Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1913)
/ POULTRY AM ) GAME Can g e t you fan cy prices fo r W ild D ucks nd at her gam e in season. W rite us fo r jrash offer on all kindB o f poultry pork, etc. m e n tí P« arson-Page Co., Portland Ship us your VEAL. PORK. POULTRY, HIDES >nly a smal rantee top prices and CHECK BY RETURN Tato«, price«. « 0 0 1 s. free. We will vend for on request In all w lo make shipments during am- i ' m ii '• • ither Northwest ^ K r y Journal. Puri tic Homestead. Poultry Life, • .•it Pacif Earn f t Plei -«• tell jo u r neigh- about our liberal offer. Ship to th e distric. F. H. SCHMALZ & CO. » Captul $10,000. Ml 143 Front St.. PORTLAND. ORE. H O P ^RB E. BURTON Assayer and Cbemlst, I I Leadvillc, ('dorado. Specimen prices: Gold, a il vs Lead. U !.. .¡.i. Silver. T5c; G old 60c: o r O di um -, SI. M ailing envelopes a id fu ll pricelist sent ol application. Control and Umpire w o rk s» licite fisi oreneo: GUrbonate National Uaná. w a n te d , Second-H and Machin ery bought, sold and _ exchanged: en gin es. , sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 83 1st rtland. Send fo r Stock List and prices. Machinery in Ilio in te r im SOI RAW FURS / W A N T E D ^ y ^y Ighest Market Fr ee Paid far wm> H. LIEBES & C O .^ i, O r e g a * / Hoxie cun tel 1 land investnieuJ um. P. Plagemann. Mgr. <* 1gl » MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 8 Morrison St Corbett Bldg. £ Fila Nall Bank. Portlawl.Cre. if.. > jì -- HUNTERS! TRAPPERS! Peal d ire ct w ith m anufac turer. W e pny the highest prices fo r Raw Fur«. W rite fo r tree p rice list and shipping tags. » ♦ ♦ » ♦ » • I ./♦♦♦♦♦ N M. INGAR CO., FURRIERS IE 191 Seventh Street (H ► A IN J LIME PORTLAND. ORE. FERTILIZER A l*"1 Land Plaster, I.imc. Cem ent, Wall Plas ter id Shingles. W iito fo r prices. n terest NOTTINGHAM & CO. IC 2 Front Street. PORTLAND . OR. V .------------------------------------------------------ B A N D M E N . R E Si ional payments, s ready as soon factory. HOLTON and BUESCHER H b and instrum ents. The most com plete stock o f Musicn! M erchandise in the N orthw est. W rite for Catalogues. SKI BEK L IN G -L IT A S MUSIC CO. Second Street. Portland. Oregon or address MAKE SPENDING MONEY Boy s and Girls w anted to m anufacture and sell P erfection F u rniture Polish. A g en ts puy 15c. i 25c. Send 5Cc fo r form ula and directions, al coa ta 8c. A R T IS M FG. CO.. D ept. G, 12 Bernice B ldg., Tacom a, Waah. d g e tt! Aphorisms of Laoy u , ...... It is such a nrlief to "let go,” as n ■ant said when she gave up keeplr a [waist! Women find a man dull an on nterestlng when he proposes t _ ^ B o th e r woman — “ The Chequr ------ ----------------------- ’ Board.' bv l " G O IN ^■■■■4■■■■♦♦♦* W a ter in bluing ia adulteration C lass and w a t e r m ake liquid blue costly. Buy R ed Cruaa Ball m akes clothes w h iter than snow . .Opposition. A Blair county barrister recently handed a brief up to the court In Which he thus described his two brethren on the other side: "Thej ir e like two ghouls in a countr; S avoyard seeking a carcaaa to < ► B u r ." — Phlledo’ - ' “ Gome on Along” Join the merry thousands who enjoy good health as a result o f taking care o f the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. It is there fore unnecessary for you to suffer from Indigestion, ferm en tation, Heartburn, Sick Head ache, Biliousness, Costiveness, Colds or Grippe. Just get a bottle o f HOSTETTERS STOMACH SITTERS and notice the improvement in your general health. It will help you. Refuse substitutes. “ S ta r t T oday” DIDN’T HURT A BIT” is what they all say f our Tainless Methods o f Extracting Teeth. £ A. Will, Pwiiom in Mu O u t-o f-to w n peo ple can have their plate and bridge- w ork finished in one day i f necessary. A n absolute guar antee. backed by 26 years in Portland. Kitten In Revolt. A remarkable case of filial Ingratt tude on the part of a black kitten hai occurred In Liverpool, England. A few days ago a customer threw t piece o f meat between them, which was secured by the mother cat. Tc the surprise of everybody, the klttei sprang at his mother and drove hei out of the house. Since then he hai mounted guard over the doors to pro vent her return, and. although she has attempted time after time to re turn to her old home, her stern, un bending, and ungrateful son bars the way. ft C u res W hile Y o u W dlk. " " A lle n 's F oot-E ase is a c e r ta in c u r e f o r h o t, ■w esting, ca l I us, anfl sw o lle n , a c h in g feet. Sold >y a ll D ru ggists. P ric e c'ar. D o n 't a cce n t an y m b stitu te . T ria l p ack a ge EKEE. A tiJress tilt l i " 0 1 lu s te .l,I.e K oy, S . V. _ Dust Laying In England. The highway departmei of the city of Leeds, England, has recently treat ed portions of a macadam roadway with granular calcium chloride to combat the dust. Solutions of the lat ter had previously been tried at greater cost and without such satis factory results. The road Is first well swept und two applications of the chloride are made on succeeding eve nings of about one-half pound per vard. