FINE Dressed Veal J“ ' « » • C u r . ^ lerto holder of * Du ,, ,nzn to It, and cures PaiaUu Eltractn 50c BEST M ETH O D S lively that now he 1 free when p la te s o r b rid ge >f even a dog, if tJ iCoeiultation F ree. Y o u cannot r. Tobacco ch,J 1 , WOrk a n yw h ere, no m a tter of suicide, (nsoij U y f r o n io d f o r T lft e e n Y e a r s other undesirable t ' the mists of the m soothing Influence] alfalfa bunched up' L Washington St.. t W rig h t e It W right td Mrs. W insioVi bool nedv to use to« theircWl ig period. * sponsible Client of a man named as being tried tor L ourts recemiy, p|J no wab not qulul his actions. Thiel prisoner so angry | the dock and kn_ t on the floor of ryer was not much Is feet, made use o! e so cleverly thel ulttal Portland, Co. Oregon Hind transfer to W a s h in g to n St. « S S COLLEGE tVenry, W atery Erl rlne K ye It. medy 1 ■ E y e Troubles. You I t Soothes. 50c at e For E ye Books, , nedy Co.. Chicago, j London Bachelor«. laid recently to have been d to Be In Line, ¡London a society the pur- iwsboy was leanlni i li to mend the socks of 11, sobbing bltterlj lore and to perform varl- ny little man," eaj Ibndly deeds of a similar Sat's the use of iy be president ed the little fellow as If I wus h-hel body's allers a-roaj While You Walk. > ls * certain cure tori » swollen, echini last r rice 25c. Don ' , O ’ y | ™ Brute. girlish pride she ers she had cookei vn little hands, like them?” she I ERY CATALOG I, Inatruetive, U p - I. describing IAHENTAL TREES, .VINES, Hi PLANTS, ETC W rit« now . m en - I this paper. NGTON, Nurseryman Portland« Oregon luckled, trying tol from one, "'It v| sr If you had larger. Then I < ns automobile tl| H & re ¥ a l ^ COFFEEt ] TEA SPICES yes Bother You r T I T ’S EYE SAlJ BAKIN0 POWDER ► EXTRACTS it successful eye i druggists or Hoi fill Indent Steel. mond Is the harl i It Is also brittle] I by a blow. But! n two hard steel (I ress and a slowly) ure applied the e Indented. ¡T O MAI JUST RIGHT CLOSSET & DEVEJB PORTLAND. 0AC.' \ Cured in Three Days Habit dermic Injections. Ijthis treatm ent at th« In s titu te ► >nd jrour m oney w ill be retu rn ed ts and feel like » I |rcrel* not a ffe c te d . In v e s tig a te n a sufferer from | to take a fe w m om en ts to p hone umacli for the last I ation. Person al and financial Implication. F o r fu ll in form a- n taking medicine I Ifriteor call a t th e juld find no relief] |L I N S T I T U T E . I will recomn : Marshall 2400 PO RTLAN D . O R E J ¡ends as the only tl I sour stomach sni in good condid e to eat.” rainless D e n tists b . Potent. Tasts I :k'-n. Weaken or Gnpl r sold in bulk. ThBfW d C C C . GuarsntsBdI rilling, vltness a great i es?" asked the | asking queer VVYlTMQVr'rtATEiÄ “ COLD " BEEF_ BOUILLON .* »he Stomach. 1 « Delicious Served Thl* Way. P et five pounds of shank b e ef-n o i •oo you n g-ln five quarts of cold wa .1. L e t , ‘ come to a boll slowly th i sto!r Ly and ,et the vessel on the stove where It will simmer gent­ ly for eight hours. Strain through cheesecloth and set away to cool The next day skim off the fat and turn u!e Foup Into a kettle, not allowing the sediment to pass la. Add one onion one or more stalk, of celery accord: 1J to taste, a soup bouquet, six cloves and salt. Boll gently a half and"' J ? tW' Ce thr0Ugh * »apkln and after It Is chilled set It on the ee. This should be served In little C U PS without bread, for cold bou„ on is only a fillip to the stomach. If the bouillon is rich and well clarified this can be done with eggshells—It Ribbon Ceolces. . k >fter your fivortte recipe l batch of white cookies flavored with lemon. In another dish mix a bate» of chocolate cookie«, flavoring with vanilla. Roll out chocolate cookie» *ulte thin, then roll out white one» •ame a» chocolate. Place one on top M the other and roll as jelly roll Take a sharp knife and cut allce, trom the roll, turn them over and lay them In baking pan. When cookey they are a delight to the eye as well as the palate. Make molasses cookies, cutting them In strips with sharp knife, about the length and width of lady finger*. When baked and while warm spread with good Jelly and press two t v lether, making a dainty cookie sand­ wich. A sk your dealer for IM P E R IA L Société Chocolats A trial will convince uou o f their Quality. I I he does not carry them send direct to us 4 0 6 