I tore A W ISE PRECAUTION-to wearers o f glasses O f Busin, jualed St« tat Are ............................................................. .................. .. ABUSING TH E INITIATIVE. Initiative for SCHOOL TIME IS SUIT TIME! At L. Spier’s a l o n Roy’s Knee Pants School suits, Brown heavy wool Cassemere at $3.50 Boy’s Knee Pants School Suits, grey heavy wool Cheviot a t . . . . ■ y for Autumn | $4.00 Boy’s Knee Pant., School Suits, heavy blue s e r i­ al! wool at ........... CAPS an d $5.00 LARGER BOY’S School Suits duroy Suits, heep Lined (’« With coat, vest and long punts, heavy blue Ker­ sey at e Stock- $6.50 Keep up I Same in brown heavy our price iy elsewheJ a discount Tweed $6.50 Satne in blue Serge $9.50 Extra heavy blue or grey Knee Pants RCANTII 75c 1 .N Y ORI Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx H A R T , SCHAFFNER & M ARX MEN’S SUITS Look at our big line of Men’s Overcoats! L. SPIER NYSSA, l— and—none as ckj Sack OREGON H. S. THARP Prop. A N T S FOR IT I A full and up-to-date line of first class— Driving & Draught Harness Laprobes, in Whips, & Built als 57.50 per I« Mocks lie that we h*rp0 ie futup* be ¡° Ulti! rh s? foonfi ?teen yciff eï Collars, Blankets, Collar-pads Halters FORCED TO LEAVE HOME. Every year a large number of sufferers whose lungs are P °°r gore and racked with coughs are and O (East Oregonian.) That county division means in creased taxation for the secssionists is shown by the experience of E. A Schiffler, the well known local tailor, who owns some property in the city of Hood River. To the East Oregonian Mr. Schiffler has exhibited his tax re­ ceipts and they show that during the first year of the existence of Hood River county Mr. Schiffler's taxes in creased 61.4 per cent. His 1908 taxes which were paid in Wasco county, amounted to $85.50. His 1909 taxes, the first levied after the creation of Hood River county and which he paid on February 14, 1910, amounted to $138. Therefore the creation of the new county cost Mr. Schiffler the sum of $52.50 during the first .year of Hood River county’s existence. “ I have always said that it is fool­ ish to divide counties,” declared Mr. Schiffler. “ It only means additional expense and increased taxation.” TH E O N LY SOLUTION. (East Oregonian, July 9.) Voters of Oregon will be compelled to pass upon 32 legislative measures when they vote this fall. The number is entirely too large and many of the measures are of such a nature that voters simply cannot hope to judge* intelligently as to their merits. Conspicuous in this class are the eight county division bills that have been filed. Each of these measures pertains to an issue that is strictly lo- | cal in character The people of the state at large are not interested in I county division disputes. The average nf Discovery cure erature favorable to make fin»! cneiniu- 30n, of Calamine. Ark., ""•hen a!! , . tation proof, to establish c lu m „ ro else Claimant names as witnesses J o in Holley. Robert Timson. .Charles Purdy, and Frank Brown. all of Roswell. Idaho. • Bruce R. Kester. Register c o t w an t division .c carry. It» snr. lv the King of there Is out on e'log ic»! » « y to settU the Register and Receiver of th* Rj| rr,nKh and long cures.” U 8 Land officp at Vale. Oregon. ¡¡Jo , , , , i ,*r i- Now what is the poor voter to do? failed and I g a m .'. . I*1" 1, s Jn fbe Tlew 0f tj,e Ea*t Oregonian county division problems All those Tlion- problems should be held in abeyance ^ ^ thejr|ive> nn(l h.-alth to until a law has been enacted leaving the settlement of such disputes to the it Tts positively guaranteed for people who are directly Interested In T , them. It is pretty certain that such a Congh* Cold.. t-G r ip i* . A * h « a , law will be passed by the next legisla Group all Throat and Lung ture. Such a law was passed by the i last legislature, but fo- some unknown trouble.. 5<* and 11.00 Trial hot- reason w as vetoed by Governor C ham ­ berlain following tbe close of tb. ses­ ^ free at S F Foster. sion. __._______ _ __ _ 1 1003 Main St.. Bolae. Idaho, Bell Phone No. 747-X Ind. Phone No. 940-M NOTICE OF SH ERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution duly- issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court o f the county of Malheur State of Oregon, dated the 21st day of October. 