The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, October 27, 1910, Image 8

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    •R ural
it 1
ti a ì :
8x10 Photographs
M ounted
Post Qards
| V
of the
A t both the
M alheur County Fair
• Y 8 T B M R A D IC A L L Y W R O N G .
D ivision Should be Decided by Each
T h at the system now In vogue In
O regon is radically wrong for the di­
vision of counties, is the belief of the
A storia Budget, which in its Issue of
July 7, says th a t it should be left to
th e people of each county them selves
to decide w hether or not they want
to create new oounties. The Budget
say s:
“Among th e Initiative m easures that
are to be voted upon a t the election
next N ovem ber is one to create Nes
m ith county by taking portions of
Lane and Douglas counties. This is
a m easure which Is of course only of
d irect in te re st to the people residing
In th e d istricts affected, but under the
provisions of the law, it Is to be voted
upon by the people of the en tire state.
Judging from m atter th a t Is being
sen t out by th e com m ercial clubs of
Lane and Douglas oounties the g reat
m ajority of the residents of those sec­
tions are opposed to the bill and the
only ones th ere are who are favoring
It a re those who are endeavoring to
create a real e state boom in w hat is
to be th e new county seat. T h at be­
ing the case, the one thing for electors
who reside outside the affected dis­
tric ts, to do is vote ag ain st it. The
fact of the m a tte r is th a t the method
now in vogue for the division of coun­
ties is alto g ether wrong Such ques­
tions should be left entirely to the
people whose homes a re in the section
directly concerned and whose in ter­
ests a re th u s affected and not to the
v oters of th e sta te a t large, the m ajor­
ity of whom know or care absolutely
nothing about th e m a tte r a t issue.
One grave danger of gran tin g these
p etitions for divisions of counties by a
vote of th e people of the entire state
is th a t some tim e the question may
come closer to home. Some one, for
instance, may w ant to get up a peti­
tion to divide our own county and
under th e existing law, the people of
o th e r sections of th e sta te would d e­
term in e th e question by th eir votes.
T he sa fe r way is to kill all m easures
of th is kind th a t come up and thus
nip all prospective petitions in the
bud. a t le a st until such tim e as the
s ta te law s a re am ended so as to pro­
vide for w hat may be term ed "home
ru le,” by restrictin g the vote on these
stric tly local m easures to the voters
resid in g w ithin th e d istrict con­
cern ed .”
M TW ""' “ r " w n s l
because our big sale is over
we have no more bargains.
Of course there are|
not so many left but we still offer very
Exceptional Values In
Will be ready Soon
• ¿ >
? * i t s
Orders for sam e will be taken at the
Journal Office
Pratt’s Poultry Food
S. F. Foster
25 and 50 cts
6 0 YEARS*
forget our Shoes!
* «
UK? v ¿
if ■ H u : I
11 .
J, €
f .
V ai
lopments. T hi
’t ~ri ìffMMjÉ't
a modern
fitted up in an
per. The buildii
pyill cost i
Mr. Graham, a
Ling up the build
New Models 10 and 11
(E a st O regonian).
Above Gibbon th e middle of the
U m atilla riv e r is to be the dividing
line betw een U m atilla county and the
proposed new county, which has not
y et been christened. U nder this a r­
ran g em en t the W enaha Springs reso rt
will be in th e new county. All except­
ing th e pool. T hanks for the pool.
C O U N T IE S .
do more than1 supply every demand; they
every demand of every user
o f the writing-machine;
W hen alone in th e election booth on
N ovem ber 8th, when scanning your
ballot you will read substantially the
A Bill to C reate the County of Clarke.
335 X No.
A Bill to C reate th e County of Des­
351 X No.
A Bill to Annex a Portion of C lacka­
m as County to M ultnomah.
323 X No.
A Bill to Annex a P ortion of W ash­
ington County to Mulqomah.
339 X No.
A Bill to C reate th e County of Nes-
consider« itton is as) ted ReepectfuUjfc
*t of the house '
joes in every res
pent, which will
kngth. is being ei
The ground flor
erm of five years
uot ready to e
ducti-d in it at
risb to lie known
Single Dog Escapement y
Column Selector (Model 10)
Built-in Decimal Tabulator (Model 11)
Two-Color Dial -
A -
Back Space Key
Variable Line Spacing Lock
Shift Lock
Paper Feed
Remington Typewriter Company
(Incorporated *
New^York and Everywhere-
flew York
, E
u JJ. Emison, 3
irge Green are
ilding. joining
Store on the v
ElOO feet and t»
{¡,vel is already I
ground prepai
The buildin
[odeni up to-do ti
Our grocery stock is fresh and complete!