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE D A Y T ake L A X A T I V E I1ROMO Q uinine Tablets. D ruggist» re fu n d m oney i f it fails to cure. El. W . SH O V E’S sign atu re is o n each box. 25c. 'X C R K T S OF SP H IN X Harvard Savant Finds Great Image Tomb of King. Boston— That he has discovered the secrets o f the Sphinx has been made known to the authorities o f the Har vard Scientific Museum and the Boston Museum o f Fine Arts, by Professor G. A. Reisner, the Harvard Egyptologist. Inside the Sphinx he found a temple dedicated to the sun. It is older than any o f the pyramids, and its date is somewhere around 6000 B. ¡ 0 . , the most ancient in Egyptian history. The tomb o f Mena, the king, who posed as a god and who fashioned the Sphinx, is also within it. There are tunnels leading off into caverns which have not yet been penetrated, for the work has been going on only six months. The Sphinx is carved out o f natural rock, but within are caves and build ings o f a city o f gold, which was per haps once open to the air. A t present the excavations are con fined to a chamber. The head o f this chamber is 60 feet long by 14 wide. It is connected by tunnels with the temple o f the sun, which rests within the paws o f the Sphinx. Such relics as the “ Crux Anastea’ ’ (looped cross), symbol o f the sun, are found by the hundreds. Inside the Sphinx are also tiny pyramids, al though the Sphinx was built long be fore the real pyramids. Accoading to Professor Reisner, the Egypt o f today covers one vast city, the edge o f which has been scratched, and the interior o f which probably never will be disclosed. Ocean uer.izens. According to Sir .John Murray, on* of the greatest authorities on ocean ography, the bottom is ^ desert ol pitch-black darKness, penetrating cold and eternal silence. Worms, so* puddings, and coral polyps sluggishly crawl or sway In the almost current W ATCH TA R IFF IS IN LINE less depths, and only two species ol fish, both of them, with much head and little body, have been found Aluminum Declared to Be in Hands of Monopoly. deeper than a mile and a quarte; down. ________ ________ Washington, D. C. — Democratic D on’ t bu y w ater fo r bluing. Liquid blue is nl- members o f the house committee on Ttnst all w ater. Buy R ed Cross Ball blue, the ways and means are planning to exam due th at’s ull blue. ine closely the affairs o f the Alumi SimpJity u.w < . w o i Living. num Company o f America and the I do believe in simplicity. It ia a? Waltham Watch company, when their tonishing as well as sad, how man representatives testify in an adjourned trival affairs even the wisest inai hearing on the metal tariff schedule. thinks he must ‘ attend to in a day Each company has been charged with how singular an affair he thinks h< being a trust. must omit. When the mathematiciai One day will be devoted to the tariff would solve a d iff cult problem, h schedule covering wood and its manu- first frees the equation of all Incum factures, and silks and silk goods. brances, and reduces it to its simples* Neither o f these schedules was affect terms. So simplify the problem o ed by Democratic revision attempted life, distinguish the necessary ant in the last session o f congress. the rea’ — — *«T John P. Barlew, o f New York, rep resenting clients interested in the PILES CURED IN 6 TO 11 D AYS aluminum duty, has filed with the com Your d ru ggist w ill refu nd m oney if P A Z O O IN T M ENT failB to cure any case o f Itch ing. Blind, mittee a brief alleging that the alum Bleeding o r F rotruding P iles in 6 to 14 days. 60c. inum industry practically is in the hands o f the one concern, the Alumi Never Too Far. num Company o f America, controlling W e need not be af.aid that we shall substantially all the sources o f alumi go too far in the walk of active love. num in the country. Is no danger that any of us will ever Arthur V. Davis, o f Pittsburg, rep go oto far in the walk of active love, resenting the Aluminum company, rhere is po likelihood that any of us has been urged by the committee to will become too bountiful, too kind, appear at the hearing. too helpful to his neighbor.