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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1911)
GATE CITY JOURNAL Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Oregon J. E. R o b e r ts ................ Editor ....W it and H u m or.... One year, in advance ................$l..r.O Six months, in advance .................75 Three months, in advance................ 50 Vlomher of the Western Idaho Press Association. C A . ‘Hackney, M eadows,... President K O. Burroughs, Caldwell,. .Secretary iv n m n a s a t is Legal Display LOCAL READERS. SEE TH E We met Editor Pure Fi od Wallis at the editorial meeting at Nauipa the other day. Mr. Wallis recently received a letter from Ex-President Roosevelt, compli menting him upon his large family of 1 1 children. Teddy is still trying to have the stork adopted as our national bird, in plan*“ ol the eagle. He says that while the eagle may scream, it takes the stork to deliver the goods. But Mr Hackney, who has no children, but has a pet Eagle, says there is only one national bird, nml that's his best girl. no money except a pocket full of 25 pennies and a $100 bill (sh-h-h. .50 Mr. Bates has sold some town lots) 30 he paid his fare in pennies. Reading notice, per line, one in- tertlon................................................... 10 Reading notice, per line per month .20 Ol Hilaries and Cards of Thanks ,.cr line ...........................................05 R..ies tor V i page space will he given • n application. « ’oiiditioiis at Nyssa will stand investigation by the most ex- a ilin g investor. The inoro in- \ estimation the m ore certain the i |i vestment. Th e real estate investm ent in Ny -a and vicin ity i« Hie »uiest r.nd quickest way Oi making m oney turn itself over that is offered in the wiest. $800,000 will he paid in wages within the next 12 m onths, upon enter prises now contracted and under con struction. Before these are com pleted, contracts will be let cov erin g *en times m ore exten sive enterprises, which now o n ly await the com pletion of defi nite estimates. The conductor said, “ Look here, I don't want to carry all this junk," and Mr. Bates said “ Well, then turn it in to the company.” Joel Priest, acting chaplain of the Press Association, in the ab sence of Mr. Bat‘*s, says he has a friend who married the tattooed woman in Ringling’s circus. Mr. Priest states that, his friend is now enjoying jierfect bliss. These hot nights when he cannot sleep, he can sit up and look at the pic tures. If we knew where the laughs were kept, that make this world so gay. we’d unlock the door of that little place, and give them ¡ill away. I f we knew where all the tears were kept that make tliis world so gray, we'd lock the door to that cavern, and throw the key away. Balloon That ! will close out at The editor of the Printer's Devil joined the Western Idaho and Eastern Oregon Press Associ- ation the other day. and being <ml\ 13 years old. is said to lie the only freak in the organization; but say' Thi Great “ A m eiicu .” Acm iiaiit on the dead quiet, there are just ascending <>n a 1 rapeze lots of them. But that bunch Is a bully lot. They are all there is, multiplied by two. Nature turned them out and then closed up the works. And say. talk about an editor be ing perpetually broke; it's a hoax. They are the original human mints; every time one of them writes a check ¡i national bank goes out of business, or words to that effect They all eat tegular, but oh pif fle! what night owls! We have been sleeping double shifts ever since we came home to make up lost time. Some of them can speak as well as write, but most of them who were on the program wrote it first and then orated from the manu script. 25 p er ce n t off. A scen sion Viso $1.00 pails Axle Grease go 75 cen ts. Slide For Life T rapeze A Drama, a Dog, anti Dry Town. E D W A R D H. SUPER The Com plete House Fu rn ish er _ Business ^ Professional ß *i. B . WILLS a nee AH Free! a The eilitor of this paper once wrote a drama called “ The Big Drink." Unit would go wi II right now in Canyon country, just a cross the line tin* drink. There were three character in the play a villain, a girl, and a dog like Captain Hillcomer. The principal scene was on the bank of Snake river and the show carri ed its own river with it. They had to close up after being out o i l the road a few days. They struck Payette, and it was so dry they couldn't get enough water to feed the river. Well, the best scene was on the bank of the river, where the villain sneaked up behind