6 **«*# # *«*# *«# # *a for Dressed Veal -,L It, und ho w ill pay lirooood Pork. for i U » v e ' ' Thicken« lie for . V. íle dos. for rr e a h L e a». 0l charro commission. You r e t 0^ , , when you sh ip to Sm ith. Teacher— What Is ignorance Bobby? Bobby—Ignorance Is when you don't know anything and somebody finds It NB U S M IT H M E A T CO. —nun* t h e B e e f T r u s t" ‘JU T L A N D . O REGO N INESS COLLEGE AND MORRISON. PORTLAND, OREGON i AMSTRONG. LL P R IN C IP A L hiirh -stan d ard com mercial lbs Northwest. T eachers h av in g both mJ professional ex p erien ce q u a lify stu- l u c c e i s , by in d iv id u a l instructio n if ffl s short tim e an d a t sm all expense, for sstch as soon a s com petent. Open all Catalogue, busin esa form a and pen* Write today — th ere la m oney in it. 4nitUdlv siûÂL y OF n T F IC rj ^ ^ DAI M C U I «UNIVERSITY Of OREGON) Standard T h o ro u g h C o u rses Wins Sept. 12. 1 • F or catalogue ad- 4 How 1 1 have Into the waking He Did It. been 20 years trying house late at night my wife, and last me. Small Johnny—Mamma. I can’t tell a lie. I took a piece of pie from the pantry and gave It to a poor little boy who was nearly starved. Mamma— That's right, dear. And did the poor little fellow eat It? Small Johnny— I You bet I did. "See here, young man,” said the | stern parent, "why is It that you are [ alw iys behind in your studies?” "Be- cau. e,” explained the youngster, “if I warn t behind I could not pursue them.” FASHION HINTS lu c c e e d e d .” I beard she w as r the summer “ at ths aw ay Tents, Awnings, Sails Cots, Hammocks, Canvas and Covers 1 nr 1.000 a t factnrv ptioOO PACIFIC TIN I AND AWNING CO. 27 N. FirHt S t., l'urtlunll flni* U and go and tell the others. It is gratifying to learn from the volume of S i game warden s mail on this sub- ject that farmers in all parts of the state are keenly Interested in the con­ servation of the quail, whose value to the farmers as an insect destroyer can hardly be esttmated.-Columbus Jour nal. ---------------- T h e H e l p '" » ■Qf-Towrt P e o p le ¿--bvr onr force ’f *c entire Crown. Bridge and Plate werk ***»*«ry Positively p»inle*e ostrocU — pi»»»« or bridge» »re ordered. We rs- ■9* t»'<»itive teeth *nd root» without the ■Offtndenta. oo unrertaisifty. bnt fpcetai- th» moM »ctenttffe end earefnl work ...... .... $3.00 th w ith ou t P lates i l . W » J J a * " 4' "It makes no difference, mein friend, "There doesn’t seem to be much VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON ebanoe of this coming true, so I reck­ N U R S E R Y C A T A L O G be able to leave you much. Wtfle—That’s right. Whereas, while on you will have to get along wthout New. Handsome, Instructive. Up-to-Date. you're alive you leave me moat of ths shaving me this time." describing The surgeons gave In and the op­ time. It is a sure stopper, promptly re­ eration was performed, leaving the FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, lieves Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, venerable old man’s beard Intact. SHRUBS, VINES, Cough Croup, and especially those HE K N E W HER. harsh, hacking coughs, also most ROSES, BERRY PLANT!* ETC. useful for lung diseases. For sale- TROUSER GIRLS OUT OF JOBS by all dealers; 25c a bottle. F ree on requ est. W rite now, m entioning Dr. B. E. W right Dr. B. E. Wright Co. HT'RTON — A »»»jer and (Tiemint, Colorado. Hpeciaten price«: Hold. 1 Gold, Silver. ISc; Gold. 60c; Zino Mallinti envelope» and fu ll price list it Ion. Control and l Tmplre work so mice: Carbonate N ational Bank. r% A and b e l l 5 One day small Margie was standing at tbs window when It began to hall "Oh, look, mamma!" sha «claim ed! U s raining pills!" Papa—I hear you were a bad girl to-day, Flossie, and mamma had to spank you. Little Flossie—1 wasn't bad. but l got spanked Just ths same. I don t see what yon ever married a school teacher for. anyway. Stranger—Are there any fish In this stream, little boy? Little Boy— Yes sir. Stranger—Will they bits? Little Boy 1 duuno. None of 'em ever bit SUMMER GIRL HAD VISIONS. Dr. S . L . J o s e p h i , Dekum B ld g .. P o r tla n d . O re g o n IS VICTIM OF BEES S £ S Wit of the Youngsters * develand Deader. RHEUMATISM M unyon’s Rheumatism Cure USE DR. PLUMMERS COUGH STOP th is paper. Milking Machine Now T hat Dlaplaoea Weatern Fair Ones Who Wore Men’s Togs. J. B. PILKINGTON, Nurseryman Portland, Oregon Seattle, Wash.—One of the model dairies In this state, located near North Yakima, has received a ship­ ment of modern milking machines. As OPIUM—TOBACCO II»bits Positively Cured. a result of this move toward Increas­ Only nathom ed Keeley In» stitu te in Urt'm n. W rite ing the efficiencies of the pure milk j for illa»trato d circular. tests, more than 50 pretty white-1 KEELfY I nstitute . 71L 11 th N. trousered girls are thrown out of em­ P o r t l a n d , r e g o n ployment. The girls have been doing the milk­ ing at this model farm for several A Morning 8paL years, having displaced Japanese, who She (angrily)—I can stand this no were found to be unhygienic. Each girl wore a light-fitting pair of trou­ longer; you’re utterly unbearable, and sers and a short-sleeved Jacket to I’m going back to mother this very match, which garments were boiled day! He (coolly)—Very well, that ar­ Hlx—We are In love with the same and starched each day by the farm rangement will suit me exactly; I’ll laundress. girl. The milking girls have donned see you this evening. I met your Nix—How shall wo end the matter? skirts and are employed In packing mother yesterday and she Invited me Hlx—Suppose you propose to her. peaches and pears in the irrigated or­ to take supper with her tonight chards near. [ T coffeec i TEA SPICES ALCOHOL O A Sense of Superiority. "How many times have you been ar­ FROG IN A WOMAN’S STOMACH rested?" asked the court. “A good many," replied Plodding Pete, "but only for small offenses. 1 It la Removed Successfully by a Sur­ geon In Toledo and Sha never git pinched for violatin’ de Recovera. speed laws or failin' to blow a horn.” BAKINO POWDER > EXTRACTS dUSTRIGHT CLOSSETa DEVERS PORTLAND. OREL.' . ~’ Cured in Drink Three Cured ne N Me’ eal Habft N o H y p o d e r m ic In je ctio n s» You can tak e this treatm en t a t the In stitu te or your home, and your money w ill be returned if a perfect cure is not affected. In vestigate this, it w ill only take a few moment» to phone ua for inform ation. Personal and financial reference on application. For fu ll inform a­ tion. phone, w rite or call a t the N EAL IN S T I T U T E Phone, M a rs h a ll 2 4 0 0 3 5 4 H a ll St. P O R T L A N D , O R E .j A H a ir D ressin g NOW ’ 8 b etshte TIME of the yeer to han your teeth « o at a n | . P * * t e