Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
LOCAL NOTES. Coal is now ¡selling at $6.25 per ton in Caldwell. Tents, Tarpaulins, and Bed Sheets.—Nyssa Hardware Co. A party of Nyssaites took in the Vule-Ontario base hull gane at Vide Sunday. Dr. Geoltz has moved his office into the Opera House building, over the Boydell store. Chinaware—selling at Half- Price at Nyssa Hardware Co. Miss Elsie Gipson of Nyssa at tended the dedication exercisee AT = Sunday, returning home Monday Caldwell News. Tnose Boys’ Wash Suits at L Spier’s, are the thing foi thi- hot spell. They just arrived from New York. Ti e eight teachers from the ■ u side, who have been attending P H O G H A M F O R T F I E 1 >A V Prof. White’s preparatory course the past, few weeks, left this week for Vale to take the examination GRAND STREET PARADE AT 9 A. M. The best Machine Oil in the Consisting of neighboring civic and military organizations; decorated limit carnages county at the Nyssa Hardware and automobiles; Goddess of Liberty pageant; 3 hands; several iindred children Company. CONCERT IN CITY PARK AT 10 A. M. Three hands to render patriotic selections; chorus of fifty voices; llag drill; old For light-weight Underwear, folks quartet; male quartet. in either Union or Two-Piece ORATION IN CITY PARK AT 11 A. M Suits, or soft, breezy Shirts, L. Introductory speech by Hon Dalton Biggs, circuit judge; oration of tue day to be de Spier’s is the place. livered by Hon. C. N McArthur, former speaker of Oregon house of representa tives, and one of the most prominent orators on the Pacific coast. There was a slight fall of hail in BIG FREE BARBECUE AT NOON. this section yesterday, but no par Plenty of beef, mutton, and pork to feed seveial thousand visitors; free ice water; ticular damage was done, so far this will be ihe feature of the day. as reported. BASE BALL TOURNAMENT. July 2d, 3d and 4th; all teams in Idaho- Jregon League to play; double header each Attend the Strawberry Festi day; general admission 25c to both games; games called of 1 p. in. val, at the Eniison home, in GAMES, SPORTS AND RACES. Nyssa, June 23rd. On Main street at 4:30 p. m.; valuable prizes to all successful contestants. The Nyssa teachers attending DANCING ALL NIGHT THIRD AND FOURTH. the examinations at Vale this week, Three big bands will render concerts throughout the day and in the evening; Em are Eva Boydell, Florence McDon mett, New Plymouth and Ontario bands will play. ald, Harold Vahl, and Bruce Dun Grand Fireworks Display at 9 p. m. can. EXCURSION RATES FROM ALL RAILROAD POINTS. Special trains will be run on the P. & I. N. from New Meadows; from Emmett on the Mowers and Rakes for sale— P. V. R. R.; from Boise and Huntington on the O. S. L.; from Brogan and Vale the best on the market.—Nys on the O. W. R. & N. R. R. sa Hardware company. Note the change in the time table of the Oregon Short Line. Fivo trains changed schedule yes terday. Be sure to attend the Straw berry Festival at the Emison * ► *♦ *♦ •*♦ *♦ *♦ ■ *♦ *♦ *♦ *♦ *♦ *♦ * home, in Nyssa, on the 23rd of ♦ i Just Received— R obert vam Gn.sK, President F. M ulkey , Secretai? I * : this month. A cordial invita tion is extended to everyone to be present and participate. C O M P A N Y , Ltd. For comfort during the hot * Î ♦ : weather, buy a Gasoline Stove. —Nyssa Hardware company. 4 The noted liquid for keep- ★ BUILDING MATERIAL X ing away The small boys over at Caldwell ♦ New Yards, New, Com plete StocK. w i l l FLIES are getting into trouble for hav be pleased to figure w ith you. and ing robbed mail boxes, says the I BSsT Yards on First street, south of Malheur County Bank! INSECTS Caldwell News. Dr. Goeltz has moved his office f ♦ i E> r rom HORSES S. H . T H O M P S O N , Manager into the Opera House buildiug, and over the Boydell store. COWS Water Bags of all descrip tions, for sale by Nyssa Hard ware company. Some of the contractors on the DO YOU WANT— railroad construction were in town R P hunting for men this week, and were quickly supplied. Everybody Cordially Invited to Celebrate T I I J'.u Lie 1911 SUN. MON. 4 5 1112 18] 19 25Î26 7AJ J l J N E ......... 