the girl and pushed her in. The brave dog heard the splash, and saved the girl’s life by drinking all the wa ter in the river, so she could walk ashore The villain got exited, lost his footing and slipped into the river bed, where it pon the dog coughed up all the water and drowned the bad old villain. Down by the riverside they met — Romeo and Juliet. Her hand in his he placed and said, “ Fair Juliet, I would thee wed.” “ In deed?” she said, “ Conte let 113 go. Get in the boat Row-ine-o.” And as the hours quickly sped, a lunch Sunstrokes and heat prostra before his love he spread. Says tions are occu rrin g in some of he, “ Come let us eat my pet,” and the eastern cities at the rate of Rom-e rowed while Juli et. 15 daily, and yet our western A story just leaked out about boosteis are d ev otin g very little Dallas Duncan and Audrey Ward. space in their d escrip tive pam They were down to Ontario the phlets to the weather con dition s 4th and met two lovely young The Fans Say that Ontario in the west. Does it not occur things in an ice cream parlor. Fudged. to you that we shall make a The boys smiled and the young special feature of the fact that things smiled back, or smiled for sunstrokes and heat prostrations ward, or at any rate got all smiled are unknown in this country? up. The boys sat down to the W ould that not be the best table with them and had a few cold draw ing card with a man who ■creams, and when the waiter hand lives in a section where sun ed them the checks for what they had together and what the two y.t. stroke is m ore to be dreaded had before, Dallas said it looked than contagious dsiease? like they had been there all win ter. ___________ _ _ T h e largest body of the agri A Boise drummer was sent out cultural land, that has been withdrawn for a petroleum re into the Harney country to sell bacon, but he soon wrote back serve, is directly tributary to that the people over there were N yssa. For this reason it is raising their own hogs and he the duty of Nyssa people to take could make no sales. The Jew the initative in securing the who was running the house wired reopening of this land to settle him, "Eat your samples, safe board, ment. Th e restoration of the come home.” The Ball Landed Right In Hie MIL agricultural portions of this A funny incident occurred at petroleum reserve would be the Those Vale fans say the reason the ball game at Ontario the 4tli. means of op enin g for settlement A boy was hit on the back of the they didn't win the pennant from a vast body of land, which head with a ball and the bawl came Ontario this year was because the latter town hired so many good would support hundreds of fam i out of his mouth. players. They say «ome of the lies in a section tributary to A Nyssa man in looking over Ontario players could stand nt the this city, and would add wealth his wife’s account book, discovered home plate, bat the ball out into both to this cou n tv and state. she had entered up in each day's the field and then run out and expense quite an amount o f crs I i W ater Bags of all d e scrip to G. K W. He became consider catch it. They could slide from tions, for sale by Nyssa H ard ably disturbed about the matter, second base to third without touching the ground. The game ware com pany. and at last asked her who this G. finally got so easy one of these K. W. Was she had paid so much fast players became too fat to play, For sale at $75 lest than cost, a money to. She explain«! that she and had to be put on the bench, new Moving Picture Show outfit balnneed her book, when she did but the Ontario girls all got so complete. Call at Journal office. not remember the items o f ex- stuck him the manager had to nse, and entered it to "Goodness send him out town to keep up in The automobile is dividing the k t nows What." terest in the game. people of the country into two A Nyssa man can get a marriage classes -the quick and the dead. license for $1.50, but it costs a Payette nt an $5 for a dog license. A woman who loves a horse It costs $1.50 more to be n dog in will love a man. In fact she will Payette than it does to be a mar love anything she can drive. ried man in Nyssa. One of the coziest camping out fits to be found anywhere is that arranged by Messrs. J. H. Hill and Ray Newcomer in the northern suburbs of Nyssa It is fitted with a telephone and all modern con veniences possible in a tent. Now that Mr Hill has disavowed single blessedness, his part in the silvan temple has been taken over by Dr Howe, Nyssa’s popular dentist. F ork s, Scythes Sneths & H andl Free Free Free Kugle, the Stork and And Satan Came also. in Their Midst. Fecund Talent. 