Che Cate City Journal Published Every Thursday By Harold 8 . Vahl At Nyssa, Oregon Editor Harold S, Vahl Entered as secoi d-class matter»^ April 14. 1910, at the poet office ' at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act of March ¡1, 1879. Y O LK SPR 1N Y O R D E R should be placed without fur ther delay. D o not wait until the last minute and then get about half the varieties you want. Order NOW before our supply is ex hausted or broken up. Our spring sale is ptetty heavy, blit we can supply you with the fol lowing staple varieties: A P P L E S --D elicious, Grime« Golden, Jona thon. Rome Beauty, Spitz, Winesap, al- . so many other varieties, rentable lor home orchard planting. C H L H K 1E S--B m g, Centennial, Early R ich mond Lambert, Late Duke, Royal Ann and many others. PRUNES and PLU M S—Praotiaelly all vaj* faraapari V. W. Tomlinson Proprietor o THE C IT Y DRAY iulicates scrofula t B R O O K E Se TO M U ] er humors, w cures c Attorneys-at■ La :cts, makes the bio M o n e y t o l o a n o n ! m p r » l 1 abundant, strengtl farm s u vital organs. T ak it It t o d a y in u s u a l llq u b o la te d t a b le t s c a lle d t»s Oregon Ontario Nyssa RUBBER STAMPS >0 Y O U W A N T A N INC p Vu» vi Hmi ridiwM t un- haokiu-h feu: h lo rouidcH 1 nd roofnl dis« ur i ook free. We went wood wo »i hew evervw ere. Mnke u onej e 'or luirtUMilnr* ’the Vinvi Co. building. l o 1 laud. Orei on. C. W ILSÜ Ordered by M em ber o f th e W estern Ida h o P ress A s s o c ia tio n . C. A . H a c k n e y , M e a d o w s .. . . P r e s id e n t K J e n n e s s , N a m p a ,..........V ic e P r e s id e n t K. O. Burroughs. Caldwell,. .Secretary SUBSCRIPTION RATES year, in advance ............... months, in advance .......... Three months, in advance, . . . One S ix ADVERTISING RATES Legal l o b u l a r , f l - s t I n s e r t io n , p e r in . .. $ 1 .6 0 T a b u la r , W IN T E R SUITS AN D OVERCOATS REDUCED! buy now a good suit or overcoat for u it it .vi-iii dear U p tiness; v\e are ready now d e.k s” for the Spring W e’re starting early be- se we want to set through early know All are good servicable goods They’re big values at our usual prices, and just that much bigger at these figures. Men’s Suits from $7.50 up Young Men’s Suits from $5.00 up Boys Overcoats from $3.50 up. NYSSA. OREGON per su bsequ en t in c h , per I n s e r t io n s , iss u e ...........................76 R e a d in g , f ir s t I n s e r t io n , p e r I n . . . R e a d in g , su bsequ en t Lumber, Coal & Building Rock Springs Coal $8.00 per Ton (6 0 w o r d s c o n s t i t u t e s o n e I n c h .) Display O n e in c h , o n e i n s e r t i o n ........................ 26 One In ch , R e a d in g per m o n th n o tice , per (4 w eeks) lin e , o n e .50 and C ards of in OREGON U. G. HAND The Livery Man Will please you—if he can He has horses, great and small And keeps rigs' enough for all. ». I MOU. 71S Btmi it* o John Sinclair, of Nyssa, Oregon, The Malheur Enterprise came who. on November 24. 1908. made out Christmas week with a very homestead entry, No 0986, for pretty face and several pages well S^ NWJ, NWJnwi Sec 4, Town filled with stories of the resources ship 21 S.. Range 46 E., W illa mette Meridian, has filed notice of of this county for the body. The intention to make Final commu Enterprise id certainly a booster tation Proof, to < stablish claim to for Malheur County as well as for the land above described, before Vale. Register and Receiver at Vale, Oregon on the eighteenth day of Skating is the popular past time January, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: for the young folks of this place John S. at present. The ice is in fine Thomas B. Ramsey, Glasscock, Robert L. Harris, shape and it being free from snow Archie E Jones, all of Owyhee, makes skating more of a pleasure Oregon. than if the snow was covering it. Bruce R. Kester, Register. The numerous lakes in this neigh have the sport without traveling for miles to get it. prohibitionists are in receipt of a circular letter saying that the liquor men are go ing to take everything in sight. W ell that is what they wanted to pensive one for both sides. The Oregon Short