The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, January 16, 1913, Image 6

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I ' ...
Railroads Place big
Order for Equipment
f Electric Signs
Bring Results
The Journal is in reoeipt of in - 1
formation from D E. Burley, gen­
eral prsse.’iger adcnt of the Ure-
*■ : Soort Line, tfcat an order has
» talk to til* public ari.«-!) U t eop. »ho are
y eu gated '«turng Uit day AKE IN A HE-
CE) TI E NDHJlY and ti-e -ione- tuey teli are lit-
riit»i ■ni*» t h ' m em orie» of the observer».
. advent*«-/
to e
In -ddition to the above, an or­
Po l i c y
to promote the prosperity of our customers,
believing thattheir interest? are identical with
irow m i.—to
—lo he helpful snd
and ‘V commodatii
f a r a‘
- sUl I will bsnlfing prudence
—to j -..vide the best facilities and tafegua’ds
i }> m t modern methods can supply—to up-
uild the husines* enterpri-e«- of the coin-
niuiiiiv—in short, to make in every way better
hnarii-ial conditions for those we serve.
FRANK D. HALL, Casher.
. . THE . ,
Merchants’ Lunch Room
Next door to Postoffice
fre th t ear* of various descrip­
tions. As engines average from
tJh.OnO each np. and freight car»
run from $b50 each ap. it »ill be
j noted that considerable money
outlay is involved in the order,
this indicates that these roads are
looking for a largely increased
truffle and are taking this means
I of preparing for it.
& Clubbing Offer
With N. Y. World
Billiard Hall
This is a time of great events
I ^nd you will want the news ac
jeorately and promptly.
i democrats for the tirst time in six-
Iteen years, will have the presi-
’ lency and they will also control
| both branches of congress. The
political news is sore to be of the
most absorbing interest
There is a great war in the old
world, and yon may read of the
extinction of tbe vast Turkish em-|
pire in Europe, just as a few |
years ago you read bow Spain
lost her last foot of soil in Amer­
ica. after having ruled the empire
of half the new world
The World long since estab­
lished a record for impartiality,
and any body can atford its thrice-
a-week edition, which comes
every other day in the week ex­
cept Sunday It will be of par­
ticular value to you now. Tbe
thrioe-a-week World also abounds
in other strong features, serial
stories, humor, markets, cartoons,
in fact, everything that is to be
found in a first-class daily.
We offer this unequalled news­
paper and the Gate City Journal
together for one year for $175
The regular subscription price of
tbe two papers is $2.50.
Fleming & Son
Nyssa, Oregon.
Manufacturers of
Cement Blocks and Brick
Contractors of all
Cement Work, Sidewalks, Septic Tanks
Cement Waterproofing
! Absolute Security
And Dependable Service at the
; Malheur County Bank
H J. WARD, President
.1 H. WOLF. Cashier
» ♦ ♦ * * * * * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * « * * * ♦ ♦ * * * * ♦ * * ♦ ♦ ♦ * * » * . ............................ ...
Clear and pur* is every
glassful of wine or liquor that
you buy bur*, bwonute we are
very particular in buying
from wholesale house» so that
we may ooiistoa'itiously »ell
lo i <ir patron» T m will like
thr flavor and th*' strength of
»ur Wins* and Ginnors. and
after the first t: ial we »hall
expact you la baooma a regu­
lar patron
January 31st Low farts to San
Francisco and Los Angles with
diverse routes and limit of April
1st. See 0 S. L ageats for rates
and further particulars.
Advertised Stray.
One red cow about 3 years old.
no visible brands, came to my
Owyhee ranch and tbe owner
may have same ou payment of
cost of this notice and feed
Ztk- Gambuil.
Jake Adams and family have
removed to the Carman cottage on
Railroad avenue, east side.
W oman i.o t W arm ly C ud.
