Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1911)
T he G ate C ity J ournal A Continuation of The Nyssa Sun ,O L li NYSSA TEAM. ieveral of the baseball enthusi- |s met last Tuesday evening in Opera House to perfect a base I oagnnizntion. W Lee Blodg was chosen manager and Thos. Coward secretary - treasurer, boys are anxious to get to rk and will »bow the neighbors h it Nyssa can put up a team that 1 | not be easy meat For a while 1 looked as if it would be impossi- I . to get up an organization on mnt of the lack of proper ma- ial but it now is a possidility Nyssa will be able to cross .8 with all comers. The boyi |\o turned out for practice ul dy and are making a good show ts right very- EPWORTH LEAGUE —The annual business meeting of Epworth League was held at h home of Rev H. E. Bush last, nduy evening, at which time Jeers were elected for the ensu- g year. Reports were submit- from the several vice-presi- jiits showing the work accom- shed by the League during the 1 st year, and plans outlined for line of the work to be taken up Irin g the coming year. Mr, John H- Rudd, of Ontario 'esident of the La Grande Dis- ;ri t League, was present, and told the work that is being done by District Epworth League and ne lis cheap the convention to be held in ion. Oregon in June, to which local League intends to send a )R IT ft delegation. 1 of bin y kivid, [The following officers were elec- or Purina 1 for the ensuing year: Presi- _nt, Ross A. Soward; Vice Presi- nt, F. L. Lockwood; Second Vice resident. Mrs. H. E Bush; Third ee President, Miss Mattie Den- : Fourth Vice President, Mrs. H. Super; Secretary. Miss Elsie bsoii; Treasurer. Harry Cosho. H ,.e officers will be installed Sun- |y evening, May 7th at the M. E. lurch. After the business meet- ' adjourned refreshments were “ rved and the remainder of the euing was spent in a sociaLtiine. h ILITY 8 5 y O KiSWLLI TO OEi ROAD. The steel gang of the Short Line tract for $30,000. Addi- has just completed the laying of tional Appropriation b y the heavy steel through Nyssa and j County. are going down the line as fast as the work crew, consisting o f‘ one Last Tuesday tin 1 County Court hundred men, can lay it. Niuats. 't ^ p u r p o s e of pushing on pound steel is being used and ,e ! the bridge bids that Were opened new rad joints. This brings e ! ¡„ its presence last week. The cit- O. S. L. up to the times in ev.v izeug of Nygga went ag B body to w a y -it having severul of the lat«t ^ l tht, biditnrned down but in- steel cars. te - — - k Keep up Appearances stead they got an additional appro- prlation to the $ 10,000 appropria ted by the Court last fall. The fi- , u_, o fth (. bridge is ,,ow « . Tuesday morning and went to the Kingman Kolonv where they are going lo run preliminary for the electric pumping plant that will furnish water for over 5.000 acres of the nicest land in tho Snake Valley. This land is to be watered next summer and the construction of the ditches will no doubt com mence before long. The prelimiu- liminary survey work is started ami the engineers employed are going to rush the work. The lift from the Snake River will be about UK) in the Kolony. ranged for and a speciul election Your everyday toilet is a part ol will be held next mouth for the your character, says a writer. A voting of bonds for the city of girl who looks like a “ fury” or a Nyssa. The state appropriates sloven in the morning is not to be (510,000, the county $13,000 and I trusted however finely she looks in he City of Nyssa will furnish the evening. Look tidy in the 7,000 to cover the balance on the Last Tuesday evening the citi morning and after dinner is over *>st of the bridge and the inciden- zens of Nyssa gathered at the city improve your toilet. Make it a| * 1 ex pelisses. hall to consider the report of the The Coast Bridge Co., who re- rule of yonr daily life to “ dress” in Nyssa Bridge Commission that ha« the afternoon. Your dress may or c* ved the contract for the bridge, been working for the past four may not bo anything better than Is S commence work June 1st and weeks on tie* preliminary matters calico, but with a ribbon or Jtlower h*»' the bride;' completed in four concerning tho construction and time. That means that or some bit of ornament you can moi getting bidders. The bids of the have an air of self-respect and sat the. .