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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1913)
RACKLAY radical revision of tlie cur- c rates. The iuw «toes not that thfe railroad must »li the maximum percentage to every com m odity under present ratings for less than iad shipments-. The law ely prescribes that the rail ------, / a £ r \ / ' 's “ must not exceed” this rentage, but leaves both the L a r g e C r e w W i l l t o o n u e Ä s r c i n rier and the railroad coni- n e s s to uegh. O p e r a t i o n s — V i^ o r k ssion free to fix absolute rates / , _ the maximum prescribed C o m m e n ce at O n ce , act. Rails to Be L Road fronj iM\ ENGINEER \ Poi... Announcem ent^^ Portland bv AssistatSv Freight Agent F. II. Fum the Northern Pacific tlilfc company has just placed, f o ^ - ilivery during the com ing .‘• of tin' largest ordgl p >wer eijuipi.ient ever gi an American railroad ■tnnt I In aggregate^ ■Mjuipinent i> estiny Muoxiiiiatelv *10,01 M A K E S COl correspondent o &. Zjt- % Rev > Readi-!‘f xlst °* , I riant for yKars of Cheer Up. days aie coming, you can feel it everywhere; Pros|)erity is humming, you can hear it in the air, The world is growing better, the future looms up fair; I (But if you want to share it. you will have to do your share. -Cincinnatii Inquirer. Having Great l pour* fditor J n iir ii;^ » Dear Sir, allow me ble paper, the Citi il, to reply to nt in last week's Jasonic celebration r / "p* ra house*on De- BT Bfriter, who had the honor "ensure of being present, nimbly begs to differ with your bruier correspondent in his judg- iient as to the best dancers in the hall. While \*v all now that [hose so highly complimented "in foresaid article''jwere deserving, nd did the best they knew how. it the same time there were far norc energetic and graceful ilnn- Sers present — amongst whom, Vorthy of special mention.” !»rc Bros. Farmer, Walters, ^odgett and, last but not least, s Goshert. Exclamations on ill sides. ‘"Oh don't they glide Beautifnlly,” “ So graceful, charm- ng,” etc., etc. ^ Trusting Mr. Reporter, you will kindly excuse correction, I remain. Yours truly. A n E ye W itness . And Considered G oal Jndge. pnvestigate High Cost of Living The committee on food sup ply p of the Pittsburg, Pa., cham ber uf com men e h u sum ted an I investigation into the liigli cost «■f living, as a result of infor mation that trainloads <<f veg etables had rotted in local pro duce yards. At the same time jthe price of thosf vegetables to the consumer was 3c per pound. Nyssa District to Load. B. L. Milligan, outgoing suiht - intendantof schools for Malheur county, predicts that it is only a question of a few years ere district I No, d*>, in which is Nyssa, will be the most jiopulous school distriit in the county The Ontario district embraces 4tf sections, all agricultural land, the Vale district HO sections, and the Nyssa district nearly 100 sec tions of some of the very best land in the comity. Enterprise. Tested by every com m on- sense rule of costan d profit the principles of trnuspurtuiuu in corporated in tlie new initiative |la w is a sal'.' .tin! - an' nmasui ■ . It' fairlr*^|iid honestly applied by the carriers it will produce alt the revenue to wlik li tbey are entitled, and do this without Exorbitant Prices for Western Apples ,'b a m h t o i dairy ¡section, wW\ fuotbty has supplanted tin. ery as » market for miU ,u cream. The pralnct of the cheese factories of Wisconsin has been I'hc tracklayer a. dj crow for ■'.hough wciujier conditions must ■sniffy he .ken into consider- very generally on sale throughout operation is due to ,i,n. a tlu' this rate rinomiti! in country, a tre A «mal' amount Nyssa yards on the ! Mi of .lau nary, having been lui to this r, ,.,ie from tin l ist storm and ««endous amount in »he aggregate witn a consdMient loss in cash to mid is frozen 1 or l> inches point from B u iiy , !.!