D octors have recently testified with
ra th e r an unusual degree jf unanim ­
ity. th a t women in these days do not
dress warm ly enough, that n e u ras­
thenia is often the result of w earing
clothing of Insufficient th ic k n e ss
is no1- poverty, they say, but style, m a t
causes the difficulty. W omen cannot
.tultate the sylph-like m aiden of the
fashion p late and w ear heavy under-
w ear and thick d re s s e s fa sh io n , with
beautiful d isreg ard to the c h a n g u g
seasons. dem ands gauxy stockings, lo
•hoes, decollete gowns and short
sleeves T he re su lt is too often pneu­
m onia or an exhaustion of v itality and
se rv e force In th e effort to keep warm.
—S uccess M agazine
Cat's Advantage.
T he follow ing com position was w rit­
ten by a ten year-old nephew of Josh
B r in g s when the tea ch e r gave him
Dogs and C ats" for a ru h je c t: "Dogs
and k a ts aliw ays flte ech u th e r when
h» kit a chance; but a dog a in 't no
m atch for a kat, because a kat kin
m ake h e r tall tlg g e m a ball clnb and
run up a tre e whil a dega g ittln rid-
4 jt”
T be In tere stin g Pbaaa
W hen s fam ous ’«oor
for aWfcCe 'h r n N l - is tea
* t Ose loes to a rt In I
eficfl tn th e sin g e r’s
«- ___ „ .
>L. X
NO. 42
y Pipiseli w
a k.t. Wi dnesdi
I. Chuning help
; foi* several (lays last '
{ ■ F r e d Klingback mi
: t |( : Hot springs last
Freeman (Jlaiborn
fains in the field
¡i&ijf Mrs. Bertha Hobsc
1 visited relatives on
last week.
■ Grandpa Hatfield
. 8> uieone sets up wit
* of the time.
If you like good
J you can get the fir
( frail Don Forbes,
! -¿'Mrs. Pinkston ha
ill but is recovering
! at
*< present writing.
[D ick Robertson a
ilrs. Frank Newbill
|om Ontario Tuesda
There has been aca
> px in the Kolony i
farther cases are re]
Grandpa Rigby is
i in somewhat bett
resent than durin]
John Forbes sutfe
attack of pneumonia
Session with the gr
• ble to set up at this
Mr.and Mrs.Wm. i
Ontario Tuesday anc
on account of the si
of Mrs, Martin’s bi
A brotherinlaw jf
Rahley of Farina Iasi
int a surgical opei
ioly Rosary hospiti
ing operating.
The many friends
Nyssa, Oregon
lee and in the Kolor
Farmer will be gri
if Mis. Farmer’s ©
lerious illness,
T he T rim m e r's T rick.
Artie Robertson i
I took th e tro u b le to w atch a
;he Holy Rosary Hoi
m er fill a b ask et w ith ordinary
lay to be operated oi
toes, w rites "Tip" In th e New T(
citis, but Dr. Prinzir
P ress
He took an enorm ous pa
the appendix was
too big to sell to any w ise buyer
badly that he pospon
put th is p o tato on end w ith cro'
up In th e b a sk e t and th en he ball
open It a kind
of tre stle w o rk <
Messrs. Fenn anc
bridge piling »a th e fine sized nlg| jJNyssa are plastering
round bak in g boys on top W hen
’Walter Pinkston's ne
c u sto m e r buys, th e po tato es
^otherwise preparing
poured as quickly as a flash in to a
pancy. Mr. Pinksti
bag and it is only w hen the h ouses^
g*ts hom e th a t she find the gtai lone of the most snl
sized p o tato n e arly filling th e bd Swell finished houses
and sh e w isens up w hen she cuts
Oh, what music thi
th e big, fa t boy for boiling. As
tracklaying machine
rule, th e big ones h av e a g reat I
ears. Talk about g
hollow h e a rt and Insides as black
(Schuman-Heinck or
a m an 's h a t. N ow adays th e y a re
ing to m ato es and
o th e r
I Garden harmony! 1
b ask ets, n o t In th em
T hey taks
preciate some sounds
nice big w ad of p a p e r and fill up tl
| iy classed as classic.
b a sk e t to th e top and th en pile in
J. O. McGinnis,
produce and p u t on th e price.
