IN TE R E ST Prominent Shippers Gives Figures. SWEATERS SWEATERS WOOLEN SHIRTS! 1 Replying to the request of the Gem State Rural and Live Stock j Journal for data showing car lot .'OL. II NO. 4 shipments of fruit from Southern » Idaho during 1910, Charles J. Siu- In the great incentive toward saving money. sel, of Boise, well known as one of the leading shippers of the State I Several of tin- haaafat When you (ind your money is earning something writes as follows: I s mot lust Tuesday ' you feel more like saving. W e are endeavoring to supply your wants in the line of "A . E Gipson, Gem State Rural. ■ < I pent H o w to pM CHOICE WOOLEN GOODS Caldwell. Idaho, We pay five per cent per annum on certificates I I oaganixatkw. W. Dear Sir I wish to acknowledge | was chosen manage] of deposit for six month’s time. receipt of yours of the 25th inst. Coward secretary We Offer Absolute Security. same being a request for an esti boys are anxious mate of the fruit yield of Idaho for k and will show the the present year. You, of course, H i N •ssa can put up i are aware that I am familiar with \ | ! not be easy meat the prune and apple output only, “ THE BANK OF SER VICE” looked as if it would and as yet have not, received an | o get up on organ N Y S S A OREGON exact report on car loads of apples aunt of the lack of shipped from Southern Idaho. H. J. Ward, president J. H W olf, c ashier ial but it now is a However a clcse estimate shows in Nyssa will be ab about thirteen hundred car loads J ls with all comers. The apples that I handled in and n|\e turned out for { about Parma and Roswell sold at i ly and are making a actual sales, F. 0 . B. Parma, as of W. Robinson I g s h o p Having purchased the shoe repairiu t> follows: Johathans. *1.50 per box; Hi', lid t o continue t h e b u s i l i e s i n » h <■ future. A new s upply of R o u e Beauty, Winesap. Ark. ‘1t 1(1 h I kh - re {lairing Mul.-riais h a v e a i i ' i v i d . 1 w li do h a r n e s s < Black. $1.35 for firsts and $1.25 for C u li and see e n d lile w o i k w ill I»' g u á r a n t e « 11 t u t ie first e l o s s . seconds, while the choice of the Stiir R. staur ; i » i T. t i le III t h e b u i l d i n g o p p o s i t , t i n various varieties sold for $1 00 per The annual business box These w e j' the small apples ■ Epworth League v that were off crlor. uneven size, l< . home of Rev H. E. yet clean and sound. I learned to mday evening, at \ Tile mail order business is book mv regret that Southern Idaho as cers were elected for . ¿.«T, Ï ed fi.r a I com if the parcel post yet has not orchards sufficient to . —------- -w ajjfcI - ■ ■ TwSr _ ' ' i ig year. Reports w E F. P >a11 li . been quit»! ill h ii that is pending at the present c-are for the orders that are being 1 from the several get. In lore the national body of placed for standard varieties, as !i ! t In' past wt i k or wore. Mrs. L. Spier and children left nts showing the wi law makers, and is passed. At for instance, I had orders for thir Wednesday for Lonacoiiing. Md. ' t{. L Harris wmm I to Vain Mon- first sight the bill sounds good and islied by the League ty-eight. cars of Winesaps. and was Mrs. Spier says the will be gone n i i bud it is jti«t. «1 at the mail or- d,.> in at !• d conn st year, and plans o iIt -1 hu'l ct> an- w aking for Coiu- disappointed to learn that, there about two months and will spend jme of the work to bi ilr. Cnywoo«! has .ented I lie Mi - mcieial clubs in all sections of the was not nearly this number of car with her mother and other rela ring the coining year United States are fighting it on the icy ranch for the coming year. loads of this variety to be had in tives in Maryland. Mrs. Spier grounds that it will encourage the Mr, John H- Rudd, i Preparations arc in progress for greatest evil that the local mer this section. This same condition will be missed by her many friends esident of the La G a tiist-cliiHS entertainment to lie chants have to contend with, who prevails with Roman Beauties and who wish her a pleasant visit but ¡et League, was presei given at the Owyhee scholll ousc is creating the demand for parcel Johuathaus. The demand was es to return soon. [the work that is beir in the near future. Announce posl, and fighting for its enact pecially good for Arkansas Blacks Mrs. J. Adams was in Vale Mon District Epworth I None better------None as good and none bs cheap ment Anyone cau readily see and Gano. On my recent trip ment will he made later. that it is not the people that are day attending to business. the convention to through Oregon and Washington, A. D. Morey went to Vale with “ to be benctitted by it’’ but the ion, Oregon in June Miss Anna Nelsou was an Onta I found that in the districts where mail order trust. Upon the pass u load of apples last week. local League intend rio visitor the first of the week. A SK YO U R M ERCH ANTS FOR IT ing of the parcel post order bill the they have the Shippers Organiza ;e delegation. Work has been resumed on the catalogs of the cities' large depart tions. and can advertise to the Any one needing oats, wheat or ehopppinl feed of '.any kind. | The following officer! Sheriff Kerfoot was in town last ment stores will hyve covers ex Owyhee canal, greatly to the satis world that they have hundreds of Friday getting acquainted with the Phone or write the Parma Milling and Elevator Cb~ Parma for the eusuing y« faction of everybody in these parts. plaining how to shop by mail and cars of fruit for the market, they that there is no package to heavy Nyssa people. 