Iihlished in the heart* of tne Fruit Belt—NY S S A O R E G O N - -the coming Apple Paradise ot the Northwest lO L . T he YSS A -BUHL H N O 11 T ïïB H A , M A L H E U K C M )lTÜ T tV O R EGON", T H U R S D A Y . JU N E IS, l'-'ll y A CONSTRUCTION IS PROGRESSÌNG I VERY SATISFACTORILY. M r. M. A. Bates is a Hot Promoter $1.50 P F R YEAR. 5c PE R COPY UNITED RAILWAYS TO ADVERTISE FOR THE WEST Mi'. Bates, editor of the Parma Herald, is a g<xsl promoter. Last week lie was in tile office trying tri tell bigger stories about black hitss than Dad could, but he didn't, and his friends, Mr. Castater and Mr. Smith were with him, and were trying to get in the game, out they couldn't, for Dad and Bates held the floor all the time, and were wound up like Wa terbary watches, .lust as Dad was telling about snagging a speckled beauty with a mouth as big as a barn door, we butted in with our be Dedicated Sunday, and spcil for The Printer's Devil, and w e n t after the whole bunch for a ! Nyssa in Particular and Excursion Rates put on subscription, and Mr. Bates reach Th e Nyssa consolidated Sun ed down in his iioekct and rattled Malheur County General some silver and said. "Yes, of day school base ball team jo u r by Short Line. course, we've» all got the price, neyed to Ontario last evening, ly Should Utilize this Op haven't we, bovsr” And Mr. and played a game with the On , ___ . . . . c 0 , last year of Hfty-two, ami all b u t 1 portunity o f Showing the Th e Oregon Short Line has Castater and Mr. Smith came Pearly 250 Miles of Snake three of the E p v orth Leagues , A J through with the inazumn, but tario Methodists, having accept granted excursion rates of a tare Easterners What We Can River’s Choicest Lands to on the La Grande district were and a third, from Nampa, Nys- Mr. Bates was busy telling how ed their challenge. Th e game the black bass bite, and when we began at 7 p. m. with Mr. A cer Produce Without Rain. be put in Touch with Nys- represented. sa, Ontario, Payette, NVeiser, murmured that it was his time to in the um pire’s box. It was a The leading features of the Meridian and Boise, to C ald come in. he said, “ Yes, of course, hut I'm on the exchange list, you great game and hail only one I S 3 within a pew Months. Jngjjt u^e Were the departm ental The united railway systems of well, Idaho, on June 17 and IS, know.” fault, the Ontario team had too the country have reached an agree _______ conferences, in session each fore M r. Bates must have been a good to return on the 19th. many scores at the finish, the ment, whereby they will co-operate noon for two hours, at which the j Th e new Eirst Methodist E pis printer’s devil on ce himself, for Construction work on the Nyssa- when it comes to hoys and fish result being !) to 4. But they to advertise the west iu the east different lines of work were han copal ch u rch at Caldwell is to and promoting he is then* with bulil extension is progressing r’ap- made up for their contrariness ern states this fall, and for that dled by specialists. Th e dele be dedicated on Sunday, .111110 hells. Printer's Devil. Llly, an much of the grading be by inviting the Nyssu team to purpose a special train, carrying gates report these conferences tween this city and Homedale is 18, and as requests cam e in the ch u rch , where it was dis all kinds of western products will h igh ly profitable. pow being completed. Harry Butler has purchased the from the above named towns, run through the east and south that the Epworth The construction crews of Bird 1 T h e two great lectures of the application was made for excu r Nyssa Harness shop from Sherm covered this fall. t Bird and of Crandall & Condie Institute, the one on E noch A r- sion rates. Tharp, and took charge Monday. League girls were preparing the Here is where Nyssa can get tables and all sat down to an ex Irlio are working on points 11 to den by Rev. E. B. Fvke, D. D., in with