Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1911)
Uv P u b lis h e d vol . II in th e h eart of cne F r u it B e lt — N Y S S A O R E G O N — -th e c o m in g NO. IK NY'SHA, M A L H E U R (X>UNTY. O REGON . T H U R S D A Y . JUN E 21», 11)11 This brings icres of Teachers’ Examination. r 15,000 terge of jes b e i n g the ie i p a y r o lls and city s a r y a t the a d d i t i o n to in g y e a r, l e n e x t fe* th e Northwest Through the kindness of Supt. Milligan, the Journal is furnished with names of teachers who wrote for certificates and credits at the examination at Vale last week. There were 2fi in all; 20 wrote for one-year certificates, three for five- year certificates, and three for credits. Under the new law, any holder of a common school certifi cate may write at any examina tion on one or more subjects, for the purpose of securing credits; and when sufficient credits have been earned, the proper certificate shall be issued. Following are the names of those who wrote: For one-year certificates: G.Eva Boydell, Bruce Duncan, Florence McDonald, Harold S- Vahl, of Nyssa; Estelle Coulter, Dora Eat- ¡on, Weiser; Nannie Duncan, Ironside; Elsie Froman, Vale; , Clara Maxfield, Mabel E. Orcutt, Delta M. Sloneker. Estella Stark, Payette: Julia E. Lievsay, Par ma; Isabella McClelland, Ruth Purcell, Ontario; Yinibel McCor mick, Roswell; Emtna McGivern, Delva L. St. Clair, Owyhee; Ber nice Miller, Caldwell. For five-year certificates: M. E. iGannon, Anna K. Stocfzel, Onta r i o ; Anna T. McGivern, ( Iwvhee. For credits: Bertha Johnston. JAIda Wilson. Vale; Josalina Mc- fclelland, Ontario. the river will permit. Had Sinking Spells. Free Seeds Distributed. Congressman Làfferty, of the second Oregon district, has been allotted the following seeds by the Department of Agriculture, for free distribution during 1U12: 20,- 000 packages of vegetable seeds and 2/HX) packages of flower seeds. All persons desirous of obtaining assortments of these selected seeds are requsted to write to Con gressman Lafferty at once, stating their wants. Orders will be care fully listed and the seeds sent, out in ample time for the planting sea son next spring. Address all let fers to Hon. A. W. Lafferty. M C.. Washington, D. C. The Ontario Optimist of the 22nd published the following, con cerning the lands across Nnake river below Nyssa: The sale is reported of 20 acres of orchard tract on the Fruitlaiul bench, to J. E. Stouffor of Payetta at $000 per acre, reserving the crop, which they have since sold for $-1,500, making an actual price of $1,125 an acre. This is one of the highest priced sales ever made in Snake river valley, and it shows what may be accomplished by pa tience arid perseverence in devel oping a piece of land. Probably no country in the world repays la bor expended upon laud to a great er extent than does this part of Snake river valley. The land sold for a good figure as land values go, but an income of $225 per acre without touching the fruit is bet ter than anything ever offered here before. Based on ordinary com mercial values of stocks add .bonds in the east, the land should sell at $1,500 per acre. Hoboes at Work. Policeman W. W. Smith has been working a gang of hoboes on on the streets this week, with very good results. Since the railroad work began here, the hobo nuisance has. be come unbearable, and Mr. Smith at last decided to make some val uable use of the fellows he was continually compelled to round up, with the result that the appear* ancoof the streets are considerably improved already, by the work that has been put upon them from this source. It adds considerably to the work of patrolman Smith, for 'it is no easy job to get good work out of a hobo. X^AStorage Coal d urin g the hnonth of July. Now is the | tim e to store coal for the winter. |W e carry Rock Springs and H i E. H. Test was in the city Mon awatha coal.— Em pire Lum ber day, and reported everything pro C om pany. gressing nicely in the work of se Ontario is figuring oil a visit curing the new pumping plant he Torn one of the Curtis biplanes has be«-n endeavoring to procure ^bout the middle of July. the installing of near this city. The Road land people have not The new Catholic church at On- come in yet, but those interested rio will be dedicated on the 4th have concluded to proceed without ■ A f July. the road lands. Attorney Floyd E. Winters of uierican Falls was disbarred in udge Budge's court yester- Via Oregon Short Line Rail Extortion and other iiniiro- road. S5;otial conduct was charged, e was given a jail sentence in Tickets on sale July 1st, 2nd, iichigan before coming west, on 3rd, 4th, lim ited to July ;>t!i. jmdar charge*. ,t is «Begird by See agents for rates and fui liter lose who were after his scalp. particulars. Pumping Plant is a Go. JULY FOURTH RATtS 5c PER COPY LOCATION OF NYSSA IS LUCKY THIS TIME She will Come in for a Big Double-Header in Adver tising Lines, on the Ex hibit Train that will go East this Fall. very quickly as soon as the water in Forks m ade; call and see them and test them .