L I carry the only e Empire Lumber Co. IR E lint- o f . , I Ä V'/, '• if K. O 4 été Mattresses LTD. I :I ilio city Dealers in ite Line of $ I Utensil Lumber, Coal & Building Materials T h e purest snow-white cotton from the South goes into every C iK r m ftn ’ s Rock Springs Coal $8.00 per Ton M ftA tr e s s d c T u x e l!> i i u Induces comfortable, dreamless, and healthful sleep. In house f u r n i s h i n g . . . . The S»U On a S O -N tg h n Free Trial . . . Our Store Policy...... nfs E t c ., Etc 1911 1911 FHE1"MON.[fui. WED. thc T fîTTWEnël 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 2 4 25 1 26 2 7 28 29 3 0 ! Rich Man, Poor Man, You can easily tell a poor man from a rich one by examining his mall. The poor man’s mall consists of re quests for money that he owes; the rich man’s for money that he doesn’t owe.—Llpplncott’s. F. A. GOELTZ, Prop. . . . G. WILIS 3 . H/or’iej/s til Lair CREDITOR’S SALE ------------------- OF THE------------------- RUBBER STAMPS LAW YER J. E ROBERTS R eal KnUite Manager W e sell you Merchandise at less prices than any Store in Nyssa. Give us a trial and be convinced. DR. F. A. GOELTZ Good Rigs <it honest prices. Both Phones Physician and Surgeon U. G. HAND, Prop, D R . J J. DRV GOODS AND LADIES’ FURNISHINGS CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ODS ill’s Now is the time to buy your Summer Suits. Note the prices: Men's $25 Suits for this sale only - Men’s $18 Suits for this sale only - Men s $15 Suits for this sale only* - Men's fancy dress Shirts $1.25 values Men’s fancy dress Shirts 75c values Men's$1.25 Kahki Pants now . . . $12.50 9.50 8.50 Read y-to- Wl Ontario 1.00 tore, and most c * id that the LOMT'I PKIN .50 .95 35c EiOc Serges and Casemeres 45c All Ladies Muslin Underwear 25 per cent off 50c silk or lisle Gloves now - 10c Cretoc, now per yard Pens, Corn or Tomatoes, per can 3 pounds Navy Beans for . . . The best quality Hams per pynnd Narrow strip Bacon per pound Kerosene Oil oer gallon <§> >tical fn*H’ —). Wigwam Flour per sack * Q O L - SHOE DEPARTMENT . 10c . 25c . 17c . 22c . 25c $1.25 Special prices for this sale: Ladies' $3.50 Shoes, now - $3.00 Ladies' $2.50 Oxfords now - Ladies'$1.75 Oxfords now - Men's $4 50 Shoes now - Men's $3.00 work Shoes now - CARPETB -G ood, heavy Ingrain Carpets the 75c quality, for this sale 45c. The 50c quality Carpets, 35c. M 03 Main St.. Boise. M; m Q pe fiOc China Silk, all colors now - GROCER! DEPARTMENT O rk < K. s. on Ladies’ fancy Collars and Cuffs worth 50c. for this sale - t t t 2.00 1.25 4.00 1.50 OFFICE IN OPERA BOI SE BLDG N YSSA SARAZIN Caroline— Ethel la very censorious of people who use cosmetics She says N Y S S A , she never did anything for her com plexion. Virginia—-Sues that’s where she’s wise. A complexion like hers Is In corrigible. Blue prints j\o/ory Public German Books Travel Far. Germany does a very large and profitable trade with other countries In books printed In the German lan guage. A largely Increasing quantity is sent every year to Japan. E x a m in e Signatures. A number of the larger banking In- | atltutlons employ from one to half a dozen men whose sole duty le to ex amine every check that comes In through the clearing house, and vouch for the ja p y fr o r « « nf the signatures New Advertising Idea. A Philadelphian haa obtained a pat ent for an aerial advertlalng algn, waved by an electric motor suspended from two captive balloons. Our Expreatlva Language. When you have to depend on the telepEM«« N w re w w * llF m w w K o caU a IN W » ■* wkwt* ytm teattr want te peM « » d o w n , generally have to call a fellow up when you really want to call him down. < Mfioe in his residence W ESTERN. OH E. - BLUE P R IN T S* Normal Children. All proper children are destructive. That Is their way of finding out what things are made of. But they get over it. It la not well to take their Inconvenient activities too seriously. —George Hodges, In Atlantic. OREGON W. B. H o x ie Physician and Surgeon, Effect But No Cause. “ So there's another rupture of Mount Vociferous." said Mrs Par- j tlngton, as she put on her specs "The paper tells us about burning lather j running down the mountains, but It don't tell how it got afire.” __________________ Grand Spectacle. There la a spectacle that Is grander than the ocean, and that Is the sky. There Is a spectacle that Is grander than the sky. and that Is the Interior I of the soul.—Hugo. Oregon EAST SIDE LIVERY »FEED STABLE Owyhee Stage in connection. Catchy Advertising. A Dutchman had a cart from which he peddled Wienerwurst sausages. One day he saw on a bake wagon: “ You 1 need a biscuit.” It struck him as a good advertisement, so he painted on hla cart, “ You need a biscuit, but you need a wiener wurst.” Insurai!«** N\>SR. OREGON NYSSA Oregon < WILNON O rd ered by Nyssa O rego n MALHEUR COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. of any township in the Vide Land District, $l.<X)each THOS. JONES, MANAGER JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS VAI E, OREGON Surveoyrs & Engineers Realt aiid Investments VALE J. C. HIM LER STOCK Malheur County 1 Money to loam on im provi <1 fa rm s THOSE GIRLS Sufficient. ” My husband Is just awful when he ' wants to find anything. You never 1 saw a man throw clothes around the way he does.” “ Where did he learn ! to be so untidy?” “ Why, he was In the New York custom house for four years.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer. NV. II. Brooke B R O O K E & T O M L IN S O N Both Telephones w ill aP F>\ I carry everything . Oregon O nfiirio Nyssa OFFIC E IN' H O T E L ATERIAI i t \ . NY. ToniliiiHOU THE CITY DRAY Oregon . B . T Abode of the Evil One. The heart of man Is the place the devil’s ip.-r-Slr Thomas Browne. td. I i Edw. Super P r o p r i e t o r o? Resumed Name of First Husband. Because she did not wish to bear the same name as the second wife of her divorced husband, Mrs. Allene Tew NlcholB got permission In New York to resume the name of her first husband. NYSSA PHARMACY Nyssa iii Business0^ Professional Bards ■ '1 We will appreciate a visit. Write or phone your or der. ' BEATEN Best Ju Mr. David, a.i experienced Pharmacist, has been en gaged to take charge of our Prescription depart ment. I Lawn co C A S U A N M F C . CO. Has always been to give the very best service in every line. and mat- m o s t sanitary m a t t r e s s made. » te S t o c K . y o u . «P t h a w seen tresses am ile, am i w ould be ulad to show my line is the nents : e up to «late OREGON Abstracts of title to all lands and town lots in Malheur County, THE BANK OF NYSSA Owned— Controlled---- Managed BY NYSSA MEN The stockholders of The Bank of Nyssa own property in Malheur County having an assessed valuation aggieguting $ 1 9 3 , 6 8 5 . 0 0 This bank stands for the development and protection of the commercial interests of this valley. Your MONEY and your INTERESTS are abso lutely safe if placed in the hands of THE BANK OF NYSSA J. II. Hill. Cashier N. •!. Minton W. D. Graham Koliert van Gilse A. G. Kingman George I*. Green T. N. Nelson II. Wallers Directors. Make our Bank Your Bank. Nyssa Nyssa Oregon O r e jf f ln t