'ir.Lular, fl-st Insertion, per in. $1.50 Tabular, subsequent insertions, per inch, per issue ..................... 75 Heading, first insertion, per i n . . 1.00 Reading, subsequent insertions, per inch, per I s s u e ......................... 50 Mark Bates was going home • to words constitutes one Inch ) from Nyssa the other day and had One Inch, one insertion .............. One Inch, per month (4 weeks) have just a few I Culled from the Printer’s Devil, a paper published by three of Nyssa’s school boys, at 25c for three m o n th s . Enter»*1 as second-class matter April 14. 1910, at the post office at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act The of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATKS C O M IN G ! Proprietor oi THE M on ey t o loa n on impn farm s Oregon O n t a r io - RUBBER STAMPS C. WILSON LAWYER ( trdcrcd by Nyssa, Ore. July 26, 27, EAST SIDE LIVERY & FEED STABLE .1. E ROBERTS NYSSA 28 and 29 OREGON Twelve Big Shows U. G. HAND, l uder Canvas, Etc., and Ascension Prop, DR. k Surgeon OFFICE IN OPERA HOUS N YSSA OBJ W. B. Hoxi(| Office in his resili® OFFICE IN' HOTEL WESTERN. N YSSA, F. A . G0E JS/otuvy l'uiblM Both Telephones Stray Notice. On I Physician « 1 Physician and Surgeon if weather j lbeunufl Nyssa, DR. J J. SARAZIN The Big $12,000 Swing Balloon permits Ileal EutitU* Good Rigs at honest prices. Both Phones Owyhee Stage in connection. ORE Nyssa Notice is hereby given that tlie following described stray stock lias been taken up an impounded ac cording to law: Blue prints of any township in One bay mare about Hve years the Vale Land District. $1.00 each old, with colt by her side, white left hind foot and scar on right flank, branded with an arrow head VALE, OREGON on right shoulder. One brown mare colt, two years Surveoyrs & Engineers old. both hind feet white, branded Abstracts of title to all li Realt and Investments same. town lots in Malheur One bay horse colt, two years V A LE OREGON old, scar on right stiHe, branded same ¡is above. All the above described have tails cropped. The owner or owners of the above described animals are here by notified to «>11 and prove prop erty, pay charges and takennintnls away within thirty days, or the same will be sold according to law. B Y N Y S S A M EN W. W. S m it h , Nyssa Town Marshal Dated at Nyssa, Oregon, this f>th The stockholders of The Bank of Nyssa own propertyl day of July, 1911. ' BLUE PRINTS'- MALHEUR COUNTY ABS THOS. JONES, MAN ,1 JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS THE B A N K OF NYS Owned— Controlled-----Man Malheur County having an .assessed valuation aggtefpf « ►*♦•*♦*♦+♦*♦>♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦* : i £ Just R eceived— $193,685.00 ★ This bank stands for the development and protection of| So-Bos-So ! commercial interests of this valley. Your M O N E Y and your IN TER ESTS are The noted liquid for keep ing away lutely safe if placed in the hands of F L IE S and IN SECTS TH E B A N K Erotti H ORSES N. J. Minton W. D. Graham Robert '-'in Gilse A. G. Kingman ♦ o JS . ? • R E<. I F. OF NYSSl •1. H. H ill, Cashier • What makes George so Green? _ v _ he has been out Because in the A little Nyssa boy was born on ! thanksgiving day. and his parents now have something to be thankful Card of Thanks. for every year of his life thank Making that famous Slide W e desire to extend our sin- ful that he was hot born twins Lives of bald headed men remind cerest thanks to our friends and A blind girl recently eloped with ns. neighbors, for their kindness an Ontario real (‘state man. She and assistance during the sick said it wasn't her fault she got W e should choose our wives with care. ness and at the funeral of our stung, for she couldn’t see what Lest departing leave behind babv. M il A M r s . M. D i n s . she was getting Half our natural crop of hair. B R O O K E & TOML jlttorneysutU DRAY Nyssa Prof Frank Miller’s Greatest of all Carnival Aggregations, Four Days, at COWS Talking about a quiet life, our idea of the real thing is for a deaf and dumb couple to get married and go to Caldwell to live. C IT Y V. W. Tomlinson I . Green H. Walters Foster? ♦ ! T. N. Nelson Directors. « u Make our Bank Your Bank SEA SHORE EXCURSION July 27th. Via Oregon Short Line. Very low rates to Nnhcotta, Wash., and return from points in Idaho and Oregon, with lim it I of August 11th. Sec agents for rates and further particulars. I ! Nyssa Oreg