m gif Record* In aixe. ~xrm were a little hara on me now as to the number of persona who will and then, but I think 1 liked It Some U * largest theater la the be brought Into tv - competitive classl day I shall laugh about It” Opera house, covering three fled service until a further analysis of "I hop»—4 know—you will be a suc­ the largest bronsa statue, that the effect of the order has been made. cessful man," she said, slowly, "anj ter the Great ln 8L Petersburg, «J There were on July 1. 1908, 2,106 now let us be good friends.” lng L I00 tone. The biggest s| s la tant postmasters in first and second She turned as though to alt down Roosevelt’s Trophies Are Being class poet offices, and on the date and be quit of a disagreeable topic for­ statue Is In Japan, 44 feet high; named there were 611 second class Prepared In Washington. ever. but he drew a step nearer and largest oollege Is tn Cairo, with M E R E D IT H N IC H O LS O N ten thousand students and 310 te post offices In which city free delivery took her hands. had not been established, In which "Zee”—and the smile was all gone era Damascus baa the honor of| C o p y rig h t. 1 0 0 4 , b p T b s B o b U - M .r r ill C o. from his eyes— "there Isn’t any such lng the oldest olty. Taxldermlats Ar* at Work With tha there were employed 1,746 clerks who easy escape for you. Your reasons are were unclassified. A considerable Specimen* and Carpenters Are no reasons. You have said all that number of these second class offices erecting the Mounts In the there Is to say, haven't you? But you ,|is h - S p e a k in g Na have since been classified by the es­ National Museum. haven't said that you do not love me. tablishment of city free delivery, thus I Success— Believe If you will say that 1 shall go away, E cze m a All O ver B aby’s BodJ reducing the number of clerks who near; there was In his preeenoe in the and If that Is so I must know It now." CHAPTER XXIV . land Is Ready. "W hen my baby was four m oj Washington.— In an obscure corner are classified anu who will be affected “I think I have begun to live." said house at this unwonted hour of the day She struggled to free her hands, but old his face broke out with eezrj o f the national museum, on the mall by the present order. It Is probable, a suggestion of something Intimate and Zelda the next arternoon. he held them tight. She drew away and at sixteen months of age, his In Washington, half a dozen men are however, that the total number of per­ hands and arms Were In a dreal She sat In the parlor at home, talk­ new. She was looking away from him from him, her face very white. preparing the skins of the animals sons affected will be in the neighbor­ ing to her Uncle Rodney. Into the fire when he rose and drew Suddenly she raised her eyes and state. The eczema spread all over! killed by Theodore Roosevelt and his hood of 3,600. body. We had to put a mask or e l Ler’s Leading Kn< Her father was out walking about close to her. looked at him. "I have come to ask you to do some­ party In Africa. Carpenters are build "You must let me go. I can’t tell you over his face and tie up his haf jetions Aggregate $ Some regret Is being expressed by the neighborhood. He had not bean lng the framework on which the hides civil service reformers that the presi­ down-town since the crisis In his a f­ thing for me," ho said. ”1 want you to why; but there can be nothing between Finally we gave him Hood’s S arsi 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 . rllla and In a few months he was 1 o f the mammals will be mounted and dent did not accompany this new or­ fairs, which had left him much broken. sing me the song—my song— the one you and me." tirely cured. Today he is a heal ring are the chie that mean»—so much—that means ev­ He had been disposed to accept his "I love you. Zee," he said, steadily. boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis, Baring, M a] taxidermists are working with the der with one covering all the fourth erything." "You must let me help you— If there Is Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures blood7 jitions o f Andrew skins under the supervision of govern class postmasters In the country Into brother-in-law’s kind offices warily at "I can’t, I can’t! Please don’t ask any trouble— If your father has met eases and builds up the system. first, but Zelda had reassured him as (rulent and educatii ment naturalists. the classified service. At present the to her uncle's friendly intentions, and me”—and she clenched her hands upon with some new difficulty------ ” Get It today In usual liquid fornl In the department given over to the fourth class postmasters of 14 states it was a relief to him to be able to shift her knees. "Oh, you don't understand! It Isn't chocolated tablets called S a r s a t a l .United Staten ................. "You hurt me once—when you knew father—alone— I mean. I can’t tell you study of comparative anatomy, where —the territory east of the Mlslssslppl the responsibility of adjusting his af I Europe. . ............................ you did. when you wished me to be oundation.................. . the skeletons of the largest animals river and north of the Ohio river— are fairs to other shoulders. —I can't speak of it—It was my moth­ Restoring Ivory. »Institute............................. hurt, when I spoke to you of the eon* To all Intents and purposes nothing are suspended from the celling, are In the classified service. The number er—and your father— their unhappy , In stitu te....................... To restore Ivory carvings that tndation............................ two glass cases. In these are the of fourth class postmasters In thes> had changed, and beyond the short­ - -o f my song—of our song! But I want story; but there Is a fate In these become discolored. expose«hem un you to sing It to me now, Zee. and If Iniversities........................... lived gossip of business men who knew things! It’s not that I don't believe In trophies of the $250,000 Roosevelt 12 states Is about 24,000. The to ta. glass to the rays of the sun, after ] Idfl. ..............,............. him personally, Ezra Dameron's lossos you can sing It and then tell me that Uteel Company h hunt The collection consists of the number o f fourth class postmasters In passed unnoticed. Olive, who was Eel- you don’t care—that you don't know you; It’s because I have grown afraid lng removed the dust by brush ea’ E ndow m ent................. skins o f a Hon, cheetah, reed buck, the country Is 52,942, so as will be da's closest friend, never knew Just what love 1»—then I shall never again of happiness! And It Is all so strange, T | them with warm water and soap. that you and I should meet here and ¡¡Tschooi. Pittsburg....... mongoose, leopard, zebra, hyena, seen, not quite half the postmasters In what had happened. Zelda merely told speak to you—of love—or anything." that I should have hurt you last sum­ them from time to time, so thatf ue Peace T e m p le ............... horse-tailed monkey, rhinoceros, this class are In the classified serv­ her cousin that her father had gone "No; I don't know— the song. I can’t mer—maybe— as my mother hurt your sides will be equally bleached. Lint erV S ocieties............. tf American Republics ... through some business trouble, but that sing It—ever aguln!" Orant's gazelle, Thompson’s gazelle ice. father. And that was before I knew B, U nited S ta te s ....... "Is It because you are afraid— Is that their story." and Held mice. In another case are Mothers win find Mrs. Winslow» Boot, It was said at the civil service com­ It had all been straightened out again i in Europe, estim ate Byrup t u s b e s t r e m e d y to use to» thslr chili the skulls of a rhinoceros, giraffe, hip­ mission recently that the policy will Mrs. Forrest knew even less than this; It? You can't wound me now by any­ Ineou* in U. S., estim ated "I love you, Zes,” he said, simply luring the teething p e r io d . popotamus, wart hog, African buffalo undoubtedly be to fill the places of as­ there was, Rodney Merrlam said, no thing that you may say; but If you will and sincerely, as a man speaks who and an antelope. sistant postmasters by the promotion manner of use in discussing the loss of sing me the song and then tell me that does not use words lightly. He put his Berbeimfacti0118’ estimate Leaders in Their Lin*. Zelda’s fortune with his sister, and your word will always be no. then I arms about her and drew her close to of postofflce employes already In thl talking about family matters was a Few of the hundreds of tourists that The greatest bank, says H a r p ^ L f»vor o f Carnegie shall go away, Zee, and I shall never him. The tears sprang into his eyes as visit the national museum each day classified service. Postmaster General bore anyhow. Rodney was surprised trouble you again." he saw how wholly she yielded her Weekly, Is the Bank of England, pay much attention to the Roosevelt Hitchcock desires that this policy at his own amiable acceptance of the She remembered, as she listened glrls’s heart to him and how little there London; the oldest college is Uni’ [gton— Surrounded collection as It stands, the guards on shall be pursued rather than a policy situation; but It had resulted In link­ with her head bowed over her hands, remained to win. Hs felt her breath, sity college, Oxford, founded In 10 choosing, comi duty say, and seldom does a sightseer under which men unfamiliar with the ing him closer to Zelda’s life; she was the first time she had heard his voice, broken with happy little solos, against the largest