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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1911)
Published in the heart of tne Fruit Belt— NYSSA O R E G O N — the coming Apple Paradise ot the Northwest T he G ate C ity J ournal VOL II NO. 12 N Y S S A , M A L H E U R C O U N T Y .O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . JU N E 22, 1011 Mrs. Martin VV. Krumm Dies. i W IL L IA M E. BO R AH. O United States Senator from Idaho. Senator Borali is now in the limelight, because of liin success in pulling the direct election bill through the U. S senate, provid ing for the election of U. S. sena tors by a direct vote, a thing that no other senator has been able to accomplish, though attempted hundreds of times. Senator Bo rah is now seriously considered as the running mate of Taft for vice- president next year. Refreshing rains the past few days have made the world look brighter. Church Dedication. Several of Nyssa’s citizens journeyed to Caldwell last Sunday, and witnessed the dediction of the new Methodist Church, recent- completed in that enterprising city. Bishop Smith of Portland preach ed in the morning to an overflow ing congregation, and Dr. Mont gomery of Minneapolis, Minn., in the afternoon and evening. In the morning under the inspiring leadership of Dr. Montomery, the remaining debt of $15,000 was taken care of by pledges and so in the evening, the Bishop dedi cated the church free. Caldwell may well be proud of her new Methodist Church for it is a credit to her enterprise. In style, it is decidedly Grecian,there being only two other churches in the Uniteti States built after the same design, and no doubt it will answer the needs of the Methodists of Caldwell for many years to come. A Double Birthday Party Miss Elsie Gibson and Dallas Duncan, whose birthdays occur on the same date, gave a joint birth day party at the residence of J. M. Duncan last Friday evening, Miss Elsie celebrated her 18th anniver sary, and Dallas his 17th. Quite » large number of their friends and school mates were in attendance, and a very pleasent entertainment is reported. Having shored up the Sherman law. the supreme court feels that it can safely go away for its sum mer vacation. YEAR. 5c P E R COPY J. J. Hash Saves Boy from NYSSA SPECIAL PROGRAM OF Penitentiary. THE ONTARIO PREMIUMS FOR Some time in 'April, the store of N. K. West of La Grande, was COUNTY FAIR CELEBRATION burglarized, and a lot of different I After a a severe illness that lust ed for sixteen weeks, Mrs. M. VV. Krumm passed on to the other world, dying at six o'clock on last Business Men o f This City Saturday morning. Flora Belle Pratt Krumm was OfFer Some Special In born at Wauzeka. Crawford coun ducements for Local Ex ty. Wisconsin on September 29, 1878. With her parents she mov hibits at the Malheur ed in '79 to Furnace Co., Nebras County Fair. ka; in '01 to Loveland, Colorado. Here she met Martin VV. Krumm, The Nyssu Com m ercial Club to whom she was married April 9. '05, and with him she came to offers a cash premium of $25 Ashland. Oregon, the same year. for the best fruit exhibit by one In ’06, Bro. and Sister Krumm ' exhibitor, or from one farm, in came to Nyssu, and from Nyssa Malheur county. $15 for first Mrs. Krumm has taken her jour-1 and $10 for second prize. ney into the Great Beyond. The follow ing are prem ium s Mrs. Krumm enjoyed a high offered by Nyssa business men, school education, having gradu ated from Arapahoe. Nebraska, for exhibits in the Nyssa booth o n ly : high school in 1898. Bank of Nyssa, “ Make our The call to the Christian life came to her at the age of 11} and bank you r bank,” $3.50 cash for she heard and answered, becoming best plate of pears. a consistent member of the Meth H inder store, general m er odist Episcopal church, and re-! chandise, $4 50 corduroy coat maining such till the day of her I for best stalk of alfalfa. demise. Louis Spier, cloth in g and I'o Mr. and Mrs. Krumm were gents’ furnishings, ch oice of a ry born three children, Elvin. hat in store for largest and best Charles,and Lottie who, with their pum pkin. father, are still among us deserving Boydell M