The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, October 27, 1910, Image 1

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"° ^ee ^ ssa> And Surrounding Country, Before Buying A W estern Home
f he G ate
A Continuation of The Nyssa Sun
Exhibit from that section is one
the big attractions at
[the Boise Fair
Again the Boys take defeat at
the bauds of the Ontario foot ball
team but with the same spirit that
characterizes our boys as men of
strength and fairness in princi-
e pals. The boys go into the game
determined to be gentlemen and to
I play the game clean and so they
Extract o f the Cupiti.l News:| The c^nsa
Njssa rroauce
Produce compauy
Xy: -a is the overlooked fruit belt expects to ship 25,000 to 30,000
in the valley of the Snake river boxes of apples this fall. 'The
midway between the famous Cald­ company is now employing .t large
well and Payette country. Nyssa number of packers handling the
is unking a genuine hit this year crop.
at the Intermountain fair, at least
Gther fruit raisers who have
among expert horticulturists, for apples in the exhibit are A. D
the fruit exibit installed in tin Morey, Peter Tensen and W. L
large tent near the agricultural Gibson. Their samples aia above
hall is decidedly one of the best the average.
The Wolf River
ihowu on the grounds It com­ speciuieus measure 18 inches in
mands attention. The many va­ circumference any way, and tip
rieties of apples are of the com­ the beam at 36 ounces apiece.
mercial standard and Nyssa grow­ Pears, prunes, peaches, apricots
ers claim they have as choice a and other delicate fruits are
fruit section as any in the west. shown in the exhibit.
All grow
No less than Ui vurities are in­ luxuriantly in the Nyssa country.
cluded in the exhibit and entered
by one exhibitor, C. C. Hunt.
The exhibit was installed under
The Episcopalians will organize
the auspices of the Nyssa Com­ Sunday School in the Van Gilse
mercial club, and is in charge of hall on Sunday, Oct. 30 at 10:30
C. C. Wilson, and S. X. Emison, o’clock.
two of the enterprising business
men of "Nyssa. The manner in
which they displayed the fruit
demonstrated to fair visitors that Can be had by ambitious young
they understand the art. Includ­ men and ladies in the field of
ed in the verities of apples are the “ Wireless” or Railway telegraphy
Wolf River, Jonathan, Winesap, Since the 8-hour law became eff­
Arkansas Hlack, Rome Beauty. ective, and since the Wireless com
Newton. Pippin, Blue Winter Ten- panics are establishing stations
| sea. Grimes’ Golden. Missouri Pip­ throughout the country there is a
pin. Ben Davis, W'hite WinteJ great shortage of telegraphers.
Peurmain, Nsrthwestern Green­ Positions pay beginners from 870
ing. Gano. Rambo, Rhode Island to $90 per month, with good
Greening, Blue Winter Pearmain, chance of advancement. The Na­
Black Twig, Winter Banana and tional Telegraph Institute of Port
land. Ore., operates six official in­
stitutes in America, under super­
. Banked in a solid border of Ark­
vision of R. R. and Wireless Offi­
ansas Black and Jonathan apples,
cials and places all graduates into
the name ’‘ Nyssa” appears at the
It will pay you to
top of the exhibit, being spelled j
write.them for foil details.
out with rich colored, yellow,
Grimes' Golden apples. The ap­
ples are in boxes and plates. They
make a striking appearance.
Alfalfa seed grown within walking
That the firm heretofore exist­
distance of Nyssa is shown in the ing under the name and style of
exhibit. This seed was purchased Vahl <te Megorden. doing business
tnis fall by an expert from the in the town of Nyssa, Oregon, and
east who made a deal to buy it carrying ou the business of print­
while the alfalfa was still in the ers and publishers, is this day dis­
field. He declared it to be the solved by mutual consent, Mr.
finest seed he believed could be Harold S. Vahl having purchased
found in the United States.
In the entire interest of Obn A Me­
foet he considered it so good that gorden in the concern.
he paid 174 cents for it.
That All debts due and owing to the
price was '1\ cents above the then Q C | t y j ounmi or Vahl A to. -
Notice Is Hereby Given
I he first half of the game was a
contest so exciting that every
spectator forgot that there was a
thing on earth but the twenty-two
men on the field fighting toward
their goals as if their lives de­
pended upon the gaining of the
point. The boys won and lost
their yards by only the hardest
battle and the first half closed
without a point for either side.