Line is again sending out a Farmers' Industrial and Educational train for the ben You cen $et them at efit of those interested in farm FOSTER’S ed that the one that was here last husbandry It will be remomber- year gave us a great deal of infor The Oregon law makers will go to work next Monday morning bright and early. This honorable body has a very hard task before it in the way of putting through the things that is expected of it. The Joint Representative, Hon W. H. Brooke, has a few things up his sleeve for the eastern section of the state and he will see that he gets what he goes after. He has worked for several weeks prepar ing a bill as an amendment to the Drainage and Irrigation law of Oregon, and knowing the necesi- ties of such a law, he will be able to get one that will be of much benefit to the irrigation districts of the state as well as one that is as neat perfect as one could be- He has several good things besides this for Eastern Oregon and will do all in his pow er to get them for they are of real benefit to thin section. Forili Phone Maia 676; TLAND COLLÍCTION >17 Aliskv Building. Portland. Ü KTS l U.ti.IEU Ml LOlLtUiOI 0 O F F IC E IN S H A R P BUI O O D A K S tv% for cata loemos and literature, Mail orders viveri prom F o r ti a n d P h o t o S u p p ly iird Street FORTL DR. J J. S A R A Z IN Notary Pubi U ffic i» in h is |AU I 1KUL T O S T C A R D ! I ufe -u i or Et«- sanile* o: our» ►el I'.r 1 iln.v i lower und (.cod I t’CMuri ul colors /■ d loxel.est « hrd ('Iul>. «-». JMckson Si., lopeka re sid Nyssa L o v e a S a c r ific e . p v e Is a m a n y -s id e d s a c m s t h o u g h t fu ln e s s f o r c pis p u t t in g t h e ir g o o d b p lic a t io n . L o v e Is lm , pt, b u t t r u e l o v e Is Im p u l C ted .— H . R . H a w e ls . *B L U E PR IN TS* o n a p p li c a t i o n . the lix any ohi thing IS Uiaji Si. the Vale Land District, $1 00 each p e r l i n e ......................................................... 05 Evidently l brolten machinery ■ is U I good of ail kind« bv a r a« new. Mach Physician cn Surgeon N YSSA Trwfc BHi. P m u U. H. I nio.ii Olhft. Ai.rihiuw DR. F. A. GOI R a t e s f o r }4 p a g e s p a c e w ill b e g iv e n be a warm one as well as an ex- WatermaiTs Fountain Pen NISBA Book i e n i o secured. ^ ---------- -—* - inform ât on free Blue prints of any township in Thanks The Home Rule fight promises to of the Year ittiul Estate COPYRIGHTS ANO MORE SALESM EN W AN T E D . Local Salesman ; J H - Ainsworth Nyssa, Oregon________ s e r t i o n ............................................................... 10 LOCAL READERS. P .e a d in g n o t i c e , p e r l i e s p e r m o n t h .20 O b it u a r ie s HAROLD S VAHL Physician and ' Surgeon p e r I n c h , p e r I s s u e ............................... 60 do but the Wets beat them at it. 8ometHinj| you need every day We also have many other var ieties not mentioned above, be sides a complete line ot berries and ornamentals. Better send for our catalog today. It's free. In it you will doubtless find just what you want. If we are out of any variety we will tell you, so you may try elsewhere. If vou want first-class trees, thoroughly matured, free from disease or pest, perfectly hardy and splendidly rooted, then drop us a line. Commercial varieties our specialty. 1.00 don’t know where they are as we Materials P h ilip » I n s e r t io n s , borhood gives an opportunity to Dealers in ford. Elbcrta. Lovell,' Muir, Cling, eto. 8urveo rs and Engineers Realt and Investments iviotn er L o v e . f t t h o r l o v e h a th t h is u n lll V A L E , O K E G O iflo t h e r lo v e . T e n d e r t o tl Ha b e I n fin it e ly t y r a n n ic a l of title to all f i a n c e ' ■ —L e w a ll Its p o w e r o f , W a lla c e . OREGON try on the Pacific Coast la exec ivo built up oar repututiou on it. il on quality ami cannot got both anywhere, no matter how muci Wo flnlfh „Ob« -, brida* wo c? d, s liiin ¡ l’miilcsd c Y..; «r-*.* who” • ' I bridge wo « ' * » * * ”• S|k.'.*co. lY*,, • & *>, S 3 9 s s » f , v .