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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1911)
GATE d H JOURNAL COMPARING NOTES R o b e r t s ................. Editor Entered us second-class matter April 14. 1910, ut the post office ut Nyssu. Oregon, under t h e Act of March 1H79. o f the W estern IN Y S S A H A R D W A R E At Nyssa, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business .lane 7. = G O I V I PAN Y 191 1 RESOURCES. S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S One year, in advance ..............$t..r>0 Six months, in advance .............. 75 Three months, in advance.............. 50 Mcinliei N O T IC E S REPORT OF THE CONDITION OFTHt MALHEUR COUTY BANK NUMBER 168 Published every Thursday ut Nyssu. Oregon J. E L E G A L I.< >uu*- siul ilia.»ml».................. $05.538.07 Overdraft«, srmrwl ami imasonred.. This Store Carries a Complete and Lp-to-Date Line of t*-® : how........................ Shelf and Heavy Hardware Including Stoves, Ranges Fnrnitim and Ihtnria.................... 2,000.27 Due ...... Links mot reaervs bank«).. •49l.:SO Ii 1 Irwin approved reserve l>unU . 18,OKI.48 Checks and oilier cash items............ -'l Oka..... I l.un.l................................. g w » Idaho Press Association. l\ A. H ackney, M e a d o w s ,.. . President N Jenness, Nampa,....... Vice P residen t And Kitchen Utensil TOTAL................................ ........ R G. Burroughs, C a ld w ell,. .S ecretary L IA B IL IT IE S . ADVERTISING RATES Legal ’•, fi-st Insertion, per in. ..$1.50 Tmlmlur. suhseiiuent insertions. I>er inch, per issue ..................... 75 I' rut. first insertion, per I n . . 1.00 Itc p l i ;. subsequent Insertions, Capital stock paid in ................. * » . 000.00 Undivided proilta, leas cipcnacs and Mrs. Jones— W h at Is the worst trou taxes paid................................. *388.90 Individual deposits subject to cheek 4M, 1 Iti.UO ble you have In keeping a cook? Mrs T o n e — K eep in g h in dishes. Time certificates of deposit.............. 19,088.74 Certiorates o f dc|iejsit is« :rd for money lasrowed ...................... 5,non isi New Oregon School Laws Reserved for tax«*........................... l°o 00 Are Iwiug published. Hi, 000 copies, which w'll be ready for distribution before loin;. The Display Legislature order, il the dis|M>si- One Inch, one in sertion .............. .25 .»He . ich, per month (4 weens 50 tion iis follows, s.iv- Conut\ Su perintendent M ¡¡ligan: LO CAL HEADERS. One copy to each district !> .id nit notice, per line, one in- school officer in the state, mid : ■ ion........................... ............... r r .d .i? notice, per line per month one to eii.-li member of the legis (o .i ..dries and Cards o f Thank lature. pet line ........................... Fivi copies to each county p. ,ie .o r y3 page space w ill he given rliool su p e i ■ i ten, I eii t in the state. . .. application. Fiv.....ipies to each chartered educational institution in the D A IR Y M E N KICK. per Inch, per I s s u e .........................50 .tin w ords constitutes one inch ) state. l-u ’t it just perI'ectly iiwhil' Senntor lleyburn, of Idaho, i» aftt i ilie dirty dairy producl«, Uiiii is about to get a iedertil low passed by eongress, protecting the public against unsanitary dairy products. Forthwith the great dairy men's association of Idaho has raised the cry that such a law will ruin their business. We are no lover of lleyburn, hut we are with him on this proposition, soul, body and breeches; for if the enforce ment of absolute cleanliness will ruin the dairy business in Ida ho, or any other state, it de serves to be ruined. The pure food law now on our statutes, and which Sen ator lleyburn succeeded in forc ing through tne U. S. senate by bulldog grit and sticktoitiveness, has been the means of reducing the death rate in the United States very perceptibly, and we believe it is the duty of every good citizen to back him against all those interests and associa tions, that fear the effects of honesty and cleanliness upon their “ business.’’ (liv e us greater purity in our foodstuff, and less business, if need be. Every Nyssa farmer should prepare an exhibit in some line of his products, for the Malheur County Fair. That trainload of western g o v ernors, it is proposed to send east this fall, will sure attract attention as an exhibit. W on der if they will be elassed with the vegetable, or livestock ex hibit? t o t a l ................................ Pumpa and Plumbing Equipments $99,797.51 4TATE OF OREGON, ( „„ I 'o.iiity of Malheur ! 1. J. H. Wolf, canliU r of »lie above*-named bank, elo solemnly *v\ear that the aliove ntate- 111, nt in tr .