In the second Half the N. H. S.
boys were h-ss fortunate and the
noble struggle that they put up
in the first half had taxed their
strength and so the contest was
not as close altho the boys never
said die. The Ontario boys played
a good clean game and only on a
couple occasions was any
work done. One man being dis­
The game ended wit!: a score 12
to 0 in favor of Ontatio who work­
ed for every point of it. and deser­
ved them. Our line up was as
J. McDonald, center; Audrey
Ward, right guard; B. Duncan,
right tackle; C. Crawford, right
end; VV. Morey, left guard; D.
Duncan, left tackle; White and
Gibson left, end; K . Blodgett,
quarterback; C. Rutledge, right
half back; R, Tietsort left half
back; O. Megorden, full back.
The Nampa boys are expected
to play here Saturday on the
Lackey field.
The stock holders of the Nyssa-
Owyhee Ind. Tel. Co.
meeting in Nyssa
Oct. 22. and heard
held their
on Saturday,
the reports
from their several officers.
Thus. W. Claggett, of the land
company, was in Ontaaio Monday.
He had been to Nyssa where there
was a meeting called to investigate
a dam site in the Owyhee near
Mitchell Butte. The men in charge
of the irrigation proposition be­
lieve that a much cheaper propo­
sition cau be found than the one
recommended by the engineers.
It appears that a survey was made
a few years ago by a Salt Lake
engineer and he estimated
cost at two {hundred thousand dol­
lars for the dam and not to exceed
three hundred thousand for the
other expenses to cover the 2300
foot contour, which is practically
along the same line as th» govern­
ment engineers were estimating.
TH is will cover practically twenty-
thousand acres, in addition to what
is covered now, and the dam will
impound four hundred thousand
acre feet of water.
The water needed for the present
Owyhee system would be dropped
to the stream level and a large
amount of electricity developed
which could be used to pump
water to the higher lands.
Under the proposition the High
line people planned all po ver de­
veloped went to the promoters,
and now that the directors have
started the investigation and barej
the whole proposition it can be
seen that the people have lost
nothing by the Trowbridge-Niver
and Clint Hurt people dropping
With the new deal there should
be no trouble in raising the small
amount of money needed and it
means that the man who owns the
land benefitted will be assessed
about twenty-five dollars an acre,
where the other crowd
about fifty-five.
From the state land office comes
the information that the filings on
made in the construction of the ported on by competent engineers.
line and that he was satisfied that — Argtts.
the company would be able to pay
The directors went out yesterday
20 per nent per annum on
its to look over the proposed project
VV. and we will give n report next
Lee Blodgett, the secretary, made week.
stock for the first five years.
a report as to the amount of equip­
ment that had been purchased and completion of the plant, nnd sub-
the amount of stock that had been scribe«! 53 shares of stock, of the
subscribed for and that it would necessary 80, in addition to the
be necessary to sell ab >ut 80 more stock thev now have.
I Go T o Van Gilse Hall Friday ê
“We tell it as it was told to us”
TlieBoydell Mercantile Co keeps
only the best makes in Boots and
Shoes. Our White House and
Buster Brown, by Brown Bros
Ladies, Misses, Boys* Youths, and
Infants cannot be beat. W e also
have a line of B. B. B.
Style and Moderate
Price com­
bined in our shoes.
Lots of old papers at the Jour­
nal office for sale.
I f you are a reader and like
good books, call aud at The Jour­
nal office and get u book from the
Free Traveling Library
Dr. Goeltz was called to La-
Grande lust Friday by Louis Far­
rar who is afflicted with a pecu­
Foster’s cold tablets will help liar disorder that is puzzling the
doctors at that place. Dr. Goeltz
your cold Try them.
returned the last of the week and
“ Don’t fail to visit the Chamber brought the good news that it is
of Horrors on Hallowe’en night.” under control and he is again on
the road to health.
“ Be sure and have your fortune
Misses Locker, Sherwood, aud
told on Hallowe’en night’”
Windett helped swell the crowd in
“ Try your luck at the Fish
Boise Sat.
