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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1913)
f * OULTRY A > GATE C in JOURNAL Can Bet you fa n cy prict • t judges arrested in Kansas on taeh offer on all kinds o f p charges of corruption, a Seattle | rery Thursday at , ublished every arson-Page Cc judge recently forced to resign to Nyssa. Oregon uvqid arrest on giave charges and the Idaho supreme court making I us jour VEAL, PORK, THE JOURNAL PUB. ASSOCIATION itself the by-word of the entire imaruntee top price« and < A f i n e o p p o r t u n i t y f o r a p r a c t i c a l c a n n e r o r p i c k l e m a n , only a sm Tag*. price*. »ooi h . fre J. M. C h a i g .................................. Editor nation. Anti yet there are people nr on rciiueHt to all wi n n ■ary one year'* *»»il m-ription who act as though they believed a T»i' •l'"‘ inal I'.M i }| i * ii c a p i t a l n e e de d . - IWif'i- '■ it' ' i I" "out our liberal offer HI Enteriti us sJ, belass matter judge was incapable of wrong F. H. SCHMALI April 14. 11*10, at. .ne post office doing. P ate n te d and u n p a t e n t e d lands u n d e r p r o p o s e d d i t c h a n d i n t h e distrip apttil $10.000. nil 143 r at Nyssa, Oregon,'tinder the Ac. of March 3, 1*71«. f o r sale o n g o o d te rm s . M O * RO E. BURTON A* According to. the Milton Eagle l v 1’e. Col«>rado. Hpct *Uv#r Lead. (J «... id, Silver, the Milton Fruit Growers Union or Ctn «r. SI. Mailing envelop« m l * a application. Control a Lands suitable f o r d r y f a r m i n g f o r lo ca tio n . S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S lie n * : Kaiurencxt: GUrbocatej is being shaken up by the stock One year, in advance ..................$t..'.0 holders to beat the band. -Y 90-foot frontage on Bower avenue, in business district, dry, level, tuitalde for business. Q uick sale wanted. S i* months, in advance ................... Tr number of amendments to the con Three months, in a d v a n c e ,.............. ¡>o « O pening for man with small capital to go into m an ufactu rin g business. Good m arket for product in the interniq stitution have been adopted and boilerM, sawmills, etc. '1 he J . BL. Portland. Send for Stock tain territory. a resolution passed forbidding Judge Archbold admitted doing R esidence lots from $50 up on lo n g tim e to those bu ild in g . the directors to employ either the the things with which he was I HAW FURS Inst year’s manager or the man charged in the impeachment trial, ager of the year before. Also the w a n t e d 4 $ J but stated that he did not know W . B . H O X I E . . . . N y s s a , O r e g t fghest Market F rw raid sales agent was put among the they were wrong. Rather a strange list of undesirables. This drastic ' T* H. LIEBES & CO. admission tor a judge to make » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » » > • • » ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • « > > > » » • » » • » ♦ • O S > > ........................... . P. Placemann. Mgr. action was tint* to the unsatisfac 'MANUFACTURING FURRIERS and we fear there are other judge- M Marmo« St CorUrtl Bid«. tory manner in which the l nion ■ r t U Nall Bank. Parllaad.Cre. on the bench with a like limited w. B. Hóxie cun tell i in! Xorval office. Alvah Doom« For Sale— Sage brush, cut in has handled the fruit crop for the GENIUS IS NOT INHERITED knowledge of what constitutes a some good land investmeui stove lengths, trimmed or with past few years. Last year private Thompson. crime. by. See him. Journal M oil Pact* W ho Have Had Soria Did tops. Leave orders at sbi|>|>ers paid from 125 per ton Not Tranxmit Olvlna Inflatua When the cost of distributing for prunes at the beginning of the Foal d ir to Them. Direr. W the necessaries of life to consum season down to $1N at the close. prices for for free pr An examination of the question of ers is no more proportionately Up to the time tin* writer left tags. the transmission of genius from father ( AM NOT AFRAID >£. N. M. INI than the cost of distributing post there in October no returns had to son would seem to Indicate that the FIRST MORTGAGE OF APPENDICITIS age stamps to cotisuliters the high been made q*i those shipped 30ns of great poets are generally “ dull cost of living will have largely through the Union, and the most dogs." The most eminent English po ets had no sons, or lost them early; disappeared. But before that optimistic did dot expect to net and the sam e observation Is true of time comes some more socialistic over $10 a ton. We am noting American poets also. Poetic fever may be a flame that 4kl> Land Plaster. Lime, Ce doctrine will hav ; to be adopted these things, not to knock fruit ter and Shingles. W iitc- for and put intc operation. Owing growers unions, because they are burns out In Its own generation. Often W ith 8 per Cent Interest the poet seems to put so much Into bis NOTTINGHAM to their prejudice, most people essential to the highest success of work as to sacrifice his paternity, and $D- Front Street. would prefer to suffer the ills tin* fruit industry, but that our often, alas; the' professional