Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1911)
S E R IA L STORY ç_An H e ir cTW üH ons B y~ F re d e ric k R e d d a le ¿ A u th o r if “ The Other <¿Wan" etc. Illustrations by Ray W alten (Copyright, by J. li. Cippincott Co.) SYNOPSIS. Andy Meleen, aged and eccentric m il lionaire miner, le d yin g and orders his attorn ey to draw up a w ill leavin g all his prop erty to the son o f a sister from whom he was separated years before and o f whose name even he Is ignorant. Andy tells the attorney that he was married In his youth, but left his w ife a fte r a quar rel In which he struck her. He learned a fterw a rd that she and his daughter were dead. C H APTE R I.— Continued. "W ell, that's on’y right. The money kem out o’ old Nevady; let her have It back ag in. But mind you, Carboy, not till you’ve raked all creation with a fine-tooth comb to And Mattie’s boy.” "Whom will you name as executors or trustees?” "Must you have ’em?” Meleen an swered anxiously, as though the func tionaries referred to were of a species noxious and undesirable. "Undoubtedly; they are necessary evils.” Meleen frowned in perplexity. It seemed as though It were costing him far more trouble to leave his money behind him than It had been to amass It and guard It during his eventful life. "Can’t you fellers act?” he inquired dubiously at length— "you fellers"— in dicating Mr. Carboy and his partners. "Certainly, If you wish It. Tw o will be sufficient. Suppose we say Mr. Passavant and myself?" With a gesture as of one wearied with the whole subject Meleen sig nified assent. Then, as the lawyer rose to go Indoors, he said: “ Fix It up quick. Carboy, I’m mor tal tire d !” By this time the sun had set behind the western wall of mountains, and Evan appeared to wheel his master within. But the tough old fellow de murred. Half his nights hat* been spent In the open air with only the starry canopy for a ten*. Now that the end was near, he Leaded the crib bed and cabined confinement of four walls. oO a lantern was brought and hung to the .afters of the porch, where Its dim radiance could not In terfere with that piercing gaze which to the last roamed lovingly over the mountain prospect. One, two hours passed, and save for the steady, harshly rhythmical “ crunch-crunch” of the "stamps" the town below was strangely quiet. E very soul therein knew that the master-mind In the hillside eyrie was passing away; hushed were the usual sounds of rude revelry and “ wide- open” license. It was felt to be a fateful night for the town of Meleen. A t length Mr. Carboy’s task was done. A table was carried on to the porch; by lantern-light the will was read to the testator, who turned his eyes to meet those of the lawyer in mute approval when the reading was ended. Then, lifted and supported by old Evan, he affixed his uncouth and sprawling signature, the witnesses fol lowed, and the deed was done which bequeathed a princely fortune and a royal revenue to— whom? Next morning Andrew Meleen was found lifeless In bed, his gnarled and knotted features composed In a peace ful, almost ecstatic, smile. "Perhaps he has found M inna!” mused the lawyer, with humid eyes, as he stood by the side of his strange client. C H APTE R II. In an old-fashioned sitting room In an antiquated brick house in that unfash ionable quarter of “ downtown" New York formerly known as Greenwich village there sat, one autumn evening, a young couple, both of whom were exceedingly good to look upon. T o the judicious observer It would have been apparent from their atti tude and bearing each towards the other that they were something more than mere friends, yet less than man and wife. In fact, they were con tented and happy dwellers In that de lectable border-land known as Being Engaged. The girl was fairly tall of stature, bru- nett as to complexion, with a wealth of fine and glossy dark hair which rippled and waved around a small but shapely head and above a witchlngly feminine forehead, white and broad and low. Her eyes were of a very steadfast dark gray, set widely apart, giving one the Impression of quiet re pose and cool Judgment A firm chin above a strong and supple throat made her look older and more wom anly than her years really warranted. She was busied with one of those trifles of needlework which keep the fingers busy without curbing one's tongue, and at the same time serve to display to admiring and even co quettish advantage a very