WAYSIDE WISDOM. CHASING HIM ¡£0 w '- Few men know enough not to givo advice. Their Friend D A IL Y D IE T A N D HEALTH HINTS By Ok. T. J. ALLEN Food Special!** Energy has made more men famous than merit. l o n g e v it y and h e r e d it y Forks, Scythes Sneths & Handle! *r!Sa Ljonlou Valley o h burnì itiiiF! . She was always Bitting there whiu Serene went by, leaning buck in tbe wicker hourglass chair. Sometimes a book or magazine lay open In ber Sometlmea n man kisaea a girl !ap, but more olien it had slipped un- again, t her will, against hia own will. h- eded t-> the floor. Serene’s lir a Im pri Ion of her was that she was the N o matter how lazy a man may he. I on - best woman she had ever seen; his laziness seldom extends to his her next that she was the weariest tongue. looking. cu ne was very young It was hot Most of us are too busy looking for n ihe central telephone office where tomorrow’s possibilities to sue those • sh. worked and the hours were long of today and the pay meager. Serene hud worked there since she left school. She Don’t blame a woman for wearing lived with t d aunt who did dress her heart on her sleeve. The new ( making and had always acted the part styles leave her no other place to g of u mother to her. 1 ut It. ] )tie Sunday afternoon when Serene i v i nt by she had IJave with her. Dave Some people look on the bright side !i had I con devoted to Serene all through of things so persistently that they ■ hit school days and since. He was a wind up the proud posaessors of a I big. gentle fellow, all ambition and First Country Sheriff— la he an gold brick. vim and sound purpose, who meant »ctor with a following. 1 when he had learned his trade to Second Country Sheriff— He had i A woman can go into the biggest make a little home for Serene. Se t out !00 following last night j department store on earth, and with ri no suspected this intention, though j out half trying, ask for something he lmd not mentioned it to her yet. | they haven’t got Cornered All the Sugar liefore another Sunday arrived a "W ell how do you feel since you new girl c ame Into tho office. She wa» have get engage! to that delightful a showy, handsome! girl, who always SUCCESS AND FAILURE lltt'e ’.ft-.c Peachy?" had an answer or a pert little laugh Say, I fuel like I hml put one over ready. The way that wins is hard. on ’ he nignr tru st'" Serene shrank from association SURE SIGN with her and tho girl perceived it. To such men there Is an excuso for Cnm equently when Dave eamo that nothing. Saturday afternoon to wait for Serene SERMONS IN SENTENCES and to accompany her home the Not so difficult In the doing as in new girl tried to discomfit Serene by the planning. Don’t be bitter. flirting with him. She asked him to rend the numbers while she "plugged" So the easiest way is os a general Again, don’t. at tier switchboard, and Dave, uncon rule the longest way. scious of any wrongdoing, complied. It doesn't pay. Serene was angry and went home It is the easiest way out and such alone as fast as her feet would carry ways all have to be tramped over It has no effect. her. a very much disturbed little girl. again. Nt xt day when Dave called her up That Is, not the desired one. sh.- gave him over the ’phono a spir In its winsome winning way It finds ited reply and hung up the receiver. n welcome because it offers consola It does not brand the attacked When he came to call she would not tion In times of troublo and perplexity. 111 see him. It simply and effectively brands thi She was so miserable that on a cer The thoughts, the Ides-, the meth speaker. Y í X c J í »| tain afternoon when rain menaced she ods which enable men to judge rightly Yí 3? SU' walked to work without her umbrella. And the worst of it is, It becomes eonie from hard serious work. There was none at the office she could a nasty habit. pat i borrow, so she had to walk back The laugh is always on the fellow through the drizzle, which suddenly itesides, even if legitimate, it is a who believes in his own excuses. An became a downpour, Just as she task impossible to complete. excuse is a devil of a traitor to man reached the veranda lady’s house. She kind. had started to run in dismay at get One had much better take the time ’’Des yo’ belieb dat Jim Johnson am ting drenched, when a voice called to remove the beam from one's own Along the line of the least resist really converted?" coolly, commandlngly: “ Come here, I eye rather than pass