Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1911)
MUSHY Owyhee Mercantile Report o f the Condition o f MALHEUR COUNTY BANK N Y SSA , OREGON Submitted to the Superintendent o f Hanks COMPANY At the Close of Busines June 7, 1911 RESOURCES Loans ami d is co u n ts ..................................... SC m .5J1S.07 Overdrafts........................................................ 12.<‘ m Banking house, furniture and fixtures .. 9,4551.84 Due from banka.............................................. 18,.>43.78 C a s h ................................................................ 5,9451.20 T o t a l .............................................199,707.54 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in cash. ................ $25,000.00 P rofits................................................................ 2.:$8J5.'.IO Deposits ................................................ 72,22 3954 Reserve for taxes........... 100.00 T o t a l ................................................. $99,707.54 H. J. Ward, president J. H. Wolf, cashier John Hay, vice president H. J. Ward John Ray D IR E C T O R S . J. H. W olf J. F. Reece J, E. Clinton, Jr. J. .1 Sarazin C. C. Hunt On the merits of this statement, and our record as a safe and conservative bank, we invite you r account. How are you fixed tor Haying? we are exclusive agents for the Eleanor—I hear that Grace anil Ar thur were about the softest couple ! that were ever married In this town. Evelyn— I should say so! Why. j the} were so soft that their friends boiled the rice before they threw It at ! them. DEERING MOWER How to Teach C ooking and We have some very low prices on Sewing. JACKSON FORKS, A Bpeoial two Weeks course in the methods of teaching domestic science subjects in the «ratio and hi«l, schools will be given tins summer at the Oregon Agricul tural College, beginning June 19, in addition to the regular six weeks course from June 19 to Julv 29. CABLE, PUL LEYS, MACHINE OIL, PITCHFORKS, SHOVELS, I ho purpose of tho now course is to moot tho needs of thost* intor- The people of the < hvyheo dis estcil in introducing domestic trict celebrated Children’s Day economy into the grammar grades Dr. Geoltz has moved his office into the* Opera House building, very appropriately. Mrs. Frank and high schools of the state, and Harris and Mrs. John Forbes who wish suggestion ns to the over the LSoyilell store. have the thanks of the entire cost of installing the necosossary Attend tlio Strawberry Festi neighborhood for the pleasing equipment,ns to the courses o f val at the Kmisnn hom e, in manner In which they presented study to bo followed, and the Nyssa, June 23. the children’s work, and they methods of catching and holding Mayor L. C. Pounds of A pple desire to extend thanks to Miss the it; to rest of the pupils. Valley was circu m am bu latin g Corinno Maxwell for bringing Young women recently giadnat- her violin class, and rendering ed from the college normal course iiio m unicipality M onday. such delightful music. Clark Those B oys’ Wash Suits at L. Smith and Julian Lowe, first and will teach classes of children cook ery ¡mil sowing as a demonstration Spier’s, are the tiling for this second violin, Miss Corinno with other summer students, that they hot spell. Th ey just arrived violoncello, Mrs, Forbes presiding may see how practical problems rrom New at the oigau. The children il are met in the daily classes. Con For light-w eight Underwear, lustrated what untiring efforts ference with regular members of had been made in giving them the college staff may also be ar in either U nion or T w o-P iece their training, and all die] so well ranged if there ¡ire problems on Suits, or soft, breezy shirts, L. that there is no opportunity for which iuformarion is desired. ¡Spier's is tho place. making especial mention. The In the lectures to bo given as il Harold Vnhl leaves for Mead people say they will hereafter do- lustration of tin: way laboratory ows, Idaho, the 25th, to take care dend upon Mrs. Harris and Mrs. practice may be supplemented by of the Eagle for Editor Hackney Forbes for superintending their lecture instruction, such subjects fqr a few weejis, during fishing entertainments. Scientific Farming. will he taken up as marketing and As an example of scientific farming, season, Miss Eunice Yeck, from Emmett, menu planning, art in the home a farmer out In Colorado harvested Thos. Nelson and wife, Mrs. Idaho, is visiting her uncle John and its application to sewing, 200 bushels