poet ts they have ra*her than obtain re local union may profit by tbeir ex too poor to marry at all. However I Eat A ll I W ant to Now No Mors that may be, many English poets are Gas on ths Stomach or Sour lief from such a source. perience. Too many high sal quit of the charge of begetting “dull BANDMEN Stomach. No More Heavy On improved Farm Property with optional payments, aries and inCoinpetcncy in mark dogs" of sons, for they never had any Fesling After Meals or HOLTON and BU The democrats are, figuratively sons. Cowley, Butler, Otway, Prior, Constipation. waiting. No delays. The money is ready as soon band inutnimenta. The me eting the product seem to be the Congreve, Gay. Phillips, Savage, Thom o f Musical M erchandise in No matter what you’ve tried foe shaking, spitting on their hands as title is found to be satisfactory. W rite fo r Catalogues. main obstacles to their success. son. Collins, Shenstone, Akenslde, your etomach or bowel trouble, Jl'ST and getting ready to tackle legis TRY elmple buckthorn bark, glycerine. | SEI HER LIN G-Ll'U AS Our local union was signally suc Goldsmith, Gray and Johnson all died etc., ae compounded In ADLER-T-KAJ 1J4 Second Street. lation for the new democratic ad without leaving offspring, and Mar You will be eurprleed at the QUICK For further particulars, call on or address cessful the past season and will no lowe, Pope, Keats, Swift, W atts and reeulte! The V ER Y FIRST DOSE w ill ministration, soon to be. Their help you end a short treatment with doubt continue to be by the use of Cowper never married. A D L E R -I-K A may make you feel bet legislative stunts will include such MAKE SPENDIN ter than you have for years There are cases on the other side. practical business methods, This simple remedy tends to antt- little matter as adjusting the and Girls wanted to ma Coleridge's son, Hartley, was a poet septlclze tho stomach and b ow els and Jon F urniture Polish. of respectable ability; all the Tenny- to draw off the Impurities. A SINGL.B the tariff satisfactorily to both W eighty Marriage Certificate. 25c. Send 5Cc fo r forn sons wrote poetry, bo did all the DOSE relieves *an on the stomach, sour stomach or constipation almost manufacturer and consumer, “ One thing that makes marriage In iterial costs 8c. A R T IS Ml Rossettis, father and children; Addi INSTANTLY. 12 Bernice Bldg., Tacom a, ’ adopting a new currency and the Society of Friends such a forcnld son's father was a writer of some Im Come In and see the Sw orn State* able undertaking Is the size of ths nents of cures o f appendicitis made hanking system, and a few other marriage certificate,” said the man. portance although Addison's descend vlth A D L E R -f-Iv A and let us tell yod ants did not pass Into the sobsnd gen vhy we think thl* ts the best stomacg Aphoris: Aphorisms of Lao little things of like nature. There “ Friends use the biggest msrrlage Ind bowel rem edy we ever sold. eration. The same Is true of Dryden’s S i t is such a relief to 1 is an old saying that fools certificates on earth. Their size Is descendants. Milton’s family and i n » ' «aid whe hen she ga SO LD BY 17 by 23 Inches. That equals two of ft w aist! W oi rush in where angels fear to tread. the ordinary certificates, which are Shakespeare’s became extinct In the omen find i S. F. FOSTER Druggist ilnteresting when h< that appears quite appropriate only 8 4 by 11 Inches, and sometimes second r.nd third generation. Sir W al ter Scott's baronetcy expired with hts other woman — “ smaller. A Friends certificate Is a in the present distance. lard.’ bv I ,» a ,- c iv .- i r. son. Real Estate and Business Investment Machinery HUNTERS! TF F A R M LO A IN {(T íme FERT L. B lod getil NYSSA, OREGON 1 i i f ’ A resolution for an amendment to the Idaho constitution limiting the power of the supreme court has been introduced into the legis- lature, but we fail to see the ben efit to be derived from it even should it be adopted. The court has already violated the original state constitution, us well as the federal constitution, and has de clared in effect that the court is not subject to laws or constitu tions. It would simply ignore the new umentment and nothing short of physical force could com pel its observance. Impeachment proceedings to determine if the court has the power» it claims would seem to lie the proper pro cedure. The Idoho Stateman refers ap provingly to the standpat, repub lican party as the “ brake" on matters of legislation. It proved a pretty effectual brake on the de sires of the people for a parcels post for a good many weary years, thereby enabling the express com panies to wax fat. Doubtless that is one of the things which the Statesman finds so commendatory Others that might be mentioned would includo direct election of United .States senators, a postal savings bank law, etc. No one will deny that until recently the republican party, in its capacity as a "brake,” has performed witl entire satisfaition—to its bene ficiaries, There am indications, howover that its usefulness along this line is uboat ended. A visitor from Mars might