time is advancing aud dbc Cate City the Election people will soou go to the The Same Old Store Business $$ Professional (Sards polls to say what they want to on Journal the vitul questions of the day and Published Every Thursday By the men that are to represent The Same Mode Of Busin them for the ensuing term of G . B . WILLS COLLEGE OF IDAHO Harold 8 . Vahl 20th Y a r Proprietor o? A t Nyssa, Oregon OPENS SEPT. 14. Harold S, V ahl...................... Editor THE CITY DRAY Send for catalogue to Entered as secord-class matter April 14, 1910, at the post office at Nyssa, Oregon, under the Act vv. H. Brook of March 3,1879. Oregon L. S. Dille, Caldwell, Idaho Nyssa V. W. Tomlinson Frank L. L< ckwood B R O O K E & T O M L IN S O N Attorney s-at- Law C iv il E n g in e e r Nyssa, Oregon Money to loan on Improved farms Ontario Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES U. G. HAND <1. C. W ILSON The Livery Man One year, in advance ................$1.50 Six months, in advance .................75 Three months, in a d v a n c e ,............ 50 LAWYER Will please you - i f he cun He has horses, gn at and small And keeps rigs' enough for all. K.* h 1 Estate Insurum-e Nyssa. ADVERTISING RATES legal Oregon DR. J J. SAPAZIN RUBBER STAMPS PUys.cian ami Sa rÿ'con Ordered l>y N YH SA, ’’ obular, fi-st insertion, per In. ..$ 1 5 0 Tabular, subsequent insertions, per inch, per issue ....................... 75 Reading, first insertion, per in ... 1.00 Reading,, subsequent Insertions, per Inch, per i s s u e ............................50 (60 w ords constitutes one inch.) Display V A H L & M EGORDEN o k i ;. W. B. Hoxie ntary P ublic NYSSA One inch, one i n s e r t i o n ..................... 25 O re Inch, per month (4 w eeks) 50 Leading notice, per line, one in­ sertion ....................................................... 10 OR EGO N DR. F, A. GOELTZ LOCAL READERS. Reading notice, per line per month .20 Obituaries and Cards of Thanks per line .............................................. 05 Rates for y2 page space will be given on application. Physician and Surgeon < Iflice ill his residence OFFICE IN SHARP BUILDING Nyssa Oregon NYSSA OREGON - BLUE P R IN T S * The Nyssa Four Hundred Blue prints of any township in POULTRY FARM the Vale Land District, $1.00 each JOHN E. JOHNSON & SONS Surveyors and Engineers Realty and Investments VALE Member ot the Western Idaho Press Association. C. A. Hackney, M eadows,.. . President N Jenness, Nampa......... Vice President R G, Burroughs, Caldwell,. .Secretary OREGON! Baby Chick« For Sale From pure bred fowls that are bred to lay. 1 day old at $10 per hunered 10 day old at $15 per hundred 90 days old at $7 dozen From S. C. B. Leghorns and B. P. Rocks CLARA ROACH, Prop. CAR LOAD OF MAJESTIC RANGES JUST ARRIVED The Stove That Meets The Popular Demand And Adds Comfort To The Kitchen. Try One And See For Yourself. A CHOICE LINE o f HEAT ING STOVES JUST IN Call and inspect them be­ fore you buy your winter stove. You will like them. THE PRICES A R E RIGHT Our stock of everything in the hardware line is always complete. We carry the famous NORLEIGH DIAMOND LANTERN-- No better made. Weeding time is here again. A clean up of the streets and yards would improve the appear­ ance of the town in general. Last week the sad news of Sen­ ator Dolliver’s death came as a surprise to the country. H e had been ill but a short time and his death has caused a spirit of de pression throughout the land. He was the bead of the insurgent party o f Iowa and was a shining light in the ranks at Washington The Senator won his renown by his able fight against the Payne- Aldrich Tariff bill. H e won for himself the respect of all class and and the confidence of his co- workers. Home Rule Amendaient sounds good doesn’t it. Stop to consider what a municipality says to the country from which it draws its support when it says; “ I will attend to the moral influence of this community.” W e must con­ sider what is behind us when any question of building or enlargej ment comes up and why should the people beyond our city limits be denied to say what they will at the polls on a question so import­ ant to everyone of them as prohi­ bition. The Home Rule places in the hands of the few the destiny of the many. The town people have not the worry or trouble of have. For instance: a boy is'sen t to town and finds time he a vy on his hands and seeks ainnsement A*here he is welcome, He goes where there ders up to the bar without think­ Butterwrappers NO OLD STOCK ON H. ; Hunters B o o ts-v . Our Boot And Shoe Stock- Old Gait, call, g et our price not satisfactory, buy elsewhe BEDSTEADS- at a discoun representative