■ ).o. on the tli. our home jn;pjllo. Rev. Walker is in pth, all spelling dol»y for afternoon of the Nth firmly of thesopinion that cheese tlie I. ack gangs, but early spring Assistant EÓg. I . la Kin. factories are better for a dairy wifi si trains at the present grade hcre getting (In offipe forvi t" ihm 1s*.a H' liiedalc, Idaho,just community than creameries. readinesa lor heginniug the a •the state line south of he *the work of laying ste. ' on tile miles of complèta!'grade I k ’■tirc'.i f the.grading Nyssa and T1 ' 1 1 M ■* I ; 1 1 . La luge 'itgh tlit* ficai district in tin; crew with •, i-.rj !ci..• j will coni piote the v til oi i.. dgiug as dieci"»., of turn, y in early spring OWYHEE ITEMS fo o l. . in oOcpe. iiio. ting and Belling . fruitgrowers, covering , ton. Idaho, Oregon and Montana, which was started at a conference o. growers there Decern l»er lfi. A committee of nine was appointed to woik out details of the organi zation, wnich, when completed, will effectually eliminate the middle man in the marketing of fin- northwestern fruit crop. from his ranch in the Owyhee Canyon last Tuesday and staid in the valley u n lib T h ireday. Willie Martin lias li id to stop x le I «led Ab» prod a. ted, . apidly as tlio tn u # n 1. New York Consumers Reing:. liigineer S. ' IT Usborao is 11 time section An Walter Pinkston has finish- unis ioi a short time to wait large of the various crews. (¡rafted by Eastern» « and 1‘’* l ' ,,iitering bis now house, tor a shipment of gasoline. Mr. 'MilUie tu g, . VS, and A crew of l.V) imvi will be re- and put the chiinueys in last M artinis drilling a 400 foot well Dealers. 0 " v l ‘c and ', *tjr ’ • b. ^ N. Mmtheu3en. Lin d in the \ in week. His residence Wall soon I re tty cold weatlioi for drilling Main I will be divert« > resent p. being i , i, ■ ; . ' : he t rack lay« he rea'ly for occupancy. tm: Vlr. Mar in lias be-n mak Fruitgrowers and farmer! the is I ' iinatvt ì 1 1 at I. »«lie I ' I l'|i Ighting rn sis to Nyss. Young Mr and Mrs. ÌM ing good piogtress. and around Nyssa who eumpiction of tlie hval. |i\ can be laid by ,!; iti el lon v Bllm'o is building p, interested in the marketing o| Ginnis moved into their n e l pies, ami who are especially home during the first Ihiv- o f' 1 ‘ ;,t 1,1 “ l(> Die Dunbar rane', I arid hop s to have it all rear.y to the profits made by the i« ‘,r Occupation by the middle of i »X dlemen, will give close attel i 1.“n' wlinth time he is look t l i 1 l i e fl ■!'■ >W ' U g f f l ' le £ er I i \ iily i to arrivo from ninn-Kevieiv of recent date. 1 ò S. ieuwnand Chas. Cowans» Apples that brdught ¡irons was in fri.m thr Su.myslope dis- son,ti tljpe ago. bise this we a box f. o. b northwestern i panu trict Saturday shipping points, are retailing [.Business i-, g< >d ut lie Mi The Bust and Til Huffman Nellie New York at lo.fiO a boxi i t s i j l l l i e l l li’ ■ Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (lowans returned from the Upper Valley Murtn course consumption at that tl e rii d off' ' Ie ■ prize at t he iiiasqtit where they had been working Misse [ V m |n i i i i . i i :, li I M m - ; Axie is reduced to the minimum. 