shapely INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ALIEN’S CRIM1 MODES PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE ALARM BRIT? wrist and hand. Yet even the dearest men do not get half as much out of of her feminine friends would never life as they might.” "O f course they d o n 't!" assented have Insinuated that Eunice Trevecca was the least bit o f a coquette. In W ilfrid dogmatically. "W hy, look at deed, it needed but a glance into the me,” he rambled on; "I'm only half- depths of those quiet gray eyes to baked: never had any education to W O O L G R O W E R S M E ET. SB,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 F R U IT C R O P . convince you that that here was a na speak of; had to keep my nose to the ture tender and true as that of the grindstone all my life ; as you know, there were always two ways for every O regon Raised Vast Quantity Apples, President U rges Sheepmen to Stand Douglas himself. T ogeth er Against Enemies. So at least thought young W ilfrid dollar to go as long as mother was Pears, Peaches and Other Fruits. Stennls, who sat opposite to her, and alive, on account of her many years Portland — In delivering his annual Oregon’s fru it crop for 1910 had a who certainly enjoyed the best op of hopeless illness; but, In spite of my portunities in the world for knowing. few opportunities, I'll bet I could show value o f close to $8,000,000, or almost address at the convention o f the Ore gon Wool G rowers’ association in this Tory He was a pleasant, wholesome lad, some of those fellows how to enjoy double the amount o f three years ago. Factions W rangle— ■Turn fair and florid, with light golden-brown their w ealth !" I ARIS.—We a Balfour— Irish Bogey to Fum ili! Growth o f the fru it industry o f the city, President George M cKnight urged "O f course you could,” Eunice hair and mustache, slim and with ver of ex<x upon the members the necessity o f state, while wonderful up to this Rallying Cry. slightly stooped shoulders. A rather agreed, with a loving woman’s fatu- the next stranger organization and more perfect weak face on the whole, one might ous fondness and indulgence for the time, gives promise o f still further shopping ex co operation. He pointed to many say, though perhaps this was partly man she has promised to marry. ’ But ¡ ncreaae during the next five years. cupy our th . . , . . . . ___ owing to a rather querulous droop of w e’ll be Just as happy without the two great rl London, Jan. 7.— Though there The acreage now planted— but not competing interests ever on the alert . . the mustache, which barely veiled the money, won t w-e, W ilf? to take advantage o f weakness in the | indications o f the coming fierce ixjftMntemps and the Oallei "N ot a doubt of I t !” he exclaimed, bearing— w ill within the space o f a sensitive mouth; a beard would better leal struggle when Parliament rif vhlch stand side by sld« ranks of the wool growers. have hidden a chin which was far starting to her side, bending over her few years g iv e the state a crop that eus at the end of January, all to| a iea at sensational ‘ 1 believe the men who have tam ed! and pressing his lips to her shining w jij bring more than $20,000,000 to the too pretty for any mere man. for the moment are submerged frUeg tt correspondent, colls of hair. "W hy, possessing you the recent battle in Stepney, in the W ild West, and who have met and , the recent battle in Stepney, in w® ^ " Koe8 with her purae Had you guessed him to be a clerk i growers and shippers. . -patterns,” and we or a bookkeeper you would not have and your love, dearest, I’m the richest The greatest strides have been combatted wild beasts, wild elements a11 of , *le military forces in Lon been far astray— one of those men | fellow In New York today.” and still wilder environments,” said held by two robbers. mr BPare Ume trytn* on made in the production o f apples and who make exceedingly valuable and : She tilted back her head to look the president, ‘ ‘ have the rem aining! Public opinion, on - the whole, lata- whBt a . oba511? faithful servants but very poor mas Into his eyes as he gazed fondly down pears. These are the standard fruits, courage to safeguard what they have titles the tactics o f Winston Chn n* on a belongi ters. As to character, he was neither Into hers. and naturally more growers go into earned in such a life from evil-eyed ill, the Home Secretary, and r°u know, or