The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, January 12, 1911, Image 1

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    A Continuation o f The Nyssa Sun
NO. 41.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
January 19, is booked
The stockholders of the Nyssa-
FOR BRIDGE. for Thursday,
“ We tell it as it was told to us »
a big day for Nyssa. You must
Owyhee Ind. Tel. Co. and The
The O. S. L. has gone
Bank of Nyssa held a meeting this
ounty Court has appropri­ to be a here.
lot of trouble to make this a Actual Construction to Com­ week at which their directors for Rader Bros & Myers clean up For Rent: a five room bunga low
ated $10,000 towards the profitable one for every rancher in mence in the Spring. the ensuing year were elected. The sale starts Jan. 4th at Ontario. See 8. D. Goshert.
Nyssa Bridge.
this neighborhood or any other Capitul News, Jan. 9, 1911.— directors of the Bank of Nyssa are U. G. Hand was in Ontario the Mrs. J. C. and Mrs. B. E. Him-
One • step towards the bridge that might want to attend the do­ The information comes in a letter as follows: N. J. Minton, presi­
first of the week attending to busi­ ler were in Payette Sunday to visit
;ross Snake river has been made ings at this point, it is the ranch­ | from Salt Lake and is absolutely dent; Rob’t van Gilse, vice prési­ ness.
ad the result is satisfying to all er that is going to profit this time authoritive. Among the exten­ dent; A. G. Kingman; H. Walters; Tom Coward was in Vale Mon­ their mother who is very ill.
iterested. T he County Court has not the merchants. Plan to be on sions for which appropriations Geo. Green: W. D. Graham and day attending to business.
Dr. Goeltz and Henry Teusch
¡printed $10,000 towards the con hand on that date to hear some of have been made and upon which T. N. Nelson, directors; J. Hill, J. Boydeli attended court at Vale were in Payette Tuesday.
ruction of the bridge providing the foremost men of the country work will begin in the spring are cashier and T. N. Nelson assistant last Monday.
L. C. Pounds and daughter Ger­
iat it be a steel structure from lecture on all the branches of farm the buildiug of 52.2 miles from cashier.
were in town Tuesday. They
lore to shore and that it will be husbandry. This is a treat that Richfield to High Prairie summit The directors of the Indepen­ Bob Harris was down the line say Stephens is a dandy plaoe to
every restect an up-to-date we get only once a year andsoeve- as a part of the main line road dent Telephone Co. are the same the first of the week.
ridge, it is also understood by the ryone should avail himself or her­ which is to be built throug Boise far the ensuing year as for the It will pay the people of Nyssa Outing Flannel 4c per yard clean
aunty Court that the city of Nys- self of this great opportunity. The from Owinza, through Richfield; year just closed, with the exception to attend the Big Sale at Rader up sale of Rader Bros & Myer, On­
i is to maintain it for ten years experience of these men is \yprth the buildiug of the railway from of W. Lee Blodgett who is suc­ Bros, Ontario, Jan. 4 to 14.
a great deal and it is offered to you Caldwell to Homedale; construc­ ceeded by J. C. Hinder. The offi­ Bill Lawler is in Parma this tario.
ter it is completed.
Guy Hadden is back for a time
This is only one of the impor- for your time. Is it. worth it? tion on the Buhl line to Nyssa, cers of the company have not been week.
nt steps toward reaching the There can be only one answer to from both the Buhl and Nyssa appointed.
Mrs. Robt Megordon returned least from Idaho Falls where he
ends, the Buhl end is to be extend­ The most interesting of this Monday
>al. The next, thing that looms that and that answer is yes.
from a visit with her has spent the last few months.
j before the cpmmiite of the Com­ Prof. L. A. Merrill', of Salt Lake, ed to Salmon River crossiug and weeks election is the election in mother,
E. J. McNetton returned from
ercial Club is the drafting of two is in charge of the train and some the Nyssa end to be extended east­ the irrigation districts, namely: Nyssa residents were aroused Nampa the other day.
II Ils one for the Oregon and one of those that are with him are ward from Nyssa toward Home- Owyhee and Kingman Colony. last Friday morning at 1 o’clock Neil Sinclair is in town renew*
r the Idaho Legislatures. The Dean W L. Carlyle, Dr. E. D dale, a distance of 26 miles; the There was not much interest shown by the fire cry and got up to find ing old acquaintences. He is a
lople within the trading limits of Ball, Prof. J. T. Caine Piof. J. H. building of the Raft river cutoff in the election or previous to it. the Ward building on First street Boise boy now but still has a long­
yssa on the east side of the riv- Frandson, Ben. R. Eldredge, 0- C from Burley to Kelton summit, a And one of the big surprises of the in
a mass of flames. Origin [un­ ing in his heart for Nyssa.
are working enthusiastically for Gregg, ’ < phen Boswell and Gott­ distaned of 60.5 miles: the double year was sprung when the election known.
Mr. and Mrs Jesse Johnson re­
3 bridge arid are going to see a
•idge spanning the Snake River one tint car, one baggage car with catello to Bliss, completing the the third district was announced1 Mr. Foster, of Boise, spent the turned Wednesday from their east­
this poiut before they give up animals, one baggage car with dry double track from McCamuion to He succeeded E. H. McDonald, forepart of the week with his broth­ ern trip.
>w. Thirty thousand acres of farm exhibits, etc., two coaches Bliss, the Rupert-Bliss cutoff be­ who was a worthy. representative er, Siil, at this place.