10th. ball New years. b « inehe snow • iif tlie harvest fields near St. for e, l ii report of tlie Malheur Anthony. Marriage on the Owjl |Mr. Lfiwrcm is piirviug on to idi;>. iicwly purohns, I ranch, ■ a.ty fruit in»£H‘ctor bureau John K.mpsou and Charles sb. Miller are visiting their aunt, B rrim Golden Rido Gore Ini. R-, u will be given in full next week. Married, in Vale, on Irchased by .J. N. Am' s.of Boifto. Year’s Day. Mr. Georg Installation i errinoli ics of the U. Walters. Mr. Mille Smith and Mrs. Dollie post is from Ellensburg, Wash. bei A new reni »‘sta and colmili « Owyhee grange both of this place, Judge |, i d on account of cold weather. John Ritnpson is a son of ' [■il ^ Richardson officiating, xik. Marshal I! is pushing the Frank Galilev of Burma. young people are respon ffr. Zahlnr i- hnvi ig a w i! hobo ela»s o.n. of town some It was reported that A nobly to Uncle Ben’s in o' |Uing rig laiitt al 11"1 Luuok ai« I ick cards as fast as they arrive; Robertson accidently shot ln\ appeal in a recent issue of Journal to make his recor A shop. ile » situi petty robberies are less self through the hand I, 294 marriages performed up to Tlic ojn’iiiug of ucw Street' in as a consequence. Thursday vtitn a 22 cal1 l 300 before his term of office thè west pai <>f town Nff.b 11. G. Momc of ihe Nyssa nur rifle, hut later news is that tlis expired. Mr. and Mrs. Smith city fax finids. -ery shows li its high estimate for bn Hot grazed tlie side of his are both well and favorable Dan McNickols of Pnlousc, the fruit business in this-locality, hand. known in this com m unity, having * both spent tlie major] Wasli.. is '-ilm g a t fili- I|".I»‘ of since lie lias piatiti <1 twenty-eight Messrs. II. Wallers, Clifford hundred cherry trees which are portion of their lives sinet^ F. (). Carinnn L. Beaumont and J. 1. Chiming 1*. .1. Fbilli|»s is fnvorably le w tv. o ) ears old, childhood either lie.e or in/ went on a business trip to Vale ■ 'sur of • he nearby localities and they have/ nicntioiici 1 fi>r Vbout 2.">0 ears of fruit, grain, l as t Friday. el l'alfa .■■ceil, potatoes, and live the sincere wishes of their many <)wj lice lue ì )i ;t. W . 11. Ross of Ross Bros., at«,' n lias In , if1 shipped from the The council ha» rcduccd thè friends for a future unclouded, stock buyers of Roswell, Idaho, by unhuppiness. It may be I9i:t t»x h v.v (> siili'a 1 1 t y a,,ccpt- \Nssa sta ii of »lie O. S. L K. was over in the Owyhee valb-\ F r o m O w I«', luiim; the last . ddaysja large al. said that both of tlmse young abfc new j iair | i l lmrsduy afternoon and con amount in' produce remains for people possess sunny disposit G. Wln cl' v. nt.forila^ vallcy tracted I’ilikstoli lioga and pari shipment in the spring. ■I. «V, a t»t«'ii retti ions and kind hearts, and that is visiti" ; Ili» si.