to anyone better nor worse than thousands of , "T h a t’s the way I love to hear you those lines than in others. For in designing politicians and cunning com- police. The British approval Is in A bat that may make 1 other youngsters who start out in life : speak,” she murmured. “ Money can stance, while the total fru it crop o f mission men. To do this we need to th « more certain by the sd'-cum Jar than you have eve not buy some things In this world. In some downtown office or store at be able to throw, i f necessary, a cent c<int criticism s of the German pi ore! N o wonder that $3 a week, the goal of whose ambition i W ilf,” a truism which was sealed In Oregon was valued at close to $8,000,- a pound on the 21,000,000 pounds o f An the Bame- the spectacle of ibops are a very expressive and satisfactory QO O the past season, the value o f the is to earn fifteen hundred or two thou- ! mrnlngs, too, when the wool we produce in this state annually desperadoes keeping such a sand dollars a year, to marry some manner by the naturally ardent Wi) apple crop alone was almost half of force at bay produces a mlsgfi »u g h t becomes antique to its protection, and i f necessary, go pleasant girl, settle down in a Harlem frid. amounting almost, in some quart ^ montb of popularlt; Eunice, though very well educated this, and with pears the aggregate was into politics, too. I have individually to a panic fiat or a little one-of a row house over ' Some o f the Eng I f our beat frlend tell done both in the past, and I w ill do it more than half o f the state’s total pro see in in Brooklyn, raise a small family, get and refined— In England she would .eVery„ i ? I ! ' 5 " er aa» r e over-hatted or that e again.” London a potential anarchist, —.. along on a couple of new suits of j have been described as “ quite above duction o f all other fruitB. te that hat,” we feel the mysterious murder on Clap! Oregon has an apple crop this season clothes each year, with a semi-oc- her station, my d ear"— was only one ihlp Is a failure and life Contractors Appropriate Roads. Common, with the Initial letter remove from being a working woman that is worth $3,500,000, as compared caslonal visit to the theater in winter Salem — Adam Ritchey, o f Natron, carved on the cheeks o f the dead vorth the living! The total and an outing on Saturday afternoons herself, and had no foolish or unprac with $1,423,800 fo r 1907. W e are very practice has filed a complaint with the railroad creases the tendency to believe tical longings. As housekeeper for production o f apples in the state this at Coney Island or Rockaway. her Stepfather, John Trevecca— her season was 3,500,000 boxes, and the commission alleging that builders of widespread and powerful assai T® leare It to the Englli Not a wildly hilarious or thrilling ex , cans to buy aa recklei mother she could not remember— she average price received was a dollar a the new Natron branch for the South and anarchist organization. istence, It may be granted, yet there Party politics, o f course, enteri neans will allow. For was beyond the necessity of earning box. The apple crop o f 1907 was a ern Pacific company have appropriated are hundreds and thousands of such the county road for several miles with- to the controversy. The Tories rtrtues, and we look be: her own living; but Trevecca himself fraction over 1,000,000 boxes. men— gentlemanly and refined, neith noW We may MleCt’ was but a foreman in some Iron works The great growth o f the pear indus out providing the farmers with a good act of Parliam ent against alieni er very strong nor very weak, not black satin bat, but wl up on Tenth avenue. So to Eunice try can readily be understood when the substitute. The form er road, accord- vicious nor conspicuously virtuous, ine to R itchev w a s c o m n a ra tiv e lv nothl“ g ’ whUe the Liberals reifto reflect we discover th the prospect of marrying so present figures are given, which show that the ing to K licn ty , was comparatively that tbe defect lles in the acts t, but who, in a paraphrase of the old _ j i t be lined with velvet p v p and ann in good croon shape, ahanp. while w h il o trip ■ . , , the no«u new solves, able a young fellow as W ilfrid Sten state’s total crop three years ago level which were clumsily contr ln)u,ly mor, practical be Shorter Catechism, are piously or me nls, both of them being very much amounted to 247,760 boxeB, o f a value road has steep