Scientific American.
Lw steady grow
Our stock is large and you can have a pick
Th an ks fo r the Pool.
in any calling of life, demands a
vigorous body and a keen brain.
Without health there is no suc­
cess. But Electric Bitters is the
greatest Health Builder the world
T rade M arks
D e s ig n ?
has ever known. It compels per­
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
idlnf * «ketch and description m a j
fect notion of stomach, liver, kid­
ta in o u r opinion fre e w n-.ther au
qtlckly i
in re n tlo n Is probably put _
neys. bowels, purities and enriches
■ I ns stric tly confidential. MANI
on Patent«
6« »t free, o ld e st agency fo r sem
iring paten
316 Yes.
iken _ th
ro u g h M Aunn
unii h Jft Ci
C o. recele«
blood, tones and invigorates
•T eu «I notice, w ith o u t c harge, in th e
317 X No.
the whole system and enables you A B ill to C re a te O rchard County.
stand the w-ar and tear of your
A hand«oroely H lnstr«f«d reekly. L a rg est elr-
c itation o f any « d e n tin e jo u rn a l. T erm s. $3 a
daily work. “After months of suf­
333 X No.
~ ; fo u r m o n th s, $L Bold by ali new«dealer*.
fering from Kidney Trouble, “wri­ A BUI to C reate (the County ol OttA
3 8 M » ro .d « .v
W ashington, D. C
tes \V. M of Cushing
321 X No.
M s, “three bottles of Electric Bit-
FOR SA LE:— Four full blood Po- tess made me feel like a new man.” A Bill to C reate dhe County of Wil­
liam s
lm d China Brood Sows. For fur- 50o at 8 F Foster.
324 Yes. (
tl i»r fiRrtirnlnrs. price. etc call on
325 X No.
o: Phone P. I. Speer,
A BUI fo r an Act A providing for the
i t ' s t h e w o r l d ’ s b e s t .
C reation of N ew Counties. Towns,
8' nth of Nyssa Ferry. Idaho side.
No one has ever made a salve,
etc., an d changing «boundaries of ex­
isting counties, etch
ointment or balm to compare with
K IL L S A M l R D E R E R .
362 X Yes
A merciless murderer is Appen­
dicitis with many victims. But one perfe- t healer of Cuts. Corns.
Youyare asked to ««on skier well the
Dr. Kind's New Life Pills kill if Burns Rruises, Sores. Scalds.
anfi by voting “No”
by prevention.
gently Boils, Fleers. Eczema. Salt Rheum.
an &l! »»division mas sure*, and “tea"
stimulate stomach, liver and bow­
els. preventing that clogging that For Son' Eyes, Cold Sores, Chap­ on the* bill giving the cminttes full
invites nppendicitis. curing Consti­ ped hands, or Sprnius. it's su­ contvol «of all local! m atters, you will
Piles. be re Mel red of sud t duties at future
pation. Headache. Billiousness preme. Infallible for
elections Your cat eful, conscientious
O M lt
at 8 F Foster.
Only 2>c at S F Foster,
Ixwo now brick I
I erected on Mai
¡s g<xxl news
■1 go n long wa
[yq is not ualeo
,0f those "hot
Come in and we will tell you the others)
Do you think it rig h t to vote to
c re a te new counties and double th eir
expenses. You can not know condi­
tions in rem ote counties and should
vote a g a in st all division and vote for
th e law allowing counties to settle
th e ir local m a tte rs am ong them selves
fork has
tio n -
MR. V O T E R .
Inter-M ountain Fair, at Boise
. JÌK &
U .« ., fa.
.... w ill
Itwo stories high.
Hoor will be occu
(live dry goods st<
story by offic
( « 99,000.
This will mat
iat Nyssa mighi
land one that ’
ahead in the rani
]town. The built
vacant lots betw
and Spier buildin
ideal place for a
character as it w:
improvement in I
I our city.
L, 0. Pounds
potting up a brie
feet two stories h
rant and rooms,
tanrant is what I
fonld be a pay in
To serve in an
for a period of
years without nn
and without dri
ad vi *rse criticism
| eord in official li
the record of the
didate for the ofl
of this county,
officers the per
ablp heed the i
all things and I
which is good.'
proven to be "K'
altruism uecessr
of the satisfacto
H' is a detnoere
i has never shown
istocratic tendei
in men of small
the mistakes of
conferred some
services were as
»mi efficiently
publican as to
the |x>or man f
wealth. The in
coat and with
through the ho
his hat was as
to warm liimsel
as the man witi
and the diamon
his business w?