—J. C. E. C. Fitch, o f Waltham, is expect Hare. ed to represent the watch concern. The American watch manufacturers want a specific duty basis instead o f YEARS OLD the Democratic plan o f 30 per cent ad-’ valorem on watch movements. Relic ot Spanish Armada. An anchor of the Spanish armada period, recovered from the Wallett, a RADIO W ILL SERVE A L A SK A well-known “ swatchway,” three miles off Clacton, England, has been pre Secretary Meyer Approves Regula sented to Colchester (Essex) Museum. tions for Commerciaw'Use. For generations this anchor has been an enemy to the trawls of local fisher Washington, D. C.- -Six naval radio men, but at length one of the flukes stations in Alaska will be opened for jecame worn partially away, and commercial business before February he last trawl that struck it thus 11ft- 1. Secretary Meyer has approved d It from the -round regulations for rates, methods o f handling messages and other questions Mothers w ill find Mrs. W inslow 's Bootftlng The sta Syrup t ’ o b r s t re m e d y to u s e 'o r ih e h e h iid ra a relating to the new service. 1 u r iu g * «e t e e t h in g p e r io d . tions are at St. Paul, Dutch Harbor, Unalaga, Kodiak, Cordova and Sitka. Messages from St. Paul, Dutch Habor, Well Answered. When he once asked a London Unalaga and Kodiak to all points in class of girls, added I)r. Macnamara, the United States except California, what they would say If ho told them via the North Head, Wash., radio sta he saw the sun rise in the west, he tion, will cost 25 cents a word, plus the got the reply that it was impossible. commercial rate to destination. From "But," he persevered, "supposing I St. Paul, Dutch Harbor, Unalaga and still declared I had seen the sun rise Kodiak to points in California, via the in the west?” "W ell," one of the Eureka radio station, messages will be girls at length replied, “ I should sent at the rate o f 30 cents a word, think you must have got up rather plus the commercial rate to destina tion. late.” __________________ Fully prepaid messages addressed to \ ships in Alaskan waters or to Alaskan Setting Her Mind at Rest. W inter Visitor (In Florida)— "1 points will be accepted at North Head should love really to go sailing, but It and Eureka from the public or by land looks very dangerous. Do not people wire for transmission by radio. often get drowned in this bay?" W a terman— “ No, Indeed, mum. The Seek Peace With Yaqui Indiana. sharks never lets anybody drown.”— Washington, D. C. — John Hays New York Weekly. Hammond, the mining expert who was^ President T a ft’ s special ambassador at the coronation o f King George o f Eng-1 land, has requested permission from* the Mexcan government, through Am-* bassador Calero, now in Mexico City; to go into the stronghold o f the Yaquf Indians in Sonora to try to pacify them. Mr. Hammond is desirous o f establishing peace among the Yaquls, to carry out an extensive in ig a ti* * project along the Yaqui river in tl |> territory occupied by the Indians. overio° ivsn ts Eye Salve 75 YEARS OF PUBLIC APPR0” AL W ise Dental Co. O f f ic e HOURS: A. M. t o 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 1 ! P h on es: A 2 0 2 9 ; Main 2 0 2 9 . W ' ,in* B ld g ., Third and W ash in gton , P ortland THri-DID rwoM t Ü Ü A M t or . wm . w p ic *\ FOR C O N STIP A TIO N a n d a ll fo r m s o f DIGESTIVE DISORDERS 3 F .N D 9 Edmonton Has Bad Fire. ll Edmonton. A lta.— Fire, which start ed in Red’s Bazaar, for a time threat* ened the entire block in the central business district here early Sunday« Owing to a broken water main, the firemen were unable to get a stream on’ the fire and a number o f small buildings were torn down before the progress o f the flames could bs checked. The loss was $100,000. The thermometer registered 30 de grees below zero. Effort to Save Pet Dog Fatal. Los Angeles While trying to save the life o f Minx, her pet M exicai hairless dog, which had run in front o f a fast electric car, Miss Mary Curry, 24 years old, was instantly killed near Los Angeles. ï IRRI(¡ATIONISTS SCORE CAREY ACT Demand Relief for Settlers and Show State’s Negligence. Urge State Power Plant at Celilo Rapids and Recommend Coun ty Good Roads Measure. OFFICERS ELECTED BV OREGON TION CONGRESS. IRRIGA Doubly Glad is the M an W h o Smokes President, William Hanley, Burns; first vice president, A . B. Thompson, Echo; second vice president, C C. Chapman, Portland; third