Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1911)
LOCAL AND GENERAL ythes landlfl tit off. ts. Hoxu u E . Bi sa, i - astoii Everyone who can spare the time is taking a hike for the high hills. COMFORTABLE During this very hot Spell. Dress Accordingly. L. SPIER SUPER can help you out greatly with furn ish er Breezy Soft Shirts and Thin Under wear, Straw Hats and light _JL O K E & TOML weight C. C. WILSON TEN DOLLAR SUITS LAWYER Not many left. bihhj I yssa, On We call attention to some new arrivals of medium heavy Wot king Shoes. Each pair guaranteed. R. F. A. GOEI L. SPIER Physician <n\ Surgeon ICE IN OPEBA HOI'S SA Oregon Nyssa OH W. B. Hoxiej ¿Notary Publii C. L. COOK A. V COOK COOK BROTHERS Iffice in )iis resitid GEINEI2AL BLACKSMITHS sa All work guaranteed, Give us a call. Located on First Sreet in Nyssa, Oregon HOS. JONES, MANI VALE, OREGON | BARGAINS T h is is the tim e to get nets of title to all a lots in Malheur I IN Cut Glass, China, Stationery and Albums. F NYi l— M am N YSSA PHARMACY [EN Nyssa yssa own property | F. A. GOELTZ, Prop. . . . - Oregon valuation aggie ) . 0 0 t and protection of| ■y- ; - CRESTS are the hands of The Empire Lumber Co. Lumber, Coal & 1 er • . G. Kingman N. Nelson J. M Duncan, N. G. R. Crockett, Sec. U ^ ’ Y our broken Cycles can be made as good as new at Cook Bros., blacksmiths. i i Through Mowers and Rakes for sale— the best on tlie market.— Nys sa Hardware com pany. J ^ 'Y o u r broken Cycles can be made as good as new ill Cook Bros., blacksmiths. u mu our Bi s ThU 1« the Of S tusutiful »4-P» » • _ * . • k'c k will «how any boy or *lrl how W SUCCEED Drop a postal la the mall TODAY and It will *» »«at FREE Th« atm of tho Colle*» la to dl*nlfy and popularla» the tnduetrlee. and to torve ALL the , , t ® , courtes in Apiculture. Civil En*lne»rln*. Electrical Engineering Mechanical Enflneerln* Minin* Enfin eertn*. Foreetry. Domeetlo. iclence and Art. Com more». Pharmacy and Mutle. Tha Coll»*» open« September 21d. Catajo* free. Addreta : REGISTRAR OBEOOH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvatti« Orefon. Nyssa, Oregon. H. J. W a r d , President J. H. W o l f , Cashier — Nyssa— Harness Shop WEST BOUND. ' Pon y............................. 10:11 a . ' Through Passenger 7:22 p. P on y.......................... 7 :05 P. • Fast M ail.............. ti:00 p. Night Passenger. . . .4:45 A. COMING! W ednesday Pine Creek Dairy Co., of Spo kane, Wash., is now prepared to receive cream at their receiving station in Nyssa. The Owyhee Mercantile Co. will receive and test the cream. P. C. D. Co. “ T he B ank o p S e r v ic e .” T r a in ........... 4:49 i*. N Y SSA Prof, and Mrs. R. G. White, who have been engaged in thestrenous- ness of u rustic career during hay ing and berry gathering season, have returned to the city, bearing abundant marks of the conflict. The Professor says the simple life is all right, all right, but there is such a thing as gutting too bloom- ingly strenuous. H a r r y F. Butler. P ro p rie t o r And everything in that line kept in stock. Also evecything in the above lines One M A I >K TO ORDER OR REPAIRED Jolly Night Under A Big Tent ARROW! FLOUR We are now handling the Lewis&Clark’s G R EAT W E ST E R N Manufactured by the T. it K. M illing Co., Payeite SH O W 50 People Presenting The This is High Patent Flour, and every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Nyssa Market Co. CATTLE King The Very Wigwam Flour Best Traveling Septem ber 2nd and 6th . L im it O c - »ee, 3 p o u n d s fur $1 0 0 R egu - tober 31st. with diverse mutes and Lir p rice 4 0 c per p o u n d . I Ins stopovers. See agents for rates cut price at the Owyhee Mercan- 9-6 Nyssa. O re g o n Harness, Saddles, Bridles, JU L Y 26 We are to have the first real tent show of the season. Lewis & Chirk Great Dramatic Company. They carry a big band and metro politan orchestra, giving a concert on the main street fit noon. If you are a music lover don't fail to be present at the concert. It is | free ns the air you breathe; given for your benefit. Manage your I affiars to be down town when tht A word about the orchestra travel band plays. Wednesday July 29. ing with Lewis <fc Clark's Great If you want to go on the road. Dramatic Company. We «elver- . , , tise eight pieces and we have got have an outing . and make sonic eight ■ , . puces,no • „„ the Tu more no 1 less quick money besides, buy a lir-.t music contingent accompany this class Moving Picture Show outfit first class company has been xel»,ct- and you can turn the trick. You i ed with great care for one specific can get such an outfit at the purpose and that purpose is to! furnish