Lewis Pldg., Portland, Or. MEDICAL |J of Q DEPARTMENT lUNivtMirr or oseoon ) T h o r o u g h C o u rs es Session beslns Sept. 12, ! * . For catalogue «d- dress Dean, Ur. S. E. J osep h l, High S ta n d a rd Raw Vegetable Sandwiches. the pompous mal P*th»t our force Is no orunni/ed thst These are very highly relished by 610 hekum Bldg., Portland. Oregon ( rowrt, Bridire oua Plnte work ” 1 once sat for j persons who dislike the usual sweet Positively pain lot* oxfraot- PPiatM or bridge« are ordered. “ «* a professional accompaniments of women's teas, and ■ ^ •U iv» teeth and root* without the • • F IL L Y O U R O W N T E E T H ” f«Wenr*. no uncertainty. but spec in I- If there happens to be a man In the with my wife’» ■ acientifio and careful work. crowd he Is certain to be pleased. Cut - ............. ..................$5.00 rye gluten and graham bread In the ,*T«th without Piet«. $3 so to »5 manner described, leaving them with­ b ........................*3.50 to $5.00 to m * dentist. A t d ru ggieta or by m aiL ¿oc. 5 » ....................... *3.50 to *5.00 out butter. Put between slices of rye ‘ ‘ ■ruling................. * 1.00 u » RILO MFC CO.. 351 Inert BWi. Msnk. W.A a layer of Spanish onion cut very thin ...........................50c to *1.00 Blumaer-Frank Drug Co., distributor, for Oregon i.......... .........................»7.50 and sprinkled lightly with s alt Put t Ptinl«sa E xtractin g when other I 0 tiers' Guerentee with ell wore, between the buttered gluten slteeS ft p l a i n . 2 2m Morrison Street. delicate leaf of lettuce covered with a ASTHMA AND MAY FEVER dab of mayonnaise, or sour cream are quickly relieved by W y a tt's A sth m a beaten up thickly. Put between the R e m e d y . Guaranteed or money refund­ Ask your druggist or send s ix graham slices thin flakes of crisp cu­ ed. cents postage for Free Sample to cumber or a thick slice of t o m a t o . , J. C. WYATT, Druggist. soned with salt and lemon juice Wrap | VANCOUVER. W ASHINGTON the sandwiches In oiled paper and , serve them in that way. ^ ■ To w n People FILL-O C Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor Tbl« wondeful min hnn made a Ufa study of tha propertias of Ro-t*. Herb« and Barks, and is airing t-ba world tha banafit of his services. i Na Mercury, Polso«« I or Drugs Used. No , Operatloaa ur Cutting É¿«or« Catarrh, Asthma, Long. l I « « y trouMaa» gad all Prieta sad Woman. 5 CANCER CUKE k H ■» Pekin, China—sa f* « W ^üwfailtng in its works. writ a for symptom blank i°ee 4 cants in stamps. citation rm i [Gee Wo Medicine Co. • 'or. Morrleo«, P o r tie ««. O r. USE DR. PLUMMERS COUGH STOP Apple Sauca a« Deaaart. Prepared In the German way, apple sauce becomes a dinner dessert rather than as with us. a breakfast or lunch- 6°C lie'would not care for th , T *? *°“ 10 verr.on a. » perpetual t h l n * ° . h e ~ elusion of our own excellent Yanke« d S but once In a while It U lv tasty, especially when no other Idea for the family dessert present* Itself. f °AfU ir preparing the sauce as sprinkle with cinnamon. decora'* h L re * of blanched almond* and **rr* I t is a sure stopper, promptly re­ lieves Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Cough Croup, and especially those harsh, hacking coughs, also most useful for lung disease. For sale h ALCOHOL teley OPIUM—TO BACCO f u r e ■am annali 71 L11 « S. ( PoRTLANf t O R E G O N I CASTORIA For Infantn and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought A L C O H O L 3 P E R C E N T. Bears the Signature AVcgelaWe Preparation £r As similaiim} ihe Food and Recula ling Ute Siumatte aniBowdsof Instant Relief for AH E ye that are irritated from dust, heal, sun or wind, P E T T IT 'S E YE SALVEL A l’ oru^iBts or Howard Bros., Buffalo, “ “ M, 'y ° Zen t0 a Je" y «nd given The Red 8hewl. the child In this form. Chicken bouil There lives In Atchison a woman l°n can be prepared In the same way, and this ls most delicious served as a who has been happily married 40 years Jelly. and who has raised five children. Re­ cently 6he was out walking when she caught sight of a peculiarly bright red SAVORY DISH FOR BREAKFAS1 shawl. The men will sniff at what happened next: The woman felt a Cralgie Toast Can Be Made Quickly twinge at her heart; the shawl had re­ minded her of a girl who had stolen and Will Commend Itself to her first lover. The girl always wore the Housewife. red of that shade. Then the old wom­ an went home, took out her false teeth Cralgie toast will commend Itself to that she might not swallow them In those who wish for a quickly made her grief, and gave herself up to sad savory for breakfast. Allow one egg memories. We will bet no woman will and one tomato for each person. The sniff. An Incident like this appeals to follow lrg would be sufficient for four: the women.