^ u in g c f the bridge will take various Bridge Construction C°m - isfaction that invariably commends plat) he first week in October. , • i , ,,, , paii ies were discussed and the body ElV yor. to heaven. , J } . , of citizens decided that the best COMMISSION REPORTS. THE G0WTH OF NYSSA Within the past two years Nys sa has grown beyond belief to the inhabitants that haye noticed the many new families that have come in, the number of new buildings that have been erected. The cen sus man says that up to last July we had gained three hundred per cent ill the past ten years. Now it would be close to four hundred for the winter has seen many set tle within the limits of the city and a great many houses have been built. When the census was tak en ten years ago there was not even a town hetethat could be call ed a town for there was scarcely fifty inhabitants in the town prop er and today it comes close to the six hundred and fifty mark. The town covers a lot of ground and it lies very nicely. Many residences have been built within the past four months that has helped to give Nyssa a very creditable appear ance. Tlie new two story build ings that have been just aompleted and are in progress of construction make visitors wonder what there is to build up so pretty town. There is but one answer and that answer is the country that is behind it. Electiol n y V , I“ " M U W i l l * ^ y \ ________ i * SCHOOL CLOSES. $1.30 PER YEAR. THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1911 HEAVY STEEL 'RIDQE CONTRACT LET. ELECTRIC PUMPINfi.PLANT Representatives of the James A. FOR MAIN LINE „ „ . „ Green & Co., of Hoist*, arrived __________ oast Company Gets Con- lit I AtyiMINltD PARTY : ces! E yer C O U N T Y . OREGON, 5c PER COPY DOINGS OF THE W EEK “We tell it as it was told to us’ $1.25 Kahaki iiants now $1.00 at Gasoline Stoves, all kinds and the Creilitor’s Store. sizes N Nyssa Hardware Co. E. H. McDonald was in Boise on Thorough bred Rhode Island business iho latter part of last week. Red eggs for setting."50 cents per All wool ingrain carpet 45c per setting. W. W. Beam. yard at the Creditor’s Store. Misses Vera Houghton and Cora Harry Flyn. Vale’s new mayor, Wilton visited their friends in Nyssa between trains Tuesday af was in town Saturday. ternoon. Fresh Peaberry coffee 25c lb at It will i«iy you to get prices at the Creditor’s Store. Edward H Supers. Ethel Fortner is visiting at the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Hall have been vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ainsworth wa& in Parma T. Nv Nelson on business the first of the week. Just .arrived at Boydell’s the sec Special discount on ladies muslin ond consignment of Straw and underwear at the Creditor’s Store. Felt Hats. You cannot afford to F. J. Wulmsley was in town so neglect seeing them. liciting orders for Wigwam. M¡Bscs May Miller and May J off on all trunks nt the Credit Henry .of Notus visited at the Boy- or's Store. dell home last week. A. G. Kingman was in Boise Reduced prices on many articles Tuesday i)n business. at Edward H Super's. \ off on all men’s hats at the A. T. and A. H. Boydell were Creditor’s Store. Boise visitors the latter part of Geo. Philips was up the line on last week. business the first of the week. J otf on hoes, riikes, shovels, and Men's $20 suits now S10 at the many other articles at Edward H. Creditor’s Store thing for the people to do was to Super’s. go to Vale in a body andgo before (.’has. Odell is visiting relatives If you are looking for Some the County Court with the propo- in this vicinity this week. sition to turn down all bids on the thing in the Hardware Line the Men's $25 suits no.« $12.50 at grounds that all were too high and Nyssa Hardware Co. has the goods the ( ’reditor's Store. beyoud reason. The Minneapolis and prices to suit. ___ La t Firday M 18S Slater closed Co. that constructed the Ontario B. F. Farmer returned Monday Last Saturday afternoon the her term f.