Pond on Hallowe’en night.”
| Thu Pres. Ladies gave a dinner
Mrs. Ed. Christenson and Miss to the business men (this includes
Goldie Adams are Caldwell visitsrs j ranchers) and such a dinner was
never served here befor \ Every
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. thing was appetizing ami the way
Mitchell a big baby girl on Satur­ tlie men ate there was no need of
complaint to the cooks.
No one
day Oct. 22.
went away hungry for there was
The Commercial Club is pre­
something to please all appetites.
pared to pay the offer they made
Aud wliat is more the ladies were
in duplicating the amount of all
not a bit stingy about the chicken.
first prizes won at the Malheur
R. E ttoller has hied himself
into Idaho with his fanidy. Poor
J. J. Thomason who was not ex­ Dick as he was very much to home
pected to live last week is around with the Oregonians but we fear
again and is as hearty as if he that he will get lost with ¡the
had never seen a sick moment.
mountaineers or at least stroll to
far into the hills of that country
Robert M Bell, ex-mine in­
where he is gone.
He says he’ll
spector of Idaho was in Nyssa last
be back among us again someday.
We hope it is not far in the future,
Mr. Thomas, the red apple man
Last Thursday evening the band
was in Nampa last Saturday on
reorganized and is going to be
busy this winter making musie.
Miss Butler returned to Ontario The boys are busy in all quarters
Thursday after a short visit with of the town tooting their horns.
friends at this place.
L. O. Pounds went to Ontario
Mrs. W. Sexton was an Ontario
the water belong to the govern­ visitor Thursday.
ment and there should be
C. C. Wilson our legal light
trouble in getting them assigned
was a Vale visitor last Thursday.
to the districts.
H. Wells was down Tuesday to
To a layman the proposition
with his family.
looks the most encouraging it. ever
Stan wood, the manager, reported lias and the plans seem to be along
that rapid progress was being practical lines, that have been re­
nimliet quotations.
goiden, will la- paid to Mr Harold shares of stock in order to have
1 S. Vahl, who will and does assume the plant completed and to pay off
N)ssa is coming uito its own as j . obligations of the former part- the indebtedness.
Re also re-
8 fruit section, declare the exhib­ n rsl.ip. and promises to p v the jiorted that those using the phones
itors. They cite the fact that C. same.
say that they are the b»sl and
O'. Hunt took all of Ins apples in
Harold S \ ahi
easiest to understand over tha?
tilt exhibit from a 10 acre orchard.
(). A. Meguiden
they had ever used The company
Nine years ago he experimented
Dated Oct 25. 1910
is buying only the b“ «t stock and
fiy setting out five acres of the
orcii.ud and a few years later five;
Omni hoiit.
Bhire acres. Recently he set out
1 he Gat ('in .minia
sfivekho! U r« present were vprv <•*>.
■» addition» 1 seven and a half | longer published by the ¡i m
and Megorden but by the s- n or t!in«ie«tje and are anxious for the
k«cr-s, us In now knows from act-
memb-sr Harold S. Vahl. having
nul experience fruit raising on
A series of Holiness meetings
purchased the interest of * L A
N)s a l.nid is very profitable He
Megorden Tuesday of this week ! will be conci net'**! for t.b“ next two
h«s ¡mother -10-acre fruit farm lo-
The Journal will come ont as leg' , weeks ill the f >pe r.n FToiis«* by K pv .
Bated near Nyssa.
M. J. Jenkins, whohas a fruit lar in the future as it h..s in the EarlC Pounds New song books:
past and will lie conduct«! along
ranch two miles from Nyssa, ship-
Song service a* i :?0 nnd preach-
the progressive lines only ami mir
P* «1 21 cars of prunes from 65
ing at 8: p. m.
•cr« netting him between 8 ^ " 1(1
that onr town need not be ash-in.«1
•nil 812.000. He secured thetngh- t
i -
o Tv.iw.rn« the t o w n Onr «fiort emn'ii«' are as notieahle
•* T ’r "
l»r market price paid in ( idea go O f o tU i Jlo
oun afford. It might have been a to
as ¡t is to the reader and we
*Bd Cintfinnntti. From the apple
blessing to the people conld they Btrjvp p,lt ¡„ vain to give literature
trees and alfalfa in the 9 ame or-
have an editor with more literary that i« worth reading
Well, no
dhHd he sold a 35000 crop this
skill but then they may some day. case of insanity has been reported
yesterday. He saps Nyssa is at-
right but must go to see how the
other towns feel about our pro­
KI -,
ij >
, • Ì
■ I f I
MB t j
t I 1
* J
* i
Fred Klingback went to On- ^
tario yesterday and had enough
suit cases to hold a month’s sup­
Miss Lena Farrell and W. W. ply.