1911] VED. THU. , FUI , i SAT 1 2 3 6 17 8 9 l 1 0 131 14 15 16 17 2 0 \ ¿1 2 2 2 3 2 4 l , 2 7 i2 8 2 9 3 0 s GATE CITY JOURNAL hy reejeved the fact that I have already application« for over Published every Thursday at i 3,850,000 copies of iny speech Nyssa, Oregon ! of May 5th, 1910 on popular vs J . E. R Editor delegated government for the Entered as second-class matter United States; over 10,000 for April 14. 1910, at the post office Canada and several hundred for at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act Europe. of March 3, 1879. With deep appreciation of SUBSCRIPTION RATES your kind personal reference, Ona year, in advance ...............$1.50 and with very best wishes, I Six months, in advance ................75 Three months, in advance................50 remain, Sincerely yours, Member of the Western Idaho Press o berts J B . Association. C. A. Hackney, Meadows,.. .President We hear and read a great deal N Jenness, Nampa,.......Vice President K. G. Burroughs, Caldwell,. .Secretary about boosters, says the Mead o nath an ourne K Thirteen Guns at Sunrise A genuine good time guaranteed to all. ows Eagle, hut the real booster for a community is the man who Legal surrounds his place with neat r!nlmlar, fl-st Insertion, per In. ..$1.50 fences, paints his buildings, saws Tabular, subsequent insertions, per inch, per issue ...................75 off the ends of projecting hoards Beading, first insertion, per in .. 1.00 and posts, keeps his ground free Reading, subsequent insertions, per inch, per issu e...................... 50 from litter, and in various other ways keeps his property and t60 words constitutes one Inch ) surroundings neat and attract Display- One inch, one insertion .................25 ive. One Inch, per month (4 weeks) .50 The management of the Ontario LOCAL READERS. celebration extends an invitation Reading notice, per line, one in sertion, ...........................................10 to the people of Nyssa to visit Reading notice, per line per month .20 that city and celebrate the nation's birthday with them. They tell of Obituaries and Cards of Thanks per lin e .........................................05 all the good things they have to Rates for '/ page space will be given offer in the way of entertainment, on application. amusement and sports, in an ad. in of the Journal. Read OREGON LEADING. it. this number ____________ Not only is every state in the An automobile frightened a union looking to Oregon for horse to death on the streets of light on the problem of popular Caldwell last week. The animal goverment reforms, but Canada saw the horseless red devil coining and European countries are and dropped dead in his tracks, re- turning to the Webfoot state for l>orts the Caldwell News. This could not happen in Nyssa—auto information along theso lines. mobiles are too common. The following personal letter to Secretary Bush of the Com Democrats in congress should Idaho State Chautauqua. Shoes, or Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to-Wear mercial club, from U. S. Senator be careful how they pratice insur LEGAL NOTICE5 Boise, Idaho, June 22-Julv 3rd. gency against Bryan. If they crowd Bourne of Oregon, gives some Goods? Then go to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. figures along this line that are him too far lie may reconsider his Iii the County Reduced rates via the Oregon Court of the 8tate of Oregon, Withdrawal and decide to take one for Malheur county. really astounding. Short Line. Tickets on sale In the matter of the Just think of nearly four more nomination foi president» from Idaho and Oregon points of millions of application being Whether or not Woodrow Wil Charles D. Estate June 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, Williams, deceased The only exclusive