a beautiful line of adver Bishop Sm ith, resident bishop Mr. Butler has grown to manhood 17 out of Nyssa, and expect to 0f Boise, and the other on World in this section of the country, and cellent lunch witn an “ indoor tising. Put on a bumper exhibit of the M. E. ch u rch of this ter lave their section ot the work all Citizenship by Rev. Edwin II. is therefore well aqnainted with track meet” as an aftermath. at the Malheur county fair, and ritory, will be present. He is a graded and ready for the steel oy jy , vqce president of the needs of the people whom he 'Phs local team concluded that then select all the prize winners „ , , great preacher and administra- the middle of August- will serve. He is a steady, indus after all the Ontario hunch can for an exhibit to go on the special W illam ette U niversity, well de-1 ^ J ’ l tor. Doctor M ontgom ery, pas trious and popular young man, and Lou Goldsmith, who has a con- sure use a fellow right socially western exhibit train to the east. livered, and brought enjoym ent, tor of Fowler M. E. ch u rch , of will command a large patronage ract from the 17 point south 7 Literature concerning the sec though tlrey are h trifle hard on instruction and inform ation to M inneapolis, M inn., is to he from the start. niles, is moving along steadily tions sending exhibits will be car him in a game. all who heard them. vith a full crew of men and teams present also. Dr. M ontgom ery ried on the train and distributed Too G reat In Volum e. Mr. Lockw ood returns hom e ind will complete his grade in is one of the most eloquent and gratis. The importance of art as a vehicle Teachers’ Eaxminations as district treasurer for the en- lioety days. ablest preachers in Am erica. of knowledge Is less appreciated be In connection with this train, Will be held at Valo begin The Hill crow, working from suing year. Thus was Nyssa Th e new pipe organ, the largest cause Its results are so common. ning Wednesday morning at 9 it is proposed that the governors join ts 5 to 11, out of Nyssa, is re- recognized. The Nyssa League in the state, will be played for o ’clock, June 21. 'l l and continue of all the western states follow P ittin g G ift. ceiving additional tools, machinery had the distinction of sending Literary Mistress—"Bridget, I want until Saturday afternoon, for five- in a special car, stopping at all the first time in public. land equipment every few days, and their delegates the greatest dia to make you a present. Er—which Is year and life certificates. Appli the eastern centers of lapidation, A cordial invitation is extend yeur favorite poet?"— Harper’s Basar. ls now full stocked for the prose- tance to the Institute, and of cants for one year certificates will getting acquainted anil acquaint ed to the public. cution of the work with a com- con tribu tin g the largest fund to be able to complete the work in ing thé people with the Greater Owing to the dedication of Form and C olor F irs t. [plete outfit. West. ward traveling expenses. three days. As compared with form and color, the M. E .. church lit Caldwell Reports from further up the j words, In the mind's Infancy are but Rev. and Mrs. Bush left U n Following is tjie schedule for next Sunday, there will lie no an Imperfect means of conveying ade- road are to the effect that the last one-year, five-year, and life, state W H Y IT F A IL E D . ion a day ahead, and stopped off preaching service at the M etho quate-uotion^ of things. contractor will have completed his certificates: at Baker, where the Reverend grade before September 15, and dist church in Nyssa, in the The Doctor’s Wife— Well, Jane, Wednesday forenoon, arithme occupied the pulpit of the large Excursions to IN)(*itello. <o your poor husband’s gone at last the roadbed will he ready for the m orning, but the other services tic, civi I *W. eminent, and English Didn’t you give him his medicine June" 20, 21, 22 and 