1010. in u certain action in the Circuit Court for said county and state wherein Falk Mercantile Co., a corpora­ tion, Plaintiff recovered judgement against Lee Householder, O. S. Torry. and 0 . B. Neumann, De­ fendants for the suiu of One Hun­ dred Fifiy-six and 00-100 Dollars with interest at 8 per cent from November 16, 1004 and costs and disbursements taxed at Forty and 55-100 on the 21st day ot October 1910. Notice is hereby given that I will on the 26th day of November, i. lO. at the court house door in Vale, O reg on , in said countv, at , ,: w oV | C), k iu t h u afternoon of "The initiative privilege is a valua­ ble right and the people of Oregon are fortunate in the possession of Jhe same . It is ^ right though that should be used with discretion. If the initia­ tive i3 invoked indiscriminately it will be of injury rather than of bene­ fit,” says the Pendleton East Ore­ gonian in Its issue of July 19. “ By the nature of things the. initia­ tive should be used for the settlement of questions that are of general state interest and questions upon which the people at large are capable 6f judg­ ing. It was proper that the direct pri­ mary law be enacted under the init­ iative. The law could not have been enacted in any other way. Legisla­ tures elected under the old convention system would never have passed the direct primary law. It was proper that the corrupt practices act he en acted under the initiative ar.d refer- endum That law pertains to pole cal morality and the people were able to , , ,, , judge of the merits ot th<* law. It is 8a.d d a y , sell ¡it p u b lic auction to all right to settle the normal school the h ig h est b id d e r for cash, the problem under the Initiative. The ! following d e s cr ib e d property to- legislature has utterly failed to hand e A ll o f lots one (1) and two the question. 12) and the east oue h a lf o f lot But the most glaring abuse of the three (3) in Block three (3), Tuy- initiative is on the part of those who to the town of have proposed county division meas­ loy’o Addition ures. Eight bills have been filed ask­ Nyssa, Oregon, ¡is the same ap­ ing for the creation of new counties pears of record in the office of the or for the changing of boundary lines. County clerk of Malheur county, In each case the question involved is Oregon Taken and levied upon as of a purely local nature; not of state interest. It will be impossible ¡or the property ot the said Lee the people of the state to judge or Householder, O. 8. Torry and O. these measures with intelligence. All B. Neuman, the above named de­ division disputes should have been fendants or so much thereof as held in abeyance pending the passage may be necessary to satisfy the of a law calling for the settlement of said judgement in favor of the such disputes by the people directly concerned. The county divisionists, above mimed Plaintiff against said j however, have refused to wait. They defendants with interest thereon,! have submitted their bills in hopes together with all costs and d is -1 the people will vote blindly for them. burseuients that have or may ac­ They have abused the initiative priv­ crue. Robert Odell, Sheriff ilege and they should be rebuked for By F. L. Morfitt, Deputy doing so. Every county division bill Dated at Vale, Oregon; October should be voted down. “ Insist that the initiative be used 21, 1910. only when it may be invoked with propriety.” to division; from another quarter he will be implored Sec. 34. T o w n s h ip 21 S.. Range you at home. ’’ It cured me of to vote against division. Often people {. 46. .. W M . h as Hied notice |nng trouble,” writes W R. Nel residing in the proposed new counties 0261. for the NEJ NE$. Section Dr. King’s New on the 14th dnvof November. 