m ted ^raimes wil]| ird halt on .Ian ans, a Presby 'rom \V<-i-t At' t 8uuduy uioru. rian cburcl >1 II T he G ate CO V E R S THE r A M O U S EÂ ST E NJÍ.-41 N YSSA, y J ournal $1.50 PER YEAR. MALHEUR COUNTY. OREGON, 5c PER COPY ns, illustrate Build Waterworks .•a in the e veil i tigli itrumeut has b. cas ion and a v ryl ainuient is prom, '8 was eliminated® extension of t h c ^ H ______ at the last boan^i . balance of Directors Sarn-M . .. . as a court of impeachment, of having misused his office and his power as judge, for (lersouul gain. He was convicted of the first count of the 1 H. On this first charge the delude voted <58 to 7 . thcj[ftSS MGCtlllg Silt- New Cheese _ I liters ami whit iird a y U nanim ously Trow absi-ud was instructed j trovisions for in Favor of It. ______ in .Ianmiry 1 representative mass meet- supplies has beegH * . judges in t h » ,n Saturday eve was unam- R. W. P u r d a l *D expressing itself for y q J Nampa, witty waterworks. A resolution if an eastern booflft>g Die c *ty council to call a ras in the citjBtl election and provide wa- jutlook for hamllrworks as rapidly as possible jnds as soon na passed. ht' No time wil \ representative of the Green the bond que*^™ » S n eerin g com pan y was pres iters. m i n Mayvllle <h.Plillls were 8Ubmitted to the iing lent anytihfeVious council nearly a year a plow, he exP * f l Ä y this firm of engineers, for the favor stonishment to igei ei with an estimate of r, when, on Inqulj^j „ Action was deferred un how much It wou^H ong ladder foi aj bridge (juestion was out replied prompts |j,,. *,ay. Now the water sit- Cy,” remonstrauitWn will receive full atteu- know I've got with the probability of i Isn't tong ennnri^R , . , . , , a obliged to cliall|ei being ready tor lawn and chim ney leak lold purposes in Ju ly of C an ’t you make I jresent year. ,ity Tax Levy .............. In Reduced to 6 Mills Mr. Fanning shot* 3 closed his obstt a weak place up." snipped Ml ar my weight good thutty poum e way under yi t dollar to gel ng the risk, I call ip. Youtn » ' m'H ie Nyssa city tax ^ower than any Other ¿Town in the County. levy is ______ wei than any other in c'rp o - t From W in dow s, tef] town in the county III he year when tha^B- ,, • , ig done many PJ | laU3 >’eal8 lhe t l l > 8 eX‘ r having their -'lueses were right at a 'ovv lie and smeared vifi l j)Ut gj)e present council i briskly with be. • 1 rjii find this elfeiive been enabled, by ..petal toil paint.--Harpel^r 8a|()()l, license system now ^■ iree, not only to cut ilie - )pi i tv lax levy to (> mills, but ^ go a large am tint of nn- urt of the S ts^ l ,, , . Malheur Coun’,0r me;,t n“ ll,e s lre tt’ • Plaintiff, vs. ■ • r e than a mile of gravel ant. reits is one of the improve* 'defendant abo'ent<| w it„ Uie bi|U fully paid. nona. the state of Orte^ total levy for road and reby required|nd purposes by m ills is, 4 r the compliii’iik roa<]( 3 lniHs bond, in the above 1 „ , . .. before the ei]N-v 8811 lias “ lar8er Proportion weeks M from tl graded streets than any town ....................... publication iticn he! h< rice its populaiion in the to nnswi answer, r. (f™ reg) ow ing to the efforts of its lintiff will y b i , owing to liions yrou for the ■ si HZ* ns during the last three sther with am the —— d^B d for the su in K j with inte: i l C W -----day of M i ^ b ______ * rate of 1» H< 1. VVT. H. Brooke, the popular ind for tin ntirio attorney, well known to Law Firm. is published jib *,ie residents of tins district, r of Honoral^Btaken in as a partner Mr. R. 3, Judge of t^Kwngler of that city, the new Malheur Coui gjj, ,.cct]pyjn^ the most modern o an^.ef.ltl r' lite of law offices in Eastern Ore- 2, and first p * . made No v e i n * 1" the VV,l»°n building. H. B rooke . M Brooke has twice capably y for Plaintiff .fry. d the residents of this coun- --------— 1 in the state legislature and on >♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ *%nuary 1st assumed his duties of H e as district attorney, where r > _ „ * s a me careful devotion to his may be expected. H r . Swagler is a graduate of is University of Minnesota, has H i practing in Ontario several ortlis and has impressed the n n rl »pie in his locality as a young 1 iati "f exceptional promise in his Mfession ou. Ige Archbald Found Guilty B u lg e Robert W. Archbald, of a . O r e g o n