Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1911)
T he G ate C ity J ournal A Continuation of The Nyssa Sun VOL. I !" iw r or | ' (.'ullcn 'Ä a , %«uot. '. 1 an.' ’/'■‘¡ ,, u-*l ^ ,, • J '% A Í S » THK PW,| L1 m a je s t ic lo t Handsomely o uU ido «o d Unu^ 'll „¡iff “ «I TWO MAJTKSTlc] H ind |J N p x - r - U u r ii inclusive a] Nyssa ills ! )Y S >n for youi ail kinds] ire makini ay Sea^ouJ t gifts foi es to suit! 3G 0N UALITll of when buying leself. Those are tion when buying ; on tlie ranch or is nothing that te you should be cert buy harness at vs ou will have to h the qualify and coi you the best and money so let nsrepi i'. A new machine Saddlery j, Prop. Orego NO. 40. NYSSA, MALHEUR COUNTY.OBEGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 5, 1911 WORKING FOR Director* Hold Meeting. Another Marriage. On Tuesday of this week the di — BRIDGE. rectors of the Kingman Colony | Lafrenz—*Bach. OWYHEE NEWS $1.50 PER YEAR. 5c PER COPY DOINGS OF THE WEEK a J. S. Uukstou made a business We tell it as it was told to us »» , trip to Caldwell the past week. and Owyhee Irrigation Districts Last Sunday evening A. L. La-j Dr S&razen wa8 in thia oommu- The Nyssu Commercial Club is met their respective headquart C. W. Smith was in Ontario sturting out the New year with a ers in at this Ny.88H. himself f0rSJ fkane.r last Monday to attend the Ask Vau wbat 511 means. city to transact the reg he took unto a wife her® on “ity Tuesday attending to his business boosting spirit uml one that will ular monthly Mrs. F. Denno of Caldwell is young son of Tom Rust who is business. Attorney! Wednesday, January 4th, at noon. accomplish things. The work of Hayes was down visiting her sister Mrs. W. Stock affairs. threatened with typhoid. from Boise in the The bride is Miss Leona Bach of getting a bridge for Nyssa across iuterest of the Kuhn Bros, and he Wheat and Oats and crushed Charlie, son of Mr. aud Mrs. holm in this city this week. the Snake river is the first thing gave the boards quite a good deal that city, and one of the leading Caywood, Oyster shells at Hiuch’s. pretty little bedroom dresser that the Club has up and it remains of encouragement in the way of a society belles. She is an accomp silitis. is ill this week with ton is The still to be had at Hineh’s for $5. J. H. Hill took his regular Nam to see with what success the vent gravity system constructed along lished youug lady and one that Hurry up or you will get left. pa trip last Saturday. Nyssa is fortunate in having as a Rev. F. J. Bradley was quite se ure is met with. Messrs. Emison the plan of the high line. • This is Louis'Farrar, who has been in a riously shaken up in a runaway member of her society. She comes Mrs. Harris and daughter were and Hoxey werein Vule and Dr. a great deal and we are in hopes Goeltz was in Ontario last Sat that something definite is done in into our midst with the highest last Sunday night. No very seri hospital in LtyGrande for eight Payette visitors the first of the weeks, arrived in Nyssa in time to week. ous injuries resulted. urday feeling the pulse of those the near future towards the devel recommendations. spend New Years day with friends. A’ few winter buggy lap robes at The groom is one of Nyssa’s pop Mr. Watson is repairing his long communities as to the idea of such opment of this prospect fora high ular business men having beeu Do not ask Hindi who is buying reduced prices at Hindi’s. flume just above the Owyhee a move as is contemplated. They line. manager of the Owyhee Merc. Co. all the new hair goods just arrived Miss Vera Locker returned bridge. reported a very warm reception iu On January 10 the regular elec for the past six months. He has at his store, such as switches, curls, Monday from her vacation at every instance and were encoura tion of officers will take place for beeu with us long enough to know A. D. Morey is manufacturing ged by everyone that they came both districts. The officers are his worth mid it is appreciated. his surplus apple crop into vine crownetts, turbanetts, hairnets, etc. Black foot, Idaho. Rev. Bush sub A portion was sold before they stituted in the school room for her in contact with. The Chambers of five directors, one collector, asses The girls have often remarked gar. were unpack *d. Commerce of those cities assured sor and treasurer. It is very likely fiout the first of the week. W. W, and George, Smith went A. L.’S seeming bashfulness Nyssu the support that was asked that the present officials will be but now that they know the reason to Portland Saturday for a ten Rev. l’addoek of the Episcopal Mrs. Tegor of Boise visited her of them. Those most interested in re-elected as they have proven they don’t blame him as his heart days visit with their parents. Church held services here last sister, Mrs. A. V. Cook, this week. Sunday. this move are the residenti on the themselves to be all that was ex was beyond capture. homesteads across the river and pected of them and are certainly The wedding took place at the C. C. Peck of the Kolony. was Pocket knives to please every New Winter (Japs in Hinch’s they are working to secure a bridge entitled to the honor of being re home of the bride and was a very painfully injured last Friday by body at Hindus. They are war- wiudow this week. Come in aud as well as those on this side of the turned to office by the voters of the pretty affair, The bride wore the falling of his horse. rented to cut even the dryest price them. Little Nita, danghter of Mr. and river. The Eastsiders have circu vaiioc ; cinct.3. white satin trimmed with hand Mrs. Silas Bigelow, is reported ill chewing tobacco in iris store with Mias Chris Johnson left Wednes i lated a petition and have more day morning for Skull Springs out turning the edge. made Irish point lace. The groom of pneumonia. signatures than some on the west where she will teach school