that will be heard fruit raising, dairying, poultry from in Washington to the benefit raising, etc. It has splendid stor­ of this district. ies by Jack London and other is a genial spirit aud so he wan­ We Pränt And The Prices That Are THE PACIFIC MONTHLY’S SPECIAL after his errand is done. NYSSA, 0REC0N The Same Unequaled St So every man in Nyssa has his INTRODliCTNRY OFFER bottle. It is well that the neigh­ The Pacific Monthly, of Port­ bors didn’ t know it or otherwise land, Oregon, is a beautifully illus­ they would have visited more fre­ trated monthl magazine which quently. But then newspapers gives very full information about j makes mistakes at times. the resources and opportunities of ; the country lying West of the The Burns News says in part- Rockies. It tells all about the | “ A. YV. Lafferty, nominated for Government Reclamation Projects, Congress in this district, is a com­ paratively young man, full of free Government land and tells brains and energy and will make a about the districts adapted to the saloon that the country people Nyssa Hardware Co. office. They said at the primary who should be the party represent­ atives and among them we find asJ seiubly and anti-assembly men in both parties and we shall abide by the decision of the people. I hey knew well the qualities of the men only the strong were chosen. W e are asked to stand for only the anti-assembly man, be he either Republican or Democrat. A true Republican cannot bring himself to the point where he could vote We do not claim the best in the world,-but the other ticket arid again call himself a Republican. We should claim to give par Value for Cash received!--. always be loyal to party principals aud men on the same side of the political fence. Now that the can­ New goods a rriv in g d aily for Autumn didates are named let the contest be between parties rather than fuctions. Only a couple of weeks SEE OUR HATS AND CAPS remain before election aud it is ► time that the matters of import- Corduroy Suits, Were looked into and both sides curefully considered. One can't Vests:: Heavy Shirts and Sheep Lined Co afford to be iguorant as to the ; measures of the day especially in Oregon where people are consider- j ed the furthurest advanced along political lines. Be prepared to Is complete and reliable. Keep up I vote youi ballot uml to vote it right according to your conviction. I f you don’ t know the why aud wherefore of a bill don’t vote for or agaiust it us you may be defeat­ ing a good cause. u Tuesday November 8, you will be called on to say if you want good roads, pro­ hibition, and some ot berthings. Be ready to say yes or no. ing o f the consequences. W e say vote N< ) on Home Rule. No. 328, evsn if yon are not in favor of pro­ hibition Read pages 7f> to 81 in­ clusive o f pamphlet of measures for the arguments pro and cou. noted authors. The Price is $1.50 a ear, but to introduce it we will send six months for fifty cents This offer must be accepted on or February 1, 1911. before Send your BOYDELL MERCANTI COMPANY NYSSA or : WIGWAM FLOI THE FLOUR OF QUAL1 None better------ None as good— and— none i name and address accompanied by $1.40 per Sack fifty cents in stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington, Idaho, ASK YOUR MERCHANTS FOR IT and California. Address, The Pacific Monthly. Portland, Oregon. ^ and it is time to place your or­ der for such nursery stock as you will need next season. The demand is great this year, greater than last, and you should place your order early in order to insure its being filled. A groat many waited last year until the eleventh hour before ordering and got left Are you going to do likewise? Our stock is looking excep­ tionally well at this date and you can rely on your order be­ ing filled with stock that will not only satisfy but please yon. Fill out the coupon below and mail TO DAY. It will place you under no obligation to buy THE EMPIRE LUMBER CO. L Dealers in Lumber, Coal & Buil Materials Rock Springs Coal $7.50 per T. j YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY COMPANY TfiPPESiSfl, WASHINGTON M u k E S ALE SM AN W A N TE D C e m e n t IBlochs VNe desire to announce to the Public that We a cement block factory and will in the futufe* handle all kinds o f concrete work, such a® h1*11 ings. sidewalks, etc. Have had fifteen year* concrete work. Estimates furnished on lounda YAKIMA VALLEY NUBHF.RY < 0. Topptnbli, Washington, Gentlemen*.- Buildings, Please sen.1 me vonr catalog an.l price list 11 l” 1 numerv Mock I will he plantun: »bout............ ' trw> It tiiio p i* ,, ,indw obligation to buy. Sidewalks Iflemmg & Sale« PROPRIETOR: Nyssa and H