CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK itoings of the World at Large Told in Brief. C O M P R O M IS E R E A C H E D . Locom otive Engineers Get Increase A ggrega tin g $ 4 ,0 0 OOO a Year. T erm s on Which Engineers S e t­ tled Fight. Am ount o f increase in yearly wages, $4,000,000. A vera ge increase, 10 1-3 per cent. A v e ra g e demand by engineers, 15 per cent. O rigin al demand, 17 per cent. Increase offered by roads, per cent. Increase asked on M allet type en­ gines, 100 per cent. Increase granted on M allet en­ gines, 75 cents to $1 differentia). Other increases granted w ere: F orty cents per day in passenger, suburban, or through fre ig h t service. Tw enty-five cents differential on engines 215,000 pounds on drivers. Engineers or helpers pn wrecking trains, snow-bound or mixed trains, increase o f 40 cents per day. Sw itching rates, 50 cents increase in yard and transfer service. Tw enty-five cents increase per day for hostlers o f the Brotherhood o f Locom otive Engineers. Controllers o f motor-cars, 40 cents increase. Roads involved, 61. Engineers affected, 37,000. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE M O D E L R O AD U N D E R W A Y . M O D E L ORCHARD. S T R IK E S M U S T END. French Government Takes Steps to En­ force Arbitration. Paris.— The text o f the government measures formulated for the purpose of preventing general strikes with partic- j THIRTY FIREMEN ÜEA1 QlÌCag0 Packing HoUSeS BlH An appropriate Chr rytaff a cheery metuu will brinir more h »p t [ in* a »um on a fe w ¡ 50 Beautiful Christi Just enclose s doller Crater Lake H ighw ay to Be WVmder in T w elve Thousand Apple Trees on P ro­ ular reference to the employes o f the ter to the Its Way. ject in Irrigated District. public service corporation was madoi . j n j AMERICAN MANUfy public here. o f Freewater, and and Only O ne Man Escapes— tend the Oregon Good Roads conven c - M - H a ll> o i W alla W alla, are financ- by means o f a conciliation commission Presented In C ondensed F orm composed o f representatives o f the men Fire Beyond C ontrol. tion. Mr. Heidel was sent to the Med- *n8 the project. fo r O u r Busy Readers. The Que ford people by the government to take larg® force o f men has been en- and companiee. The commission will hat cheerful eta charge o f the work o f constructing ffa8ed fo r several weeks planting the meet at regular intervals, and when ed to his constlt Chicago, Dec. 22.— Fire Marshal jJ |s Jeremiah." “ T l the road to Crater Lake, " 4 5 miles o f tract to Jonathan, Winesap and Rome conciliation fails, compulsory arbitra Dr. Cook is again in N ew Y ork C ity. macadamizing through the greatest Heauty apple trees. This section can tion is provided, the principle being in iioran and between 25 and 30 firenJ replied the eai P rize scores o f grand opera worth scenic section in the w orld.” D0W hoast o f a single tract containing troduced that where the arbitral sen- were killed and 40 others injured tod| |Ut we want to kn $50,000 were stolen in N ew York. l Jonah.” A fte r the supreme court held the over 12,000 trees. W ater for the land tence imposes an additional charge, the j in a fire which at an early hour „ j . j will he taken from a large well with “ Jack the Slasher” is again at work bonds issued fo r the Crater road were ample water t0 gupply the% ntIl, tract. corporation can indicate the method caused $1,500,000 damage and at whereby the railroad or other service 0 .clock ïtiJJ threateued the who,e of I in San Francisco, slashing women’ s illegal the city o f M edford proceeded The water w ill be forced all over the dresses. stockyards district. A wall fell, cruJ ite fur catalofrues and lit to obtain $30,000 by private subscrip- project by a pumping plant run by elec- |printinir. Mail ordern g Missionaries in China are callin g fo r iug an overhanging wooden canopy tion, $5000 o f this being raised in