«■ to the liott of my knowledge- ami belief. Farm Implements ftlakäng a Specially of J. H. W o lf , Cashier. s ,1.sen I-.-1 iiml sworn to lie fore me thin 12th day of June, 1911. KOHS A HOWARD, Notary Public. Mitchell Wagons and — — Buggies-------- Correct Attest: H. J. WARD. J. J. SARAZIN, C. r . HUNT, Directors. REPORT l)E THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF NYSSA, NUMBER 56. The remainder to be ilislribllt d at the discretion of the Snp't of I’ublic Instruction. Where does the teacher come in'? School law is one of the sub At Nyssa. in the State of Oregon, at the close of business June 7, ject:- on which he is required to 1911: write in the examinations, but there is no overt provision made RESOURCES. whereby the teacher can procure Loans and discounts.........................$32,392.86 a copy! Once, several years ago, Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 590.12 the legislature provided for the Banking house................................ 5,300.00 518.00 sale of ">,000 copies at 2."> cents Furniture and Fixtures..................... apiece: and the teachers would be Due* from banks (not reserve banks).. 2,240.43 glad to get them at that price. Due from approved reserve banks___ 7,304.25 304.21 There were 2,222 districts rep or Checks and other cash items............. ted in the year 1908. There are Cash on hand.................................. 1,807.43 probably 2,250 now. After these TOTAL ........................ $50.547.30 are supplied, 1 copies to each dis L I A B IL I T I KS. trict, and five copies to the county Cupital Htock paid in ........................ $25,000.00 superintendents the members of Undivided profits, less expenses ami the legislature, and chartered in taxes paid..................................... 210.05 stitutions. there will be over l>,(XX) Due to hanks and hankers................ 47.77 copies left. i>oBsibly; and probably Individual <lepoeite subject to check.. 2 d , 107.45 the teaches can be supplied Demand certificates of deposit........ 210.75 from this source. W e’ll try Cashcir checks outstanding............. 1870.33 Time certificates of deposit............. 3,o34.35 to find out, and let you know. ► ♦ ♦ . ♦ . ♦ « ♦ . ♦ » ♦ - « ♦ . ♦ K » * ♦ * ♦ * T O T A L .................. t90£#7.90 * Tw o notable conventions were STATE OF OREGON * Use only tl>e Host ♦ .SS held in this state within the County of Malheur past fortnight, tho Oregon bank I, J. H. Hill, cashier of tho above named ers and the Oregon postmasters. hank, ilo solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and The postmasters went on record belief. J. H. H IL L , Cashier.*.: for an extension of the posta i savings system, while the bank : Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th We sell only the Ih- s t J day of June, 1911. ers didn’t. It is safe to say that W. B. HOXIE, Notary Public Correct—Attest: if the latter had gone on record Tl,* Y RO BER T V A N GILHE, at all on the subject, it would G EORU E IN G R E E N , { E N T I1 Y M O I__ have been for the extinction Directors. rather than the extension, of TO O T H PO W D ER NOTICE TO C REDITORS. that system. TO O TH l ’ASTIO In the County Court of the State of Oregon, The high price for wool at the for Malheur county. COLD CRE AM In the matter of the wool sales in Ontario this week Estate of TALCUM was K ile for line wool. The lo Charles D. Williams, deceased To whom it may concern: cal papers all over the country Notice is hereby given to all of the creditors are jubilant over the increase in of the estate of Charles D. Williams, deceased, prices being paid for this year's that the undersigned was hy order of the Coun tv Court of Malheur county, Oregon, appointed wool clip. Yet the president of the administrator of the above estate, and all ♦ ¥ U k g IS T K R K D l ‘ l l A R M Al 1 ST ★ the national woolgrowers’ asso persons having claims against the said estat ♦ are hereby notified to present the same to the ciution is out with a calamity undersigned, duly verified as by law required, howl, saying tariff tinkering has at the office of the undersigned at Nyssa, Ore How to Loosen a Screw. A rusted screw m ay be readily killed the wool industry all over gon, or the office of C. C. Wilson, attorney at law, Nyssa, Oregon, within six months from loosened If heat Is applied to the head the country. It looks to a man this date. o f the screw. A sm all bar or rod o f j THOMAS CAN HAM, Jr. Iron, flat at the end. If reddened In the j up a tree like a little more “ tink Administrator. Are and applied tw o o r th ree m inutes erin g" would he a good thing, if Dated June 8, 1911. to the screw, w ill render Its w ith Firrst publication June 8, 1911. the price