of grasshoppers In the N. J. M inton and Mrs. I. L. Nel Gregory in Owyhee neighborhood dressmaking and tnill'nory. Tne summer, dried them and kept a big lot of chickens on them through the win son went to Boise by auto M on She is a young lady of very talent dean of tiie department will give a ter. day, on a business and pleasure ed elocutionary ability, and gave series of lectures on the place of Case of Painting the l.lly. delightful recitation at th domestic science in the curriculum, trip, and will remain ail week. A scientist from the alfalfa fields of Children’s Day entertainment on and its introduction into country the west announces the discovery of Hank Fields moved this week the Owyhee. schools; a comparison of the plan a substitute for asparagus. Hut why of domestic science and art work under the sun should anybody crave from tiie Sharp block to the new Miss St. Clair is in Vale this a substitute for asparagus?— Provi at ,the Oregon Agricultural C ol dence Journal concrete building erected by week, being a member of tin Messrs, yan Qilse and Tensen teachers' board of examination, lege and at similar eastern institu tions; and the preparation that The Exact Spot. near the depot, which is in session there at the Teacher—"Robert, where are the domestic science and art work Rocky mountains?” Robert—"In the Dr. J. S. Myer of Caldwell, ac present time. gives a young woman for profes geography, teacher; page fou r!”— com panied by his sou in law, Thos. Lowe of Owyhee was sional life, Puck. Eugene O. Leonard of Pocatello, in Boise a couple of days this The six weeks course will afford was in Nyssa M onday, looking week on br>sincaa. Intrude, the Book Agent. young women who are busy dur “ Opportunity knocks at every man's . for real estate investments. ing the winter an opportunity fur door." "Impunity, however, knocks a study in cookery, diatetics, ser oftener Here comes another book A. Glenn, a sheepm an from June Concert. ving. plain sewing, dressmaking, agent.” [A lberson, in the A lvord cou n Following is the program of the home nursing and sanitation. For If Justice Were Done. try, was in Nyssa M onday. He concert, to be given by the Ladies’ teachers interested in introducing Man "W ho Is the responsible per koine down to attend the wool Aid at the Opera house, Saturday such work in the schixds where son In this firm?” Ofilco Hoy—"I'm tales at Vale and Ontario this evening, June 17, 1911: they ¡.re to tie next year, sugges the one who gets all the blame " ■reek. Piano duet. tions w ill be given with regard to Cruelty of Love. Vocal solo, Beatrice Elliison. wlmt should lie taught children " f 1). P. Dearborn, deputy as- A New England s n tlment.Mst Negro sketch, Blaine Gibson. different ¡iges, and h ow to arouse couldn’t marry the girl he loved, so es&nr for Malheur county, lias Dutch song. Mr and Mrs. Ten- ¡mil sustain internet. Cookery, stayed in bed 4« years. The old. old eeu in Nyssa the past week, story Just trying to lay down his son. dressmaking, other sewing and life Tor her. 'isterin g valuations in this Piano solo. Miss Windette. laundering will be included in the litv and the surrounding rural Wreath drill, sixteen girls. instruction. Healthy Epcl in Europe. districts. Vocal solo. Miss Anna McGiv- The village o A—inone In France Is Paper From Millet Stalks. I , I George Green lias traded his ern. The Japanese manufacture much of said 10 1>" the l i ahl iisl plaee in Eu It has on!, l i Inhabitant J IX Girls thorns. their paper from millet stalks Man rope one third interest in the Nyssa LOCAL NOTES. Don’t forget that GASOLINE ENGINES. O W YH EE ITEMS, We also carry: WHEAT, OATS, BRAN, ROLLED BARLEY, Corn, Oyster Shell Groceries, Gooseberries 25c per gallon, Old Pota toes, Sugar $6.50 per hundred, Bacon 20c per lb Fruit Jars, Jar Rubbers, Economy & Mason Lids. York, Owyhee Mercantile Co. 4 Oi >era House building, and his •took in the Bank of Nvssa, for Strawberry Festival the 40-acre ranch owned by On Friday, June 23, al 7 T lies. Nelson, near Nyssa, and o ’clock I’ . M., the I.O.O.F. Lodge upon which A lbert Belisle is will give a Strawberry Festival npw residing. and Ice Ciearn Social, on Hie Cashier J. H. W olf of the Mal- Emison lawn. Everybody is in bleur county bank, returned Sun- vited. i w f r o m a trip to Portland, he attended the Oregon Idaho State Chautauqua. H ikers association, and left for use Monday to attend the Ida- Boise, Idaho, June 22 -July 3rd. hankers association. Speak- leg of the matter, lie said