— Nyssa Hard ware Com pany. Breaks All Records $1.50 PER YEAR. The high water in Snake river | still prevents the work from start ling on the new Nyssa bridge. The water has been slower than usual I in coming down this year, thus keeping the river up a longer time than it is in the average season. The company having the con tract is ready to assemble its men and materials rapidly, however, and rush the work to completion work on the N yssa-1 Secretary Bush Conducting construction Bind extension. the grade; work is near a Free Employment Agen ing M uch'of completion, and it is quite cy Temporarily, to Supply likely, that the steel will be laid Nyssa and be Farmers with Hands Dur between fore the snow flies. ing the Haying Season. W e bandle the best Pitch. During the past week Secretary Bush of the Nyssa Commercial Club has supplied eight farm hands for farmers in this vicinity, saving them the trouble of going out to hunt up help during their busy season. Mr. Bush says he is not particu- laily busy with his own duties at the present time, and wi 1 be glad to assist the farmers in this way whenever they desire him to, without [cost to them. The secretary's office hours are from 1) a. m. to noon, and if farm ers desiring help will telephone to the office any time in the morning, \lr. Bush will be glad to go out and find the needed help for them. This is the spirit of co-operation between the firm ing community and the Commercial clab, that the Journal has advised, and which is of practical benefit. It demonstrates one of the advan tages to the farmer of assisting in keeping up the city oganization, not only for direct financial ad vantages, but for that of mutual assistance and co-opreation. 2 / Bridge Work Retarded by High Water is . ot T he G ate C ity J ournal Ties for the Nyssa-Buhl COMMERCIAL Extension CLUB ASSISTING 1 lie Ort'i'ou Sbort Line ni|- louding .1 large quantity of railroad THE FARMERS tics at Nyssii, *<1 bo used in the by way ed this I ale. A p p le P a r a d is e JONAIHAN RUURNE. JR. United States Senator from Oregon. Senator Bourne lias becom e known throughout the civilized One Chinaman and two hu man beings were •afflicted with sinking spells at Boise last week and died. They were drowned. Tw o Jews were on a ship that was sinking, and Jakey ran to Ikey’s bedroom door, told him to get up quick,for tne ship was sinking. Ikey turned o v e r and grunted, “ V ot if it iss; it aint ou rs!” And once a Jew went in to a depot and asked for a tick et to Springfield, The agent asked him “ Springfield, M o , Springfield, Ohio., or. Spring- field Mass?” The Jew studied a minute, and asked, “ V ich is der cheapest?” Printer’s Devil. Road Lands Stay Out. world, by reason of his determ ined advocacy of the “ Oregon As has always been the case, W ay” of governm ent, his continuous light for the Initiative and when there was any money to be spent in the way of improvements, R eferendum and the R ecall as federal measures, and his opposi the Road comany is holding back tion to his own party or anybody else’s pftrty that refuses to and delaying the work on a big 15,000 acre pumping plant near stand with him for the rule of the people— the Oregon Way. lie Nyssa, but those who have the has accum ulated m uch adverse criticism af the hands of the matter in hand have concluded to go ahead with the pumping sys stand-pat press *of his party, but the com m on people are with Rim. tem, leaving the road company out, and the plant will be constructed with a capacity sufficient to cover the lands only of those coming in, and when the Road company gets Elza Glenn, with charged having .Hereafter whop you take F ijo ready to come in they will simply burglarized a 'hardware store at with you oil the Short Line, he will have to construct a system of their Meridian, Idaho, was arrested at go as excess baggage, pill have to own, or remain dry. It is evi Vale Sunday, and returned to wear a collar with a stout rope at dently the bel^ f of the company Boise for trial. tached and be muzzled, or else bo that tKe systemVill be built with Two boys, Omer S ta r,. and crated. Here are the latest or a sfiffimit ’ capacity to accom mo Oilier Evans, wore arrested at ders .to agents from headfpiartfrs: date them whenever they feel dis Meridian, having on their persons Referring to ¿he Excess Bag posed to ask for water. They will whiskey, knives, razor;, revolvers, gage lari If No. <!, you will note discover their mistake. and cartridges, supposed'to have that «'ffectiflr, on July 1st a decid come from the looted store. id change will be made- in regard to handling dogs on passenger The way to make a dollar go the trains. Dn YV. G. Howe, a dentist farthest possible is to invest it At pre8ellt and for many years from Chicago, arrived h«;re last here at home. past, dogs have bi’ en turned over week from Portland, and after in* vestigating the future of Nyssa E veryth in g you want for hay to train baggagemen by the owners, ing c in be found at the Nyssa direct, and have paid the train and looking over the surrounding country, concluded to locate here Ilardware com pany. baggagemen whatever they felt permanently for the practice of In 1. C. Fleming of Arcadia was in like, for the care thereof. his profession. the city Tuesday, and nqiorts that most all eases own« rs delivered He has secured office rooms at Mrs. Fleming, who is in the Wil- ' ‘¡r •<> the train tiagg, ge- the Hotel Western ami is now lainette valley for her health, is men just h< ire the departure of prepared to take care of all work much improved. Mrs. Fleming is t lie I