[F. Clairboru and Wi
j hauled hogs hist mot
[ ter Pinkston; and J.
Mere Is Re*! S u c e rstitio n .
A little book published In Colo
(J. S. Beaumont t
In 1665 u n d e r th e title of ■ G eistII
Toombs, with a fom
nnd leibliche A rzteney w ider
hauled porkers for
P e st." gives a c rude e x p la n a tltu l
Messrs. Pratt and P
th e plague and its ra v ag e s. W e la
I up a carload of hogi
th a t it Is due to th e e c c e n tric m<
! Ross of Roswell, tc
tf.ent of th e p lan e ts, e clip ses of
1 from Nyssa to Portia
m oon o r sun, in u n d atio n s, ta.1
quakes, fam ines and w ars O ften, ;
E. F. P ratt A. G.
it follow s th e bad effluvium set up I
H. Walters went tc
pigs, d ucks and geese. It is fre ;«■
[ business last Tues
ly a ttrib u ta b le to th e a n g e r of d l
Pratt, and Walters rt
for m an 's sins, such as Injustice J
i i.esday, but Mr. Kin
th e law co u rts, th e o p p re ssio n of g|
Jects by th e ir ru le rs, th e d e a ro e s il
ed the Pomona sc
grxMis. th e dance and gam ing
grange held at B(
went on to Yale to
ous business. Mesi
and Walters were a
the Ontario common
ing the Tuesday evei
n j
Most Popular Priced Store in the Snake
River Valiev.
We buy and sell for CASH only, thats why
we undersell others. We are shipping
produce every day to our Boise house.
Chickens, Eggs, Butter, Honey, in fact,
most anything taken in exchange for
Cut prices on
Drygoods, Furnishings, Shoes,
Wove1'. Wire, Harness, Barb
J. A. AMES, Prop.
Lee ¡Sale, now at Elsmore. Utah,
writes of a temperature of 24 be­
low z**ro in that section. M>-
Sale has been employed by a su­ THEIR APPETITES WITH THEM
gar company during the winter 2 '/j Pounds of Meat and 12 Q u a rts of
Stro ng D r in k P e r C a p ita
run and expect* to move to Span­
la F re n ch Record.
ish Fork soon Mrs Sale is ex­
pected to visit her parents at
F r*cchm en ar» p re tty able tren c h er
Nyssa during January
n e t . butVtfce follow ing account of a
Mid-Winter Excursion
' ,r
Pacific and Oregon
re if*, delivery to
der ba» been placed for 12-V.O
fo r 3 4 6 .
b e g in A p r il B e lt.
wisely » L en he uve-i»
« in a c tiv e
rt Lil
Ja n u a ry .
Ja n u a ry , the m onth w ith th e L atin
cam e, had a g rim m er nam e In Saxon
E ngland
R ichard V e rs’egan. in h i»
•R estitution of Decayed In telligence
A ntiquities.