¡jfr » z U k IL J f ’dtec WtSZ, Smisi*. j(., M....ta fim i... Ex o ir umu i, u b is t m rk fu lly iiliarnntfKMl fo r ftft. F . w i i K a s D e n t i s i Budding, Third and Washington. PORI i 6 ▲. M. to a a. m .. gusla A few weeks ago a cracksman entered the Batik of son, of Jefferson. Oklahoma, and smashed up the vai safe with Nitroglycerin and obtained the banks mone] This could not possibly happen with the Bank of N the vault is protected by the latest Electric Burglar | IT jt» J fvi alarm that can be heard all over town. Inside |jJL i w y y Eft \ the vd v *“ LI This womlefu m ade a life sti p rop erties o: you can not even touch it with a pin without turning] Herbs and B m Riving the i benefit o f his ^crcury* I have a steel money safe that would require hours of o r D ru g s U se with high pressure to enter. Your money is safe if it is in the Bank of Make our Bank Your Ba 2 E - ^ » J Í > J S íc .í^ íí» O p e r a t i o n s 01 tantees to cure Ostarrh, Asthn hu h and Kidney troubles, an'1 ksoa o f M ,i ami Women, A SU RE CANCER CU « [received from Pekin, China—» Miable. U,.failing ¡nits works, you cannot caí!, write for sym pt circular. Inclose 4 cents in Stan C O N S U L T A T IO N fR C C he C. Gee Wo Medicine rj First St., cor. Morrison, Porti THE B A N K OF $1.50 Per Dozen. NOW IS THF TIMC J . B. W A G N E R , P a s a d e n a , mation along fruit and vegetable raising lines, as well as the soil and climate talk, that interested everyone that heard it. Something New In K it c h e n W a r e The " H a z ” Pure Spun Aluminum W are is raoidly coming into use for cooking purposes. It is taking the place o f agate and enamel ware because while its first cost is a trifle more than ordinary ware, it is really much cheaper in the long run, as it is guaran teed lor twenty-five years and will last practically a life time. The genuine "1 H * 2 " W are, made only from pur« SPUN (not cast) Aluminum, will not crack, scale, peel, break, scorch or bum. It looks like silver but weighs only about one- quarter as much, is easily cleaned and handled, and will not rust, corrode or tarnish Absolutely Pur*> non-poisonous a n d w h o le s o m e ; saves money, time and doctor’s bills. B* aur* you *•« th* orig in a l arnl w in # =g% Cro»» w ar# »ta m p e d w i U i At your dealer*. lh « by those most directly interested as was shown here last year but it is hoped that everyone that posi- No more appropriate time for buy ing a watch than January the month of new resolutions. Resolve to be on time. Prompt bly can attend this ,train meeting ness is a virtue that everyone can should. The expense is born en possess. Own a watch of yonr tirely by the railroad company and own—one that you can rely on. there is no admission fee. The My watch stock will afford you train is sent to Nyssa for yonr ben a selection from a large range of efit and it is up to yon to get all designs of the newest creation^ol the good yon can out of the short the case maker's art. Movements of the most reliable stay. The speakers on this train are men of experience and who have given the subject upon vhich M ft lM t l - Nyssa Hardware Company W ATCHES ! The value of these trains is not appreciated they are going to talk yean of thought and time, so he there to receive the talk and pick the ker- nals of their experience. makers— each bearing T h e R ay o p r ic e . C or ora n m em t< o f h m p -m g iv in g rt»*v deaeri ptiv« GENERAL BLACKSMITHS Horae Shoeing a Specialty Located on First Sreet in Nyssa, Oi 2 2.50 S h o e s . t .o o $ am [ r o n l d D ik e y o u i n t o m y lar$; v how v.srhow careful v W. L. I >. hi . i n all ip and the high'^rade !«?» whv D o ll a r f o r D o ib i r I G n u bh*k ; uk 1 flfc bet tar hiia I w ear k H um ** y *u enn buy. personal guarantee. The Nyssa Jeweler There are li COOK BROTHERS my own RAY G. NEWCOMER . , 'vuk ** ?^'vas('"jd p“bb« L • >15 fu J lS fui« k »¿ R.dRu We Print Butterwrappe you r « n lh e th a t m v nhoe< ' • that 1 m ake and s e ll'm o r e 83 m an ufacturer In the U nited St tv <• unts. It him mad** \V. L. ] '-** a household word every a he U T I f i n l f Snn* tannine woho w j UT u eaier can n o t supply you w tiii * ' ■ name and price Mini V o i d 's i A qu edu a q u o d 'jc t In nst n c\\ew York, whlct loft g rou t t h e l o n j r g f c v Peru,m iles In le n g t h