Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1911)
ublished in the heart oi me Fruit Belt—NYSSA O R E G O N —the coming Apple Paradise o f the Northwest T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL. II NO. 15. N YSSA , M A LH E U K C O U N TY .O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . JU L Y 13, 1911 $1.50 PE R YEAR. 5c PE R COPY YSSA FARMERS TO RECEIVE OREGON LITERATURE GOOD PLAYS RAILROAD THE COMPANY FORGING OF INTEREST NOW BILLED IMPROVEMENTS INCORPORATES $ 40 , 000.00 AHEAD TO FARMERS. FOR NYSSA AT NYSSA FOR $ 80 , 000 . jgh t 0f Way Man Go«s Today’s News from Various The Commercial Club has K. G. White is Making Ar- The Short Line Enlarging Kingman Colony Irrigation Along the Line and Clo Sections of the Webfoot rangments for Splendid the Railroad Yards, Fut- Secured and Placed on Company Files Articles ses Up All Options, and State, Indicating Pros Winter Entertainments File for the Use o f Farm ting in More Side Traek- of Incorporation Cover will Make Final I*ay perity and Advancement for the Feople of This ers Some Valuable Liter ing and Doing Much Oth ing Their Big Fumping ment Immediately. on every hand. City. ature. er Work. System. (''tinners along tlie Nyssa-Buhl jstension, between Nyssa and omedale, will receive over $40,- AJ in cash from the Oregon tort Line within the next few eks, in paym ent for lands us- by the railroad com p a n y for a right of way. ■ Prices paid range from $50 to f c " " per acie, in about the fob ■ w in g proportion s: ■ Six miles will average $150 per acre; eight miles will aver age $200 per acre, and the re m aining 16 miles, through the dry 1 amis, $50 per acre. ■ j . A. Duquesne, the right of wt. v man for the S h ort Line, has been at work closin g up c o n tracts with the farmers along tli< line between here and Homedale, for the past week, accom panied by VV. B. H oxie, who did the notarial work. All the land deals were closed up by contract, practically in accordance with the terms of the form er options. There is still a fractional acre of land un settled in the K in gm an C olon y tract, but with this exception everything has been closed up and is ready for the transfer of deeds and paym ent of the m on ey. T h e right of way is 100 feet wide all along, except where somu fills are to be made, and at thesu points fifty feet m ore are adtjed. Speaking with Mr. H oxie in regard to the treat ment of the people by the rail road com pany, he said that it appeared to him that the co m pany had endeavored to be very fair in its allowances for land, taking into consideration in all instances the damage done to the property through w hich the road is b ein g built. North Western Inventors The follow ing patents were is sued this week to north western inventors reported by D. Swift <fe C o., Patent Lawyers, W ash ington D. C., who will furnish any of our readers with copies of f$he patents below for ten cents each. W ASH. W. Baker, W apa- to, R ivet and bur feeding mechanism for riveting m ach ine«; F. W. Criswell, Seattle, Logging car; M. E. Nourse. Ce ment, M arking stake; E. R ich ards! Spokane, Broom holder. ORE. S A. W ilkins, Fort- landl Stringed musical instru ment com fort du rin g the hot weatlier, buy a G asoline Stove. — Nyssa Hardware com pany. I fb o u want to go on the road, havelan outing and make some ]nick money besides, buy ,a first Roving Picture Show outfit ,u can turn the trick. You such an outfit at the Journal office, new and complete for $7-' less than cost. Wat r Ba gs of all d e scrip tions, for sale by Nyssa Ilard-i ware com pany. Banks of the state show good Secretary Bush of the Nyssa The west side of the track along •R.G. White has entered into a gains in deposits and resources Commercial Club informs the contract with the Britt Lyceum the railroad yards at Nyssa is be as com pared with similar figures Journal that the following sub company, Lincoln. Nebraska., for ing cleared for the accommodation com piled last year. State Bank jects, of interest to fumiers mid a series of five entertainments for of construction supplies being un Exam iner W right finds deposits others, are covered by literature the coming winter. While they loaded for the Nyssa-Buhl exten have grown over $2,590,000 he has secured and placed oil file arc to be given under the auspices sion, ami extensive preparations for the free use of all who may be of the school, no pecuniary ben are under way for enlarging the and in practically all depart interested: sidetrack facilities of the main line efit will accrete to anyone. ments of the banking business A treatise oil the occurrence of The entertainments are all yards here. there is good advance. The lat bee diseases in the United States; high class, just the calibre desired A large force of men will put on est reports set forth conditions treatment of bee diseases; a gen and appreciated by the best people. immediately in constructing side as they existed at the close of eral treatise on bees. They cost considerable money, tracks on the east side of the business July 3. U.S regulations for the inspec but these entertainments are of main line yards while the track The Central Oregon Develop tion of stock that is imported. a high order and fully worth all age on the west side will also be Forestry service on Douglas fir that is asked. ment League is exceedingly ac extended. A new cook house has been 1 n order to secure this course, tive, even though a very young in the northwest. Proceedings of the 15th annual there must be 150 season tickets built farther down the line, indi