of wool continues to he draw al as easy as If the screw had Last publication July 6, 1911. only just been Inserted. effected by it as it has been so NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION far. Prophecy Verified. nouaiD tract Senator l’ oruli, of Idaho, has at last succeeded in securing the passage of his direct election School Ma'ani Drops Her measure by the senate, looking Note Hook to the election of IT. ¡S. senators A Malheur county school ma'am by a direct vote of the people. lost her nolo book while attending the special preparatory review Any old town can 1 uild a pa course, conducted hy I’rof. R , H , per railroad, hut it is only a White iu Nyssa this week, and it few of the best of us that have was picked up by one of Nyssa's the real thing on exhibition. If citizens. An extract from the lit- tlo Ixxik is reproduced: "Tell me you want to see actual railroad not in idle jingle, marriage is but construction in progress, come an empty dream, for a girl is dead that's single, and things are not to Nyssa. just what they seem. Life is real, The petitions for another iocai life is earnest, single blessedness a option ejection across th e river in til»; man thou art. to man rot urn- est, was not spoken of the rib. In Canyon county, Idaho, are being the world's broad held of battle, in generously signed, and it is r e tln> bivouac of life, lx- not like dumb, driven cattle, bo a heroine, ported that another election is sure be a wife. Lives of married folks to be hekl. This will test the remind us, that we, too. can live matter as to how well the |ieople as well, and departing leave be hind us. lots of kids to shout and are satisfied with “ dry" conditions. yell." Printer's Devil. L * Wire Fencing, Both Field and Lawn Sporting Goods, Ammunition, Etc., Eft With Prices That CANNOT be BEATEN NYSSA HARDWARE CO NYSSA, OREGON L w MM-r Coi let I Brticles ! ♦ S. F- Foster: Politic Lami Sale. Department o f the Interior, U. S. Lami Office at Vale, Or*’Ron HO] M l Nolice i» hereby given that, a» ilirecteil by the eommiaatoncr of the Oencral Lami Office, muter proviaion» of Act of Congre«« appro viel June 27, 1906 [34 Mat«., 517], ive will offer nt pnblic «ale, to the liiglieat hhhler, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the P2th .lay o f July, 1911, at thin office, tlic following .Im en i».1 lami I.< Ul U an 1 7 of «ce. 30, T. 30«., R. 47 e., W. M.. contam ini! 13.68 acre«. Any neruon« rlaimiiig adversely the aliove- leuenlu.l lami arc adviced to file their claim». *r objeetioii«. on or before the lime désignât«»! for »«le. B ri ce R. K f s t ir . Remeter Waited Energy. "I give you my weird." said the milk toast philosopher. ' that when 1 dis covered that the clock I had been careful to wind every nJffht for ten years was an etght-day clock I waa In cllned to be petulant/'— Browning’« Magazine "T h is child," said the clergym an, who was about to christen llro w n ’9 baby, "m ay som e day make a noise In the w o r ld " Anil the next minute, when M aster Drown felt the cold wa- tet, the g.xtd man’s prophecy wns v e ri fied m o re speedily than bo had ex peeled F. Mi'LKKY, S« j K oui . iit VA* O il s !. President Oregon-Idaho Lumbef COMPANY, Ltd. BUILDING MATERL N e w Y a r d s , N e w , C o m p le te S to cK . b e p l e a s e d t o f i g u r e w i t h y o u . «9 4 Yanis on First street, south of Malheur County 1 V k ' S. H. THOMPSON, Manager 1 DO YO U W A N T — DRY GOODS Shoes, or Hoods? Dailies’ and Children's Ready-to-Wl Then go to Lamkpin’s, Ontario The only exclusive Dry Hoods Store, and most co plete Stock. One Price to all— and that the LOWFJ i mm ....... . an ii mi - S T R I C T L Y C A SH . W. T. LAMPKIN Oft ' m : iu “ Live In Deeds, Not Hours.” A butterfly has m ore enjoym ent In his 24 hours than an elephant In his century Torches to Pierce Fog. A c e ijlc u e birch es fo r use In dense fog s have been supplied to m e Farts police REWARD. A nward of twenty-live dollars will lx- paid to the person furnish ing information lending to the ar C r o w d e d B r i t i s h M e t r o p o lis . rest and conviction of any person In London 900,1 00 persons are llv lng m ore than tw o In n room, and 26, or jxTsons guilty of stealing or 600 six o r m ore in a room. otherwise uiia-nppropriating mate Dally Thought. rial or tixils of any sort from along A strenuous «out hates cheap sue- Enormouf Exports of Paper. ceaaea It la tho ardor of tho aaaall Manufacturers In the United States the line of the ( tregon Short Line ant that m$kea tho vtgorfof tho de exported 104.SS3.S38 pounds ot pilnl- Railroail. 4t fender.— R. ,W. Emerson ing paper last year. Oregon Short Line Kadronil Co. Optical E. S. 0 » ' 1. • 1003 Main St.. Boise. M-