• Y S T E M R A O IC A L L Y WRONG. w is’lí t i ' ‘ m li f . ». i 11 I ■ i ' 1 IB r ; . ils lÄ L l T ¡ I '. . ¥ 4 9 , i. .* % firl i* EXHIBIT URES 8x10 Photographs Mounted AND Post Cards of the Nyssa EXHIBIT At both the Malheur County Fair and Inter-Mountain Fair, at Boise ij I 1 % I f t im HSH Will be ready Soon Orders for same will be taken at the Journal Office Division Should be Decided by Each County. That the system now in vogue in Oregon is radically wrong for the di­ vision of counties, is the belief of the Astoria Budget, which in its Issue of July 7. says that it should be left to the people of each county themselves to decide whether or not they want to create new oounties. The Budget says: “ Among the initiative measures that are to be voted upon at the election next November is one to create Nes­ mith county by taking portions of Lane and Douglas counties. This is a measure which is of course only of direct interest to the people residing in the districts affected, but under the provisions of the law, it is to be voted upon by the people of the entire state. Judging from matter that is being sent out by the commercial clubs of Lane and Douglas counties the great majority of the residents of those sec­ tions are opposed to the bill and the only ones there are who are favoring it are those who are endeavoring to create a real estate boom in what is to be the new county seat. That be­ ing the case, the one thing for electors who reside outside the affected dis­ tricts, to do is vote against it. The fact of the matter is that the method now in vogue for the division of coun­ ties is altogether wrong. Such ques­ tions should be left entirely to the people whose homes are in the section directly concerned and whose inter­ ests are thus affected and not to the voters of the state at large, the major­ ity of whom know or care absolutely nothing about the matter at issue. One grave danger of granting these petitions for divisions of counties by a vote of the people of the entire state is that some time the question may come closer to home. Some one, for instance, may want to get up a peti­ tion to divide our own county and under the existing law, the people of other sections of the state would de­ termine the question by their votes. The safer way is to kill all measures of this kind that come up and thus nip all prospective petitions in the bud, at least until such time as the state laws are amended so as to pro­ vide for what may be termed “ home rule,” by restricting the vote on these strictly local measures to the voters residing within the district con­ cerned.” FAI L OPENING SALE October 15 to 22 inclusive The closing day is drawing near and we have a few of the bargains yet and it will be to your advantage to take this oppor­ tunity to lay in a supply. They are not Goods that you will not need until next summer but goods you need now - - - - J. €. IIÏMLKR NYSSA, StMéàtÀ ¡¿Lo** OREGON * ¿ytfrYtt-,1 / VA'fu. •..,—hVIvlpq The New Models 10 and 11 i Pratt’s Poultry Food 25 and 50 cts S. F. Foster 60 YEARS' EX P ER IEN CE npt P atents REACHING THE TOP in any calling of life, demanda a vigorous body and a keen brain. \\ it bout health there is no suc- I cess. But Electric Bitters is the greatest Health Builder the world TRADE M ARKS D e s ig n s . has ever known. It compels per­ C o p y r ig h t s A c . A n fo n « «wading a sketch and description may fect action of stomach, liver, kid­ nlokly lickly ascertain our opinion free whether an S ons ▼ention »antic la probably patentable. Coainmnlea- neys, bowels, purities and enriches strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents mt frse. Oldest aaency fo r securing patents. the bliKxl, tones and invigorates Patents taken throutfti Munn ft Co. receive xciai notice, without c harge, la the the whole system and enables you to stand the wear and tear of your A handsomely Illustrated weekly. la rg est clr eniation o f any sdentiti«! Journal. Terms. |3 a daily work. “After months of suf- r : four months. fL. Jold by all newsdealer«. j a s t e r . « ! « , . | i u ii ,, fering from Kidney Trouble, “wri­ , « » F B U Washington. D. ' tes W . M. Sherm.au, of Cushing, Me., “three bottles of Electric bit- F O R S A L E : Four full bhxxl Po­ toss made me feel like a new man.” land China Brood Sows. For fur­ 50c at S F Foster. ther particulars, price, etc call on or Phone P. I. Speer, 2J miles it ' s t h e w o r l d ' s b e s t . south of Nyssa Ferry, Idaho side. N o