Wilson, both of Owyhee, were
The proper care of the teeth is
united in matrimony on Monday,
essential to good health. Irp onr
Oct 17, 1910. The bride arrived
dental preparations. N pssa Phar­
last spring from Kentucky nnd in
her short stay has made many
friends and is a girl that any man
Use Itnperiul tooth paste or !
would be proud of. Mr. Wilson is Listen1,nd to >th p ><vd i •
an industrious, steady and ener­ Nyssa Pharmacy.
getic young man.
Use "Nydenta” the best tooth
Men's, Boy’s, and Children’s
paste. Price 25 cts at S. F. Fos­
Oaiis. Stylish and Comfortable for ters.
Fall and Winter at the B. «VI. Co.
i. o. o. r.
M. Htan-
FOR SA L E -- Twenty-five or
Cate City Uxlfie No. 214, I O O. F.
thirty tons of alfalfa buy in stack * ill meet in their hall In Nyssa every
the company bv subscribing for 10 also turkeys and chickens.
I’ uesday evenini? at 8 oVIock sharp,
share«. E H. McDonald, the presi­
Thomas Dixon
i itinif brother» always welcome.
dent. expressed his satisfaction by or L Spier. Nyssa
A. H. Boj dell, N. O.
wood showed his
confidence in
subscribing for 10 share«.
H. T. Francis, Sec.
Pay up your subscription and
get some of the Christy Plates.
W , Lee They are pretty
subscription« were ns follows:
H. Wal*ers 4 shares.
Blodgett 3 shares. ( . ft. Kingman
and Infants.
Io n
H share . .T. C. Hinder 3 rharee, J. | Capes, (.'«oats Mild Jackets.
Bovdeft 3 sh ire* , W, F, TTox:e 3
•o I
W, t‘llllts ■ g
> ill -■ tile pi lees an f.«r
shar«««'. S. V. F-“ >co 3 s h a r e r , ( 1
b low «»tlier towns for Sail"- (Jnal
C. Hunt 2 «liar« « Oen. Green 2 itv
Boyritd! Mercanti! Company
The following 1 share each:
J. H. Fofbef, ‘ tnxtrr Maser,i Of Hill B i OH Lb; ( ’ail. Mee|
Peter Stain. J. A. Gregory, C, F. Cut Coffee, tlirgt- ).<cii.d* »or f i . d l
and Highest Grade Teas at
Peek. A. F. Wade, M \ Green.
J. C. H ml r
Ther»« ‘■till r-mains 27 »hares of
. try \ i.w
First I’ rruhyterian Chnrrh.
-teivlce» every Sunday.
.ul Kchixil lil.AO a. in
1130 a m
' If. :». m
Cbrtattau Kndeav-
Kvenlng wor«hlp 8 00 p.
I’ r • «tr meeting Wedn »«lay 8.00 p
\ '-'irdlal welcome to all.
«•‘ it ’dl«t Episcopal Church
‘ v school every Sunday morn-
• i lortn Prof Devla »not. Epworth
.e every Hnm'ay evening at 7.16
•’cinch Prayer meetings on Thursday
»In» Preaehing services, every
•took to la- Sold and it in tip lo
the citizens of Nvssa to help a
Are not your taxes high enough T St.oday morning at 11 80 end evening
good thine along. Everyone has Can two county government« be «up- >r 8 00 The pnhtlc la cordially In-
ported aa cheaply as one?
been h e r e fited by this company
The cry of division comes from real
and will, so the
appreciation estate «peculators who hope to profit
should be shown by the public b* h*Tln« ,h* co,,,,t3,
as to increase values
as yet that was cansed by onr
taking the remaining 27 shares
to pay for It
butchery of the mother tongn«
loc,ted *°
u .