tric Power> arrangements fo r which I ortland hoto r e lie f for 3,000,000 natives le ft starv­ Portland. The work o f constructing have been completed, the beef house o f Morris & Co. whel ■Third Street this famous highway was started some " al® ^rac^ 18 planted on the triangu* ing by floods. : the fire started. Beneath the canol time ago and 30 men and 12 teams lar or California system, 76 trees to the A woman’ s club at E li, N eb., has j were two companies o f firemen and t l broken m are now engaged in building the road acre- There w ill be three roads graded o f all kin declared that baldheaded men make them aa srood as new | chief. These men were crushed to deal on Pumice H ill, where a 33 per cent acr08S *be tra?t. One thousand Caro- Kinds. W e fix any old thi much the best husbandB. grade is being reduced to 4 per cent. h,na P°Plars have already been planted j The debris made a furnace, into whil I uapiiy. 305 ÜUM St f\m The Crater Lake road, when fin alo"8 the8e , road8- This land has been Railroads are m aking every effo rt to firemen were unable to dig for seveiT ¡sh ed ," said Mr. Heidel, " w i l l exceed la‘ d ° ut aad planned Very systematic- settle the controversy w ith conductors j hours. fr iL L Y O U R 0 \ in scenic beauty the Yosemite roadway a • from beginning to end. There is and traihmen regarding a raise in Assistant Chief W illiam Burrougl or any road that traverses the Alps in roo,m for a hoU8e.®n each 10 acres- wages. Europe. It w ill be a rock-surfaced I and everything will be uniform ; and Lieutenant Fitzgerald were w il lyra have a c h ín * teeth or C hicago— Four m illions o f dollars a drivew ay 18 feet in width, while the I -lirou8aout A Los A n geles iron plant, involved the marshal under the canopy, receivi/ Wrvoun for the dental on Growers H old Hops. in a wage controversy and strike, was year was what the officials o f 61 W est­ main road well have a width o f 23 orders fo r directing the fight again Ld*nt>st. A t druggists [fU-0 MFC CO. 351 hapirc K partially wrecked by a dynam ite ex­ ern railroads put in the stockings of feet. A t Pumice H ill, where we are Portland.— W ith only a handful of the spreuding llames into other quarta working, there are portions that will ir-F rank D ru * Co., dii plosion. the locom otive engineers. The g ift cost $14,000 a mile, most o f it being hops remaining in control o f the grow and they went down to their death wi| ers, and with the visible supply in all i Horan. Senator Curtiss, o f Kansas, seeks brought “ peace and good w ill” and rock work. The contract, which was hands in this state extremely limited, harmony and w ill propose Governor averted what m ight have proved one let some time ago, is based upon the growers are asking 20c a pound for Other firemen, witnesses of the d unit system and can be continued with Stubbs fo r vice president in 1912, aster, fo r a brief time desert o f the most disastrous strikes in the the present contractor until it is fin- their hops, and some have entirely w ith­ S T R IN G A N I w ith T a ft for re-election. drawn them from sale. the other parts o f the blazing struct« IN S T R U M ished." history o f the country. " T h e market is entirely blocked at and sought with their bare hands The compromise offered by Commis­ lint Music 15c. Mail The work o f the M edford people this tim e ," says Herman Klaber. drag apart the glowing debris to bri Commissioner o f Labor Charles P. ■ to. sioner o f Labor N e ill is accepted by starts on the Rogue R iver and con­ "G row ers will not let go. Some are out the body o f their chief and S M IT H & ST A t the end o f the asking 20c a pound, while others will both sides and the threatened strike o f N e ill played the part o f Santa Claus to tinues 45 miles. 