organization. H aving been cating that the old building will formed about one week ago, it is meeting of Farmers’ Institute purchased at $t each. be removed to make room for the workers. By careful selections and liber already m aking plans for the Grimm alfalfa and its utilization 1 al dealing, in order to introduce added tracks. next m eeting of the organiz itioii in the northwest. Lyceum work in Nyssa. Mr. J. M. Duncan, A. •). Quaokun- early in the fall and •). J. Hill The adulteration and misbrand- ( White has succeeded in securing bush, W. B. Hoxie and the Jour will be invited to attend. The ing of the seeds of alfalfa, red five high g'ade attractions for the date of the m eeting will be ar clover, Kentucky bluegrass, orch price of four, and will sell five nal man had a very pleasent after noon visit Sunday, talking over ranged to suit Mr. H ill’s co n ard grass and redtop. numbers for what other towns sell the experiences of Long Ago in venience. Stallion registration law of Ore four. Four of these numbers are Malheur county and the surround M edford business men will gon. 50 cents attractions, while the 5th ing territory. All, or nearly so, State University at Eugene. have a four-days excursion must cost 75 ceuts. This makes had seen Malheur cut off from Biennial report of the board of $2.75 attractions for $2. through southern Oregon some Baker, and the Harney country In addition, every purchaser of time this m onth, visitin g Lake- Horticulture of Oregon, 1911. cut off from Grant, and had mixed Biennial report of the State En a season ticket will be entitled to view and Klamath Falls, as well with the early day characters who gineer, 1909-10. a reserved seat without extra cost, as a num ber of other points. pioneered Eastern Oregon A Report of the Oregon Conserva and will hold his seat number Closer business relations with quarter of a century seems but a tion Commission, November, 1911. throughout the season. Seats day when viewed through the mu this section is the object sought Biennial report of bureau of La will be selected according to order tual memories of those who went by the Medford people. bor link Statistics and Inspector of in which they are paid for. The over the old trail and its diverging Union and W allowa counties first purchaser will have the first Factories. branches, when a man was meas will probably form a two-county Annual meeting of Oregon choice of all the seats, and so on. ured by his manhood and not his developm ent league for mutual State Horticultural Society. Tikets will be on sale in a very church, lodge or pedigree. help. It is believed that great short time, and all interested in a Mrs. E. R. Evans and Miss Flor G. H. Miller and wife, formerly real live, wholesome, pure enter er benefits will com e to the northeast corner of the state of the Hotel Western Cafe, have tainment, will be urged to pur ence Evans of Gooding, Idaho, chase promptly so as to insure suc who have been visiting the family with organization and that the leased the Hillier building near Journal will keep of Rev. A. R. Garrick of this city the depot, just vacated by the cess. The greater gains will be made in everyone posted on the details. the past few weeks, were joined Sharp & Y'cghts pool hall, and will The attractions engaged, together im migration. open a first-cliss all white help with further information on the by Mr E.R.Evans, on the 29th nit., After visiting -15 towns of who spent the 4th here, returning cafe the first of next week. subject will be given next week. eastern Oregon, J. J. Sayer, field the 6th to King Hill, where he has secretary of Oregon Developm ent a contract for the constructtion of League, is back at the Portland a $14,000 school building. Miss office, m uch impressed by his Florence will remain in Nyssa dur trip through the interior. He Next Thursday, July 20th, will Gate City Lodge No. 214 I. 0 . ing vacation. Mr. and Miss Ev is enthusiastic about the possi occur the biggest event of the (). F., installed the following offi ans are the nephew and niece of bilities and the future in store year. On that day the sixth an cers at the regular meeting, July Mrs. Garrick. for eastern Oregon. Mr. Sayer nual picnic of the Roswell-Parma 11, 1911, A. H. Boy dell Deputy The pastor of the Methodist church spoke to a good sized con starts this week for u sim ilar Picnic Association will be held Dist. Grand Master: Wm. Sexton, Noble Grand. gregation last Sunday evening on trip through the coast counties. at Andersen's Grove, about two H. G. Francis, Vice Grand. the theme, "Jesus in the Homes Umatilla county will have a miles northwest of Parma, one of F. O. Carman, Treasurer. the finest places in the state for a of Nyssa.” Rev. Bush empha great wheat crop of about 6,000,- For secretary, H. S. Vahl not sized very strongly the necessity gathering of this kind. Every 000 bushels. This county grows body in the country will be there, being present, will bo installed of American homes being Gliris- about 1 per cent of the cereal tian homes in view of America’s and it is safe to say that this o c later. produced in United States. J.M. Duncan takes Past Grand’s work in the world. Next Sunday casion will outshine all previous The Vlazimas, the mountain- ones. A band has been procured chair. evening the theme will be "Jesus clim bin g club of Portland, will and other amusements will be pro -\ Christ in Nyssa's Soeial Life," A. V. Cook and wife leave today scale Glacier peak, in Chelan vided. A fine program of sports and a hearty invitation iH exteud- for Baker, for a visit to the