grades and during the by the Tories when they wen waar u furtllor ^ ^ chanically "doing their duty in that In love with each other, seemed the o f $286,600, while this season the winter has been nearly impassable. power, state of life to which it has pleased iften better to spend i acme of good fortune, leaving noth growth reached a grand total o f 1,000,- There Is a general call for a the Alm ighty to call them.” It Is of ,r|j and get what w ill hurt a Want Better Game Laws. Ing to be desired of the Fates. er restriction o f alien immlgn 000 boxes o f a value o f $1.25. Even kindred stuff that the “ average citi Feathers are of all m Klamath Falls— The Klamath County but few w ill attempt to answer . And though W ilf was her senior by this great showing is scarcely repre zen” Is made. mlngs the most econom some four years— he was twenty-eight sentative o f the enormous strides made Rod and Gun club has completed ar unanswerable objections to any Even to such men strange dreams — the girl was really the elder In point by the pear industry within recent rangements to send a delegate to sibility o f such a code o f rei wily milliners have foum may come— fond and foolish visions of of steady principle and cool, sober years, for since 1897 the planting has Salem to assist in g ettin g the le g is la - 1 tions as could keep out any butBtatlons for us on that wealth and power, hopeless of realiza tion desired for the protection and per- j infinitesimal number o f real crii (latest craze la for every tion, mayhap, yet nevertheless fre Judgment. In fact, W ilf, as she often been the greatest in the history o f the d speckled, and “ Pi petuation o f the game and fish supply. a*s without including a great mj acknowledged to herself, was rather state, and these trees w ill not b e bear quently prompted by certain innate or which Is being made I It is the aim o f the sportsmen o f this deserving ones and destroying boyish, sanguine, mercurial, easily led ing fru it for some years. Inherited cravings for the good things county to have the lim it on all birds lan? s traditional policy o f offerln, itolee and muffs, has ext of this life which only money can pro But she loved him for these very qual Peaches grow to perfection in Ore Ities; some women mother tlielr hus to refugea ,rora oppressH cure, and for the enjoyment of which gon. There are several districts lowered and also to fix the lim it at tw o I a8ylum Another proposal is to make bands before the children arrive to they feel a yearning and an infinite wherein climatic conditions are almost male deer in one season. difficult the right to carry arms, capacity If only they had the chance. keep their affections busy. ideal and the quality o f the fru it is finally it is proposed to arm Chinnock's Successor Named. When old John Trevecca came In, police. "Oh, It’s a splendid thing to be such that the product brings a^premium coatless and bringing with him a Salem — Robert Eakin, Jr., son o f | rich !” W ilfrid was even then Baying o f some extent over all other offer strong aroma of cut Cavendish, for he V E N U S H AS SN AK E S. to Eunice. “ Just think of what a man ings. In the territory tributary to Chief Justice Robert Eakin, o f the Su could do If he were really in posses- had been smoking his pipe with some The Dalles the greatest growth o f the preme bench o f this state, has been cronies on the "front porch,” as they Pickering, of Har peach industry o f the state has been appointed secretary o f the water board Professor still call the house entrance up Green o f control to succeed James T. Chin- Supports V iew s of Coast Mai shown during recent years. wich way, the light of W ilfrid's rosy nock, who was elected w ater commis Cambridge.— Professor William visions had not yet died out of his sioner in Novem ber and who has just PR O S PE C T P L A N T ON SO O N. Pickering, o f H arvard observato eyes. There was even an atmosphere assumed his duties. interested in the recent statemei of suppressed excitement in the home Dr. J. J. See. o f M^ri ly room which caused the old man to Rogue River Electric Company Starts PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. atory, that higher f(>rms of life W ork in Spring. look shrewdly at Eunice. If there on the planet. Venus.' were anything amiss between the Medford— The Rogue R iver Electric Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, 83 The Harvard Savant "jhas