127 F if t h £ companions. Finding this a vain road the government is taking up the the engineers. For seven days he 37,000 locomotive engineers is averted. not sell just now at any p r ic e ." fort, they obeyed again the direct! work and building 17 miles through the Short interests are very much o f Assistant Marshal Seyferlich, and A v ia to r Hoxsey, at Los 'A n geles, worked to bring the railroads and the forest reserve. This takes the traveler alarmed, and therefore tryin g to dis­ doubled their efforts to prevent t i# reached an altitude o f 7,299 fe e t and engineers together and with his work to the edge o f the park, where the gov spreading o f the flames. ™ lodge the growers from their hold on disappeared toward sea. He next ap­ accomplished he le ft in the afternoon ernment is engaged in making surveys the market. Even were grower* w ill­ The blaze was discovered at about peared by d ivin g through a cloud over fo r his home in Washington to spend fo r a 12-mile drive to the lake. P ro v i­ ing to sell every bale they now possess, c j _______ _______ _ o ’clock by a watchman in the Morr: sion is also being made for 60 to 80 there would not be nearly enough hops the aviation grounds. Commissioner o f Labor, who was the principal h o u s e , at i orty-third and Loom] Christmas w ith his fam ily. miles o f roadway in the park proper. to 611 the orders already taken by figure in settling: the trouble betw een the railroads 1 st re®tS. An ammonia pipe, burstin The commission form o f government In spite o f their repeated assertions and engineers and averting: a big strike. started Combustion that Spread | shorts. Shorts are said to have sold is proving a great success at Baker, Or. fully 10,000 bales o f Oregon hops for quickly that the watchman barely ha that they had reached the lim it, the B IG D IT C H TO O P E N SOON. la V m before i the t ., a late delivery, but as there are only a can secure compensation, either by rais- t.u An explosion in the L ittle Hulton tim rnfiil u‘‘1 in 1,1 t.ho t M o al.-inn flamJ Jl managers made concessions in the face began bursting from the buildings. couple o f thousand bales in the hands ing the rates or by other means. colliery at Bolton, England, entombed Baker County Prepares for Settlement o f a threatened strike. Concession? o f all growers, and less than 10,000 The report accompanying the meas- ^*re Marshal Horan, at his home ^ 230 miners. o f Vast Acreage. bales in all hands, including dealers, lires is a remarkable document. I t ^le ^ Side, heard the second call fcj Russia is aroused over the numerous were made by the engineers also, but Baker.— One o f the biggest Carey act the outlook from a short seller’s point quotes the declaration o f the rights o f *lI*1'^1 t us, and went to the stockyard attacks on the Cossacks by Chinese in they established tw o o f the chief points man to prove that public services have J1*3 automobile. By the time of hj irrigation projects under way in the o f view is extrem ely gloomy. Manchuria. for which they contended— jurisdiction Northwest w ill soon be thrown open for been instituted fo r the public goo<^ not arr*Vî4l his assistants had abandon« RIP TO PORTI for the benefit o f those to whom they ^ ie e^ ort to save the beef house aJ About 20 Philadelphia firemen and over motor-trucks and an increased settlement. This big tract covers about Klamath Falls Must W ait. CUT b ? « I .. . confided, from which it de- wi‘n! endeavoring to head off the rufi police were killed by fallin g walls at a 3,000 acres, all o f which is in Baker schedule for the M allet type o f engine. PAINLE! Klamath Falls.