1910. Sal e* General E. S. OWEN, Manager. is the best thing we have to offer our deqositors. The first duty of a bank is to protect the funds of its deqositors. Nei­ ther this bank nor any o f its officers engages in anything o f a speculative na­ ture. No bank is better or stronger than “ TH E B A N K OF SER VIC E” Make this bank your headquarters. W e invite your account, and assure you every service, every courtsev, every accomo­ dation that a strong, safe conservative completely equipped bank may render. MALHEUR COUNTY ‘ BANK Capital paid in *25,000.00 NYSSA H J. Ward, OREGON J. H. W olf, p r e s id e n t c a s h ie r Crockett- and Carpenter N Y S S A - Builder - OREGON ; TOOTH BRUSHES ALL SIZES, SH A P E S and PRICES Tooth Paste Euthymol Tooth Paste Imperial Tooth Paste C ollates Dental Cream Listerated Tooth Powder C ollates Tooth Powder Rubifoam TALCUM POWDERS C ollates Mennens both of said copartners of The safety of money entrusted to us Nyssa, Squibbs Imperial NYSSA PHARMACY r. A. COELTZ. Prop. OREGON NYSSA You have worked hard for your money, and the selection of a good bank for its safe keeping is of so great import­ ance that we wish to call your attention to the secur­ ity aforded by The Bank O f Nyssa. is our first consider­ Oregon; the special co-partner in ation. said co-partnership has contribu­ servative beard of officers and resident directors and ted to the common stock large cash reserve, absolutely guarantees you that copartnership the sum Hundred Dollars, of said of Eight ($800), Our capital stock of $25.000 and a careful con ­ your monev will be pi.d immediately on ilninaiul. lawful money of the Uniter! States, and has agreed to pay in Every cent loaned tty our bank, stays right here in this vici­ money nity where it. will benefit all of us and where we cun Dollars gee and know the value of the security guaranteeing like *he sum of Two Hundred 1 * 200 ) on or la-fore the first day of the loan W'- d<> not think it just to yon *o November. 19.0: the business monev in • 'her coiiimunitii-i to benefit them when it la- transacted by said to co-partner­ ship is the conducting and gen­ erally and the con­ in nection therewith such drugs and druggists' supplies and your is needed lit home Yon get a little Is-iu'lii from evi ry dollar that, is ilepoHited in this bank. W hy not let your idle money help till you get ready to ns«* itV sun­ dries and other articli s and things tnence on th< first day of loan carry­ ing on of the drug business handling 1 A B S O L U T E S E C U R IT Y State of Oregon ■ ss County of Malheur We, the undersigned, Francis A. Goeltz and Louis C. Farrar, do hereby certify that we have on this thirteenth duy of September, 1910, joined and associated to­ gether for the purpose of trans­ acting business at Nyssa, Oregon; the name assumed by the co-part­ nership is “ Nyssa Pharmacy, Francis A. Goeltz, Proprieter,” and the general partner in said co-partnership is Francis A. Goeltz; the epecial partner in snid co-partnership is Louis C. Farrar; as are generally k'-pt for sah- in urged to go to another cl i mat) B u t this is costly find not always ! voter cannot hope ta Judge o f the drug stores and pliar marie«; and T . merits of these division bills. From the sit id co-partnership is to com- gnre There There’s s a better way Let sure. Let t ^ sjde hffioe ;.t Vale. Oregon i ) t l r 6 1910 ‘ ° * ' that Notice is hereby given of Rosewell. Idaho, Walter Martin Who. on January 13. I ' M made homestead entry No. (Vale, No. of County Division Increased Taxes 61 4 Per Cent. THE NYSSA SADDLERY QUALI Matters Interest. You can buy your boy a suit thut will wear well and look well. the world,-but ish receivea!-.. The Idan-ha Optical Company When in Boise, leave the measurement for ry. with with the the 1 1DAN -H A A O O P P T T IC IC A A L L CO. CO. If I not satis- factory, let us examine your eyes and geVih^co ^ i 8* * ’ if “ «»factory. DAN -H } when you loose or ____ to us „„ f o r Duplicating, can he filled ,lt 00ce KEEIMTt I h -n when -VJU loo,e or break break your y ° ur glasses, 8la88t,s- an <*» order U )lIR EYE« r ig h t a n d t h e y w il l s e r v e y o u r ig h t . Make our office your headquarters while in Hoi«.. i . „ . Always glad to set; our friends, both old and new M AK E OUR BANK YOUR BANK Novem­ ber. 1910. ¡nid continue for n peri­ od ,,f two years ihen--.- next en- CAMTAU n::tg. Sigiasi : Francia A. Goeltz Louis C. Farrar l$eal) Aekuowl) ¡Igcd before me this 17 day of September. 1910. by Louis C. Farrar. D C. Brichonx N. P. for Oregon. I Seal 1 Acknowledged before me this thirteenth day of Septem­ ber, 1910. bv Francis A. Goeltz. ( C. Wilson N. P. for On gon ' STO C K mi $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ***•»•** THE EA.;: N yssa WE WANT Ï Æ V a JL >. Y ih SS A Oregon SIBSCRIPTIDN!