rains. in the dental line that, may he KHeclivo with above tarilf, it under treatment for heart trouble. needed in till : section. will be necessary for owners to Ice Cream Freezers,Refi igera- Everyone will appreciate the ml take their dogs to the baggage tors, Hum mocks, a n d -even thing vantages of hafiiig access to the room and have same cheeked, and for com fort in hot weather, at servVes of a res id hi <| -iii si_ r;,th ii will be necessary that all dogs Nvs>a Hardware Co. er than t.nviiig to d ■;> -ml .qioti lie crated, or else filled with a The Bell and iudepeuden! I- I collar and a strong leash and traveling tie ti I ..rile- ; mfe.KUui I'lu in,m will nut ephone companies in Ada. Can M U ZZLE D Ih-fo;. tie y will he a Boise. yon and Boise counties, Idaho, a le (»till fo| I r iqSportutioii. A only mak' .di hi.; wink go.«I. Im have consolidated, the Indepeml c h a r g e v ill he mad i' e each dog will s|>eml tile iiionev at li.une ent company taking over tli• - local or ernte et >f Ititi Dr. Howe it ,i j.leusnnt. genial business and the Bell taking « ire !*mul ■ gross gentleman, and wdj make friends of the long distance. Tin mergei w li weight actual in Nyssa and vicinity fintn tin will b«' in effect nfter Sept. 1st Burglary Suspect Arressted Your Doggies Must be at Vale Muzzled Dentist Locates in Nyssa. Among the disadvantages and incoimmiencob which Nyssa has fallen heir to, during the past years, hy reason of its location so close to the Oregon-ldaho state line, it is refreshing to find this location working to her advantage occasionally. Just now Nyssa is coming in for a double-header in an advertis ing way, by mason of its location. In preparing displays and exhibits for the special train that will be sent east this fall, bol h Oregon and Iilaho will represent the pro ducts of the Nyssa country. This big special train will con sist of ten special coaches, and will cover 10,000 miles, traveling throughout the east and triddla west, and the following itates will participate in making up the dis plays carried on the special train: Oregon. Idaho, Washington, Cali fornia. Nevada, Color, do, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Nebraska. The itinerary will require six ty days in the fall and early win ter. The following allied interests of the northwest will take part and assist in bringing to the front all the advantages offered by the great northwestern empire: The Carey Act and other land inter ests, bankers, power companies, lumber interests, railroads, mill ing interests, jobbing interests, newspapers, livestock, dairies, horticulturists, including canner ies, poultry .apiary, mining, agron omy grains and grasses, commer cial travelers and educational. The purpose is to establish 15,- 000 or more homebuilders in ev ery state in the group participat ing. Capital and immigration are sure to follow this “ searchlight” exhibit. The special train will cost approximately $40,000, of which the railroads will pay $25,- (XX), the Pan-American exposition $5.(XX), and the ten northwestern states $1,(XX) each advantages Nyssa mid surrounding country will have, in making a showing in the displays from both sides of the line, and being boasted in the lit of two stat«>8, as well us combined assistance the commercial clubs of Oregon and Mano, we should Is- able to lion's sitare of first class advertising on this important With the the erature having the of secure the I'd '. Captured by Gov. West Gov West of 1 'r"gon : hii down and captured an escap'd convict from the penitentiary at Salem Monday. A fellow uan •<! Jess Hall was working on parole mid escaped, the Gov.Ttier ran him start. He is a ■M. du.ii' »( Noilh down near St. M ary'■ |*Mk. itt western Unis. ruty I . ntal School some of the roughest ■ mutry in A. M. Brady of Klamath Falls the state, made him throw tip his Chicago. - lias purchased tile Waiter hands, and returned him to the A largì quant it\ of corrugali «1. ranch in Jordon Valley, .unl will penitentiary, where he gave orders galvani/:.«) ¡oto piping has buen make bia home in Malheur county. to have the conwict’s merit marks unloaded al Nys i during tin past Mr Brady reports that after hav all cmicell«*«», and that he be re* week, litui hauled out on the Nys- ing traveled all over both Idaho Sherm 1 harp established a mov- : required to serve out the remain and • »regon, he found Jordon Vnl- sa-Bitlil tight of way, way. for use in j ing picture show in Nyssa last ing 15 years of his s*'nt«-uc«' at li’y land st both in quality and the construction work in building week, at the Nyssa ( »pera bouse, j hard labor. • and has been «loi^g t. Marni office price, hence his purchase. * culverts for the new road. Mrs Lafrenz will hive charge business ever sine»1. • of the song service next Sunday Most of this piping is :tO inches For Buggies and Hacks, « all He now gives shows on Saturday evening at ih " Presbyterian and get our i*ri W r CH II M41 V «tel its use iiKlieat. s that a -v nights only. i id it is evident . hurejj: song . Tvic • is you m on ey.— N\ Har.lwal* sub.«-.1.t4*.l mu lb.-d is to be eon- l*rom the att, odane.- that hi* lieing prepared. Ijon't forget the com pany. ' strOcted. . venture will be a success. hour, 8 p. m. * Buys Jordan Valley Ranch. Uipit'g lor Culverts. Picture Show in Nytota Doing Well b* A special