J. C. Kidneigh arrived in Nyssa
ad under the Black Canyon ca- for lecture purposes and two com­ ing used us a portion of this double and pleased at all times. It was C. C. Wilson has been busy at Sunday for a few days visit.
|| il are lying tributary to Nyssa. posite cars. The train will be in track to be used for handling east- known (commonly at least) that W. Vale this week attending to Court Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
With the opening of this tract Nyssa, according to schedule, at bound freight trains; the expendi­ L. Gibson was an aspirant to the matters.
Sharp on Sunday, a boy. Mother
and will remain for thirty ture of three-quarters of a million office of director. We feel that
land it will be necessary to get 11:30
son are doing nicely.
dollars in improvements at Poca­ Mr. Gibson is also a man that is
e supplies and material from this 19, 1911.
tello, and other considerable exten­ capable of performing the duties
B. F Farmer is laying out the
int and after this tract is in a
that are before him and will prob­ They are pretty
W. Ward addition to Nyssa into
odueing stage Nyssa will be the An election will be held Febru­ sions and improvements.
irket. A bridge means to them ary 7th under the Home Rule Law. The letter from the Salt Lake ably make as good a director as his C. V. Mitchel was on the Ros­ lots which will soon be on the
t only the saving of the ierry fee A publis meeting of all citizens official of the Oregon Short Line predecessor. The other directors well bench Monday buying Rhode market. This is certainly an at­
authorizes the announce­ were returned to their stations in Island Reds.
tractive addition.
t also the time that is necessa- of Nyssa interested in law and or­ which
y lost in wanting for the ferry, m., in the Methodist Church for provements, says:
and it certainly was the proper
me to Uii nil as well as to the rest the purpose of laying plans to meet “Following are the improve­ thing for them to do as they had
busy season of the the Opposition of this Issue.
ments authorized in this year's proven themselves progressive and
honest in every way besides being
luable asset.
Homer E. Bush, pastor. budget:
“Boise yard and terminals, plat­ more familiar with the situation
form extensions, etc., $7,066.
than a new board could have been,
“Track to laid on grade, Caldwell
(Continued on Page 6.)
to Homedale, 11.2 miles, estimate,
Portland, Oregon, Jan. 9, 1911-
“Extension Buhl to Salmon Riv­ “Oregon's bad roads fund is big
er crossing, 8.6 miles, estimate enough. The State’s hampered de­
velopment, and unpopulated areas
“Extension from Nyssa east to­ that should be producing wealth
ward Homedale, 26 miles, estimate for busy communities, the difficul­
ties of vehicle transportation, and
“All of the above have been au­ the excess in wear and tear on eve­
thorized and work will begin early rything that travels the roads, in­
in the spring. In addition to that cluding people, are to be charged
we are finishing track laying on the to this bad road fund.”
Bliss-Rupert cutoff; finishing the This statement of Oregon’s con­
Burley-Oakley line, and have just dition was issued here today by
finished the Aberdeen branch and the Oregon Good Roads Commis­
sion. It is the reason assigned by
Vale to Brogan lines.’'
Judge Lionel R. Webster, Chair­
man of the Association's Execu­
tive Committee, for a determina­
Semester examinations will be tion to enlist every progressive
given next week in bookkeeping, Oregon citizen, every man or in­
plane geometry, political economy, terest to be benefited by good roads Help us to reduce the stock and
and 2nd class in algebra. Exam­ construction, and every legislator
ination for the completion of the who desires to serve the interests
8th grade will be given on January of the people, in the effort to re­
19th and 20th.
duce road building plans in Ore­
For Yourself.
Several new names will lie no­ gon to a jiermanent. definite and
ticed on the honor roll for the De­ t ffioient system.
cember examinations. We hope All were agreed that the most
others will appear on the January important of the ¡five measures
list. Beginners. Lillie Hunt 85, is the one creating a good roads
ist grade Ferney Adams 90; 2nd commission. The members of
grade Alice Spier 94; 3rd grade this commission are to be three
Helen Hoxie 91; 4th grade Lucien j in number, when apjjointed their
Hcxie 89; 5th grade Gertrude j services will cost the State nothing.
Toombs 84; 6th grade Don Davis They will serve the cause of good
for the good of the people,
89; 7th grade Reuben Danielson roads
Their executive
93; 8th grade George Ward 97. officer is to duty.
be the State Highway
High School subjects: English. Commissioner The bill requires
9th, Harry Cosho 96; english iOth ' that the State Highway Commis­
must be "thoroughly skilled
and 11th, Ethelwyii Boydeli !iti: sioner
in scientific road construction ”
English 12th. Florence McDonald His
authority is to help build roads
algebra 9th, Edith Ardale 98: in every
jvirt of the state. He
algera 10th. Harry Cosho 100;book- must know how. He must serve
keeping, Harry Cosho 100: Inf in the people ami the cause. Author- j
that his proposed
10th, Edna Blodget 98, latin 10th. ities are of agreed
$4.000 a year will te but
Lotta Philijis 97; phyisics, Ethel- salary
small portion of the financial ad­
wyn Boydeli 96; physiology Eva a vantage
to be reslized by the state
Boydeli 99: physical geography. and its counties because of the
Edna Blodgett VI ; political econo­ Commissioner's service. He will
of system, the system
my, Florence McDonald 97; histo- bijexponent
is expected to show tangible
ry and government. Eva Boydeli that
in the form of actual miles
90; geometry, Walter Rutledge 98. residts
of permanent good roads.
WE want more of
Your Business
For 1911
If we treat you Right
When We Don’t
Nyssa Hardware Co.
. Closing Out Sale
Still Continues
want to thank
You for your
In 1910
Wishing all a Prosperous
and Happy New Year.
B. M. CO.
Nyssa, Oregon
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