— That Klamath Falls duces the conclusion that the interrup- **re toward other buildings. Flam« fire in that city. county. Its 150 miles o f main canals Pain less E ----U1 : „ ___: „ „ • _ ___ F . W F T fl p n m in r r f r n m i ____* i The increase granted the men runs as will cover the entire tract, making it Is not to enjoy the privileges o f a pos- lion o f public service is a crime. A t wero coming from several structur S ilver Fill! Robert S. Lovett, successor to E. H. Gold Killing high as 14 per cent on certain engines tal savings bank until' the middle o f the same time it admits that public ser- "®“ r which lat,er, . b easily the largest project o f its kind Harriman, favors government super­ 22 K. Gold C de’ t™^*r o f, a8Cor* <>f vision of railroads. Porcelain C and as low as 8 per cent on the higher- yet undertaken in Oregon. It involves next year was the announcement made '.c e employes, like other workers, have RWv. amelioration o f situations, 8ee“ ° d ? ° IT" a 8hclter from Molttr Gold the immediate construction o f two iin by Postmaster' Emmitt. Mr. Emmitt a ^ ? ht Fire at Cincinnnati destroyed one of paid runs. The average increase to mense storage reservoirs, with possibly state, that while he has not been o f nn<1 m cone,Ration and arb.trat.on it is B ridge W o ,Y“ d« rv the crews flee In la y Fills, the best blocks in the city, causing the payrolls o f the railroads is 10 1-3 third one later. Flood waters o f fic ia llv notified as to the time when Pr°P 08/ d to g ive them a weapon " a s 8h* ‘ ter; led bY Horan. Burroughs V e r y N ic e l ___! ___ :_ . _____ J powerfu as the s tr ik e ." ritzgerald. a loss of abou $2,000,000. lubber P la te on E a rth .,, both Eagle and Powder rivers w ill be per cent. * T H IS WORK IS GL connection" with the 'local poetoffTce“ ho' The companies must accede, the re- 1 o f the « » " » P J “ other held in quantities that w ill guarantee you r money awj Government officials believe that does not think such will be done until | declares, because it is now con- , P Y ' 8 reams o waterfinl ____ ______ an ample supply all the season. fraudulent refunds on sugar exports at T W E L V E LIVE O N $1.35 A ceded as a principle o f jurisprudence Jne neart °* the fire. Suddenly Liei Method and our p«ri The Powder V alley Irrigation com after the end of the postal quarter end DV - N ew York w ill reach millions o f dollars. that the state, in conceding public sor- , ena„n^ Joseph Mackey, leader of t 9 tlmoand yourmt pany, which w ill furnish the water for ing June 31 next year. D E N T I S T S . 5th11Mo vice monopolies, does not w aive its right band above, fe lt the wall going, a. e « 291 *■ á M orrison, opposite P Pittsburg Family Holds R ecord fo r this big tract o f land, is the first com Customs officials are holding goods to interfere and compel the concession­ shouted a warning to those below. E Established in Portland 10 y pany in Oregon to construct its flumes valued at $600,000 imported by Duveen T h rift, aires to grant ameliorations in the in­ jupmed with his men and escaped d e a t_ tod Sunday» until 12s JO. for p. PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. of concrete, and many miles o f its ca­ Bros., art dealers, o f New York, for terest o f public good and the preserva­ But below the canopy found v ic tim s .« P ittsbu rg— A talé o f com fort and nals and lateral ditches w ill be con alleged undervaluation. Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, 73c; tion o f public order.” Meanwhile firemen who knew not| th rift contrary to the usual ones o f structed o f the same material. The club, 81c; red Russian, 80c; valley, 82c; ing o f this, and augmented by constan] St. Johns, Newfoundland, experi­ distress was unfolded ¡in the Juvenile company expects to expend over $4,- 40 fold, 82c. lv arrivin g aides, were standing in til enced one of the worst storms in many court here by Miss Nance Oppenheim- 000,000 for construction during the Barley— Feed, $22.50 per ton; brew ­ SHOOTS FRO M A E R O P L A N E . path o f the flames. They stood the] years, and it is feared many coasting next two years. When this project is ing, $23.50@24 per ton. er, a probation officer, to the court and ground at building after building, on vessels are lost. for settlement to be driven back. spectators. A fam ily