for doned the conventional black. Jesse Rutledge spent last week some side of Snake River. The automo Anna May Ray, the six year old The happy couple will be at H. J. Wells, the contractor, with jvith She felt as if she was his cousins at this place and going time. bile people of this portion or the girl of Mr. and Mrs. Ray of this home to their many friends at his wife and sister-in-law, Miss they showed into the wilderness hut it is him a pleasant time hoped by her numerous State are very enthusiastic as they l place, passed away very quietly at Nyssa after January 8th. friends at Mobel, were visiting ai the home during iiit visit with them. II o’clock last Saturday morning will have better roads and makU after this place that she will survive of Mr. aud Mrs. F. A. Harris last of six weeks. The R.J. Davis was in Ontario Tues better time than by ferry and this cause an of illness and return again in the spring. Sunday. And the twins were there death was rheumatism. YOUNG PEOPLE ENTERTAINM ENT day attending business matters. is the crossing from all southern ! The little body was laid to rest in Last Friday evening the Senior also. Mrs. E. B. Buttlor and daughter, points. 'the Nyssa cemetery on Sunday by girls of the Presbyterian Sunday Cland Smith has been on the Do you know why your neigh Villa, spent New Years Eve at the The advantages of this bridge Rev. Farmer. The funeral service School entertained the Senior boys. sick list the past week. bor who pays cash or draws his home of J. W. Wills and wife. A was held at the home and a large are numerous and we could point group of friends assembled to as The evenings eutertainment open check when buying groceries does pleasant crow‘d hud gathered to them out but we feel that everyone sist the bereaved parents ir. every ed with a thirty minute comedy Mrs. Mabel Bradley, of Vale, his trading at Hutch's? He will see the old year out and the new with four children spent Sunday tell- you. in this vicinity is too well ac way that they could. year in. which afforded the guests more quainted with the situation to This is the saddest event for than that many minutes laughter, with pastor Bradley. some time as the child was well the characters were three girls, Mrs. Lillian Turner startl'd for need any enlightenment. known and loved by all that knew Utah last week for a visit with it. For weeks the child was lying Florence McDonald, Kloe John relatives and friends. It is not U. G. Hand and family, Mr. and on its bed suffering but yet it was son and Edna Blodgett. Several certain whether or not she will re patient and seemed to do every Mrs. Morris and Mrs. W. Binkley games were played after this and were, Ontario visitors the latter thing to ease the burden of the pa everyone so interested that they turn in the near future’ rents and those in attendance. part of last week forgot that the time was fleeting R. L. Harris was a visitor to On ij. very fast. At eleven o'clock a five tario on the 28th. course banquet was served and the J. S. Pinkston sold his hogs a articles of footl were tasty that eve few days ago to N. B. Matthewson ryone knew that it was the best at a very satisfactory figure. that had beeu served at an affair ------ m of this kind. The girls had been The following items are a few of striving to out do the boys in the the trade winners at Hinch’s: way of entertainment and edibles. Hollyhock Flour, per sack $1,20 They surely succeeded. 5 lbs Crackers, per wood box .45 The same evening a number of 10 “ ’ “ the Methodist young people met 10 “ Cottoline at the parsonage and proceeded to 5 “ Macaroni have an evening that will long be 5 “ Lard remembered. Games of every de 10 scription were played. The Sun 1 “ Baker’s chocolate sweet day School class was organized and Yellow or White corn meal Harry Goshert made president. per 9 lb sack Beaded Raisins, per pkg Mince Meat GRANGE TO BE ORGANIZED. VV R. Getler, organizer of the 2 lb can Salmon Grange for Eastern Oregon, has Tomatoes, per can spent the past week in Nyssa and Corn surrounding country interesting Peas, the people iu the Grange. The Salt Pork, per lb organization of a Nyssa Grange Narow Breakfast Bacon per lb will be perfected next Saturday at 3 cans Sardines, 1:30 in the the VanGilse hall The Cane Sugar, per 100 work of the patrons of husbandry 13 lbs Caue Sugar, is too well known to need much of | Headlight Coal Oil, pergal an introduction but the purposes Get your bills and see what yon and benefits of the order will be have been paying. \ ou will In* in thoroughly discusses for the be.,- i line at Hinsch’ with your next gro- efit of those that are not familiar ; eery bill. . with them All that possibly can v$. L. Gibson was in Vale yos- attend should and tell the neigh on business, bors to come as well. T he meni- Mrs. J. A. Ward and mother bership fee is $1 for men and $.50 in Ontario Wednesday visit for women, with a monthly dues were ing. of ten rents per member. Mrs Southerland came Sherwood returned last j out from Kentucky to visit her Miss evening from her Xmas brother. A. B. Netbery. She is I Sunday I visit and was ready for work Mon eighty years of age and hi* is eigh ty-three years of age and had not day morning. other for over forty years Ont>nn Flannel le (ier yard « lean seen each Southerland isso well plea Mrs. i up sale of Rader Bros A Wycr. < >n- with this eonntry that tario. I to stay. . . H inder was in Town visiting y,^ and Miss Lott« nis son Joe the first of the week. phi|ip8 WHÌ give a dime tea Wed- j Miss Joy Bottler has gone to nesday. January 11. from 2 to o w'vGhnrn Iowa, to take np the o’clock st the residence of Mr« J. ! I r b L i n e a s for herself. BoydeU. All are invted Lidiii i o Rest. t\ W E want to thank Yon for your PATRONAGE In 1910 WE want more of Your Business For 1911 If we treat you Right TELL OTHERS When We Don’t TELL US! Nyssa Hardware Co “ “