par- e | to the public to attend. county, W ashington, this year. has been arranged. ence of Mr. Cook, and to have ail — - ♦ - ------ The annual outing is scheduled FOR SA L E . A Moving Pic outing iii the mountains adjacent for August 2 to 20. Mountain- j H. T. Francis and wife returned ture Show outfit complete, all Baker. K o y t’ook will Pike cure Sunday evening from a week's visit eers of Seuttle will join the ex ready for action, latest mod. I Edi- to A. G. Francis at Indian N alley. of the shop in the absence of his soil Ki net ore >|M'. generator. pedition and a large party will Idaho, and report a splendid out brother. all equipments, practically new, make the ascent. ing. Mrs. P. A Francis of Rock L -e Sail- and family and his limit having been n I for about After nearlv three vears’ work W yo.. mother of Mr father in la», Mr. Fleming, moved ■ J I Springs, I 20 shows. This outfit will Is-sold the first two miles of the Celilo Francis, who has been visiting in last week to Nampa. Mr. Sale for $75 less than cost, il taken im. canal have been com pleted by Nyssa a few weeks, will h iv-< hail a cement block outfit and put mediately Gall at the Journal the construction firm burin;, tin foi II vi si t to her s o il in !ndi m up tie van GiNe I’eiiaeii block office or write Ur (•articular«. contract. This includes the up Valley shortly. opposite the de|H«t, and which they Miss Clara Rush, teacher of Eng per end of the canal and Celilo have just eompleted. lish in the high s c h o o l at KiqNTt, lock. It is expected that by an linguists are in the city. The decision of Judge van Gilse Idaho, and Mrs. Etta Miller, wife T h e best list of early closin g in the Fields case was incorrectly other three vears the canal will of District Attorney Miller, of entries ever made for the rue n reported in the Journal last week. Anahuae. Texas, have been visit- be open to navigation. Esperantists of the northwest scheduled for the State inn u \t The defendant was found gni i»y in 4 their uncle J M. Duncan and family for two week Mrs Miller will meet in Portland from July September Ini'! been secured ami mill the saloons ordered closed by left for Boise Sunday, where she 19 to 21 under the auspices of the meet will be full of interest by the court will visit relatives and friends a the local Esperanto club. The as well as to all who like to see The editor of the Printer’s Devil few days before returning home. meetings will be held in the * pirited contests of this kind. and the Journal editor will attend For Buggies and Hacks, call convention ball of the C om W hile many favorite racer.- arc lIn* lie e t m g o f th e W estern Idaho and get our prices; we ran u n e l ’ r * . A -.- k'Mtioii at Nampa Sat you m oney.— Nyssa Hardware mercial club S ii P c I j I elite it a l . i listed, * ier-f ir-» n i. ■ eu'.iie , com pany. urday ment will be provided while the this year thau ever before. Roswell - Parma Picnic Nyssa Odd Fellows In Next Thursday. stall Officers. The articles of incorporation for the Kingman Colony Irrigation company were sent to Salem for filing the latter part of last week, with the following names as in corporators: A. G. Kingman, C. E. Peck and H. R. Otis. There are 1000 shares of stock of the par value of $20 per share, making the total stock $80,000. The actual cost of installing the pumping plant will be $61.000, and the additional $19,000 will be used to defray all other expenses, and provide all necessary payments till landowners can get action on their crops, after the water has been put on the land next year. Arrangements have been made with the power company, whereby only a sufficient amount of power will have to be paid for to water that land which can be put into cultivation immediately, and the full umount of power contract ed lor put to use as the land is prepared for cultivation, which will of course be done very rapid- !y. School Notes. . Wo have reports from all the school districts but four. ‘ ‘School districts shall not be entitled to their proportion of the county school funds at the disposal of the county superin tendent, unless they shall report to him within fifteen days after the annual school m eeting.” For the inform ation of the applicants who wrote in the teacher’s exam inations last month, kindly say that Sup’t A lderm an th in k s that the State Board of Exam iners will finish the work of grading this week, and that he can begin sending out the grades on the 15th iiist. Patience, Beloved! For sale at $75 lest than cost, a new Moving Picture Show outfit complete. Gall at Journal office, Mrs. Arnold Lafrenz removed a telegram and left for S|x>knne Fri day, to attend her father who had met with an accident, through which he relieved a broken leg and other serious injuries. lea Cream Freezers,Refrigera tors, H am m ocks,and eveiyth in g lor com fort ill hot weather, at Nyssa Hardware Co. The Epworth League of the Methodist Chtircjr will give a hay rack party on Friday. July the I Ith. to whieh th(‘ youn ; people of the town are codially invited. Will leave the Meth<x|ist Church at. 7 p m. sharp. We handle the best Pitch Forks made; call and see them and test them .— Nyssa Hard ware C om pany The west room o f th ■ Sharp block, on Main and Second streets, is being pnqwred for a cigar store and billard hall, and occupied this week by VoghtsA Sharp, who will move from their present stand near the depot, J j^ S to ra g e Coal d u rin g the month of July. Now is the time to store coal for the winter. We carry Rock S p rin g- and H i awatha coal.— Em pire Lum ber C om pany.