vice presi dent, M. J. Lee, Canby; secretary treasurer, J. T. Hinkle, Hermiston. Portland — Unqualified declaration th af the Carey act has not operated successfully and presentation o f a sub stitute plan whereby the settler can give a first mortgage and secure imme diate title to his land were contained in resolutions unanimously adopted by the Oregon Irrigation congress. Further resolutions urge the state legislature to provide funds for the immediate relief o f settlers on the Co lumbia Southern project in Crook county; to pass a county bonding act for the construction o f good roads, and to appropriate money for the thorough investigation o f the Columbia river power project was advocated by John H. Lewis, state engineer. One o f the most important and the shortest— resolutions provides that no reclamation project be opened for set tlement until the water is ready for distribution. This would prevent such disastrous results as those experienced by the Columbia Southern settlers. Residence requirements on irriga tion projects constructed by the Rec lamation service were declared unjust and unreasonable and action was urged that will allow water-users 25 years in which to repay the government for construction expenses. President-elect Wilson was asked to appoint a “ Western, and preferably an Oregon man, possessing legal learn ing, knowledge o f actual conditions existing in the West, and the judicial temperament essential to the proper discharge o f the duties o f the office for secretary o f the interior.” No men tion o f either Joseph N. Teal or Will R. King was made. Adjudication o f the water rights under the Central Oregon Irrigation company’s project, which was made the subject o f an address by A. O. Walker, o f A lfalfa, was asked in a separate set o f resolutions. Legislative appropriation o f $50,000 to be used with a like amount already promised by Secretary Fisher, o f the Federal Interior department, in in vestigating irrigation and power proj ects as outlined by J. N. Teal before the congress, was advised. The State Board o f Control was com mended for its work in the adjudica tion o f the waters o f the Silvies river in Harney county and the early com pletion o f the project was recom mended. Hearty indorsement was given the state forest work and attention o f the legislature was called to the necessity o f maintaining and provding for it. The beneficial influence o f forest cover for the run-off streams and the hazard o f denuded watersheds through fires were pointed out. 1 Glad to smoke this pure old Virginia and North Carolina bright leaf— with its natural tobacco taste. A ged and stemmed and then granulated. Tucks quickly in the pipe— rolls easily into a cigarette. W ith each sack a book o f cigarette papers FREE. And smokers are glad to get the free^ pres ent coupons enclosed in each 5c sack. These coupons arc good for a great variety ot pleasing articles — cameras, talking machines, balls, skates, safety razors, china, furniture, toilet articles, etc. Many things that will delight old or young. As n special offer, during January and February only, we will send our new illustra ted catalog of these presents FREE. Just send us your name and address on a postal. In every sack o f Liggett <$■ M yert D u k e’ s Mixture is one and a half ounces o f splendid tobacco and a free present coupon. Coupons from D uke's M ix t u r e may be assorted w ith tags from HORSE SH O E. J .T ., TINSLEY'S N A T U R A L LE AF, G RANG ER T W IS T , and cou- pons from FO U R ROSES (irtrO» double coupon), PICK P I-l'G C U "r, PIED M O N T CIG AR ETTES. C U X C1GA- RETTES, and other tags o r coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. St. Louis. Mo. A s ick c o w is a had in vestm en t, an d a c o w th a t is | n ot p rod u cin g as m uch g ood m ilk as she sh ou ld is n o t w ell. A ll c o w s need ca refu l a tte n tio n t o k e e p them h ealth y, l a n d little d isord ers c a n be k ep t from b e co m in g b ig b y the use o f K ow Kure. T h is fam ous rem ed y is a sure cu re an d p reven tive o f m ost co w I l l s — su ch as L o s t A p p etite, M ilk Fever, Bunches, R e d W a te r , Scouring, A b ortion , Barrenness, an d R etain ed A fterb irth . G et a p ackage o f K ow Kure from your dealer an d keep it on h an d con s ta n tly . 