library, the National' ask where the Roosevelt collection duties of the office would be brought dependent on him now as she might that was deep and strong. It was only his face. members ex-ambas Paris, containing nearly three mlll^n year ago. in Mra Carr’s drawing­ In through competitive examinations never have been otherwise; and as for may be found. "W e have our own life to live. Zee; volumes. lidents, lawyers ant Ezra Dameron, he was a pitiful object, room. and the civil service commission sup­ there Is no fata that la stronger than “ It's a funny thing to me," re­ whose punishment was doubtless ade­ She rose end walked away and look­ If It’s Your Eye Use Pettit’s Eye Sahg Carnegie transfer« marked one of the curators of the ports the postmaster general's views. quate. It was possible for Rodney out through the window upon the rain­ love,” he said. |,000 in 5 per cent for inflammation, stys, itching museum, “ why those skins and skulls Merrlam to sit in the parlor of the old swept street; she saw the wet leaves Midnight had struck. The rain had eye aches, defects o f vision and se: mds valued at $11,i don’t make more of a hit with the WANT U. 8. TO BOOST GOOD ROADS house In which he had been born, and clinging In the walk; It was a desolate talk to Zelda with an ¿ase and pleas­ picture; and something of the outer ceased and the autumn stare looked tive to strong lights. All druggist: |ted primarily to thi public. The exhibit Is labeled, as you ure that he had not known since she color, the change of the year, touched down benignly upon the world. It was Howard Bros. see, and the word 'Roosevelt’ In big Secretary Wilson of the department very still In the Dameron house. Zelda universal peace by letters on that placard yonder ought of agriculture has received a petition came home and went to her father In­ her. sat dreaming before her table, her Money and Earning. war between nation I can't sing your song—any song1" mother's little book lying closed before to be an attraction alone. But It Is signed by eight American delegates stead of going to live with her aunt or Feuds of this nature, though too with himself, which would have been and she turned to him suddenly with as may impair " t l n o t” her. A new heaven and a new earth who attended the recent International the sensible thing for her to do. laughter In her eyes. "My throat Is had dawned for her on the day Just quent In the country, are very fatal A number of the skins, those of road congress at Brussels requesting ipiness o f man.” ” 1 think I have begun to live,” re­ very painful,” she added and laughed. the ordinary people, who are so u i ended, and In her heart there was hartbeests, elephants and hippos are that bis department consider the ad­ peated Zelda. “Zee”-—and he drew still nearer, so to be dazzled with riches that tl i wars between ni still packed In hogsheads In which visability of the United States govern­ "I hope you are happy, Zee. To be that he could have put out his hand peace. She rose and lighted a candle pay as much deference to the unc ased, the fund is to and went down through the silent old they were shipped from Africa. Brine ment becoming a member of the P e r happy’s the main thing. There Is noth­ and touched her. house, carrying the book in her hand. standing of a man of estate as o Is the principal preservative used and manent International Association of ing else In the wide world that counts; ’’Please," she begged, grave again, In the parlor a few coals still burned man of learning; and are very har i altruistic prupoe the skins are In such good condition, Road Congresses. The office of pub- and I say It, whose life has been a fail­ elp man in his glor please forget all about the song—and fitfully in the fireplace and she knelt brought to regard any truth, how taxidermists say, that they may be Uo roads Is a part of the department ure.” me! I wish you to—very much. Thera before It, holding the book against her and upward” by portant soever It may be, that is prea "You shouldn’t talk so! You must are reasons—a great many reasons— kept Indefinitely. As rapidly as the of agriculture, and for this reason the cheek. Then she poised it above the the “ most degrad; skin of one animal la stuffed It la set matter was put up to the secretary for remember that I'm letting you be good why you must forget all about the song flames, hesitated a moment and let It ed to them, when they know there i to me, kinder and more helpful than you liked, and everything that I may— several men of five hundred a yi hen harassing mank aside, In the rough, and work Is begun his consideration. any one ever was before to anybody, suggest to you. Won’t you believe me fall where the embers were brightest. who do not believe It.