$ School in the Warren bridge t vo years ago for $21,5151 from Boise where he attended the church boys got busy and played a school livi-i miles south of town, asked $29,900 for the same bridge directors meeting of the electric game of ball. The Presbyterians with a v< appropriate program 1 at this place It was generally con- road with which he is connected. defeated the M. E's. by a store of that was weu| attended by the pat- reeded by the builders after the li 12. The game was even to start rons of the lehool and who enjoyed opening of the bridge bids that Finest line of Refrigerators on off but the Presbyterians soon took any market. Nyssi^ Hardware f ’o the progruiL immausly. C. \ . suitable bridge could be built at lead and kept it, That evening Mitchell amt Fin. Warren were the this place for $25.000 at the most Eugene Sharp spent the fore several of the members got togeth speakers of tnie school district and and one that was adequate to the part of the week at the home of er and celebrated the event in the gave the puplils some good paints, needs of this county for a number his parents. Mrs. Major also is basement of the Church. Adandy The hono,-« of the year was given pi years. They were informed visiting at the home of her sister, luncheon was served. to Myrtle Wjoods for attendance \ that the County Court would turn Mrs. Sharp. Mrs. Major will re and Edna Warren anu 1 il.nko Stain • (town anything short o f u $80.000 Last Saturday evening »n u m main here about an other week be for the highest nveruge which was . bridge. ran from $29.900 fore returning to her home in Cre- ber of the younger set enjoyed a 95 per cent, and Roy Warren with to $34,000 and the biidge we net*.- social dance in the Opera House. 92 and Dorris Mitchell with 93 falls several thousand dollars short took third and second place, re- the lowest bid even. A large del- , » , -Vie. Nvasa The evening was enjoyed by those Scales for Sale at the'woji >■ 8 pec lively. Miss Slater had one egatiou o f our citizens went before ÌUJgita. Vit. Hardware Co. so that you get 1(1 prfAttMSIlKUfc of the two pupils that graduated the Court on Wednesday and they •«r. H#**... oz. to the pound. •• ■»•Kiwitu*». i Johnson out of the eighth grade in this got what they went after, T. N. Nelson nncT btit tiro*?* county last winter. The bridge across Snake River Mrs. Knowlton visited her sons, The following program was ren- „t this place will be completed this E. B. and F li„ at this place the won the honors of donbh tour«,:’ p' ment on the tennis conr> last Mon dered: fall. The members of the Bridge latter part of last week. |^ong .............. By the school. Commission are T. F. Coward, W. From tho Boise papers we learn day evening, The contest was be- $$ 0.00 per month straight salary Address of W elcom e. Dora Sherrife Lee Blodgett and Thos. Canhum, at the president of the Boise In- tweeui them and A. H. and A. T. and expenses, to inen with rig, to Music 1 i Little People J r. rurban Railroad is smiling on the introduce our Poultry Remedies. Boydell. Tho single tournament R ecitation. . . . . . . . Gracie Warren loswell jieople for the co-opera- Don't answer unless you*rfioan is now on. R ecitation............... 4 Little Girls on that they have given f.hecom- business. Eureka Poultry Food Recitation .Charles Thompson iny for the constrnetion of the 5’ sterday afternoon. Mie Ludi* s’ i M fg Co. ( I nuorpor; t-<1. i Limited. S on g......................... 4 Little Girls otse, Caldwell, Roswell Electric Aid were hospitably cu ori .aim d j #• Dialogue..........................Two Bays oad. There is lettle doubt now Boeod -Slhgator. by*Mrs. Robert Megonl u with a J 1 1 D T V R e c ita tio n ..............3 Little Girls jout the construction of the road C C T m i l i m i T i n Hailed alligator Hash lias a taste Peach Blossom Tea. The hostess very mueb like that of real. It Is ‘ Little Mothers" Lyod Andins the right-of-way committee has much eaten in India. __________ j S on g..................5 Girls and 5 Boys Ladies of the Guild tof the had very tastefully ari uged for portod and found everything ¿-*1 in» anu mv %*•••« .. . O ration J e s s ie S h e r r if e 1 St- Paul's Uluireh hold a very suc- She Wtaal is it you like In st ulnuil •iv favorable for the road. The the assembling of the he I s uudtr The assistant district snperin- u ra u o n ............ •'< ssie nnirriu girl * ¡H ■ rid.iy. I lie u He—My oswell people say that the Com. tedent G smith of Nnmna wn. Recitation.......... Marjarie Mitchell ' e88ful the blossoming trees of I i. ir excel- arms. Judge * ' ’ ‘ * ’ ' Si.n.r 9 amount obtained for the building ¡my may have anvltetrip through .lent orchard. After the usual busi i„ ; 0 i > , tm ) „ „ « » . , » ADVERTISIN'« R A T ^ i eir territory that will liest suit to the Nyssa Commei ness session and socieI hour in inont given bv the Lillies in the e company and conditions About an intended official visit of the o f R ecitation............Myrtle Woods Legal evening was exceptionally good. which a dainty iuuch served, . . . 