a whole life try ance we find the most wrecks, and “ ’Deed I does, I ’se bln visitin’ his Ing to pluck motes from the eyes of this is why some fall while others house fo’ de last freo months, an' dey want to see you." Tho veranda lady had come to life other people. succeed. hasn't had a mouthful ob chicken.” and had spoken Serene ran with all her might to the proffered shelter and sank Into a chair. They sat a moment watching the rain. « " I have seen you go by every day since I have been here," said the veranda lady in her slow, sweet, tl>ed way. “ I ’m glad this rain came so that wc could get acquainted, "iou work, don’t you?” N •V ** Serene told her how and where she worked. And she told a great deal more than her words conveyed, for the lady was reading the meaning of her wan little face and miserable eyes. " I ’m not happy,” blurted out Serene. T m — ’’ And then she told the v e in - da lady the whole story. ’Oh, my d e a r!” said the older wom an. And sne put up her white hand and brushed back her hair. There fvas gray in her hair, Serene saw. And pn her finger was a great red stone like a bit of fire. An engagement ring. "Oh, my dear! You were Jealou s- jealous! Of that dear boy! You see, I Can tell he Is a dear boy. And you are a dear little girl. But you will wreck your life If you aren’t carerul. ft ’s very lucky for you t>wt you can still make up» And when you have made up stay so ” Splashing through the rain, laden Now is the time to bu\ your Summer with raincoat and umbrella, came a Ladies' fancy < dollars and Cuffs Suits. Note the prices: tall young figure. It was Dave and he worth 50e. for this salt- . was coming straight for her house. Men's $2.7 Suits Serene knew, looking for her. She for this sale only - •>0c Serges ,-nul caught her breath. Casemeres Men's $IS Suits "W hy, there he is n o w !’ said the veranda ladj cheerfully. "Coming to for this sale only Ah Ladies Muslin l ndorwear bring you an umbrella. The dear boy! Men's $15 Suits Call to him— Call to him, quick!" 25 per cent off for this sale only - Serene called. And Dave heard His 50c silk or lisle (¡loves face was very bright as Ija «ame to Men’s fancy dress Shirts now . . . the io veranda, and though ths lady in $1.25 values the hour-glass chair was wonderful to lOe Croton, now see, he had eyes only fo f Serene, Men's fancy dress Shirts whom he helped very proudly Into the l*'r yard 75c values raincoat. A very contrit», humble Men’s $1.25 Kahki Pants little Serene she was, too. fiO,' China Silk, all colors “ You must come and see jne togeth now . . . now . . . er some evening,” said thg veranda lady, as they were going »w ay. "I want to know you both hotter. I’ll make you something niq» In the chafing dish and sing for you some Pens. Corn or Tomatoes, Special prices for this sale songs I know you'll like.” lier can Ladies $.1,.>0 Shoes, now )h, we’ll come,” crlug Serene, ¡1 pounds Navy Beans pid thank you a million times !' “ Ant „ Ladies $2.->0 ( ).\ fords N'e Next day as Serene was passing she for . . . now . . . •an up to the veranda railing to speak :q her new friend. The best quality Hairs Ladies' $1.7« Oxfords ” W e've made up," st^e said, radlant- per pound now . . . y. "And I’m never going tg he a bit Narrow strip Bacon lealous of him again as long ag I live, Men's $4.50 Shoes sfe didn’t care for that Rth#1 Slater. I per poniul now . . . should have known. It was horrid of Kerosene Oil me not to trust him And /tm did it Men s Sd.ou work Shoes all, you dear, sweet, beautiful thing, per gallon now . . . y o u !" She picked nb the lady's hand and kissed It. Wigwam Floor ( ARI L T S ( „„..I. heavy Ingrain Carjiets "I'm so glad you made upt~ she said tile I..e quality, for this sal.' loc The .TOe per sack TVe didn’t, you see— he and I. I was quality Carpets. :t.V ealous, too. ^nd when I oame to my senses it was too late— ” A e looked There la no hunger as keen aa the hunger for sympathy. "AL AND GEI I have just a few Insurance companies have learned that longevity is large- ly determined by heredity, and he.ice the Importance of fam- ily history in this resptrt. One man may use Intoxicants, to- bacco, tea and ceffee all his life and reach an advanced age, while another may avoid the6e and die young. Longevity of n rectors comes from the in- cd results of hygienic llv- ing, usually accidental, through several generations. But patri mony can be conserved or squan dered. The care free life in the open air of a man who Is intern- perate and eats anything may be more healthful than that of the sedentary liver who worries constantly about what to eat when he can find nothing else to worry afcott. To adopt good riles of living and reduce them to habits i'i that they require no mental strain to carry tnem out -ems to be the w sest plan, but only the y i n . g car. expect to do this without much patience and effort. . J i j j * 25 per cent off. St' 0 CREDITOR’S ■OF THE- J. C . HIMLER STO l W e sell you M erchandise at less prices than any Store in Nyssa. Give us a trial and be convinced. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT GROCERY DEPARTMENT 10c . 17e 22e . 25e $1.25 o r ¿D C SHOE DEPARTMENT $3.00 2.00 1.25 4.00 1.50 away. ,„1 inside. Liber turn to this office. ss Chloe .lohnson |. ck list t he past FOR SALE nate of lead. ( V. Mitchfc ss. C. EDWARD H. SUPER foil. The Complete House Furnisher is . Mamie Mi*Dona I, is visiting lier un )<.nulli of Nyssa thi* iL Business G. B. Professional Gai . anges, Lemons " ... , le w (lie family <>f E. lb party <>f « Nyssa and viciait; 0 r | -taint'd ft < Irderetl by ileal Estate lemma* rs. G. F. Lafrenz 1 Sunday to join h bct'ii in that ci I N § has been siting frien I night visi Nyssa, isu. OREGON FAST SIDE LIVERY & FEED STABLE , ) R ;. Owyhee Stage in connection. Prop, F. A. GOELI I [^'Storage Coal t Physician and “ th of July. N' to store coal for Surgeon Good Rigs ft honest prices. Both Phones [carry Rock Sprin tlm coal.— Empii <>lU01 puny. OFFICE IN OPERA Hol SE NYSSA DR. J J. SARAZIN W. B. Hoxie Physician and Surgeon Notary Public\ Office in his residei WESTERN. Both Téléphonas ORE. *B L U E (unaware— selling at Nyssa Hart L AWYER J. E ROBERTS NY’ SSA, Moving Picture C. C. WILSON I? of tho 4th. RUBBER STAM PS OFFICE IN HOTEL blacksmiths. A tto r n e y s a t Lau I sn,B ohwip, if tak Money lo loan,.... .pr,a,I ¡it tho Journal. O regon O n ta rio U. G. H AND , inaile as good as nt _ THE CITY DRAY Nyssa Your broken C Y. W. TomliiiHon B R O O K E & T O M L I n I Proprietor o! NYSSA i ||- at the < )wyhee N W IL L S P R IN T S - ■ports from the f; , indicate that thi little damage to 1 ity hay crops. Nyssa fe are still giving lined Pictures as Iwvhee Mercantili MALHEUR COUNTY ABSTf Die best Machim Ity at the Nysse puny. Blue prints of any township in the Vale Lauti District, $1.00 each . JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS I P£ visitor last Tnesdi v. H. E Bush w Issisi Rev. Miller c 's w’oik. VAI E, OREGON Surveoyrs & Engineers Resit and Investments Abstracts of title to all laifl , T r ,Lk Ihiiry n.»111 Wash., is now town lots in Malheur 0 ivo cream at thi OREGON (ion in Nyssa. 1 •cantile Co. will the cream. P VALE rry Butler is recie’ THE BANK OF NYSSJ stop, stocking up for are sure to com Owned— C ontrolled----Manage « iu i v weeks. lowers and Rake best ou the in sail lard ware compa BY N Y SSA M EN The stockholders of The Bank of Nyssa own property! Malheur County having an assessed valuation aggiegrt l^ Y o u r broken made as good as H is ., blacksmiths. $193,685.00 This bank stands for the development and protection of 1 commercial interests of this valley. ____________________________________ E ^ F o lg e r ’s Gold pounds for $ lai ¡»rice 40c per y cut price at the Owt tile Co. •> Your M O NEY and your INTERESTS are ate ¿jjCUrsjons to g a] lutely safe if placed in the hands of jjVia Oregon shor THE BANK OF NYSSL,yl0“ " _______________________________________________ - National Educatio J. H. Hill, Cashier N. J. Minton W. D. Graham Robert, van Gilse A. G. Kingman i+eorgc l . Green T. N. Nelson H. Walters tion convt ’ ii< direct, or via r « , till Angeles returning, fort further particu ■ W a g o n Fnibrelh he Mercantile. Directors EXCURSION! Vi. Oregon Short P a r iti! M ake our Bank Y o u r Bank, » " O e h g d got over c a r ln g f breathed Serene, tragically. / lit "'Oh, Yio!" Thé veranda lad/ caught I V £ » her brdath l i e just died,'' « h » whis pered, , miserably. ■ in Nyssa, a Oolu 75 cents. DRV GOODS AND LADIES’ FURNISHINGS $12.50 9.50 8.50 1.00 .50 .95 ig'|’ between E. 1 ranch anti Fred Also $1.00 pails A x le Grease go U! k |r¡ou D u «»’“ Uaby aerioimly sick the That l w ill close out at Nyssa Orel iecial low rate) ■ er. Omaha. Ku Sis. Chicago an its. Tickets on 2fith, and 27t H . l o t h . l l t b . 17 | find, ik b , Ai ember 2nd and ¡list, with divi s i * ) ' h i t s . See agi ani f f urther part ioni