— Atchison Globe. Beat up four eggs and add to them the same number of tomatoes, free The 8traws Thst Showed. from skin and seed and finely Mother— Do you think that young chopped; also a small teaspoonful of man haa matrimonial Intentions, my chopped green chill, gherkin or capers, dear? half a cupful of milk and a little salt. Daughter— I certainly do, mamma. Melt one and a half tablespoonfuls of He tried to conrlnce me last night butter In a saucepan, mix all the other that I looked prettier In that two- Ingredients together, pour into the guinea hat than In tha three-gulno# pan and stir over the fire till thor­ one.— Scraps. oughly hot It may then be served at Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Kyra, once on the toast, or may be allowed R elieved By Murine E ye Remedy. Trt to cook gently by the side of the fire Murine For Your E ye Troubles. You W lf. Murine. It Soothes. 50c at Tout for five or ten minutes as preferred. Like Druggists. W rite F o r E ye Books. F ree Serve very hot. The above mixture Murine E ye Rem edy Co.. Chicago. might also be baked in the oven for Peaches In Turkish Mode. twenty minutes and then garnished Peaches cooked In Turkish fashioi with small pieces of toast. are served with boiled rice. Peel the peaches by plunging them In boiling water, then remove the stone through Fish Cream. A dainty which may be substituted silt In one side, without Injuring the for the meat course with benefit to shape of the peach. Fill hollows with the digestion on these dog days ls fish seeded raisins aiid arrange In baking dish; sprinkle liberally with sugar and cream. Have Pick the cold cooked fish free of set In hot oven 20 minutes. skin and bones and pass it through ready a dish lined with boiled rice. the meat chopper. To two cups of Spread over It peaches, and serve with this add one cup of milk which has dressing made of cocoanut milk thick­ been poured while boiling hot over ened with cornstarch and sweetened one cup of bread crumbs and allowed with rranulated sugar. to stand 15 minutes. Season with half The Artless Query. a teaspoonful of minced chives or “ Tee,” said the poultry fancier, parsley. Add two tablespoonfuls of “these chickens are too expensive to melted butter and two beaten eggs. e a t” Pour the mixture Into a greased mold “ Indeed!” rejoined the young lady and steam for 30 minutes. Serve on from the city. “Then why are yon a hot platter. feeding them?" Or the family might be tempted with a delicate chicken loaf made from leftover portions from a cold cooked fowl. Chop the meat and to a pint of It add a cup of thick white sauce, seasoning to taste. Line a mold with boiled rice, and while the rice ls still hot put In the chicken. Press well, spread rice over the top and bake In a pan of water half an hour. Unmold and serve with cream or tomato sauce or surround with chicken gravy thickened. Chocolate Pudding. Put a pint of milk to scald In a dou­ ble boiler. Grate two heaping table- Bpoonfuls of chocolate and put on top of milk, but do not stir through until the chocolate ls thoroughly melted. When milk is scalding hot, stir cho­ colate through it until all ls mixed and chocolate ls dissolved. Beat the yolk of one egg with two tablespoon­ fuls of sugar, add enough hot milk to egg to d'ssolve and warm It before putting It In hot chocolate mixture or It will cook In strings. Next moisten a tablespoonful of cornstarch in a little milk and thicken chocolate to a creamy consistency. Remove from the stove. When beginning to cool flavor with vanilla. Serve pudding Ice cold. It may be eaten with rich milk, but j for extra occasions whipped cream makes it a most delicious dessert F A S H IO N H IN T S Promotes DitJestioniWii ness and Rest.Contalns nein» Opium.Morphine norMLagraL N o A lingerie evening gown has a deep ‘ skimpy” flounce of heavy embroidery, which also forms the waist and sleeves. Very sheer mull is used for the upper part of the skirt and the waist folds. It is worn over a light blue silk slip, and there's a crushed girdle of the blue. T H E P A B IS APAC H E S. H aw Th ey D ea l W ltk T h e ir lu c k y V ic tim «. L o . .k in s Up Our Idea of a hopeleealy alaay m a» to on* who can describe n woman's ? a r c o t ic Use For Over Thirty Years Aperteci Remedy forConsflpfr lio n , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtm Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss o f S leep . Facsimile Signaran of NEW YORK. _ A t b m o n th s o la D o s e s - t It! Pin, Seed- j 5 b . 