im- agine that in this era of high prices the producer is rolling in prosperity and working overtime to increase his output. He prob ably might be if the high pricts were going to him, but when aj> pies sell for 75 cents a box in Nyssa and $5 *>0 in New York it is evident that it is somebody be. sides the producer who is rolling in prosperity. J| Arch bold found guilty funereal looking document. Illumi nated letters are forbidden and the printing is entirely In black on parch' m e n i There ts a good deal of read' !ng matter on a Friends certificate owing to the custom of recording there Items of family history that other denominations do not care to ad vertlso ctn a marriage certificate. The officiating clergyman at a Friends wedding takes extraordinary precau tions to preserve the certificate from destruction. He delivers It enclosed In a little tin tube." Circulating Libraries. ft Is absolutely impossible to say Just when the first circulating library was opened. If there was ever a rec ord of the important event. It is lost W e know that during the middle ages stationers used to lend books on hire, and here, no doubt, we hare the germ of the modern circulating library. Ona Samuel Kanrourt started a real cir cu lating library In Kngfand about the f e a r 1740. hut It appears that the peo ple we re not ready for it, since It soon failed Similar Institutions at Bath and t.ondon, se m e ten years later, seem to have sueveeded. and fr om that time the circulating library began to gel a foothold, nwt only It Englan d, but In other Eurottean coun tries FROM THE PENCIL'S POINT Union With Christ. In the Epistle to the Ephesians Paul oscs four figures to explain the *nto» betv Christ and his c k v -h The Brst temple and tts foundation, Sugg sting structural anion; the sec ond Is the head and ghe body, sug gesting vital union; th e third 1s the husband and the wife, plcCualn«» a (fee Hon at union; and the fourth Is the soldier armor, su ggietlrg a onion for service. Each presents a beautiful and helpful phase of the Christian, tile tn these four figures we have r fu ll and perfect Idea of how Christ hod the Christian are one. Reware le , ------ ----- — le*t this Jon be obscured or ImptretA— Eg- f ' lange tht .Opposit.or A Hlalr county ban handed a brief up to Which he thus descrl brethren on the other ST*' like two ghouls RT '.'ya rd seeking a < Stour “— «'hiled o '-' A (able ts an open-faced lie with • moral attachment. Doctors may take lUe easy and still manage to avoid attest. M ost cable p y w ils fresh. even after passing tnroifgn s ift ♦ t t i r . W hile Ujere À »vsr^hod? bu t’ h o p e to t ■gulgr dishonesty Is es s i» r to th a t Irregular dfshotiestt. It’s only when som that they turn tnsmse! Come on man- it tight t If It Js necessary 1 9 bum yoty* bridges burn them tn ftont of tftolk bn your trail. Justice ts probably represented as a woman because tt Is something a maft Is always after. An Actual Saving W. B. H O X IE Office at Nyssa PUBLIC residence Oregon The usefulness of a telephone in you^home^more than off sets the small monthly charge made for the service. The telephone is extremely necessary at times. YO U M AY N E E D ON E N E X T. : : : : : : : : Our lines reach everywhere We are at your service : : D k . j . j . s a r a z i n PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Office between Second and Third on Main street. Nyssa - - Oregon C. C. W ILSO N LAW YER Real Estate Nyssa • Insurance • Oregon Join the merry thoi enjoy good health as taking care o f th< Liver and Bowels, fore unnecessary 1 suffer from Indigestii tation. Heartburn, ache, Biliousness, < Colds or Grippe, bottle o f HOSTETTI P R O F E S S IO N A L . NOTARY Maine's Deserted Villases. Maine has had her deserted farm,* and now and then one can find her de sorted villages Sucn a one Is W elch- vllle, In the town and county of Ox ford. where once the poise o f ma chlnory kept llfo beating fast In a thriving little community T o d^y the population Is scattering, on the farms thereabouts chiefly, while the change In the value nf the property ts indi cated by the stcry recently related of the sale of a 2 4 story house for $175, Which was worth $1,900 T5 years ago But the number of such, towns Is small. Maine Is building? op fast. Het deserted farms are being taken, up, sometimes by progressive young farm ers. and again by summer people, and the deserted Maine villages promised a new lease of life. , v ati'r In blulnir is aduiter»ti< m ake liquid l.luo ci.-tlv. It, ^ ■ D e, tuukea clothes w hiter tha Home Telephone Company STOMACH SI and notice the impr your general health, you. Refuse substitu “S t a r t T o . 'DIDN’ T HURT i* what they a W . H. BR O O K E R. W. S W A G L E R ATTORNEYS AT LAW Wilson Bldg Ontario, Or. M A L H E U R C O U N TY W i s e D e nt* A B S T R A C T C O M PA N Y TROS. OfTICE HOURS JONES, MANAGER VALB. OREGON ______ Abstract» of title to all land» and town lots in Malhenr County. P. J. PHILLIP« ATTOBNEX-AT-LAW Nyssa - - A. M. to 8 P. M. Phones: A 2 029: Moi lillo« B id«.. Third ond Wash Oregon W am **“ r*-rk Srmp. T..-., ■» Dm