Dry Goods Store, and most com whom it may concern; made for the printed speech of a son has “never given the presiden To Notice 24th, 27th, and 29th, limited is hereby given to all of the creditors senator! T his, too, in addition cy thought." it appears certain of the estate plete Stock. One Price to all—and that the LOWEST of Charles D. Williams, deceased, to July 5th. See agents for the presidency is ever giving that the undersigned to the fact that this speech has that was by order of the Coun rates and further particulars. M u tH M iT R IC T L Y C A S H ^ h h ^ m ty Court of Malheur county, Oregon, appointed been published in full in publi him a thought. the administrator of the above estate, and all June brides are now had for the cations having circulation reach When the man who has bought persons having claims against the said estate art'hereby notified to present the same to the isking; by the right man. W. T. LAMPKIN ing up into the hundreds of a $.'>.000 ear for $75 is taking it at undersigned, duly verified as by law required, the office of the undersigned at Nyssa, Ore home he begins to understand thousands. gon, or the office of C. C. Wilson, attorney at O ntario : : : : O regon Uncle Jim Hill will now show law, Nyssa, Oregon, within six months from the former owner was so gen this Following is. the letter above why date. the boys how to go out and erous. THOMAS CANHAM, Jr. referred to : touch the financial world for a big Dated June 8, 1911. Rev. Homer E. Bush, Nyssa, All these plots ami counterplots Firrst publication June 8, 1911. Administrator. loan. Oregon; My Dear Sir and that come hastening breathlessly Last publication July 0, 1911. ■ I P ure Born From Death. REWARD. Friend: Your valued favor of out of Mexico seem to justify the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Boul. get thee to the heart ISOLATED TRACT A reward of twenty-five d< , — Of yonder primrose; hide thee there— the 6th received, and I deeply query* “After Dia*. what?" i m u . L.tu.1 ¡ nut . Department of thi Interior, **nere b$«nth* the meditations of thin« wiil be paid to the person fur |krt appreciate your concurrence in Tariff rates on carpets ,„ay bo . . . U. , 8. Land Office at Vale, May Oregon 22, 1911 Suffused will» prayer. ing information leading to th is hereby given that, as directed by I my views on popular govern cut almost in two, That should the Notice commissioner of the General Land Office, o f spirit grave yet light, rest and conviction of any pe ment fundajneutals, especially bo welcome news to the feet of June mid« r provisions of Act of l ongrvss approvod j l0w fervent fragrances uprise 2?, 19 0 [34 Stats., 517], we will offer at pure-born from these most rich and yet or persons guilt}’ of stealing the recall. Oregon’s demonstra- American people public sale, to the highest bidder, at 11 o’clock most white otherwise tnis-appropriating u| u m . <>n the 12th day of July, 1911, at this V lrftn ties! tion of the efficacy of the popular ; Take it from Judge Gary the office, the follow ing-described land. Lots 0 ami . g rial or tools of any sort from al_ « of tec. 90, T. 2) R. 4« e., \V M., contain Mulched with unsavory death, 1 government laws is having a 8t„,| tin8t's subsidiary companies mg 18.58 aires. O rtit, Boul, unto such white estate, E. S. OWEN, Manatrrr. Anv ix rwm« c U im m ^ lv to e flic n ^ lj their the claim, sin»-.- 1 Th»I - Ylr*tn«!-rr*yerful »H «hall be thy the line of the Oregon Short Line powerful influnce on the whole know enough to speak only when described land an- adviced - Railroad. Ut breath, or objection«, on or before the time designated TViy work, thy fate. country. This is demonstrated spoken to. 1003 Main St.. Boise. Idaho, Oregon Short Line Railroat Co. ' 1 -(C H rc e R K trrat, Begtaer -a id a »y U a ‘ >r. I So-Bos-So 11; Oregon-Idaho Lumber ♦ 18 . F. F o s te r : e g is t e r e d h a r m a c is t DRY GOODS Lamkpin’s, Ontario HKH a d v e r t is in g h a t e s