1 nt, Ross A. Soward; The infant daughter of Mr. and for Uncle Sam tocairyand for tba have no trouble in having buyers ” nt, F. L. Lockw ood;. Mrs. Geo. Clearey, living near the trust to profit by, In a great many on the ground fighting for the pro / A , I Resident, Mrs. H. E I postoffice, died last Monday even instances it would be handy to ducts. ce President, Miss V The prune industry was very ing. The funeral was conducted have a parcel post especially at Fourth Vice Pres Rev. F if. Bradley on Wendesday Christinas time, but in this case it satisfactory. The eastern market | H. Super; ¡^eeretnry afternoon. They have the sincere is pretty good to let well enough keeping tip in exceptional shape ibson; Treasurer, Hs for the season o f 1910. However sympathy of the entire neighbor alone. jese officers will be ini ______ t I had cash sales for all my cars F. hood. y evening, May 7th f The first basket ball game of O. B. shipping point and I did not lurch. After the bui A. L. Lnfrenz and wife returned j the season as well the first for the ship* anything to the open market. g adjourned refreshr last Saturday evening from Spo N. H. S. boys as an aggregation I learn that there were ten thous rved and the reinnit kane where they were married lust was played yesterday afternoon on and and fifty-three cars of prunes Beiiing was spent in a The boys shipped out of Southern Idaho this week. They went through to Boi the school grounds. played a snappy clean game from season, and that the fruit generally se on Thursday and expected to The final score averaged the grower from twenty slip in on the Nyssa folks, but the Start to finish. to thirty-five dollars per ton for charivari bunch cuuglit them. • was Parma 7 N.H.S, ¿3 the prunes at the packing house, From the Boise pap The indications for next season’s at the president of tl work, so far as the market is con rurban Railroad is sir cerned, were never more favorable. oswell people for th This is especially true with prunes OF n that they have giv and our leading varieties of red my for the construe apples. Since we have passed the tse, Caldwell, Rosw thousand car load mark with our ,ond. There is lettle shipments it gives us a standing Hit the construction with ,the wholesale people where the right-of-way t»i they feel they can send their peo Iporfi’d and found ple into our territory and secure ‘ iv favorable for the car loads sufficient to justify the oswell people say th, expense of a umn on the ground. my may have auv ,Tst F. A OOELTZ. Prop. I would therefore certainly advo ir territory that wi N Y SSA OREGON cate, in the strongest terms, organ company and con»i' ized efforts in the marketing of year ago we had a ti our products, since an organization ierce, president of tli that can offer to the world train lien we asked him if loads of fancy fruit and will let the wsibility of the roa world Know of it in time, will com ruled to Nyssa he 1 mand the highest prices for their ic affirmative, but wh Are the first things that one thinks of when buying the fruits. ni how soon lie sah necessities of shelter and food for oneself. Those are the Repsectft illy, e get the Roswell bi things that you must take into consideration when buying the C J- SIN SE L " Bien we will come and supplies for the carrying on of your work on the ranch or any — Gem State Rural. pie. That means where else you might be working. There is nothing that tells ot be long before t the quality quicker than harness and so you should be certain Mrs. John Lackey was a Boise ikes steps to get int< of the quality before yon buy. Yon enn buy harness at very visiting last week. rtginly would open i low figures but it will not be long until you will have to buy ry for Nyssa if t Bud Lackey was in Boise last again. Study the price in conjunction with the quality and come mid be induced to ej week to a shop that yon can feel sure will sell you the best and the Nyssa. Wbat wou best only. A stitch in time will save you money so let us repair nch near Nyssa be ' (Continued From Page 1.) your old harness as vtell as your old shoes. A new machine is r passing? Well I to do all kiqds of sewing. The election on the south side Ml come and not bef< o f the Owyhee river was a rather small affair as only bonafied resi dents could vote, rrmking about 121 If you are looking f votes cast. The o f ricers are as fol- j H u < in do better al lows-. C. Beaum ont. Assessor; R. H. S. Tharp, Prop. lard ware Co. McCVmry, Collect« >r; A. G. K in g-' man. Treasurer, th e «1 ¡rectors as follows: E M. blodgett. A E. \V*de. Harvey O tis a n d C . E Peck. Don’t suffer with the Cold. NYSSA TE/ AT TH E RIGHT PRICES M ALH EU R COUNTY BANK A Great Discount on Men’s Suits W e need the money and are making prices right W e are also headquarters for every thing in the line of choice groceries. N K W H I L O P Give us a call before purchasing J. C. H I M L E R IH > I l \ 1 )D K GWYKEE NEWS PW 0RTH LE OREGON NYSSA, WIGWAM FLOUR THE FLOUR OF Q U A L IT Y $1.40 per Sack BIG CLEAN J A N U A R Y 4, to 14 CLEAN UP SALE y -r FINE FR AM ED PICTURES Exceptional Values Come in and See them NYSSA PHARMACY PRICE A N D Q U A L IT Y 7 ^ If you attend this sale yo ISWELL TO GE won’t regret. It’s a Cleai ance of all winter wear, Men’| Women’s and Children’s U derwear, Clothing, Shoes an Coats SEE OUR LARGE CIRCULAR For the Gift Like Prices! Ladies’ Coats as cheap as $1.98 Men’s suits as cheap as $5.50 Children’s suits as cheaps 98c The Nyssa Saddlery Nyssa, Oregon Rader Bros. & Myer, ONTARIO, OREGON