ercantile com pany, and needing the hearty sympathy general m erchandise, $4 pair of and cnccurngent of the whole com shoes for best exhibit of alfalfa munity, as they together take up seed. the burden of living without the Nyssa Pharm acy, drugs and mother’s guiding hand. Likewise Mrs. Krumm leaves behind her, stationery, $4 kodak for best her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. plate of Jonathan apples, w Pratt, two brothers, Oscar and Owyhee M ercantile com pany, Merle, and one sister, Gertrude, general m erchandise, $3 lam p who is now lying sick in the hos for best plate of Rom e Beauty pital in Boise. apples. The frueral was held at the late Cook Brothers, general black- residence on the van Gilse ranch sm ithing, $4 worth horse shoe at 1 p m. Monday, conducted by her paster, Rev. Homer Bush, and ing for best plate of W inesap interment in the ( hitario cemetery . apples. Edward 11 Super, furniture Mrs. Krumm has gone on. But she has left to us who knew her and hardware, $3.50 Gold Medal the precious heritage o f a strong cam p cot for largest and best character and a spotless reputation, watermelon. and this community is much better R ay G. N ewcom er, jewelry for her having lived in it. and watches, $3 watch fob for A F r ie n d best plate of Italian prunes. II. F. Butler, harness and sad Running a Newspaper. dles, $3 riding bridle for best Running a newspaper is like half peck of potatoes. running a hotel, only different. J. E. Roberts, printer and When a man goes into a hotel and publisher, one year’s subscrip something on the table does not suit him, he does not raise ha tion to the Gate City Journal for des with the landlord and tell him best plate of peaches. J. E. Roberts, 1 set of 6 hand- to stop bis hotel. Well hardly. He sets that dish to one side and painted Christy plates for best w'ades into the many other dishes exhibit of strawberry sunshine that suit him. It is different with made by girl under 15 years old. the newspaper renders. They find Nyssa Hardware Co., hard an article occasionally that does ware and farm implements, $ 1 50 not suit them exactly and without set of knives and forks for best stopping to think it may please exh ibit of field corn. hundreds of other readers, make a grand stand play and tell the Whatchucallit. editor how a paper should bo run No. Mr. W olf did not now* when and what should be put into it. he saw his picture in the Printer’s But such people are becoming Devil last week. He just said, fewer every year. “ Why that’s not in»-, that's an animal." We asked Mr. M cDon ald what makes a wolf howl, and he said, “ It is just like Hank, it On Friday, June 23, at 7 j howls whenever it Fields like it " o ’clock 1’ . M., there will be given | Mr. McDonald is not as Green as a public Strawberry Festival: the Nyssa chief of (jolice. in fact we think he is pretty Sharp. We and Ice Cream Social, on t h e ' asked Doe Goeltz how far a cat ean Em ison lawn. E verybody is in- i spit, and he turned perfectly White and went into a Brown study, and vited. finally said. “ A cat's got Morelu ad than tail, but I don't Foster any Caruso admits that he once ill-will against the Cook for mak iloved the shop girl who is suing | ing it into Hash. Then we asked him for $5.000. but he says that Newt Minton if a red an* can drag he found she sprang from com -: a two ounce tadpole up Hill, how much could it shoulder on a dead tuon people and therefore he had j level? and he said L. C- Pounds to break off with her. Can yon Just then Ray took a Hand and imagine anyone commoner than said. "I am only a Newcomer, but I Will Ward off any attaek on my Caruso if he didn't nave that set friends, and will help Lynch any o f vocal cords- one that goes Spradling around like a Groner. and gets Howard on Madera is discovering that the town."— Printer's Devil ln*Mig rnt.-r of M' lk-n isn't going to be I lie snap be thought it Mexico hui oxeb.iug ‘ 1 >.i • bo -> would. for a multitude of them. Strawberry Festival $1.50 P E R articles stolen, including some Bijf Doings Coming up for rings, shoes, hats, etc. Unde Sam’s Birthday.