N THE CASE Of Jual Right (o . jith W ants V eal I That ÍTUAIL s th” u\hl^ r ' ,mohrrdl», uusekeeiilng. An attic i. B - e asylum for all sorts of I n / f l k ’ aterlal and us « « It i, never * U aterial, and utllated It become» a fir» ....... $'■» tn»w»i Fdh»p $1.00 SJ>* Fi:!i^* 5(k w Rdhw lain $5.00 & G B — ra d M K> P W A— ......... tl SO C on ced ed It, * a u lfo f0? 1' d° n,'t 1011 thlnk- »• ‘ he re- suit of your observation during rnanv Tears of puhUc life, that the^ hoTSnJ B f a K ° Vernr nt "osltlon tends to take away a mans Independence and make him merely a machine?" asked *ha in­ quisitive acquaintance “ Undoubtedly," , Md th, internal revenue collector, • •.■„ere waa a Ume tor Instance, when, if you had asked {£. '' uch a Question as that. I should have kicked you out of my ofilce. hut I have become used to auch things now and don t mind tht*m at all." Am ona *"n M * * W * ^ ^ M B U n b S g 16 odd* and ends thi^K»,trgct:on Free when plate« or bridge > the contents of the avera^HPJdered. Consultation Free. You cannot T o o Slow for Th u Age. e Old varnished furniture pM»1« “ work anywhere, no matter ■'Grandma, you never took a Joy rids, r; rags, many Of them gre^K^ fully (iuaranteed for Fifteen Years did you?” je for spontaneous coq W _ r 41/ • Yes, child, once; but you wouldn’t ' ntm * »Us, liable to t a k , » R W r i £ h t L O . call It Joy riding nowadays." "When was It. grandma?” e sun beats on the roof; b r o ® ' U ® ’ ’Sixteen years ago. I took a ride In d old clothes, the pocket» o i l 342J Washington St., the Ferris wheel.” iy con tain matches. Attic, ■ P o r tla n d , O r e g o n "How fast did you go?” ' ts often have a temperttnr.* The wheels made one revolution In grees Fahrenheit, which |" »'»' to Wwhlnsfn st. about fifteen minutes.” n point for matches _ Shucks!"—Chicago Tribune. Floor sw eepings under f u j Tk* Sh“ “ ' ’ „ „ , T it ( o r T a t, a closet are liable to t a k e » 0' th# trea8U/ eV ° * the *hah ° f leously or from a fly.ng n l S 10 V Z ^ isso r Stranger (to prominent clergyman) wdust used In sweeplnr r^lters. which renders Its possessor — I came ln here, sir, to criticise your t in a corn er where there ^ , ,° , \ , df “ ° r church management and tell you how it o f air to carry off th. ,am8 prop? * ' but “ 8 ° r: It ought to be run. ites, Is very likely to that those wh° U8e 11 8hould Prominent Clergyman (am azed)— ough to Ignite Itself. 11 't '* therefore carefully What do you mean, sir? How dare s kept in a tight ward o » ln S Fan‘lalw“ od b“ x “ n wlhlch you? Who are yea, anyway? m known to Ignite. Th, I » ’ : 11 a vur8e from the K oran - “ I am the humble editor of the pa­ ■ous closet Is that under a i - j “ *" NVws per you have been writing to."—Life. ■«use Inflammable mat»rlil_ W h iiip i I a S m a ll O n e. le there, and If a fire aUrts l « Y FLY K I L L E R i£ & iS E S 3!«i£ Customer— My wife told me to stop it avenue o f escape from m M e r ^ g y E r g - ' g » STiiiVilw rSS: ln and buy her a bathing suit. What s Is cut off. Furnace a » h e , M ^ ^ r i ^ i ¿ W are your prices and sizes? lar have In them so much Dealer— We have a very nice one 1 litter that they are liable t H ; " ' * .eons com bustion If an open ^^V k I i T i o S “ ¿» «a s here that I’ m sure she will like. A $50 bill will Just cover It. nilts them to get wet by x»o D«KiUb a .»«. Customer— That Is just about the rm. The fine coal from the *— »rwUfn.».», size she wants. How much Is It?— ply may Ignite If wet. Playli Springfield Union. i and m atches by children I, h \ i V ' ’nT7VY'«V5, "f■ I can pull. K eep me *» I can get a foothold, *“ 1 le farrier cripple my feet-J lek or have an ulcerated isy with me for a d»y. s myself with palm i, grant me cool, le»» 1 ot weather, and let me >dder dry. . nally, when my strengtn ^ cannot any more *er‘ ■ ;h to be worth my h«»P o f you don’t let me h* n a vender’, cart, but 9 quickest and easiest I vlll reward you ln t « ^ aven. Amen ”____ _ etshte _ to cu ra O atarrh, Asthm a, Lung. K idney troubles, and all P rivate 158 of M n and W om en. A SU RE C A N C E R C U R E waived from P e k in , C h in a—safe, sure P »able. U nfailing in its w ork s. j ? nnot call» w rite f o r sym ptom blank wcuiar. Inclose 4 cent® in stam ps, CO NSU LTA T IO N TREE |Th«C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. k ^ TIME PBIOK8» but B ade. Sh e W aa tlaeieaa S tu d y . Mr. Fond Father reproved his little ion (or having only 75 per cent ln arlthmetl& “ Mathematics, my boy,” be said, "Is a very useful study, and you must try to do better.” "I thought that was only useful for sailors,” said the boy. “ Why for sailors?” "Well, people on land have adding machines, don’t they?”