o f 12 is support­ fin ally thrown open there w ill no doubt be a great rush James T. Harahan has resigned the ed on an income o f $1.35 a day, but Dlnnar. for the choice lands, some o f which is Oregon, $21@22; alfalfa, $14; grain presidency of the Illinois Central and how it is done has not been disclosed. First—B y locating on tl U P P E R B E R TH S REDUCED. higheet class o f dental w< located but a fe w miles from Baker. hay, $14.50( j Germany Gets English Spies. daughter o f one o f his clients who has intervals he gave his name and de­ the bonded debt amount to an addi­ j Leipsic, Germany.— Tw o British o ffi- Tentz and Steve Smith, two laborerd been sentenced to a term at San Quen­ scendants w ith a history o f fam ily tional expense o f $30.654.31. The cost 8e; squash. l @ l % e per lb. Hops— 1910 crop. 14r5lfle; 1909 c r o p , ___ - , , _ . . _ . . . were injured, but saved their lives b l tin. f . . . C l . . . '. > Fi j cers. Captain Bernhard Frederick clinging to the sides o f the elevatoj troubles, wandering days and no work. o f the United Railways line to June 10c; contracts, 12(5!12%c. - , ,, . _ — 30, 1910, was $4,762,052.48. O f this Customs authorities have discovered For 21 days he says he had little to Wool— Eastern Oregon, 13@17c lb.; "^ i l l A ri:S ’ In/“ trJi shaft until rescued. The men ha| sum the road cost $4,553,578.69, equip­ valley, 17(5 19c per lb ! f . 1,1 ¿tentenant V ivian H. Brandon, of started from the ground floor with sev an oil painting believed to be a famous e a t ment cost $58,100.73, and other expen­ masterpiece stolen in Berlin some years eral barrels o f putty, and when the! M oh air-C h oice. 30@33c per pound. N aT7' fon” d ditures equaled $150,373.06. The cost reached an npper floor, increased theif W olves Barely M ist Feast •go. , a necessity. It is o f the line per mile up to June 30, 1910, load to a total o f about 5.090 pounds to choice steers. $6(56.50; fa ir to good Duluth— W h ile wolves howled around was $40,711.52. A Mexican government supply train [best quickly. With years’ imprisonment in a fortress. The It is said this weight was g re y e r tha| steers, $4.75(55.25; common steers. $455 and 500 men have been trapped in the the Darrah cabin, Mrs. W a lter Darrah, t-Io e k 'fn g f la m e es were srrested at Borkum the elevator was bnilt to carry. 4.50; choice to prime cows. $4.75(5)5.75; ................. " mountains by revolutionists and cap­ 34 years old, gave birth six days ago I high enough to irao Filtration Plant at Eugene. August 22 and 23. Brandon is a good to choice beef cows. $4.25(54.75 ; h in tW ^ n law “ w r " n " i , " „ ' tured. pin be cleaned in an to a baby in a partially roofless shack Eugene.— By January 1 Eugene peo fa ir to good beef cows. $3.75574.25; P T rench iT » A A ^ Explorers Ashore, Angry. | his a cool handle 1 A Dayton, Wash., duck hunter car­ near Pelican lake, in this county. pie will be qu affin g citv water which common to fa ir beef cows. $2(53.50; f ' h grsndson o f Lord Ash- of oil in tbe font. crr\n i! t n o K / s i/ in V ia ! P o a a ried a charge o f buckshot in his thigh W ith the woman in the cabin was only has percolated through filters, prepara­ good V ictoria. R. C.— The steamer K a ira l to choice heifers. $4.75^5; . J fa . t ir _ a to . Mrs. Dar­ tions for whose installation are being good heifers, $4.50i7?4.75; common to fo r a week before he would consent to her four-year-old daughter. Maru. carrying Admiral Shira«e anl Attached to the font I A vta fo r Lost at Sea. pushed forward to completion call a surgeon. rah claims she was deserted by her hus­ rapidlv burner body or g! yspcdi i i on to seek 4 lieifer». ... . . .__ _ h e ile r». $ 4«i 4.25; choice to good Dover, England.