3 5 0 1 m , Guaranteed underIJwFoodajj Exact Copy o f Wrapper. I CASTORIA TH« OKNTAMR OOMMNT, NEW VOUE OITT. Sherman jpa/ & Co. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS S IX T H , A T M O R R IS O N S T „ P O R T L A N D , O R . ‘ We want you to try this Piano IN YOUR ■ i H OM E FREE. W e want you to try it at 1 our expense because— » A t the end o f thirty days the Piano ? ITSELF will convince you o f the following facts: I t ’B the best value on earth for the price ($275). I t ’ s M U S IC A LLY and M E C H A N IC A LLY right! i .■'..XvA v;-.... '.jfi W e know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano— w e ’ re selling for $275— on easy payments— that w e ’re willing to let it be /7”S OlYJV SALESMAN. I t will tell its own story to you—in your home— if you’ ll send ua the coupon. Please sena me tull particulars concerning this unusual Plans offer. Name.............................................. t i Address. KODAKS Squaring the Circle. Jlggs— I tell you. that new landlord of mine ls a pretty square fellow. Biggs— Go’s mine; but he’s alwaya 'round on rent day.— Judge. W r it « fo r catalogue« and literature. D eveloping - and printing. Mail orders given prompt a ttention Mothers w in find Mrs. Winslow's Roothlng Byru p the beat remedr to use lot their children lu rin g the teething period. TRY MURINE Java Coffee In Porto Rleo. Java coffee growing la now being Introduced Into Porto Rico to meet the American demand for a "highly flavored aromatic coffee." Llguld Form, 25c. 50c. AND KODAK. S U P P L I E S - Portlan d P h o to S u p p ly Co. 149 Third Street PORTLAND. O R *. EYE REMEDY When Your Eyaa Need Care y . . wui u . i . Salve Tube!, 25c, »1.00. Tents, Awnings, Sails Cot*. Hammocks, Canvas and Cavern 1 o r 1.000 a t fa c to ry p ric e «. PACIfIC TENT AND AWNING COL 27 N . F ir s t St.. P o rtla n d . O * . Bad BLOOD “ Before I began using Cascarete I had a bad complexion, pimples on my face, and my food was not digested as it should h*ve tieen. Now I am entirely well, and tbe pimples have all disappeared from my face. I can truthfully say that Cascarete ate just as advertised; I have taken only two boxes o f them.” Clarence R. Griffin, 8heridan. Ind. Pleasant. Peletahle. P o ten t Teste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or G r ip « 10c. 26c, 60c. N ever sold In bulk. The sen- nine tablet etem p-d C C C. Guaranteed to It Happens In Rusela. Things are done differently In Rue- ala than In this country. A jockey was seen to pull his mount In a race on one of the tracks recently and ono of the men who had bet on the horse promptly shot him. A T R IP TO PORTLAN D F R E E CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY P a in le s s E x t r a c t i o n ........F r e e S ilv e r F i l l l n i r s .......................SO* G o ld F illin g s .........................7 5 « 22 K . G old C r o w n s ..................t S ■ J i g P o r c e la in C r o w n s ................. BS L . M o la r G o ld C r o w n s ............... 6 4 m B rid g e W o r k , 22 K . G o l d . . . . 6 » I n la y F ill« , P u re G o l d ......... V e r y N ic e R u b b e r P l a t e ___ $ 4 B e s t R u b b e r P la t e on E a r t h ....................................f t A L L T H I S W O R K IS G U A R A N T E E D . D o n ’ t th ro w y o u r m on ey a w a y . A d o lla r a a r«4 l ia tw o d o lla r s earn ed . O u r o r ig in a l re lia b le M o d e n a P ain lean M eth od s an d o u r p e r fe c t e d o ffice e q u ip * m en t s a v e s us tim e an d y o u r m on ey. B O S T O N D E N T IS T S , 5 t h M o r r ia o n . P e r t l a « « Kntrsnce 2911 a Morriaon. opposite Foatoflke and Meier A Frank. Fatablisbed in Portland 10 years. Open even l^ a until S and Sundays until 12:10. for people wbo work. P N