•>* T he Id a n -h a O p tical Comp IDAN-HA QUALITY Has been the standard in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon, for more than a year Eye glasses made by us can be relied on. There is no better examinations, skill, lenses, mountings, guarantee, adjustment, nor scientific consientious care your eye sight possible, than is given by this Comjwiny. ID A N -H A P R IC E S are the lowest possible, for service rendered and quality given. Always at our office when we are wanted. THE BANK OF NYSSA, NO 5«. SECURE at Nyssa, Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business Sept. 1, 1910. Resources. Loans and discounts 15,052.32 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 129.95 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 5,848.00 Due from approved re­ serve banks 9,961.55 Checks and other cash items 11S.75 Cash on hand 935.30 Expenses 394.92 M A LH E U R COUNTY B A N K $JNfl Hi ! Iff I f r •* / X i V Si v \ J V JtL, V f' ■Ï, $ / , Capital paid in $25,000.00 N Y SSA , O R E G O N H. J. WARD, PRESIDENT J. H. WOLF, CASHIER “ THE BANK OF SERVICE” To serve you and the community: T o be of greatest usefulness To the largest number of people: T o continue the daily practice Of the Golden Rule in our Intercourse with one and all, H elping wliei and where help Is needed, so largely as may be: T o do whatever we can With efficiency and promptness: To be cheerful and obliging Though the weather be hot, Liabilities. 13,175.00 Capital stock paid in Individual deposit sub­ ject to check 18,941.79 Demand certificate of de­ posit 300.00 Time certificate of deposit 25.00 Protect your cow» and horses |Btate Total of Oregon BY U SIN G * S O -B O S S -S O or tO N K E Y ’ S FLY KNOCKER Wo Also Have Security (Tall Cure and Security Antiseptic Healer S . F. F O S T E R Crockett- Carpenter and Builder ) 1 i $ i * ? * III . . N T Y S S A . - . - • T» t >. f 1 1 V" ; J© i I I ) \ County of Malheur So I, J. H. Hill, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. II..H ill, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Sept. 1910, Robert van Gilse, Notary Public Correct Attest: T. N. Nelson W. L. Gibson Directors DEPOSITOR Receives the same attention, with us as the large one. have but one class of service to offer, and that is the very • 'W j *•.£&'1 JjygLi best that can be obtained and it goes as freely to the man W e treat them all alike W e a p p re cia te sm all a ccou n ts As there is more of them than of the large accounts, so if Ind. Phone Ho i ofold. Every one a beauty. f*—I— ttiir -.. n ,ii il d— mt I— ii itè'ìÉiiftA itiÉrtfwn«'—aw— i Or intermediate, you can not find a better place to do your business than with us, as we aim to give all of our customers the very best protection and service that modern methods and ways can offer CAPITAL STOCK $ 25,000 THE BANK OF NYSSA Nyssa k i r il Oregon advance. We will give one plate to one getting us one new subscriber that pi one year in advance, and the new subscril will be entitled to two plates. THE We Print tried it. Agents wanted to in­ NYSSA trod u ce where. WASHWAX v> -1 cc M 5 on will no d Svery persor ure of this ly requested itee in ma s showing. • s has been n as to wlm be, bo if any lat in anyw display, 1 e very gra Jging it ill. i taking a for the fair, nmeriug uv\ ry improve 1 for the bi ts, sidewalk discussion ¡trie light s reat interest pwn and wi iter on, beii present by the city c revised in th ! across Sna ¡t of some (3 by public sei importano imeiit of the iroperties boi ho. iee Blodgett ie vacancy o tors caused 1 g away. M: t for the pla thusiastie wc np until he that which h is is proven }did last sj investigation arrangemei M for eneo kns, sidewalk: I 1 "1 such othe »make the c 1 going to be to live |to make mon lto be a city (glad to have I psit. f a- cents ■niercinl cln | j-otmimn iai ralui- to a tor |evenings are stamps today fo r regular size Pk imbibin » ter without flit* ns«» of soap. It is entirely harmless and differ cut from anything you ever ns«»«l. by mail. Send ten have Y o u will be glad yon Address Washwnx T > of placing fer interest ! rt> rubbing and saves the clothes; makes them clean, sweet and snowy white. W ASH W AX OHMION Ira t toward: I I I « do your family washing; saves is n new scientific compound that washes in hot or cold wa Emison, V Mitchel wa samples o , etc a nd lid general i JClub appro I G A T E C I T Y JO U R N , ( Butterwrappei I Let wonderful W A S H W A X A P I ’LES ÓO CENTS PER IÎOX OWY1 I KK M ERCANTILE COMPANY with a cred lbcur ( ’on» I Ontario Sc A committ 95,067.05 95,067.05 Total State of Oregon 1 ss County of Malheur j I, J. H. W olf, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my kno tv ledge and belief. J. H. W olf, Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of Sept 1910. Ross A, Soward, Notary Public Correct Attest: H J. Ward J. J. Sarazin John Ray }>•; uni vi< months subscription paid in arrears, or Come in and get acquainted with our methods! “ M AKE OUR BANK YOUR B A N K " he regular Commercial it was umuii You are entitled to one plate with every Capital Stock paid in 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex­ penses and taxes paid 441.18 Individual deposits ¿sub­ ject to check 52,245.47 Time certificates of de­ posit 13,380.40 Bills payable, including certificates of deposit for money borrowed 4,000.00 I f y o u r a cco u n t is la rg e isa Cor Vacar prove; W e have fo u r designs. LIABILITIES take care of it for you, because we want your business N( with paint« NYSSA, The Gate City To OREGON Total your business is small, don’t hesitate to come in and let us L. I from real life in the cen ter and b e a u tifu lly trimed Loans and discounts 69,618.23 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 74.11 Banking house, furniture Lots of old papers at the Jour­ and fixtures 9,358.09 nal office for sale. Due from approved re­ serve banks 9,870.02 The Rival hat at Boydells now Checks and other cash only $2.50 former price $3.50. items 782.40 Shoes sold at liberal discount. Cash on hand 5,364.20 We '< with $5.00 as the man with $5000. M ade o f the very best china, d e co ra te d at Nyssa, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business Sept.1,1910 RESOURCES $ # S : 32.441.79 NO. 168 Report of the condition of The MALHEUR COUNTY bank THE SMALL Bell Phone N<>- 747-X *41M **' A r e a N o v e lt y O R E G O N . lUOa Mala s t , ^ 32,441 79 Total Is our aim and practice. OWEN, .Hauager. Christy Plates Report of the Condition of ABSOLUTELY E. S. .outs. Mu. every­ C ( * 0)11 air Nyss knefit of the MurntToial cb 9r Western t\».f St. ! last Mond as it sho: 4 fair repres