50 ce n t a n d $1.00 sizes. Ask for c o p y o f “ T h e C ow B ook .” DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO., MFRS. Lynfcnvillt, VL P A C IF IC C O A S T D IS TR IB U TO R S PORTLAND SEED CO.. Portlaid, Ore. GLRNAIH SEED CO.. Let Aifeles, CaL Auto Suggestion. Do not forget to carry a pencil ana Hold Funeral for Horse Omnibus. a pad of paper so that you may take Paris — The funeral o f the horse down the number of the motor car omnibus o f Paris took place Saturday that runs over you. when the last o f the lines was sup pressed. A t noon, when the old ve hicle was to start on its final journey, a great crowd gathered and with mock solemnity hung wreaths inscribed with the virtues and past glories o f the ramshackle conveyance round the sides. A line o f new automobile omnibuses Sloan’s Liniment gives were drawn up round the square and quick relief for cough, cold, the motormen o f these modern vehicles hoarseness, s o r e t h r o a t , sat with their caps in their hands and croup, asthma, hay fever played the lugubrious fanfare on their and bronchitis. horns as the driver o f the horse omni HERE’ S PROOF. bus drove off on his final run. Legal Repartee. "And now I mean to handle youv witnesses without gloves,” said • counsel, whose witnesses had met with rather severe treatment from the other side." "Indeed! That’s more than I should like to do with yours.” smilingly retorted his learned friend Cough, Cold SoreThroat N avy’s Ban on Pets Off. Norfolk, Va.— The goats, monkeys, cats, dogs, parrots and other pets aboard Uncle Sam’s fighting ships at the Norfolk navy yard, which were banished a few days ago, when, re port said, Rear-Admiral Doyle wa3 butted by a goat on the quarterdeck o f the battleship New Hampshire, will be restored to the jackies. There is joy in the fleet again. Assistant Sec retary Winthrop, o f the navy depart ment, let it be known the department did not approve their removal. Admir al Doyle denies the goat butted him. Five Bankers Seek Parole. Leavenworth, Kan. -One hundred and fifty prisoners in the Federal pen itentiary here, among them five bank ers, will apply for release at the quar terly meeting o f the Federal Board o f Parole at the prison next Monday. The bankers are from Indianapolis, Pittsburg, Guthrie, Okla., and Paris, Tex. Since the Federal parole law went into effect more than 200 pris oners have been released through its operation and only four returned. Kills $1200 Silver Fox. Silver Lake, O r.—J. W. Embody, manager o f the Embody Lumbering company at this place, killed a big male ailver gray fox, shooting the an imal from an open window on the sec ond floor o f his house. The pelt o f the fox, which was uninjured by the shot, is worth from $1200 to $1500, according to old trappers here. Chinese Herbs In Great Demand Taken in Hot Water They Prove Quick Cures for Most Ailments. M r . A l b e r t W . P r ic k ,o f Fredon ia, K an ., w rites : “ W e use S loan ’s L in i m ent in the fa m ily and find it an e x c e lle n t re lie f fo r co ld s and bay fever attacks. It stops cou g h in g and sueex- in g alm ost in s t a n t ly .1 SLOANS LINIMENT p ; J Wo RELIEVED SORE T H R O A T . M r s . L. B r e w e r , o f M od ello, F la., w rite s : “ I bou gh t fine b o ttle o f y ou r L in im en t and it did m o all the good in the w orld . M y th roa t was very sore, an d it cu red me o f my trouble. ’ G O O D FOR COLD A N D CROUP. M r . W . H . S t r a n o e , 3721 E lm w ood A v en u e, C h icago, III., w rite s : **A lit tle b o y n ex t d o o r had c r o u p . I ga ve th e m other S loan’s L in im en t t o try. She gave him th ree d ro p s on sugar b e fo r e g oin g to bed, and he got up w ith ou t the cr o u p in th e m orn in g.’ ' P r l o o , 2 5 c . , B O c ., $ 1 .0 0 Sloan's Treatise on the Horse sent free. Gee THE CHINE8K DOCTOR ! Form erly a doctor o f high standing in China, C. Gee W o from his many years o f research has learned the peculiar properties o f hundreds o f d ifferen t l*arks. buds, roots and herbs. Th ir action on th>’ human system in most ca^ea o f sickness is noticeably beneficial almost at the first few doses. They are non-pois«.nous, and in the hot w ater are easily assimilated by the sys tem, wher they act on the seat o f ihe trouble. I f you have been sick for som e tim e and find m edicine* o f no help, call and secu re some o f Na ture’ s intended r«-me«lies fr«»m the C. Gee We Chinese M edicine Co. CONSULTATION FREE. I f you are sick and live out o f tow n, send 4 centa in stam ps and secure a sym ptom blank. Proper rem edies can then be secured on return o f it. Open EveninRH and Sundays. The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 162Í First St., Cor. .Morrison PORTLAND, OR. P. N . U. No W H E N wHtiag to advertisers, pleas* TT tion H i m pal