Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
f A POLITICAL TALK The Empire Lumber Co. i/m. Lumber, Coal & Building Materials Rock Springs Coal $8.00 per Ton Our Store Policy...... Has always been to give the very best service in every line. Mr. David, an experienced Pharmacist, has beea en gaged to take charge of our Prescription depart ment. We will appreciate a visit, Write or phone your or der. NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa Remember I am tura for the fan, Suppositiously Propounded Dealers in F. A. COELTZ, Prop. . . . . = Oregon j, Kdward* was tailed “the Jap" by I Is fellow bank clerks bemuse of his raven-black hair, small, dark eyes and swarthy complexion. Coming from lunch, one summer day, he step ped gingerly across the dusty cobble- »ton«-r. dodged a ponderous electric truck was warned oft the street car trad by the clanging of a gong, made a dttour to pass a stationary automo bile pulled open a brass-bound, bev eled glass door and mounted the flight of steps that led to the main floor of the bank. On reaching his department Edwards sauntered to bis desk. "Hello, bunch,” he called, In lifeless tones to several young men who were grouped around an adding machine. I Tommy Betts, the diminutive bead of the department, glanced up with an -C’AK.ea-'' expression on his face that was a caricature of wrath and called across the Intervening desks, stools and bas "W e’ve scoured the town for votes. “ And now ! suppose you expect » kets. “ Why don’t you go to bed nights, clean election." Edwards? Your mistakes are balling up tho work of the entire department,” EVEN AS YOU AND I exploded Tommy. “Como around here Where Ignorance Is bliss ’tls folly and take a squint at line 13. It don t balance by a mile.” 1 0 confess. Edwards glanced across the sheet Some people think they are guest*, • nd made a mental calcu*atlon. “ I guess I was asleep at the switch, but others find them jests. fellows." he said, and smiled sweetly Some people are mere bubbles; only “ Leave the statement with me,” he urged. “ I'll fix It. I say, one minute. they remain In the air too long. Tommy," he called, as the department The people on the toboggan of Joy head drifted off with the others. “ I’d do not realize It until they strike bot like to ask you a question. Do you think If a fellow getting only $60 a tom. month got married that he and the Some people who are crazy to he girl could get along all right?" “ Of course, it depends a good deal married may be only temporarily In- on the fellow and the girl. You couldn’t wear $36 tailor-made suits Some people are hypochondriacs ns and patent-leather shoes as you do to their value In the world, which In now. If the girl’s sensible, there’s no reason why you shouldn't get along renllty Is below par. all right. A number of the fellows I In hitching their wagons to a star know were married on less than $60. most people look through the wrong and they’re getting along fine.” "You don't say so,” Jack murmured end of the telescope. Jubilantly. Miss Mabel Marsh ran a compto Some people think heav§n Is situ ated sonlewhere njar earth. Other* meter and was an Important cog In the machine that ground out the work locate it down In the rathskeller. of the bank. The young clerks vowed Some people may take a plunge In her end of the room a delightful place the pool of love, but look long and to work and the little bell boys who •at on the polished benches down longingly fn the Veil of matrimony. stairs and jumped to answer the call When people quarrel one word o i the ofllcers openly adored her. “ Say, Belle, what kind of a question brings on another until they acquire a vocabulary that they are ashamed do you suppose the Jap asked me a few minutes ago?” Inquired Tommy, of.—¿Sophie Irfene Loeb. as he Angered a long, white paper tape crowded with figures. “How should I know? Why don’t you tell me?” “ He wanted to know If I thought a young man could support a wife on fdo a month.” "What’d you say to him?” “ That I thought It depended a great deal on the young couple themselves. I explained he’d have to economize." ’’Trie delightful thing about It Is.” declared Miss Marsh, flushing until her pretty face was as red as a peony, "that the girl the Jap picks out will e sure to care enough for him to do i«r snare In—In making It easy sled- lng.” After leaving Miss Marsh running r machine at a great pace, which ackened the moment he was out of light, Tommy made his way back to ,1s own department, stopping at 'ack's desk. "8ay, Jap, I was Just chinning with lie Marsh. I told her about that 'ool question you asked me." "Can't you keep a secret?” grum bled the Jap. "Didn’t know It was one," Tommy •xplalned. ''What’d she say?” asked Jack. "She said she felt sure any girl you jfleke leked out would care enough for you Company line fk CREDITOR’S SALE •OF THE- G r e a t W e ste rn — 5 fij woNDta-i m A lso Enamel, Tin unci Galvanized Ware. Carpet, Bugs and Linoleum . CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Business^ Professional G . B . WILLS - Mon's $15 Suits for this sale only - $12.50 9.50 8.50 Men's fancy dress Shirts $1.25 values 1.00 Men's fancy dress Shirts 75c values Men's $1.25 Kahki Pants now . . . .50 .95 GROCERY DEPARTMENT Peas. Corn or Tomatoes. per can 3 pounds Navy Beans, for . . . The best quality Efr.irs per pound Narrow str.p Bacon pt'r pound - Keror.ene Oil per gallon Wigwam Flour per sack , - BROOKE & P r o p r ie t o r o i TH E C IT Y V. W. Tomlinson TOMli Attorneys at M on ey to loan on iiiipti DRAY farms Oregon O n t a r io N y ssa RUBBER STAMPS c ( )r«lered by Heal Untale EAST SIDE LIVERY & FEED STABLE Good Rigs nt honest prices. Both Phones Owyhee Stage in connection. U. G. HAND, Prop, D R . J J. S A R A Z IN Physician and Surgeon WESTERN. A F Inaimi | Nyssa, OREGON OFFICE IN HOTEL We are now hand I*A W Y KR J. E ROBERTS NYSSA M IL S «' Or DR. F. A. G0E Physician ih Surgeon Manufactured bj OFFICE IN OPERA HOC N YSSA <>■ W. B. Hoxi Notary Pub Office in his resit This is ] and every to give sai Both Téléphonas N YSSA , OHE. Nyssa ->BLUE PRINTS-'- MALHEUR COUNTY ABS Blue prints of any township in the Vale Land District. $1.00 each THOS. JONES, MAI JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS Surveoyrs & Engineers Realt and Investments VALE V A L E , OBEG 0 NÎ Abstracts of title to all Is OREGON town lots in Malheur THE BANK OF NY Owned— Controlled-----Man HY NYSSA MEN DRY GOODS AND LADIES’ FURNISHINGS Now’ is the time to buy your Summer Suits. Noto the prices: Mon's $25 Suits for this salo only . Men's $18 Suits for this sale only Fun| EDWARD H. SUPEi J. C. HIMLER STOCK We sell you Merchandise at less prices than any Store in Nyssa. Give us a trial and be convinced. Stoves and Rang Ladies’ fancy Collars and Curt's worth 50c. for this sale - 60c Sergos and Casemeres The stockholders of The Bank of Nyssa own proper!) 35c 45c A ll Ladies M uslin Underwear 25 per cent off 50c silk or lisle Gloves now . . . 35c 8c . 10c Croton, now per yard ilOc China Silk, all colors now . . . 42k SHIIE DEPARTMENT -* /\ AUC . 25c . 17c . 22c 25c $1.25 Special prices for this sale: Ladies’ $3.50 Shoos, now - Ladies' $2 50 Oxfords now . . . . Ladies’ $1.75 Oxfords now . . . . Men's $1.50 Shot's now . . . . Men’s $3.00 work Shot's now . . . . ÙJQ B i t t p O e \ /\ / 2.00 1.25 4.00 1.50 C A R P E T S -Good, heavy Ingrain Carpets the i ic quality, for this s:tl" 15c The 50c quality Carpets, 35c. "Did she say that?” cried Jack, his face wreathed In smiles. That Wednesday night the Jap ailed on his sweetheart, but It was lot until he was ready to leave that fi mustered up courage to say what e girl had Instinctively felt all rough the evening he had come to ill bar. Jack leaned forward In his chair and bent an earnest gate on the rbUng woman who sat across from Aim, her hands folded in her lap, her es studying the pattern In the rug the floor. "Belle, I’d like to ask you a ques- Uon," he said "Do you think— I say. Belle, do you think------” "Why, of course I do,” she admit ted. and her dimple played havoc with the Jap’s heart. “■— -th at a fellow who is getting pply $60 a month could get along all right If he got man-led?" *’m sure I can’t say, Jack,” she ealcl "You see, I don’t know the two persons most concerned, apd I—I have o wav of Judging------” She stopped "W e ll suppose "Sell, Belle Marsh straightened In her chair "Do you think It fair. Jack, to Ask me to answer a question having to ¿ 0 with a suppositious case like that?" Jack hung his head for a moment, but only for a moment. Then he arose ita i took a quick step forward. His tolce was husky with the emotion that took him. and shook him, and Watered la hi* throat ’Torgtve me. Belle. The case I ive In mind concerns you and me 1 you think------It's Just this: I love X ! lu. 1—1 want you. any me?" Belle, will you For answer, she arose and held out 1 N it I*,<h arms’ and Jock- taking her ' Lands, gently drew her close Malheur County having an assessed valuation aggi $193,685.00 •Ing to a club smoke Jo Yell, stop for me on yi This bank stands for the development and protection 'gr !J®r club ls soing to commercial interests of this valley. 8urcease for Sorrow. e Your MONEY and your INTERESTS are lutely safe if placed in the hands of THE BANK OF N Y •T. H. Hill, Cnshier N. J. Minton W. D. Graham Robert van Gilse A. G. Kingman George P. Green T. N. Nelson Directors Make our Bank Your Baa Nyssa , dame hi s Income gon ied with great bitterness bP.” her secretary • get that your porl |y appear In 7,31 2,974 weeklies t J printed columns ^ ^ • ■ Ith , your beauty 1 *n Wess will, If pasted I from Weehawken to W 1 in the lady chirked They Say. saV 'hey want to i other- -iy they don’t; rn6l> we’ll see them v > other say we won’t. 1 H. Walters millionaire * * ruby studded liars The Reason. lay of yours,” tl "you have violate, ling dramatic art.' It,” replied t ^SHshnt must be one f why It Is having sue! er» ir.«t drawing belt I Not Certi itane wo. irps ?" d to f iy The liane, an- .'er a