T BAKER DY IS DI b Christian Sci] of America. of 'en as Cause Del Weep at Reading J ewell Letter. V 5.—Mrs. Mary J discoverer and f0J -ri, nee, is dead. the passing of tbeL which occurred latel it her home at ChJ ì at the morning SJ church in this city | auses” explained | ing to Dr. Georg riot medical exan ioned a few houra ied. Later Dr. more immediate Mrs. Eddy’s death I multaneouBly by jf ith, first reader ofL , at the close oi e believe December to be the Biggest Business Month the YEAR. It’s the month when you have Many Things to buy for yourself and ¡ends. You know that to buy Sensible Gifts pleases the receiver and supplies a :essity. In this Sale, to you, We are making it possible for you to buy wearing iparel for the Entire Family at a small cost to you. JUST THINK of the Sacrfice we making on the items below, which will pay you to read, ’ SALE NOW ON! Why not take this opportunity to make Money? >s ■ i\ Y BAKER EDDY ;e, and by Alfred ristian Science pul in a statement tJ 3 Mr. Farlow, Mrs. I t 10:45 o’clock Sat| ien indisposed for id Mr. Farlow’B d been up and drJ is Thursday transj with one of the ofl She took her dail] until two days lay night she fell q| se around her coif ilize that she had as clear until th| i final message. RESUME FIGHI Fol| Troops. Tex.—A telegram I tates that appreh^ t prevails at both aria, 90 miles soi^ of the river, iry disorders reporl side. Nothing dj jarned of the rel ¡a Saturday night. [ eard at intervals, earned there has I the peace comn 'hihuahua and ; was greatly embs th at soldiers folio tt Guerrero, just I g to talk with the arrived with word! ;re on the way, whf r promptly came ssion Closely ernment Disappears, oeteoric cara gh finance, stock sn. Simult month ago, ] 1300,000 to i. The polio rest on a $10,000 wofi nan. Davis | and at one ' man of affal i of financial f /indication, nother manj lection wit rnor Goeta e polls, d his can the Repuj tucky sens Powers, wh >m the llti lection, alleged ition of Go •J ,11 Men’s Suit values up to $20 nom goat $11.50 Il Men’s Suit values upto $12.50 now go at 8.50 ill HHen’ô ©vercoat values up to $20 now 90 at ill IIHen’s Overcoat values up to $12.50 now 90 at d“‘ * $11.50 $8.50 All boys’ Long Pants suit values np to $10. now go for All boy’s Long Pants suit values up to $8. now go tor mil Boys’ (Overcoats that sold for $10. are selling at £1 Boys’ Overcoats that sold for $8. arc selling at LADIES ELEGANT New Styled Suits $7.50 5.50 $7.50 $5.50 LADIES COATS « lutifully lined with good silk or satin, that e worth up to $25.00. We have put one ice on them all. Come quick and get your bolce now for $ 11 . 5 « ; » in many pretty styles, in all-wool broadcloth, black, blue, and grey, the coat sold for $12.50, now go for less than you can buy the cloth. $ 8.50 Don’t miss this chance to get good goods, honestly made at LESS THAN FACTORY COST. look at our line will show you where to trade. P E R BROS. & MYER Send us your mail orders, we will take care of them. ONTARIO, OREGON r »!