— Ontario Preparing to En tertain all Comers, from Both Sides of the Snake. Ontario's citizens have donated several thousand dollars towards the ex (lenses of the Fourth o f July celebration, and no ex[iense or time will be spared by the com mittees having the work in charge to make this day a memorable on e for all those who are fortunate enough to attend The program as arranged by the various com mittees in charge of the celebration will be elaborate and likely to at tract the (leople from all the neigh boring towns -on both sides of the Snake river. Thirteen cannon will boom forth at sunrise in man ifestation of the anniversary of our nation's natal day. The grand street parade to con sist of three divisions, each to be headed by a band, will be one of the features of the day. Numer ous military ami civic organizations from neighboring cities will par ticipate in the parade, and there will also be handsomely decorated floats, hended by one bearing the girth less of liberty, bedecked car riages, automobiles and bicycles. Valuable prizes will be awarded by the parade committee for the vari ous features of the parade. The parade will be formed at 8:30 in the morning and will begin at 9 o’clock. After the parade, and between 9 and 10 o'clock, the three bands that have been engaged for the occasion will enmassed render pat riotic selections. A chorus of fif ty or more voices is being trained by the musical committee to ren der vocal selections. A male quar tet has also been engaged for the day. The Hon. C.N. MucArthur, for mer speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives, ami one o f the most noted and best 'orators on the Pacific coast, will deliver the oration of the day. Judge Dalton Biggs will deliver the introductory address. The big free barbecue and feast will easily be the feature of the day. Sufficient cattle, sheep and pigs to lie roasted, as well as other delicacies, will lx’ secured to feast several thousand people. Aftei the hall players and fans have digested the partakings of the feast sufficiently well to play the great national game, the base ball tournament will tie pulled off. having beim scheduled for one o'clock. This will be third day of base ball tournament, urrangeil for the second, third and fourth Vale i- scheduled to play Payette at one o ’clock and Ontario will cross bats with EmmeUat 2:45or there abouts. After the double-header under the regular Idaho Oregon league schedule, there will also probably t-e arranged a ihird gain« . dnbl- d by the fans as “ the battle bet we« n the Wets and the Dry»," the opposing teams to be conqrtiscd of All-Idaho and All- ( Iregon teams. The regular gen eral admission fee of only twenty five cents will t»e charg«*d to all tin v«- games. During tin« day. probably af ter the ball game, the various games and s(iorts will take plan* on the Main street. f>r which val- nabl p iz<-; rr'll !»• offer- «1 by the A boy was charged with the I crime, and suspicion jiointcd to him so plainly that a conviction seemed certain, hut it hap|iened that Mr. Hash, of Nyssa, had met the accused boy in Parma at just about the time the robbery was committed. He went to Union county and testified in behalf of the boy and saved him from serv ing a term in the peuitentiaay. United 9t4tee Seltirdt trotti tetano. The attorneys for the boy, Senator Heybum is enjoying Green A- Small, attribute the win the antagonism of the Idaho State ning of their ease to the testimony Dairymen’s association, on ac of Mr. Hash. count of his determined advocacy E verything you want for hay of a measure introduced by him in ing c m lie found at the Nyssa the senate, looking to a more rigid enforcement of cleanliness in dairy Hardware com pany. products. Senator Hey burn is a The Nyssa Harness Shop, under fighter in any line he undertakes, the new manager, Harry Butler, and it is certain he will not be de has ¡in announcement in this issue terred in this work of regulation of of the Journal. Read it. the dairies, no matter how strong Ice Cream Freezers,Refrigera the fight made by the dairymen's tors, H am m ocks, and everything association. for com fort in hot weather, at Nyssa Hardware Co. Read the new ad. of The Nyssa Market Co., in this issue of the .Journal, and investigate the merits of the Arrow Hour. W e handle the best Pitch Forks m ade; call and see them and test them.