23 rails from Nyssa to Homedale, a Methodist ch u rch in the ev e n of the day will he unusual. Jl’ li«' literature. properly ? • ing, at the request of the pastor. (distance of 29 miles. pastor will o ccu p y the pulpit in Via Oregon ¡^Inirt Line for In Wednesday afternoon, geogra Jane—Ah, poor dear! How could ---------» . ----- From Homedale south and from the evening. It has, also [teen terim ountai n Good Roads con - phy, grammar, and physics. i ? Doctor said as how it was to be J. H. Farley, the furniture man found necessary to Y «»tp on e the | ven tion ; tickets lim ited to June Buhl north, the grading equip- Thursday forenoon, orthography, took in a recumbent position and as [ ments are nearly all in, and most of Ontario, was in Nyssa this week, C h ildren’s Day program f o r ’one -''t h . See agents for rates and theory and practice, bookkeeping. I hadn’t one I asked Mrs. Green to of the contractors at work. looking after a location, for the further [»articular.«. Thursday afternoon, writing, lend me one. She said . ae had one, fteek. The Buhl end of the work began establishment of a branch house hut it was broke. So ii wasn’t erv physiology and geology. prior to that at Nyssa, hence in his line here. Friday forenoon. ! . S. history, •end.— Harpe.’g Weekly. ALMOST ENDED IN A FIGHT H AS PLAYED M U C H CRIBBAGE much of the grading at that end physical geography and botany. D. P. Dearborn, deputy assessor C H O K E R S A N D C H O K IN G . is finished. Friday afternoon, school law, for Malheur county, lias been in "New Y o rk e r C laim s to H old R ecord In S im ila r ity In P ro nu nciation T h i t Two hundrei} and sixty-five T h re ate n ed to Cause a Breach psychology and goonvtry “ I hale the wav I have to drc.ix " Nyssa the past "week, registering N um ber o f Gam es H e H as of th e ' Peace. men have been put on the Nygsa- Saturday forenoon, reading, al ■ iid the woman. “ I put on nigh valuations in this city and the P a rtic ip a te d In. Umnedale work within the. past eeled shoes that choke the life oi ■ surrounding rural districts. The angular chap who had been gebra. and general nistorv * Capt. Charles II. Fitts of 10? few weeks, but most came with ■f me, a collar that come# up (o n • Sal in da v afternoon, com posite >n jotting down notes on the margin of Sherm Tharp has established West Eighty-ninth street, a retired the contractors or were employed rs and chokes me. a si i eight fro» • a newspaper approached the stern American lit ; itur- • ■ md history of an automobile livery in Nyssa. broker, holds the record in thé num faced man in the waterproof collar. usel that chokes me worse th« : prior to coining. education. ber of games of cribbage played lie ■ e shoes snd the collar, then I go At the present time the propects He sold his harness shop last “ Beg pardon, sir, but could I ask For Primary Five-year Slate ha* lb,000 to his credit now, with at and feel like choking every h o i, are flattering for the grading to week, and he will hereafter de ( Vrtifii at» s: one series of 5,000 in which he leads you a question?” meet on the s’ r t vote his time exclusively to his to be done and the steel laid from “ If it isn’t nonsensical.” as winner by 700 games. During all Wcdne .»lay forenoon. Methods “ Well, my memory isn’t good of Nyssa to Buhl before the first of new line of work. these games he never has scon the iri reading ami arithmetic late. Who invented the sewing ma P L A Y IN G S A F E . the year. 29-hand held and has held the 28 Wednesday afternoon. im-tlioiL Be sure to attend the Straw chine?” This will connect Nyssa, by thp but once himself. it hmgnage and geography. berry Eestivul at the Emison BifTkins— Say, I want to bring “ Howe?” direct railroad route, with the best “ Cribbage won me a trip (and a rhorsilav f«' m on. writing ami i <nq against Dr. Qnarkem for $?d home, in Nyssa, on the 23rd of most delightful one at that) tel “ H’,n He must be a little deaf section of the great Snake river • damages. ,he se"'1D8 machine? physiology. valley, from Miimdok« north, in this month. The Odd Fellows Japan.” said the ca» tain the other I " ho Thntsilay forenoon, orthegra Lawyer— Certainly ; but what for: “ Howe !” cluding the noted Twin Falls will extend a cordial invitation to day. “ At a San Francisco hotel I “ Great Scott! I’d better get a phy. theory nnd pia<-ti<t*. Biffkina- -1 bought a Iwdtle of his made the acquaintance of a captain be opened by the Nyssa-Buhl ex eveyrone. torn cure— paid him a dollar for it ,, Friday foreno»ui. T H E S IS . on a Pacific liner who was as fond ' '™mpet. The old geezer is as deaf • tension that will develop into one and it didn’t do a bit of good. Hey, there, who in Friday afternoon. Psy-diology Mr. W illiam s, the Payelte.con- as I of the game. When the day f o i 1 ft* bf> C8D of i he best producers along the Lawyer— I see, but isn't $7fi dam vented the sewing-machine?” Subject for Thesi»: L»-»-um- triudor, who is b u ild in g the new sailing came he insisted on^ having ages rather excaaeive? river, as soon as iJVarketing fac Howe, by Stories. Language Work in school house at A pple Valley, me make the trip, too. We pluved | The BifTkins Yes, hsnpp»>#e it iagbut angular chap leaned over and ilities are provided. early and late. The Pacific ocean is grade«, number work in I figured that your hill would be $75 tried to turn his autom obile curved his hands. Then he whooped: Prin,,,r-' admirably adapted to card games. It “ For the last lime, who invented l’r" " !,rv b,'9> work, ' n pn and I want to get my dollar hack. around, near the W ilson ditch was all smooth, sailing, so the cap Delegates Return. '" " ry Kr!M,,s" P088' ^ ’ ' 1'» » of n;,tiir8 at the corner of Main and Sec tain had little to do but to join me the sewing machine?” “ H-o-w-e— Howe. Mr. Howe. And « « 1 ? primary grade.; child Run “ B re a k fa e t T ra in e .” U A r . v .and Mrs. Bush. Miss Mat- ond streets Friday night, and pegging runs, combinations and " B re a k fa e t tr a in a ” to a»<om m odata now if you ask me again blamed if I I study (Applicant chooses one soh- late aleeplng s u b u rb a n ite * a r t being tie Dennis and E L. L ockw ood, upset the car with its four occti flushes.” -—N. Y. Press. don’t thrash you within an inch of j»»ct from the f»»regoing list.) trie d by gome o f th e railro a d s en ter --------- ---------------- delegates to the District Ep- parts in the ditch, Mr. W illiam » your life. Now, get!” I ------------------------ In g London. One of M any K in d t. And the angular chap “ got" worth League at U nion, return-j being caught under the car and Girds Roused *»e Police. There aro various kinds of fools, but The hammering of woodpeckers on ed hom e M onday evening. I pearly d row n in g before he could the one who neglects hla work In the W a te r T a n k s Last Long. c it y A ir D e s tru c tiv e te W ire . _ , , „ , • tin nlgn. nenr King'* bridge New Cypress w a te r ta n k a have been T h ey report a successful In be rescued. I he car was pulled York city, was mistaken for ptsioi A ir-l< Kinph w ire stru ng through the Interest of the other fellow gets the ,t. r> w ill Iasi about fo ur tim es as lcr«t o-lt ot hi- fro!! hr s* —Atchlsiv known to d efy d e ra y fo r more than a ts and caused two h stitute. Tue*e w*s o in- rente mr • < xt di v, without sil-laiii- quarter of a ce n tu ry t r I» the police long a uue parsing through lb « city. i Utchr M. E. CHURCH Most of the Contractors Now have on DEDICATION. Full Crews, and Some will have the Grade Complete and Ready for Steel New Edifice at Ca,dwe11 to in Sixty Days.-Splendid Country to be Opened by the New Road. f i in the uuinbci of delegate» over jiug much injury. Special Exhibit Train, Carrying Pro ducts o f the Western States, to be Run Throughout Eastern and South ern Territory this Fall.