—Joseph , on another. Tu» finishing touches are r. Carnegie read t She watched the leather and paper dison. The special significance of the peti­ Just because you said you couldn’t be please?" left to the naturalist and his work Is tion Is that It discloses the fact that happy any other way.” curl and writhe until they ceased to be , J!trust announcing at "There can’t be any reasons that distinguishable, and still her eyes rest­ Important. “Yes; I'm going to lead a different make any difference." the United States, which has the most ” 1 purpose o f his gift, ed for a moment upon the place where COPYRIORys AND TRADE M "Perhaps you never thought much extensive system of roads of any life,” he said. Ironically. “ It doesn’t "You can be kind If you will,” she secured. T Book o f acc [ed applaus6. He they had been. about It,” said an employe at the country In the world, has been one of pay to cherish the viper of enmity In said, "and merciful." : inform ation free on reqi She rose and held the candle close to the incidents whii J. K. M01K, 719 Board of Trade Bid*., Portland. Or. museum, who Is a student of natural the three slowest nations to Join the one’B bosom. But I suppose there’s a "There Is a reason; there Is myself. (Lute of U. a. Butent Office, Washington. D. C a photograph of her mother that stood history, "but animals have a wonder­ International Road association now certain fun in hating people, even I’m not fit to call your name or to t at this time, ar upon, the mantel and studied it wist­ ful lot of expression—facial expres­ formally adhered to by 26 govern­ though you never get a chance to even stand near you. I have little to offer; fully. nphasis that if th up with them.” SCHUMACHER EUR CO. but I love you. Zee"—and the sincerity sion, J mean. They have their moods ments. Italy and England are the “ Mother, dear little mother!** she M anufacturers o f Furs. Raw Furs bought "You still have a little lingering pa­ ig race in the United Just as we do. and Jt Is a knack only otbej- large countries which have ganism in you. But It’s disappearing. of his plea touched her, so that she did whispered. “ Morris!** Bold. Fu rs remodeled a specialty. 2 0 9 Madi not speak for a moment, but stood ritain once consolidi S i., b e t. First and Front Sts . Portland. O r tdnpled with A certain artistic dense, not Joined. Then with a smile of happy content Qllve tells me that you and Captain staring at the rain-beaten pane with nt for international showing In the soft light of the candlo, to ‘build' up a skeleton, clothe it with The nations of Eisrope have gone a Pollock have quite hit It off. He ought eyes that saw nothing. a pelt and make It appear as did long way ahead of the United States to have called you out and made you of the measure in t "You could spare me— If you would," she went out into the dark hall and up the long stair to her room. In life, particularly Is tills true of our In road work, particularly In the mat­ fight for the snubblngs yod gave hint/’ she said. :ld would be assured. (The end.) Bah! I’m a little absent-minded, larger wild animals, the very kind we ter of administration and road mainte­ "I would give my life for you.” he Great Britain stool are working with now In getting to­ nance, and experts say that for this that’s all.” But Merrlam smiled when answered, steadily, unyieldingly. "But ite with this countr; he remembered Pollock. "By the way, I can’t let you put me aside— for any A F e w D o n 't ! f o r W o r n * * , gether the Roosevelt collection. reason this country will benefit Im­ I've accepted his Invitation for to-m or­ id he felt certain, Idle fears or doubts. You must tell me Don’t begrudge your husband a few "Lower classes of animal life are mensely In the advantage of collabora­ row afternoon to drive out to the post needed was the not so difficult to handle, birds and tion made possible by membership In site with him. I believe you are asked! what troubles you; you have not told hours spent with his men friends. You president and the ser me that you did not care. I shall not reptiles being comparatively easy to the International congress. France, And Olive and Morris? Which wing go until you tell me what It Is that meet friends. Be considerate and give S T R IN G A ND BAND ting the movement or stuff and mount It Is In posing the for Instance, with Its almost perfect of our family Is Pollock trying to breaa weighs against me. I have a right to him the same privilege. IN S T R U M E N T S Sited States. subjects that the real difficulty Is en­ system of roadB, sends one and one- Into, will you kindly tell me? He has one or the other.” Don’t bother him with troublesomo All S h eet M usic 16c. Mail orders careful!y| countered. There are many details to third times as much freight over her shown you rather marked attention. It tended