hfer ? n,merce cnnrt- Wi)9 Monday fand guilty by the senate sitting WORK HAS ON NYSSA-B Factory Two Hundred Men La Is Expected that Wo Will Be Completed by A cheese factory is one of Nyssa’s new manufacturing estab lishments. Newberg, Oregon, parties have taken over the fine brick building erected for a creamery in IU10. togqtber with the machinery and equipment, and will install a first-class cheese plant. Mr. Smith, one of the ueW pro prietors, met with the owners of the old plant on Thursday of this week and completed the ar rangements. The highest market price will be paid for milk and the product will be marketed in this inter mountain territory, now a heavy importer of Wisconsin and Tilla mook cheese. A buyer has left for Wisconsin this week to purchase dairy stock for farmers of this vicinity to in crease their present herds. The milk of 300 cows can be obtained at present, with a steady increase in sight from the freshening of early spring milkers. The new firm are here with strong recommendations as to ability and reliability, and are receiving the enthusiastie sup port of the business men in their venture. Two hundred men are start the work of laying steel on the Nyssa-Buhl water grade main line this week. June first should see the work com pleted end the road as far as Homedale, Idaho, turned over to the traffic department of the O. S. L. railroad. Chief En gineer Osborne has rented a home here for the winter and is pushing the work along rap idly. The tracklaying to Riverview, at which point gravel for bal- ing OWYHEE IT RTED ROAD teel and It Homedale e 1. lastinv is obtained, will be corn- píete itti in 30 days, if the weath settles so the big ma- used to its fullest chin ta c tic a lly all the capacity bridges to Riverview are built, the Owyhee river bridge and all those of large size being erected before the work stopped a year ago. Only a few springs remain to be completed and these will not delay tracklaying for a longer time than cribbing to carry the track temporarily can be put in. Illustrated Lecture Rev. R. H. Evans Graphic- all Describes Scenes and Incidents of Missionary Work in Western Africa. Grandpa Bradley susti hard fall last week, but what recovered at present w E. F. Pratt bought the occasion of much enjoyment W ood and the Tom Lowe bnncl1 truation to the church go- of pigs. , and some whom we The Progressiset rally held t be classed as church the I5th in Vale has exciued deep ¿he illustrated lecture The Litchfield Trio^ interest among progressives on the yterian church Sun- Owyhee, and it is expected an en Rev. R. H. Fvans, thusiastic constituency will be recent! fumed from mission present to boost the new order of ary wort' 111 western Africa. ; the day. We hare something else to be enthusiastic over uow thut it looks as if trackluyinsr actually was go- j ing to be an accomplished fact. Eaoh spring tne announcement would be made * iraoks will be laid next Christmas.” Each l Christmas the clairon call would ; issue ’•trucklaving begins next 1 spring.” until we country people began to be more patient than I hopeful. C M. B uhuuvoui , H. Walters and J. 1 . Lhuiung hauled hogs The main room, class rooms and balcony were all filled to their full seating capacity, the Meth odist church having adjourned and attended in a body. Scenes depicting the life and hnbits of the natives were thrown upon the canvas by Prof, W hite’s instrument, it having been bor rowed for the occasion. The na tive sous and daughters were shown in the native dress, or un dress. also the costume worn by the students of the missionary School. Rev. Evans was quite optimis The fourth number of the L y Friday to Parma lor E. F. Pratt. The residents of the Owyhee tic concerning the work there and ceum course will take place at the opera house on the evening of 0 0 k considerable advantage of the ^timated that the people of be January 20 , which is next Mon fine thick ice last week when it nighted Africa had about as good ranged from ten inches to a foot a chauce for salvation as some of day. The Neil Litchfiild trio, con thick. Among those who put up the people of Nyssu, unless they sisting ol father, mother and ice were Ed Blodgett nnd Harva bad mended thsir ways since he before. Splendid daughter Abbie, will furnish the Otis, H. Walters, Charley Bradley kiiBw them and Messrs. Frank