the very best orchestra' Journal office, new and complete music ever presented by a travel-; for i75 less than cost. ing band of Thespians. Try and get oiu to heal olir bond. If W agon l mbrellas a the Owy- this meets your idea of music then hee Mercantile. chain of evidence is com plete- fur the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof. Engross it on your V isit ia Oregon Short Line— I miei mind with indelible ink our cars, study the personalle of Pacific. each memli T of -nr < ompauy that Special low i rates O lJU VJIiJi lun rE V C fT to \,KJ Cbcyi u u t )l ne. lit , I t Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago and many other we are in your opinion what the points. Tickets on sale May 20th, doctor ordered, come and w e th* 21th. 20th. and 27th. .Intie 3rd, show. Wednesday. July 26. 7th. 10th. 14th. 17th. 21st—July X ¿r’ ! 'Igei’ s Golden Gate Col- 6th, 22nd,26th,— August 16th and , , and further particulars yf ---------- All kinds of----------- TH E FLOUR OF Q U A L IT Y Orchestra LTD. the MALHEUR COUNTY BANK 1 Pony ........................4:11 p. I Fast Mail .......... 11:39 a . Night Passenger. .3:04 A. J ^ S t o r a g e Coal during the I mouth ot July. Now is the | time to store coal for the winter. We carry R ock Springs and H i awatha coal.— E m pire Lum ber Com puny. y Anyone desiring the free use of a scythe for cutting weeds, may be supplied by applying to Chief of Police W. W. Smith. The city owns a scythe that will be loaned to anyone for this purpose. This is not only an offer, but an invita tion. with Pon y............................. D:22 A. Isaac Norton of Oklahoma, who bus been in this section the past three monthn, visiting IVis sister. Mrs. J. .J. Thomason, returned | homo the )3th. We are still givin g away Free, Framed Pictures as prem ium s. — Owyhee M ercantile Co. them EAST BOUND. J. Boydell and family and W. Lee Blodgett and family left for the mountains yesterday, to spend the warm season. They expect to be back about September first, Died, at Nyssa, July 17. ¡it II :30 a. m., Otis Dunn, aged one year and ten months, infant son of Francis L. Dunn. Funeral ser vices were held at the M. E. church at 9 o’clock a. w. of tho 18th, and burial at the Nyssa cemetery. safe and secure, deposit O. S. L. 12. 12. Time Table. EXCURSIONS EAST Directors. Orel F. Majestic 10 Piece Building Materials r. D. Graham know and to feel sure that your funds are Band in America Dealers in F NY! till cold weather (p er-' The best M achine Oil in the county at the Nyssa Hardware Com pany. Horse Shoeing a Specialty EUR COUNTY ABS continue hups). Chinaware— selling at Half- Price— at Nyssa Hardware Co. See our “ Special Reduced” 214, I. In your business with a Bank, and want to Gate City Lodge No. O O. Nyssa is billed for a sort o f will meet In their hall in Nyssa every campmeeting of shows next week. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock sharp They will begin on tho 2tith and Visiting brothers always welcome. Remember that we are headquarters for all kinds of such as Overalls, •lump ers, Kaki Pants, Work ing Shirts, etc. irio anas at the Owyhee Mercantile. Hosiery, ete. Working Clothes M on ey to loa n on Impi farm s U If You Want Comfort Hist Presbyterian Cliurcb. The street sprinkler is a welcome ^ llorua or wonsan*: Prcaeluns.........ll:3o a. in., 8:uo p. ui. visitor on the streets those days, Sunday School....................lo;3o a. 111 . kt oping down the temperture and ('hristian Endeavor.............7:15 p. ui. Prayer Meeting, Thursday.. 8:oo p. m. tile dust at the same operation. , L O. 0. F. Oranges, Lem ons and Ban New Moving Picture Show out fit for sale cheap, if taken at once. Call at the Journal. •lHortieys-ul fien i Kit ate Epworth League..................7:oo p. m. Player Meeting' Thursday. .8:oo p. in. Latina' Aid, Alternate Wedneadaya. A. B. C’Alian K, I'AKTOU Grease go milinsoii Methodist Episcopal Churrli Tents, Tarpaulins, and Bed Horan or Wouauir: Preselling......... 11:3« a. ill., 8:uo p. Hi. Sheets.— Nyssa Hardware Co. Bible School ....................... lo:3o a. m. e out at siopal Gì CHLRC1I NOTICES. tilt Co None better None as gixxl and none as cheap $1.35 p e r Sack ASK YOUR MERCHANTS FOR IT one .......d in g oats, wheat or ehopp|ied feed o f any ki lid. Phone or write the Parma Milling and Kiev«tor Co., Par anna Any Ivo id kt van O i l s », PrtHiflt lit F. Mi u n , H>.-roltry Oregon-Idaho Lumber COMPANY, Lrd. BUILDING M A T E R IA L New Y a rd s, New, C o m p l e t e StocK. be p le a s e d to fig ure w ith y o u . ^ Yaid w i ll # on Kn-1 street, south o f Mnlhenr County Bunk h. If. THOMPSON, Manager