U W H N o. 37— H E N w ritin g to «<1 vertí aera pie mention th is papar. >| » Í « b l U H I I M Drink it Pure T h ia tells the w h ole story. Emphasize each w ord in tum and you w ill soon try the Drink DeligntfuL F a th e r. “ May I see my father's record T asked tb tha new student “ Ha waa In ^ ^ | ‘ ha class of 1177.” ••Certainly, my boy What fo r i" "Ha told me when I left home not to disgrace him. and T wish to atm Just how far I can go.” — Buffalo Ex- i pres*. I Wuh cream N 1 of Utrera/Oíd Ik s m m m m ftmpkta Seed“ JtxJuma* JhcMeSdti- jï fatimi * O e- The floods in Paris afforded golden opportunities to the thieves and hooli­ gans— the dreaded "Apaches"— of the French capital. A Parle correspond­ ent sends an Interesting account of these reckless men and their methods and Wttuv-'uus- “ The desperate criminals who make a specialty of night attacks are a bloodthirsty, cowardly set of ruffians, and as they are always armed to the teeth and hold human life cheap, a solitary citizen going home late, or a policeman on a lonely beat has very little chance against them. “ When they have once made up their minds to rob a passerby— which one does not matter much— It ls more than likely they will decide to begin opera­ tions at once. That means that three Apaches will take up a position on the pavement and pretend to be engaged In Innocent gossip. The street is de­ serted. A solitary pedestrian comes Into sight. In a moment he la meas­ ured up by the three scoundrels on the lookout for their prey. There ls not a pollcman In sight. The moment Is favorable. ” 'He has a gold chain,’ says one. “ 'He'll do,' says the chief of the criminal trio. 'Get ready.’ ‘‘They continue to converge until the stranger reaches them. Involuntarily he glances at them as he passes. That ts sufficient. “ ‘What do you mean by looking at us like that?' asks the chief In an In­ solent tone. Then, turning to his com­ panions, he remarks. ‘Hasn't he got an ugly mug?’ "The pedestrian, however Uttl* _ he may be Inclined to quarrel with the evil-looking ruffian* who have accosted him, ls unlikely to take their insults In silence. But at his first word of protest one of the group advance* on him with a menacing air. “ ‘W hat!' ha exclaims, ‘I'll »how you who you’ve got to deal with.’ "The stranger stands on his guard but immediately another member of the trio bounds upon him from behind, seizes him around the neck with his arm and lifts him off the ground. Hit cries for help are stifled In hi* throat and If he succeeds In making a sound the arm which presses against his throat ls tightened and he loses con sciousness. “ While this Is going on another of the accomplices goes through the vic­ tim's pockets, while the third keeps watch for the police. Then, when everything worth taking has been ap­ propriated, the wretch who has al­ most strangled the victim releases his arm, gives him a violent push and sends him headlong to the pavement where he will lie senseless for half as hour at least. "But things do not always pass so easily. Sometimes the victim shows more resistance than was expected, and then the Apaches have to modify their plans. He must either be stunned with a blow from a mutton-bone or given a stab with a knife or dagger The mutton-bone used by the Paris Apache is a terrible weapon. In ap pearance It resembles a small hatchet, without a handle, ls about six Inches long, and comes from the shoulder of tbe sheep. This and the knife and the knuckle-lron are the favorite weapons of the Paris hooligan. They ar* e f­ fective and noiseless, whereas the use of tbe revolver 1* likely to attract the pollc*. *•>» 3*“ “ Among the more recent methods In­ vented by the Part* Apache for ren­ dering the passing citizen Incapable of resistance ls th* lasso. A t the fa­ vorable moment a cord from 15 to 20 | feet In length and ending In a run : nlng knot la thrown by an expert hand. As It falls over the victim's Deal it is jerked Usht, and, half strap, gled, he ls thrown to the ground. The rest ls e a s y"________ ______ t I a e s v a i t m n siaai« m a s * » « a s tm s u r n T h is name guarantees its purity and quality. Druggists and grocers sup ply it in quarts, pints, half-pints and quarter pints. Send for bootdrt—“ Ham to Serve Dote'e Pure HatoeMm F W n ,, - EAWAI1A5 r t lW A m « rtO D f C TI CO, I d , I I I M.rk^ $«ree<. ».a fi I