Harris and special music was rendered. entertainment. The posters and window cardtf Wm. Puts. Some of the old- are out and the leaflets will be out timers claim that the ice was at the proper tlm. , showing just never so thick at this time before. who these people are and what But a sort of premature Spring they have done and can do here. has sent most of the ice down the For pure, innocent fun and a river, probably to test the con good hearty laugh, I have uever tractor’s work on the railroad A meeting the Progressive of seen the equal of N si Litchfield bridge across the Owyhee. county organization was held in on the platform. He is a gem of E. F. Pratt and H. Walters Vale Wednesday, Robert van the purest ray serene and the peo went to Ontario Tuesday, return Gilse, present mayor of Nyssa. ple of Nvssa will enjoy such a ing Wednesdav, Mr. Walters at presiding as chairman and E. B. treat as they have never had be tended the meeting of the stock Conklin of Ontario, secretary, fore ¡when he face« them. The holders of the Bank of Nyssa, and Mayor van Gilse was appointed work of his wife and daughter is both gentlemen were laoking for ; delegate from the county to at- on a par with his own and the en some stock to bdy. as well as tend a gathering of progressive tertainment will suit every class other business matters. chieftains in Portland Or., Jann- 1 . .1 . .. , . . of fnn lovers. There is music in H. Walters and Clifton L. ary ' an 20 for the formation _ _ of a state terspersed with the entire pro Beaumont spent Friday evening organization. The Progressive gram, and the best sort, too. with the Gahley family near Par party is in second place in this Please don't forget the date. ma. state as a result of the anti-Taft January 20 . the place, opera W. H. Ross of Roswell spent landslide in November, having house, and the occasion, fourth Thursday on the Owyhee. He divided with the democrats the Lyceum number This a $100 came to the Riverside ferry tn privilege of acting as judges and attraction Not one worth that cross, but found the ferry sturk in clerks of election for the ensuing much only, but one for which I the iee, so bad to cross in a skiff fonr years. pay the $100 spot cash. and borrow a horse to reach bis 8. A. Armittstead, a representa P G. W hit e . destination tive of Monroe A Crissel, the E. F. Pratt spent Friday night cheese and creamery supply house Mr. W, N. Sandersons have pur chased four thousand Italian in Parma, attending to varioes of Portland, was in the city this business matters __ there. week on business c o n n e c t e r ) with prune trees from H- G. Monce to plant on their orchard lands near Wanted — A few relinqmah- the new cheese factory on First Nyssa. ! meats. Either tide river. Hoxie. street Meeting of Progressives C A P IT A L P U N ISH M E N T A G A IN . Under New Tbe writer was so unfortunate as to miss getting her copy of the Journal of the 2 nd until it was ten days old, so did not know into what shape her able friend the editor had fricaased her argument for capital punishment in time to reply in last week’s issue. Now, it seems to me, that no argument is of any account at all in which the debaters seek only to establish their points, but neglect to seek after the real truth of the The Golden Rule store, that matter; and I do not believe that under the management of Chas. either the editor or your humble Bean, grew into one of the city’s servant are open to criticism on main business houses, has been this point. It seems to me that sold to J. N. Ames, of the Ames the real truth of the matter is Wholesale company of Boise. that there would be more lustice The entire stock is included in than exists in the present law if the sale. an enactment were passed where It is the new owner's plan to by juries could exercise their dis cretion in deciding whether a man increase the lines carried until is such a menace to society that the largest store in the county it has become ineconomical to will be at this place. save his life, or whether a contin Produce will be bought with uation of his life in service for out limit, as Mr. Ames’ connec the state would bo worth while, lions are such that a ready provided always such sentences market is assured for all the ex. were issued under a law restrict cess crop of the valley. ing pardons. The writer