-c .M i '»J o S mii of the Bratt H"g.s lor delivery O w y h c i ^ ifig ik s a l t e i Fire esca ix'8 were ordered in ten days ai Bariuaand Nyssa. (f .ssful nuut of aev/ therefore good in their and Misi- M li, 'ffer, of Ny/i si. pi.icul m the Nyssa public schad Ross Brothui shave snipped onl lior-j^ thieves. behalf are liable to come true VY. Lee Blcslgi it inali' » triplo building at a meeting of the di- thirty carloads of lings tins fall. They are housekeeping in Mr. Yale thè tiist f thè w , , 'o com Nini Shea hu/ Toni Carey, Ihe old man who r ,-t -c's held on I’ liesiluy. Direc house mid lot froV Sm ith’s house neai Thomas pirti' tln I ' niis of thè ora i ollllty has been s-aying ul the IVuLi i> tors Coward, tfibsou, and Hunt and is having ♦!«• Ramsey’s residence. otficiills. , wen nna .imous in the wish to ranch » c m lo Watson sum-* Mis, Violet G l\l™ ™ j‘3 5 Mr and Mrs. R. . M Hpw l<*y ha, i • apes eomoleted at days ago . W ork Is Delayed. t,oTr” o'™» George I.mull'.-. Wallet's \ ac.iiioii roll! s ch '* < are ex liciti ng a visit ‘ veiu onc ui ■ mi . •.. the fir,1 risk, though re- b l»t»*> * " c a r - b > r d ;P ^ " ' 4 X * i It is reported that the work camptende , "as j i »i relumed jri'i, bat bHvw hma their sona who nt letiirnin«, n I n "i . is always present to a de ers at the coal mine »re en from Huai-- mu lull, ii and says M m . Myrtjc S - * 1“ “' ' ““™"**"’ Florida ’ • ai''.' lavdt ii..d mote es{K'cially during countering much difficulty in ihe B elln .' are gelling along «N.iiiqm S.itunl i,' a “ T. « season <>i frost when th*' heat- tine. He reports no -new in compai . 1 i>} Alias tj».*1 getting the water out of the thè winter. shaft, which Is at present no wlio^is going out there to . kjii U No chalige IS eNpeCted in thè ig fae'd .ties are crowded. Ea - the vicinity. f # feet deep. If the pumps stop at presetit bo rni of di)' 'etors <<( ! «■ ip are planned for the north onsidcr- sc'iool. The stork ba>- liad all it takes a day to pump out Owyhee I rr. D w t ,* x o p t «in e iff south ends able business auSnig « during Th«- New Ycat's ball was well the shaft again, and fuel for a the tali and RilUsr, and S t o l l attended mi1, a | ■ it»i-t »cess. A non residiuce in;,y 't»ar et a i 'id'■•it.»wncrs of the steam engine is a problem. They Claus v as with -us from fine supi«-r was serv.-d at the : Gce ■ 'ii .a li itG n. i injuring the have hauled and about used 100' thcui fi-io continuiti- *t> the l.Jili of December un J.»r»lan valfey hotel. The work-uf th.i/pft'sent bm r h , loads of sagebrush, whicli lias nea-a,ably in their effott til . the 25th. But tliey Ffolni'-s til' ver and wife, John nearly exhausted the »vailu>> e beni verjr »»tip:',wtory qu. i, t. ■ .sat dollar frAn ivr not been overwo. k * d in .- • Gio'Vi ,.i»l .'b rs. M'-m Violet supplv. A gasoline engine and f f ■ k f . m i l y -Aia ■ *•-.p .*,• I * I i ' . ' i h « rtf th a t n o w great a degree x i*, ‘< *s and At:..i EUre from the Glover J . Tk.o.v two centrifugal pumps lime part of r. mW}'1 »*r c I, ■^t h o stelry. N'o short» r At present he is mopping tits raiicii. w>re in to attend the Now been ordered, and it is hoped Gittfl nil ihal than that Ci^dowid heated brow while tie catches, Year ball. Thom,i-aUr’s /• I 1 thev will be able to handle the Express, ■'’ ords live ■. f lit»«»' nauie oWIH:]:.'^ ould I h 1 fits breath ami water so that tiie shaft can marriages oi present, id turner I ■ I tq <a ■ n g S ijp a pul down to the 140 foot lev« I, 'V B H'»X, c;,u I.« yiJll of Owvhee residents during lb. wl.ere tlie driller.' found u past i t " weeks. -ome gasi linei «livisi..» nls close ■ rt**,, wn dr M- fool and a IS foot layer of I »res* ,\ b . Charles Newbill was dowu bj ,'>»•« him. nfrrd t<> .H’ek that good coal. A Hi J / / V 4