— Nyssa Hurd- ware Com pany. * Mrs. Dickens and daughter Gor don, came down from Silver City, Idaho, Tuesday, on a visit to Mrs. T. N. Nelson. For Buggies and Hacks, call and get our p rice s; we can save you m oney.— Nyssa Hardware com pany. Albert Gibson returned from Corvallis hast Thursday, where he graduated in electrical engineer ing from the electrical department of the < Iregon Agricultural < ’«»liege. After a visit at home till August 1st, he will leave for Pittsburg, Penn., where a position awaits him in his newly acquired pro fession. Elevations Senutor Jonathan Bourne, Jr., has sent to every public and col lege library, and to every newspa per in Oregon, a copy of Geologi cal Survey Bulletin No. 462, giv ing a report of “ Result * of Spirit Leveling in Oregon.” The bulle tin gives accurate statistics regard ing the elevations of the various sections of the state and is there-" fore of general interest and of val ue as a source of reference. The elevations given are the altitudes above sea level. The elevations in this vicinity are as follows; N yssa ......................................... 2204 Bigelow ranch........................... 2224 Owyhee school house............... 2243 Jenkins ranch........................... 2184 Ontario depot........................... 2152 Vale court house..................... 2242 W e stfa ll.....................................3001 Harper ranch ........................... 2592 Agency V a lle y ......................... 3178 Drewsey...... ............................3515 Harney, city h a ll......................41f>8 Burns court house.................... 4184 Miss Anna Howard of ('aidwell, ¡i school mate of Miss Edna Blodg ett o f this city, at the Idaho In dustrial Institute, has been visiting M iss Blodgett since Monday, returning home this morning. Sunday School Picnic. The invmbcrs of the intermedi ate Sunday school class, Pres byterian church, Chris .lohnsou teacher, are enjoying a picnic to day on the C. C. Hunt lawn west of the city. Those in attendance are ( ’ hris Johnson, Pansy Johnson, Chloe Anderson, Goidun Dixon, Della Clark, Edith Ardcll, Eliza beth Canhain, Gertie Ray. Anna McDonald and Vivian Cathey. < ’has. Ring has brought his wife home from th«' hospital at Boise, where she underwent a successful surf ical operation, and is on the way to renewed health and vigor When an avia ter loses his way of her former days She was in the hospital 3 weeks, ami sjieaks in a fog he cannot ask a policemen. in the highest praise of the care At least not yet. ful nursing and attentive treat Justice ^arlan alway.- wants to ment she reeeiviil at St Luke's. be umpire Pres« Associatoli Meeting Following Emisoii's Plan William Gerhmiser, of Middle- The annual meeting of the Western Idaho ami Eastern * tri - ton, having read of the success of gon Press Association will be held of S. N. Emison, of Nyssa, in the at Nampa. July 15 and 16. A cultivation of grn|M'R, has planted good program is Ix ing arranged ¡ hi eX|«erimeii»l vineyard at his ¡Hid will l«e announced later. ranch, following with the same The election of officers will occur varieties tested by Mr. Emison at this meeting, and all members j here. are urg'd to atteml. Excursion*« to Pocatello. Chicago is as proud lieeause of June 20. 21. 22 s o I 23 it newest railroad station as a kid, I Via Oregon Short Lins for In- in his first pair of breeches. ler-m ountain Good R «ads co n will eoo mence at nine o'clock in vention; ticket.» iunite I i«> Line th «' «'Veiling. Dances will In* *iel«l 2*>tli. S e e a g e n t - for rates and all night the third and fourth. Special excursion rates from i further particulars. Crabtree has withdrawn from th«' race for the presidency of the Ontario commdtiH's ext««n<l a r o r. ? it'onal Educ;«i«inal Association «1 .J « I o«n lo I! 1 p i ' I «’ patr in !. v.'r of a well known Chicago ■d*" 1 > “ ‘ • I each. The grand display of fireworks ia the festivities. Nyssa have been arrangisi, ami the