held lovers Trevecca knew he would find it company with headquarters at Med @83>£c; club, 81(381 >£c; red Russian, tatively for many y ea r* that an in the girl's face. But apparently all ford, w ill start work on its new plant 79c; valley, 82c; 40-fold, 82@82}6c. life has been in existence on V was serene. at Prospect early in the spring. H. C» Barley— Feed, $23 per ton; brew and that the surface ofkth e plani "W ilf has been telling me what he Stoddard, secretary and consulting en ing, $24(325. composed principally w i stea Intends to do with all his money gineer, is in the East at present con M iilstuffs— Bran, $23.60(324.50 per swamps which abound w ir a r ^ fff when he gets to be very rich," she sulting with Colonel Frank Ray, the ton; middlings, $31; shorts, $25.50(g) creatures o f antediluvian perlodi The professor also has certain said smilingly. head o f the company, concerning the 26.50; rolled barley, $25@26. “ That's easy spending.” said Tre purchase o f machinery for the new dam H ay— Track prices: Timothy, W il orles on the geographical procliv vecca, sinking heavily Into a chair. and power plant on the Upper Rogue lamette valley, $19(020 per ton; East on the moon, but does not can discuss them. Concerning Ve “ T h ere’s more money got rid of that river. The plant at Prospect w ill be ern Oregon, $21@22; alfalfa, $14; way in a year than’d pave York wi one o f the finest and largest o f its kind grain hay, $14.50@15.50; clover, $13 Professor Pickering says: ‘‘Certainly there are many phyi dollars! But let’s hear abart it, lad," in the West. Hydraulic engineers es @14. ___________ reasons for _______________ thinking that __ if __ any o he added. tim ate that over 75,000 horse-power Lorn -Whole, $29; cracked, $30 ton. planet besides the earth is inhab “ Oh, It was just foolish talk," said can be taken from the waters o f the Oats— No. 1 white, $28 per ton. [ it is probably Venus. It is about W ilfrid, on whose late enthusiasm Rogue riv e r at Prospect. The voltage Apples— Waxen, 50c@$l per box;; same size as the earth and its dez the blunt words of his prospective fa carried in the wires from this point to Baldwin, 75c@$1.26; Northern Spy, is about the same. Venus se ther-in-law were like a bucket of cold the cities in the valley w ill be 60,000 60c@$1.25; Snow, $1.25; Red Cheek more capable o f supporting life "Oh, It’ s a Splendid Thing, to Be water on a bonfire. volts, whereas the present voltage is Pippin, $1@1.25; W in ter Banana, any other planet except the earth R ich !” Nevertheless, as he walked home to 20 , 000 . $1.75@2; Spitzenberg, $1.25@1.75; hls lodgings on Washington square 8000 T R E S P A S S E R S DIE. slon of more money that he knew how The plant at Gold Ray, ten miles Y ellow Newtown, $1.75. to Bpend! I don’t mean a paltry hun the exaltation of the earlier evening from Medford, has been found inade Poultry— L i v e : Hens, 18c; springs, dred thousand dollars, but— well, say still clung to him. and as he swung quate to supply the needs o f the cities 17J^c; turkeys, 20@21c; ducks, 22c; Pennsylvania Road to W age paign to Prevent These Death twenty or thirty or even fifty mil along In the clear, crisp autumn night and industries in the valley. The geese, 14c. Dressed Turkeys, his step was Jaunty, his head held Rogue R iver Electric company lights choice, 25c. lions!” C hicago— Eight thousand tresi "W hy stop there?” put In Eunice high, and he was potentially as rich all the cities and towns in the valley, E ggs— Oregon ranch, candled, 36@ 1 ers were killed on the Pennsylvl with a quizzing little smile. "W hy as he was actually poor. which include Grants’ Pass, Medford 37c; Eastern, 28(r/30c. | Railroad during the year 1910 T o such a man as W ilfrid Stennls, and Ashland, not say a hundred millions at once Butter — C ity creamery, extras, 1 this enormous total has led the uneducated as the college world and be certain of having enough?" and 2 pound prints, in boxes, 35c per road company to announce a d< “ Because for practical purposes counts learning, but eager, receptive, pound; less than boxes, cartons and de mined campaign to keep those C O W S A N D P O U L T R Y PAY. twenty millions would be ample," said possessing an eye for beauty and for have no right there off its tn livery extra. color, with a love for music, an un he. "T h e Income from that should be Pork— Fancy, l l @ l l > £ c per pound. and its trains. Farm er Nets $ 6 0 5 .5 0 in Year From formed. omnivorous appetite for In addition to the 8000 tresj — let me see” — doing a rapid sum in V eal— Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 13@ 173 Hens; Butter Yields Big. ers killed on the line during the mental arithmetic— “ over half a mil books, and an Instinctive shrinking 14c per pound. vorito design to feather* from the sordid and the mean, the lion a year.” Oregon C ity— R. L. Badger, who Green Fruits— Pears, $1.25@2 per year a like number were injured est v e lv e t W e have g Being trespassers, the Pennsylv “ W ell, and what would you do with bonds of even respectable poverty are lives on the Beaver Creek road, has il box; grapes, 75c@ $l; cranberries, $12 feathers, black and * Company was not liable for It, W ilf, If you had It?" questioned apt to prove especially galling. Like lustrated what can be done with cows @12.50 per barrel. deaths, but offlclalsl were appalle feathers, and every pos Bella W llfer, he realized to the full and poultry in the W illam ette valley. Eunice, willing to humor his fancy. Vegetables— Beans, 2%c per pound; of this kind, with a dJ W ilfrid drew a long breath and lay what It meant to be “ beastly poor, mis He has 50 acres, with 23 acres in cul cabbage, $1.25@1.50 per hundred; the number. Orders have gone I to all officials and employes of or a splash of vivid bl back In his chair. “ In the first place. erably poor.” tivation, and with 173 hens he has cauliflower, $1@1.50 per dozen; cel- system urging that all trespai In a large gray bat, tn What wonder, then, that hls long- netted $605.50, after paying for the I'd build me a city house right here cry, California, $3.25(d3.50 per crate; [ be kept off the company's proper! crown of gray ostrich f In New York on the east side of the ings, 1.1s aspirations, his day dreams. feed o f the poultry and allowing a cost hothouse lettuce, $1@1.25 per box; with pink forms the Mr Bad„ er hag four park or else at Riverside, and a coun were centered about that wealth he o f $1 a hen peppers, 15c per pound; pumpkins, 1@ very large star-like bloo try place somewhere up the sound or so often saw others abusing, or mis- C0WSi from whjch he c]earg $fc0 g l 'a c ; Carnegie Trust Company Close squash, l@ lj^ e ; tomatoes, vet will form a deep Not month> obtaining 36 pounds o f butter $1.75 per box; carrots, $1@1.25 per on Long Island near the water. I’d using, or keeping napkin tied? N ew York.— The Carnegie T rose. Gold Is again b want to live In the city not more than for the miser's greed of possession, a week, an average o f nine pounds hundred; parsnips, $1@1.25; turnips, company has been closed by S used. A hat with a la three or four months In the year. but for the gratification of the best from each cow. His hens are a cross $1; beets, $1.25@1.50. Bank Commissioner Cheney, black velvet w ill have a Then I'd have a yacht— none of your that wns In him, did he long for money between Brown Leghorns and Buff Potatoes — Oregon, jobbing price, parent gold lace edged company was chartered in 1907 smoky, greasy teakettles, but a sweet — heaps and heaps of it. Orpingtons, but he proposes later to $1.25@1.35 per hundred. and a small branch o f g Overnight day dreams, fortunately. smelling, fnst-salllng schooner fit to had a paid-up capital o f a mil , .. . . , have straight breeds. He has a heifer Onions— Buying prices, $1.40 per powder-blue or rose-pin go around the world— and I ’d sail her come cheap, and they leave no dark- 7 months old for which he hag refuged hundred. dollars. Its surplus was $500,000 form the only ornament myself, too. There would be horses [ brown taste In the mouth. The n e x t: jjqq its undivided profits aggregated Cattle — Prim e steers, $6.75@7.50; " _________ I hope my readers m for riding, and driving, with perhaps a morning, when W ilfrid Stennis went j 000. Its gross deposits amountei good to choice $6@6.50; fa ir to good, four-ln-hand coach. Best of all. I j downtown to the Front street store. Linn County Hunting Licenses Man $8,900,000. The officials o f the 1 useful bints from thew $5.25@5.75; common, $4.50@5.25; h o a a a acra in H i o n r n q o l o a n d m o t h n A . I ’ It Is easy to renovate issued a statement saying a 1 could travel— south in winter, o f i he was again the prosaic and method more hunt- to prime cows, $5.60(0.5.76; No one would , Albany— More than wan 500 duo more num- choice winter's hats by lining 1 course, but I’d see the world: London, ! ical young entry c le r k 'Z Z y ‘ ^ v a K T r e s ^ flesh-pink or pale blue Paris, Berlin, Italy, the pictures, the have susp. . ted him of secret yearn !aK ' ' « ' ; aes were issued in Linn county good to choice. $5@5.60; fa ir to good ™ k Ings for fast horses, a faster yacht. " W l ° than in any former year since . $4.50fS 5; common to fair. *2(fi4; good had been U9ed up era may be dyed or r* statues, and the libraries. Oh, I’d go ___________________ ___ ?