to. She looked at him suddenly; It would trifles that happen during the day. ICRET M E S S A G E V S M IT H & S T O R E Y be looked after. For example, It Is a public highways as Is carried by the seems to me.” Don’t whine and complain over be easy to say thnt she did not cars; 127 Filth S t., Portland, You are quite likely to have a niece but her eyes filled at the thought, and household difficulties. good day’s work to select and fit the railroads. The freight traffic on the fry Wholly Unprepar right kind of glass eyes for Just such roads of other European countries Is In the army. I fancy that It’s all ar­ she turned to the window again. The Don’t overwork and be tired and ranged; of course. It’s been Olive all beat of hoofs upon the hard street • F I L L Y O U R O W N TEE T H ’| specimens are we are now working almost as heavy. In this country con­ the time. She hasn't told me yet— but Ivasion by Foreign P cross when he comes home. Your hus­ struck her with a sense of the world's with. It’s not hard to pick out ele­ ditions are reversed and it Is estima­ she doesn’t have to tell m e!" vastness and the wind In the cedars band will see you tired and Irritable ■hington— A report fi phant eyes from those of a lion or an ted that the railroads carry nearly It rained the next day and Pollock sang like a mournful prophet of the where he will not be conscious of a If you have aching teeth or cavities and you | [merit showing how antelope, but It Is a Job to select the four times as much freight as the put» telephoned to the members of his party 'o o nervous for the dental ordeal, t r / Fill-O. coming winter. She could not tell him few grains of dust which you may home dentist. A t dru ggists or by mail. 60c. ■adequately protected right Bhade and size and It Is not al­ 11c roads. Yet railroad development that the excursion would be postponed. that he meant nothing to her, when he have dissipated at the expense of your FILL-0 MFC CO.. 351 Ea^re Bid*.. Settle. W.*h. I from foreign gover: together practicable to follow models depends, engineers say, on the good Zelda hoped that Olive would come up meant so nearly all; but If she should strength. Blum aer-Frank D ru g Co., distributors for Or< i the house as a seer too closely. Of course, the general roadB which open up and make acces­ to the house, and when the bell rang set up a barrier. It might be enough Don't let yourself get old and ugly. she thought It was her cousin and Ifter several conferen contour of the specimen Is the princi­ sible the country adjacent to the and he would go. Take time to keep yourself young and called to the black Angellne, who still plephone messages, w pal thing to pay attention to, but lines. "You know we have had trouble— to cultivate good looks. If you can’ t acted as Polly's assistant, to bring Miss an War department there are any nufnber of little details The department of agriculture now Merrlam directly up stairs. But It was that my father has met with losses— be beautiful try to be Interesting. |eould not receive a si to be looked after that makes the has the petition under consideration Morris Leighton whom the girl an­ and he needs me. My duty Is here; HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAI Don’t forget to cultivate your mind. that must be a sufficient reason." work tedious. for sale by owner; choice ten acresl libers o f congress wl and, If approval Is given, congress will nounced. "No,” he said. Instantly, "that Is not Read about what Is going on in the miles from city, elevation about 1,6 lent before its wit "The Asiatic elephant and the Afri­ be asked this coming winter for the "I'll be down In a moment," she said, great world, so that If he makes a re­ feet, almost level, red shot soil, tj leport o f Secretary can elephant, while they « r e first cou­ small appropriation necessary for this but she waited, sitting at the table, a reason at all. Zee. You are doing for your father all that you could be asked mark on current events you will be acres six-year-old trees; balance rf lout that the countr where she had so often pondered great sins and In a general way look a good country's membership dues. (pared for war; that and little matters during the year, a to do—and I should not ask you to do able to answer him Intelligently in­ state. Price $1.700. easy terms, deal alike, have distinguishing fea­ reliable party will give work clearil stead of giving him a blank stare. inadequacy o f mi troubled look upon her face, consider­ less.” tures. Almost everyone knows that "I must do all I can," she said. and caring for adjoining ten aerf Don't Inquire how his business Is un­ ing many things. The fact that her nition; that the arm; RENOVATING THE CAPITOL. their ears vary In size and shape and "There must be no question of