a curious
published in 16*3, w rites: T he m onth
which we now call 'J a n u a ry ' our Saxon
a n ce sto rs called 'w olf m o n at,’ to-wit,
iceal m ade by eight N orm an Feasants wolf m onth,' because people a re wont
su rp a sses e x p ec ta tio n s
According to alw ays In th a t m onth to be In m ore
the M edical Jo u rn al, a g razier with d a n g er to be devoured of wolTes th an
seven of his frien d s undertook an ex in any season else of the y e ar: for
peditlon to g a th e r fagots
th a t, through th e e x tre m ity of cold
Among them they should have m an­ and snow, those ravenous c re a tu re s
aged som e 400 fagots but 37 rep re­ could not find o th e r b e a sts sufficient
sented th e sum of th e ir work, the j to feed upon
»mail total being accounted for. pos­
sibly by th e luncheon which the octet
B ritish T arg e t P ra - -*
devoured. T hey m anaged to consum e
A lthough th e conditions c f ; trg e t
30 p o .n d s cf m eat, S q u a rts of pure
j p ractice have been m ade m ore diffi­
perry 16 b o ttle s of a sso rte d wines, 9
cult for th e gunner, th e n u m b er cf
b ottles of cham pagne and t q u a rts of
bits has In creased in th e B ritish navy
ider brandy of an alcoholic strength
T he ta rg e t tow ed a t an unknow n
>l 65 per cent. A ro a st goose, placed
! speed. Is 30 feet high by 90 feet long,
-bougbtfully am ong th e rations
th e la tte r dim ension b e irg i<?:s - h a t
sot required.
one-fifth the len g th of a u c j ? — bat-
T his uncheon re p re se n ts an a T e r tlesb lp
D uring 1910 th e 10 and 12-
®f *,*
0t tCeat 8nd 11
gu arts of m ilk, none of it w eak, per
capita du rin g the 12 hours occupied
ky the expedition
The H and and tile Mlud.
As dex -erity w ith th " hands fre­
quently dem ands c o n sld 'ra'o le m ental
effort, so m anual tra in in g appears to
react upon th e brain in a stim ulative
way T his la the conclusion of Prof.
Blazek of A ustrian. Poland, and Dr.
S chuyten of A ntw erp, who. at tb e re­
cent in te rn atio n al congress of school
hygiene a t
P arts,
th e
views based upon ex p erim en tatio n ,
th a t m anual tra in in g has th e effect of
developing m ental qualities of re ad ­
iness and concentration. M any have
noticed th e beneficial effect of m anual
labor upon m ~ntal activity, a historic
((exam ple being th a t of G ladsom e and
I Ms
tree-chopping—a n
which he shared w ith H orace G reeiey
and A braham L incolr —P hiladelphia
V aluable Scientific D iscovery.
A discovery suggesting th e posat-
bllity of the p a rtia l tra n sm u ta tio n ol
precious sto n es by m eans of radium
has ju st been m ade accid en tally at
the C ornish radium w orks One of the
chief officials who dally h andles 'h e
tu b es c o ntaining the rt5 e elem ent no-
d e ed th a t a diam ond In his -ring
seem ed to change color a n a Increase
Since th en seve^a. ex
p e rtm en ts have been m ade A v a rie t’
at precious «'ones have b e e r er- . ;ed
In a box w ith two tubes, each contain-
ng 50 m illigram s of radium
•to n e changed color a fte r e x p c iu re of
different duration. Som e m agnificent
tin ts h ave been obtained, including a
d a llc a te p ink in one diam ond
h its per m in­
! inch guns averaged
u te ag ain st 0.0 four y e ars ago
9 2-lnch guns for th e whole fleet a v e r­
aged 2.01 h its ; th e 7 5-tnch gun m ade
2 61 h its as a g ain st 1 58 m ade by this
gun four y ears ago
Suprem acy of the Soul.
L ink soul t ith all th a t Is w orthy
• 1th all th a t is tru e w ith all th a t is
good, w ith all th a t Is noble and then
w hen you go out into th e w orld of
n a tu re you will be e n ab ’ed to say, I
have w alked w ith God upon th e hills
and h ave seen each m om a r1«“ new,
b ath ed In light of Paradis»
rt £
L. Pow ell, L ouisville
) S
j S
, 9
j *
j *
Fine Wines, Liquors and
The Best Is None Too Good for You.
Y ou Get It Here
Main and Front Sts
Nys^a. Oregon
H. L. Stout is adt
to his crop area.
O. L. Brown w
acres if conditit
favorable having
Spaulding deep till:
for preparing the |
An immense t
lands will be wal
future on the Sunn
of the river thrnugl
of the district pla