\e la" Perr" ,t* to hun‘ went to choice heifers, $4.75@5; fa ir to dye feathers black la < everywhere and do everything, even and a little flutter aronnd the tables into effect. The number issued here good, 4.50(0 $4.75; common to fair. them absolutely, aa bli to a little gaming at Monte Carlo! | so hospitably maintained by the each year is as follow s; 1905, 1,157; $4(o 4.25; choice to good fa t bulls. Says N atives Are Good Fightei more than others. A Is nothing wicked or vulgar about it all. prince of Monaco. 1906, 1,369; 1907, 1,479; 1908, 1,508; $4.250)4.50; fa ir to good fa t bulls, Washington.— Should an emergi (T O B B C O N T IN U E D .) hat will be trimmed hl| you know, but the utmost enjoyment 1909. 1,637; 1910, 2,152. The num -, $3.50@4; common bulls, $2.50@3.25; arise, the United States would look Parisian It must b< In a refined way, and all the experi her o f fishing licenses issued in this ! good to choice ligh t calves, $7@7.50; to depend npon native troops sexes Divided in Church. ences that money could give.” A large velvet flower e county in the year just closed was 1^ i nrotoct the Philippines, accordin! fa ir to good, $6.60(0)7; good to choice The separation of the sexes seems a cordon of single bloo The girl smiled at his boyish en the annual report o f B 385. A total o f 899 was issued in 1909, j heavy calves, $5.25@6;’ fa ir to good, thusiasm. nor did she evince any \ to have been formerly by no means an crown will effect tnts pi the first year the law was in effect. $4.75(0 5.25; common calves, $3.75(0 General John G. Pershing, com! pique or annoyance because Eunice 1 uncommon practice In the Church of toques alone we must der o f the Department o f Mini 4.75; good to choice stags. $4.50@5; Trevecca was somehow left out of England. In fact. Edward V l.’g prayer tlan or windmill bows, ! The natives would respond li Cheese Production is 4 ,5 0 0 ,0 0 0 . fa ir to good, $4(o 4.50. book specially mentions that at the the picture. It was all mere Idle talk, and such-Uke. Gold too. the general says. Pershi Oregon’s fam e as a cheese state is Hogs— Choice, $8.75@9; good to communion service "the men shall of course. W ilfrid was not really un gold passementerie loot gests that the native scouts nation wide. The production during choice, $8.50(3,8.75. tarry on one side and the women on happy or discontented; he had a good as a nucleus fo r a native s t i large hats, oxidized ■ 1910 reached a total o f 4,500,000 Sheep— Y ea rlin g wethers, grain fed, army. position with nine hundred a year, ; the other ” The papers of a church smaller ones. pounds, o f which the Tillamook country $4.75@5; old wethers, grain fed, $4.25 and they were to be married In the in Westmoreland Include elaborate di The delicious iu n n x alone produced about 3,500,000. Coos @4.50; choice ewes, grain fed, $3.75@ rections for the division of the sexes spring. Another Bomb for Alfonso. we have been enjoylni Bay is another thriving section where 4.75; feeders, $2.26@3; choice lambs, "You certainly could give some of ] at Its services. Madrid.— K in g Alfonso on M o i the last few days has • cheese is manufactured, snd the indus grain fed, $6.50@7; good to choice, our American nabobs a few lessons I issued an official denial of the trimmed hats out of th« try is growing there at a rapid rate. grain fed, $6@6.50; poor lambs, $4.95 on how to be happy though rich,” she that an attempt to assassinate! Give yonr children pretty names; Oregon cheese is in demand all along V e can admire white @5. smilingly commented. "It has often ; there are more than enough ugly ones ! was made recently. On hoard edetoetae or tlllea, ape the Pacific slope, and brings a premium Hay fed sheep and lambs 5c lower yacht Giralda he arrived » t Me| seemed to me that our really rich already. hnd white plumes. Oi wherever offered. than grain fed. 1 and disembarked. 'or hat Demand is Made for Great ! Restriction of Immigration M