loyalty. amount to apply on purchase price, less you are sure from his face that ns mother and Morris’ father had once that their eyes differ In shape and dress P. O. Box 131, Portland, or phd kited and that a ci been lovers, as blurted out by her fath­ And now"— she turned to him smil­ has something pleasant to tell you. liefense, with a secr< The capltol has recently undergone often In color. It rests with the natur­ ing— "It’s very disagreeable outside; A 5374. er In his rage and confirmed by her Ysad, should be creat thorough house cleaning and reno­ uncle, had Impressed her profoundly; let us be cheerful Indoors.” alist to put the finishing touches to a A G oo d G u eaaer. "Zee,” he began, gravely, "I’m not so specimen after the taxidermist has vating. Over 200 workmen have been she was not a morbid girl, but there “ If you want an answer to any ques­ done the rough work.” laboring with paint brush, mallet and seemed something uncanny in the easily dismissed as that. There’s some­ thing that I want to say, that I tion under the sun,” said Robert Edi­ lurtiss' O ffer A cce The larger animals that go to make « d se l for months to Improve the story, and she had determined that shouldn’t dare say to you. If I did not son, “ ask a small boy. Did you ever liington—Tne offer o up the Roosevelt collection will have building. Among the numerous big Morris should never again speak words love you. 1 knew months ago that you hear about the mother of a bad boy kto instruct a nsvs ribs of wood. By the first of the year, changes Is that of using the power of love to her. It was all too pitiful; were showing a cheerful face to the she had no right to any happiness that who asked James Russell Lowell to ration of the aeropli plant of southeast Washington, which world while you suffered." specimens will be on display In the na­ Morris might bring her; and here ed by the Navy i will transmit heat and light through "Please, oh. please!” and she lifted write In her autograph album? The tional museum. again her mother’s memory seemed to poet, complying, wrote the line; sing the department’ ! more than a mile of tunnel to the follow and lay a burden upon her. She her hands to her face. "It la not kind! “ 'What Is so rare as a day in [that the airship capltol, the office building and the was sorry that she had not asked the You must n ot!” EFFICIENCY 18 REQUIRED. "You made light of things that you June?’ I be a valuable adjunc congressional library. maid to excuse her. but If was too late I in the warfare of the All the rooms, stairways, etc., have and she went down to the parlor with knew were good; you said things often ’’Calling at this woman’s house a that you did not mean; but you were few days later, Lowell Idly turned the i proposed to drill a The order signed by President Taft been painted and varnished. For foreboding in her heart. brave and strong and fine. I under­ pages of the album till he came to tils Morris was standing at the window bing and management year after year paint and varnish placing In the classified service assist­ stood It, Zee. But now that Is all out watching the rain beat upon the jin all its details at I ant postmasters and such clerks In have been put on the walls and stair­ asphalt In the narrow street outside. of the way. There is no use In think­ own autograph and saw this answer: i in the vicinity o f J " ‘ A Chinaman, with whiskers.' certain classes of post offices as are ways until It will no longer stick, but He turned quickly as he heard her ing about It any more." I The instructions wi not now within the civil service, does peels off, leaving unsightly spots. step. No; but you must know that I talk­ Young's Magazine. ■inter. not take effect until December 1. An This year the cleaning went so deep You are a brave man to venture out ed to you as I did because—oh. because R o b b e r a n d C .n H n P e r c h « . Important feature of the order Is that that all of the old paint was sandpa­ in a storm like this! Of course, you I hated goodness! I tried to hate It! Stampede is Grot There are Important distinctions Da* assistant postmasters who cannot pre­ pered off and the new coats put di­ knew that our excursion Is off? Cap­ It was because— father—but I mustn’t speak of It" bbane, Australia— Tl sent an efficiency record will not have rectly on the walls. The painting of tain Pollock telephoned that we'd wait tween India rubber and gutta percha. "I understand all about that. Zee." ATRIP TO PORTLAND FRI |ich gold reef in the I the advantage of the order. The ofll the dome and capltol combined has until a better day.” "But I am very old"—she went on, and in the majority of purposes for been an enormous task. It has been T understood so. But I was keyed CUT BATES IN #t Australia, as aln d a l text of the order Is