has in — H----------- — mind the case of five Russian convicts who a number of years ago escaped from a mine in S i beria, where they were condemned to spend the remainder of their lives at hard labor. They were picked up in a small boat on the ocean by some American steamer and on reaching American shores One hundred and twenty were almost lionized, due doubt acres of the Test-Greig holdings less to the common knowledge in two miles west of town have this country of the terrors of the been sold at a good figure this Russian penal system. They had week- the sympathy of everybody in the Mr. Marshall, new county, and powerful influences secured from Russia their liberity from the Lone Star' state, is the — and yet within five years every purohaser, and the entire 120 one of these men had been con will be placed in cultivation victed of some heinous crime and this spring The Test-Greig was again in prison, in the United holdings consist of several Htates this time, and their convic thousand acres near the city, tion and incarceration cost the with water rights in the Shoe state of California over one hun dred thousand dollars, which hon string ditch for a portion of it, est men had to pay in taxes. It and is all extremely desireable may be feminine logic to assume acreage. that a dead injun is a good injun, but I don't believe it would be easy to gainsay. I believe the people of California wished five years later that that steamer had Returns of the annual oieclion not seen those convicts, and that they had found justice in the in the Owyhee Irrigation dis tricts, Five divisions has been depth of the sea. reported unofficially as follows The point I wished to mad# is for director for iusuin r year: not that capital punishment is a Dist. No. 1— H. C. Whitworth, deterrent of crime to uncaught Ontario. rascals; it is hard to believe that Dist No. 2— Hubbard Wal life imprisonment would be, ters, Owyhee. either. But 1 did mean that a; Dist. No. 3—Thos. Catiham, dead scamp will certainly be de ’'lyssa. Dist. No. 4— P. J. Phillips, terred from any further crime or Nyssa. cost to the honest people of hit Dist. No. 5— Rex Marquis, state. No guards will have <0 be hired for him, no punishments or Oairo. The official count is not ex rewards devised to keep him at pected to make any change. work, nocostly buildings made for The retiring directors are W. him; nobody will be killed by L. Gibson, J. J. Sarazin and H. him in an attempted prison es- W. Trow. The election of 8. cajie. as was in the case of the D. Goshert for treasurer is Russian convicts; and no country shown by reports as far as will be terrorized by bis escape, learned. H. F - Pratt of Owyhee it» which is always possible. There is no doubt in my mind that in elected collector and* P. J. perhaps more than a majority of Phillips rtceiVed a good vote cases, life imprisonment is best; as assessor and f l believed to he elected. Not a' heavy vote but there is also no doubt that was polled, there being no con some clasa- s of confirmed crtinin test in several divisions for the . ... , .. als are not worth keeping alive. In other words, I believe that directorships and satisfactory positions were capital punishment bears about men for the The new the same relation to the deterrent chosen unanimously of erinic that flypaper does to the board ill be installed this week, decimation of Hies flypaper the wo k of preparing for the doesn’t keep Hies from multiply i bond election being one matter ing. hiit it «loos ket.p the rascals needing consideration at the after they are caught And until earliest moment and lias been Management Golden Rule Store Becomes Property of Boise Firm. Land Holdings Change Hands One Hundred and Twenty Acres of T-G Tract. Irrigation Districts Elect Officials we have sanitary measures more effective than we now have, we must put up with fly paper as well as flies. A nna L). S- P ra tt . [But suppose certain «tates had prohibited the use of II |M|ier nnd it was discovered that flies were far less numerous in those states than in the states that did use it, what then? Ed.J left over until election to give the new board full control. No trouble is expected in marketing the bonds of the district, Mr. Purdam feeling extremely optimistic on this line as conditions are steadily growing better in the financial woild.