one has ever made n salve, ointment or balm to compare with KILLS A MURDERER. A merciless murderer is Appen­ Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It’s the dicitis with many victims. But one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns, Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it Burns, Bruises. Sores. Scalds. by prevention. They gently Boils. I leers. Eczema.Salt Rhenni. stimulate stomach, liver and bow­ For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chap­ els, preventing that clogging that ped hands, or Sprains, it's su­ invites appendicitis, curing Consti­ Infallible for Piles. pation. Headache. (Biliousness preme. Chills 25c at S F Foster. Only 25c at S F Foster, Scientific Am erican . When alone in the election booth on November 8th, when scanning your ballot you will read substantially the following: A Bill to Create the County of Clarke. 334 Yes. 335 X No. A Bill to Create the County of Des­ chutes. 350 Yes. 351 X No. A Bill to Annex a Portion of Clacka­ mas County to Multnomah. 322 Yes 323 X No. A BUI to Annex a Portion of Wash­ ington County to Mulnomah. 338 Yes. 339 X No. A Bill to Create the County of Nes­ mith. 316 Yes. 317 X No. A Bill to Create Orchard County. 332 Yes. 333 X No. A Bill to Create the County of Otis. 320 Yes. 321 X No. A Bill to Create the County of W il­ liams. 324 Yes. 325 X No A Bill for an Act providing for the Creation of New Counties, Towns, etc., ana cnanging boundaries of ex­ isting couuntles, etc. 362 X Yes 353 No Ytou are asked to consider well the •btnee measures and by voting "No" on all division measures, and "Yes*' on the bill giving the counties full control of all local matters, you will bo relieved of such duties at future elections Your careful, consclentioua coaaldenrtloa la ashed RespeotfullX, a ffA T E ANTI-dJI VISION » i O M U U TTB E M Isa captur Commun Comm lthat the Inter ami Nyssa a u- for her fruit Ijowii to tin* daily Ln affairs, but w Joint at the ribbo lover T is in the lead ant J tin. e gentlemen | to secure for Nys: > men are: S- N ■ * Ekm and W B. 1 ling of them we c 1.1 inflated for be ¿men. These th Ire men who havt Tver;.! years are Know well the tliii l;,t N V -sa's door land art' live b( ■done and are d' ■will bring Nyssa j have shown thei It it great number la s t but the work Iri" and f I |lemen surpass an en made by an; Lost Nyssa. The |or weeks on the t gone to a lot lease and troubh light of recompens ■rely believe that Handed to the ski [get all tiny desel Ktdness to these pense and one thf j but they have Ititnde, complin»' Ink-- and Well wish dent in this sec’ |ir county. The q 1 the artistic man i displayed sho lew the art of fru Jdthe highest con lull! be given th pte was the awn leepstakes and tin jize ribbons, o l tta< Irty first and tweu lizes. j Following are c e Statesman and “Nyssa, Ore., car Iri/.e for the best d Irom one precinct : fere a number of i Jrhieli tried for tin [tiered.” In the big tent t I the main exibi lie d i table display ■vegetables sent f Itlie farming conn Ions to it, in the 1 • ■ River valleys. O 1 Nyssa booth are -1 [with IS different I the display is a l I bum three varitit Boise Thanks for the Pool. (East Oregonian). Above Gibbon the middle of the Umatilla river is to be the dividing line between Umatilla county and the proposed new county, which has not yet been christened. Under this ar­ rangement the Wenaha Springs resort will be in the new county. All except­ ing the pool. Thanks for the pool. C O U N T IE S . N O . 2«. Kr« and M V with MR. VOTER. Do you think it right to vote to create new counties and double their expenses. You can not know condi­ tions In remote counties and should vote against all division and vote for the law allowing counties to settle their local matters among themselves. NEW Endei do more than) supply every demand; they anticipate every demand of every user dfi thei writing!machine.- SO M E O F T H E fN E W F E A T U R E S New New New New New New New New Single Dog Escapement » Column Selector (Model 10) Built-in Decimal Tabulator (Model 11) Two-Color Dial Back Space Key Variable Line Spacing Shift Lock Paper Feed Lock Remington Typewriter Company (Incorporated < New York and Everywhere : • \ • «A fa f * j W tf X- V SK, back ground of j and Ked .Jolwith “ Nyssa" is work« Golden apples. I of the box displa many varities, is grower, C. H*' is one and on* Nyssa. The Nyssa ex that shown at tl I • >reg.m, fair twi the sweepstakes the Nyssa coum