as follows: which they are employed one cannot vacation pitch and I thought you pityingly; "I am very old, and my girl­ replace the other. While the trees PAINLESS DENTISTI Suited in a treme “ It Is hereby ordered that the posi­ estimated that If one man only were hood—It all went away from me last wouldn't mind If I came— If I didn’t Painless Extraction........F| [>nd claims have bee: tion of assistant postmaster In post to tackle the Job It would take him stay very long." year—and every day I had to act a yielding India rubber are well distrib­ S ilver F i l li n g * ............. hs of 30 miles. Tl offices of the first and second classes about five years to complete 1L G old F i l li n g s .. “Of. of course— If you didn't stay very part, and I did so many foolish things uted over the tropical parts of the 22 K. G old C r o w n « . and also the position of clerk, of what­ fellfinch mine, D om world and m ay be cultivated with more long: but you needn’t stand—all the —you must have thought------” P orcela in C r o w n « ............... "That I loved you. Zee." he declared, or less facility, the tree which furnish­ M ola r G old C r o w n s ............. ever grade. In post offices of the first MOONSHINERS IN THE CAPITAL. tim e!" $2,500,000 for Bridge W ork , tl K. Gol 1 .. and second classes, not hitherto classi­ ’Y ou wouldn’t have had me keep my refusing to meet her on the ground she es gutta percha Is to be found only In |iid he would not cor In la y F ill*. P u re Gold sought fied. shall be Included In the classified Very Nice Rubber P l.t». unt From 320 An Illicit whisky still almost In the office a dreary afternoon like this. It's Borneo, Sumatra and the Malay arch» 'The sweetest thing in the world,’’ Best Rubber Plate on Earth................................ . service, provided that no assistant heart of the national capital.' Now, rather cheerless In our office on rainy I was obtained, and pelago generally. A L L T H I* W O R K IS O U A R A N T V r.D . she said, "must be— not to know—of days. I should like you to know." postmastor or clerk appolntod without what do you think o f that? Don't throw your money away. A dollar m e las high as $450 to : The Her father came to the door and hes­ evil; not to know!"»and there was the la twodollaraaarned. Our original reitabi. M ...$ examination prior to this examination revenue officers made tl discovery a P*inlow« __________ h?*! 9 o u r jie r fo rte d r,fF‘r* * 9 i f pent-up heartache of a year In the sigh itated. A la e ! th e P o o r P o e t. _____ shall be classified who fails to estab­ few days ago that In the southwest 1,000 Teachers S “Won't you corns and share our flm. i'uai broke from her. Editor— We would very much like to tOSTMijMTilTs'rith'iiliarr?*#». P« lish to the satisfaction of Uie post section of the city la an Illicit still father?" Zelda asked. ‘Y e s; It was all too bad. Zee: but use your poem, sir, but the fact 1L we Entrance N [Johns., N. B .— M. 201H Morriatm. m otrpertac Poatn«ce I t 1Vk storriann. o d t r roan. a ** m office department his capacity for effi­ with a capacity of 100 gallons of Frank. Fffabli.ber! tai Portland 10 yeera. Open, "No. oh. no! Tm quite busy. It’* a we’ll find better things ahead—Tm are not in a condition to buy verse. •ber of the board o f ararli | m g lurxtoya modi 11.10. )or peo»*« «tae wer». cient service In the position held, and whisky a day. and It has been there very bad day. Mr. Leighton." He turn­ sure of It” is here to sail on Poet— But you may use It for noth­ Schedule A of the d v ll service rules for nearly a year. Some Important ed and they presently heard him climb­ She was not ready to look Into the ain for Ireland to Is hereby amended accordingly. This arrests have been made, and It has ing the stairs to his room. future. Her mind was still busy with ing; 1 would much like to see It In f teachers for Albert p rin t It was very still In the parlor, and the year that had Just ended. order shall take affect December 1, been discovered that several of the *n. He says new i Editor— Well, you see, we have a 1910." "I said to many things that I did wholesale liquor houses In this the wind outside sobbed through the ened so rapidly ft The civil service commission la not city were getting their supply of old cedars In accompaniment to the not mean, sometimes, and I was h a r d - rule here that anythin* that Isn't paid splash of the rain. It was Tory sweet on you. when you meant to be so kind; for Isn’t worth printing.— Boston Her- icannot be found «»••«•red ♦** m aks a deficits statem ent whisk? from this still. •• «••» m know that Morris was so hut t ’ i e sorry now * SKINS ARE STUFFED I to end ■Zelda Dameron- Bonds Woi for That Pi / T e r r ib le S u f f e r ii PATENTS CUT RATE MUSIC HOU F IL L -O EARN ORCHARI m