the Reduced rates via the Oregon ikers situated along the state Short Line. Tickets on sale ke, and of necessity d oin g a from Idaho and Oregon points co isiderable volum e of business June 20 th, 21 st, 22nd, 2 ord, ill both states, were com pelled lO lo-e touch with the ‘2 4th, 27th, and 29th, limited i king interests on b oth b M m to July 5th. See agents for of the line. rates and further particulars. churia furnishes abuul two hundred of whom aro over eighty years old. and forty thousand tons of pulp a and oie is over one bundled year n n . s m e u i:c u s s io n . e .. a r e o f S t a t e n e s s . ;■ o.i hnv • done it for forty And i l l ;el.s olio. Who warns year I- pr.,rally the best excuse for a husband .. i o arrle. lo escape pay changing your method ing a bachelor lax?" Peace, woman, pear.. They have decided to pay.— Worth of an Idea. New York Telegram God bless the u. .n with an Idea It n ay be vtf ioi ary Imt It starts : ome Farming Annoyance. . ing That's It’s g'orlficallon One of \he Martin’s sayings was this: "The hardest thing a farmer does, next lo plowin'. Is glvln' half the road to a touring car " Accord.¿ig to Grade. Ve> •!. • may venture more, but little boats bouM keep near shore Franklin Might Spoil the Match. Huitor "I would like to see (he photo of the lady with the $500,000 dowry.” Matrimonial Agent—“ We don't show photos with the larg. dowries " Fliegende Blaetter Thomas Jefferson. Dreamer of splendid dreams- the Words of Wisdom. abolition of human warfare and the When you have an elephant on substitution of people's rule for class born cen hand, and he wants to run away, bet rule Thomas Jefferson turies ahead of hi« time, April 2, 174J ter let him run.—Lincoln - FOR HIS WIFE # NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the Boydell Mercan tile company, are hereby notified that all accounts due the said B oy dell Mercantile company must be settled at once, either by cash or bankable note. All accounts not settled by June 10 th, 1911, will be placed in tho hands of attorneys with instructions to bring suit ut once. Pleuse govern yourselves ac cordingly. E. H i l l i e b , Manager. EXCURSIONS EAST Mr. Hare—I'll bet that's Just wnal my wife needs to build her up. I’D gì I a bottle. A Good Imitation Maggie l.ady Hug "I hear you were on a regular toot last night?” Willie Love Hug "Yes. I was I slept In a garage on a mntoi horn.” Don't Get the "Swell Head.” Pilde goelh before destnctlon and a haughty spirit before a tall —Pro verbs 16:18 Worth Cultivating. The man who niltivnlis a cheerful deposition is Ilk 'y lo be rewarded wiili a plea: mg i :op Belter bitted. Well, who got lho nomination (lie chap who looked like Haniel Web tier?" "No The leller that looked like ready money " Pm k Via Oregon Short Lint— Union Pacific. Special low rates to ( ’ heyene, Denver, Omaha, Kansas *'ity, St. Louis, Chicago and many other Ix>ints. Tickets on sale May 20tli, 21lh, 20th, and 27th, June 3rd, 7th. I()th, 14th, 17th, 21st—July Hlh, 22nd, 2»Uh, August 145th and September 2nd and 15th. Limit 4)c- loln-r .list, with diverse routes and stojKivers. See agents for rates and further particulars 9 »; Pine Creek Dairy C*>. of S| k >- kane. Wash . is now pre|uired to receive cream at their receiving station in Nyssa. Tin Owyhee Mercantile Co. will receive and test the cream. P. 4' I). Co. FOR*SALE Li win’s Heart Broken. Arsenate >>f lead. Call on or Old Hen. the oldest l»“ar In the . Bronx too, New York, died of a broken address, 4’ . V. Mitchell, Nyssa, heart, attendants say, following the 1 fri gon removal from his cage of his mate TO KEEP RAZORS IN SHAPE. Fitting Procedure. If you want money, go to strangers. If you want advice, go to friends; If you want nothing, go to relations.— Llpplncott's Different. There sre men who will wait pa tlently for the free lunch to be served and then go home and start a rough bouse because dinner Isn't ready on time. Atchison Globe. Truth of Life. The more a wonr an deserve- to have a man love her the more she can love him For the purpose of preventing rusting of small instruments the Lancet recommends a mixture of equal parts of carbolic acid and olive oil, smeared over the surface of the instruments This is tnutfh used by medical officers in the navy, and is found to preserve the polish and brightness of the steel, however moist and warm the climate may bs. For large instruments and tools, boiled linseed msy he recommended. Wipe the metal with a cloth dipped | in the oil, and 1 st it dry.