4 Boys year ago we had a talk with Mr. ficials of the Oregon Short Line. S'»ng.................... 'tubular, fi’St insertion, per in. ..$1.50 the ladies retired voting ti at Peach . . 3 Girls and 2 Boys One would not siisjiect that* Nyssa ierce, president of the $>ad. and The s o c ia l train carrying these Dialogue * Mr. and Mrs Forbes had so much musical talent here. hen we asked him if thewtwas a officials will arrive in Nyss.i some Song . . Blossom Teas when Mrs Megor- per inch, •!>• i. Issue ................. 75 The program rendered by the issibility of the road being e l day during the second week of May Presentation of Diplomas and Reading, first insertion, per In . . 1.00 don was hostess were decidedly Awards . . . . By C V. Mitchell Indies and girls was one that would Reading, subsequent insertions, uded to Nyssa he answered in and will remain here several hours successes. have been a credit to a home tal V)" atfirmative, but when we asked to give the officials and citizens Song—Am erica................... By All per,Inch, per I s s u e ........................50 ent nt Boice. Ikuitrice Emison ■ini how soon he said wait until time to talk over matters in this («0 words constitutes one Inch ) Portland, Or., Apr 1$ (Special) gave her audience the biggest snr- B e get the Roswell branch in line community. They announce that • Display To carry the message o' progress no doubt as she is but a child Votes for Women is a popular i Pr,st *■'' ................ ...... Mi tl *n we will come and talk to your the trip is not one of fault ffnding , , , . . . 1 in years but Inis a voice that girls'.t)ne lnch> one 'nsertlon ................. sr, and to encourage the eo nraercial Seople. That means that it will but one of improvement seeking y and the harem skirt is taking - . . . ,h n i wee*«) 50 '’ several v ars hur senior envy. The me ln(,h ln,n. ,.-r I**> nwl„ mantn liodies of the state to gr ater ef |ot be long before the company and that they don’t care to hear the notice of the hobbled. If the ^ |md ^ irjg djd a cdtjpi(! lJ(,ttg LOCAL READERS. forts along publicity I in s, Field »kes steps to get into Nyssa. It complaints but they will he very cry would attract some of the wo- ¡ng stunts The Indies double | Reading notice, per line, one In Secretary Suyer, of the < >regon De “Mainly would open a large tern glad to receive opinion» on the cor- IIll?n gifted with a litU(. mat_ qoarta t e wa.i goo,] The singers sertion............................................ 10 veh >|imeiit League, has left the ary for Nyssa if the company rection of some of the evils in their » were Mrs. Em- Reading notice, per line per month 20 Portland heauquarters for an e x ~~ uld be induced to extend its line system through this section. This ter where it shouhl be,the popular- w*1° renderai Boyd -11, S h irley O bituaries and Cards of Thanks tended trip through Eastern Ore- K ft) Nyssa. AY hat would life on a party will be especially interested ' l- freak dtesses would ‘ ^ M• Jilbort. , ‘ per line ................................... 06 gon. He will cover 21U) miles on nch near Nyssa be with an hpur in the branch road that is to be vanish very sadden!) ÎVHMlbe Rates for y, page spare will be g .■I. his journeys and will call upon r passing1 / Well hope and it built from here to homedale this love of Mike, womenv many commercial bodies that have on application. ill come and not before long. summer. V 'r v -'jr t' v ^ i n e C r e t ! D airy C o o f S p o - never received an official visit from I. 0. 0 . V. The itinerarsr of the party will 1 I t.iiiy i V .ii iu ¡-- now prewired io the League. Mr. Sayer will advise > come out later, ^hose in the party Gate City Ixxlge No. 211, I. 0 . 0 F. with dormant commercial clubs and The Ladies are Specially «eoeive cr i3 ^ at their receiving If you are looking for Hardware I are some of the- heads o f depart- to examine onr ten cent »»sort- '»tBiiow in Ny a. The Owyhei- will meet in their hall In Nvasa every In ip revive them and will estab ftu can do better at the Nyssa | ments and not their secretaries we ment worthy of yotir attektion 1 Jlercnnjtile Co. will receive and Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock sharp lish new ones where they are Hardware Co. a he told. Nyssa Hardy are C o .1 test t W r c a m . P. C. D Co. Visiting brothers always welcome. needed. 0 Clea Men 5 Ui 5 an MALHEUR NO. 4 THE GUITD ENTERTANMENT