— The greatest anx- the .Tn;..,; 1. band some weeks before. It was only at the city waterworks plant. A t the . faf hn)lg |4(ff425; fair t0 good fat ietv is felt concerning the fa te o f Cecil South Pole, which le ft Japan two day I construction, and cc W ith a g ift o f $10,000,000 John D. rear o f the pumping station and he before the sailing o f the steamer At 1 lor rewicking. today that the woman, her baby and R ockefeller has completed his aid to the side the filte r plant excavation is being I bulls, 3 05? $3.50(54; common bulls, $2.50(5 Grace, a member o f the Rovn] Aero 3-25; good to choice light calves. $7(5 Club, who. in an attempt to win the merlc. which arrived here, had an 1 the little g irl were found. A ll were Perfection Oil H University o f Chicago. He has given made fo r the erection o f a bmlding |» a. C well made, built tem porarily removed to a farm house. 20x20 f e e t in d im e n s io n s for housing] *'1 . t?v?T0d. li? ht c" 1 ,v *‘s- ^ - ^ 1 » Baron de Forrest prize o f $20.000, flew «»spicinns start, in Tnk about $35,000,000 to tha institution. Dtaltrs Evtrvwtu the centrifugal The new lift span bridge at Portland Germany Soon to Im port All Meat. the water from is thrown open to the public. W ashington— In the course o f a few gines o f the K arl Hagenbseh, the animal show years Germany, in all likelihood, w ill function of filterin g. I stags. $4(54.50. " from there on the homeward "flig h t emperor and then proceeded to a Shin man, is not dead, as reported. consume nothing but imported meat, I Hogs— Choice hogs. $8(58.75; good to across the channel and has not since temple to be "p u r ifie d .” Avcona appeals to the people o f the according to consular reports. Hillman Prepares to Boost. | choice hogs, $7.50(57.75. been heard from. -------------- ---------- _ A. There United States to protest against D iaz' is an immense decrease noted in the Sheep— Y earlin g wethers, , f grain fed. ________________ j T h irty Firemen Escape Death Hillman.— The town o f Hillman, sit lllM IE ii alleged tyranny. $4.25 — grain — - fed. - ■ ------ Steamer Lost W ith Twenty-one. N ew Y ork.— T h irty firemen narrow) number o f animals fo r slaughter, ac­ uated in the heart o f the Deschutes val j $4.75(55; old wethers, I Note Your Except! Hamburg.— The French atcamer 8a escaped death In a $250,000 Are whi The railroad machinists’ strike in cording to the last count, made on Oc­ ley. Crook eounty, has organized a (54.50: choice ewes, grain fed. $3.75(5 the phiioeophen Co., o f this destroyed the six story factory ai St. Louis has been settled, the men tober 10, 1910. The especially notice­ eonfmercial club, electing N. H. Elliott. I 4; good to choice ewes, grain fed. $3.25' vona, owned by Slewan le eweetened l president: W. R. Davidson, vice presi |(5 3 75; feeders. $2 25(53; choice lambs, city, is believed to have been lost with warehouse of Jospeh Libmann * C receiving more pay. able decrease is in young animals. ■except bank depot dent; E. A. Cleland, secretary and ' grain fed. $ «(5 7 ; good to ehoiee. grain her crew o f 21, while bound from this paper manufacturers. The struct« a __________ a — _______» / a l L ______________ * j - j c a /5 r » * . _____ i _____ 1 __ nr/=\g t * xr , M . . r v _______ M . a l . Vtivh As a result, prices o f animls for The commercial and labor organisa­ treasurer. An organization o f this sort fed, $5.50(55.75; poor lambs. $4.95(55. port fo r Naples. The Savon« la a sister was supposedly fireproof, but the high er-Journal, tions are planning to drive "lo a n slaughter are expected to rise very ■peaks well for a town just starting in Hay fed sheep and lambs, 50e lower ship o f the Palermo, which was recently inflammable nature o f tbe contents g * l about matrlmon high. s h ark s" ont o f Chicago. a new country. then grain fed 1 lost. plenty o f f w i fe r the Sima». 9% e n [O D A K S t WELD F IL L left BATE Mil! & A T - j= > . S t'z r /Z r Z , m 111 J r giou «SrsäZM&s ïiriï; S5s¡ *«■•» hr ■>- <« o... ie Big Ea 42%e; or Bi -' ZFL I ! .«SSrEr ? \ ot *»î Ä - J i Ä S M : Stand k