesting Session Will Put 100 Acres in Cultivation Something Good to Eat. Death of Aged Lady. being a sales record. This condi tion is partially explained in the return of the democrats to power nationally. A firm belief in the great future of the intermonntain country has some effect, also. planting will do well to figure their list over with our home nurseryman. H. S . Monse, before planting. His trees are home | grown from bearing varieties ^ which produce in this climate. hee grange, invited the Pomona | to h<>ld its next ses ' >n at the { Owyh ee school bon«», where it is j expected that all farmers will be | invited to be present to* discusA live topics of real importance at tho open bession in the afternoon.* Januar) Births. To To To To To Mrs. Albert Wade, a boy. Mrs. Lemuel Wi].on, a gir]. Mrs Alva Riggs. « boy. Mrs. John Robin on. a boy, Mrs. Zeke Gatnhil, a girl.