—New York Tribune. C o a l d n 't Fool M rs. Q. They were looking at a famous col­ lection of paintings, and had stopped ln front of a “Portrait of a Lady." "Why, that’s a Rem brandt!" delight­ edly exclaimed Mr». Upsome. "I’ m not so sure about that,” said | Mrs. Gaswell, bringing her lorgnette to bear upon 1L "It looks to me more like a Merry W idow.” C o n l d u 't S t a n d E x p o s u r e . The member of the legislature, ot whom some graft stories had been circulated, was about to build a house. "You will want a southern exposure, I suppose,?” asked the archRect. “No, sir,” said the man; ” if you can’t build this house without an ex­ posure I’ll get another architect”— Yonkers Statesman.________ Aut L ou d but lie e p « Village Constable (to villager, who has been knocked down by passing motor cyclist)—“ You didn’t see the number, but could you swear to th« man?” Villager—“ I did; but I don't think 'eard m e”—Punch . Molar Crown. 5 5 - UO 22kBridfoT««th3.50 j Gold Fillings 1 .0 0 When young a girl wonder» if sh . Enamel Fillings 1 . 0 0 | will ever meet a man »he would mar­ Silver Filling« .50 ry; after »he gets older, «he wonder» 6 ° f ? ; r ,r 5 .o o Best Rubber ■ ma Plate« 7 .5 U „ . ____ _____ Painless Extr*tion -OU 09. W. I. Win, fmmm m M is«« BEST „ , tm o os II ran m u « or brl.lw wort Pain loo, E iti»U o n F r o o * ? '“ ? ! r. nnot r>« b«ttor if «he will ever meet o n . » h . wouldn't marry. W ise Dental Co. P a in le s s D e n tis ts St» cor. M orrison. Portland^O r^ e r e i n s , b u t l o o k and r second thought» cut * r arrive as Urn* WE WELCOME ALL VISITORS u*. D on’t fail to call and get one o f our Souvenirs. BUSH & LANE PIANO CO. & Washington Street, BeL W*$t Pirk rortl,n<1- ** The Bitters h a s c l e a r l y p r o v e n , d u r in g th e p a s t 5 6 years, t h a t it is a n ideal tonic and invigorant f o r t h o s e in a w e a k a n d d e b i l ­ it a t e d c o n d i t i o n . I t a id s d ig e s t i o n a n d k e e p s t h e b o w e l s o p e n . T ry it t o - d a y . THE FOR W * p u b l is h o u r form ulA S W e b«»niah aiotihul 7 from our madioinai yers W e ur® e y o u to c o n s u lt y o u r doctor The dose of Ayer’ s Pills is »m ill, only one at bedtime. As a rule, laxative dotes are better than cathartic doses. For con­ stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick- beadaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. — M s d s b y th!> J. Cl X— - C - . T -w « ll »»••• — STANDARD 3 0 YEARS. M illions o f tn«n w ea r W . L. D ouglas shoes b e­ cause th ey aro the low ­ est p rices. Quality c o n ­ sid ered . in the w orld. M ad e upon h on or,of the best leathers, b v the m ost skilled w ork m en , in all the latest fashions. W L. D ougla s 9 5 .0 0 and $ 4 .0 0 shoes enual C u stom B en ch W o r k costin g 9 6 .0 0 t o 9 6 .0 0 . Beys' Shoes, S3,$2.50 A $2 W. L. Doaglas smar&ntee* their value bv stamping bis luun* amt pri.-e on the bottom. 1 ook for It. T u k e N o K iih s tltu tr . Fast Color Eyelet», A s k y o u r «l<>nlei* for W. L. Douginssliors. If not f i *i‘ sale in your townwritefor MiulOnlrrCatalogjihoir» lug how to ontrr by mail. Shoes ontpr«*it direct fro«« factory delivered free. W.L.Douglas, brucklon, Masa J PIPE REPAIRING ! i Of every description by ouii. AMBER.BRIER tad MEERSCHAUM. Anmml Csisrii«. j S I G S I C H E L S l C O . , 92 TWd Strsst P uftlisd 1 $ 3 .0 0 S A M P L E D E R B Y . FE LT . S T R A W f U Hals Cleaned, Elocked 5 0 c ; Par* 9 1 . Trimming* 2 5 c each. Ladies' Hal® Remodeled, Willow Plumes retied M Dyed. Complete l Jne of Millinery* 3 1 5 ALDER S T .. PO R TL A N D áSES& v SH ERM AN , C L A Y & CO. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want you to try th's Piano /.V YOUR HOME FREE. We want you to try it at S our expense because— A t the end o f thirty days the Piano ITSELF will convince you o f the following facts: It’s the best value on earth for the price ($275). | It’s MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right! ‘X JSÎïVki» We know there is so much real value in this Wellington Piano—w e’re selling for $275—on easy payments—that w e’ re willing to let it be IT ’S OWN SALESMAN. It will tell It’s own story to you—in your home—if you’ ll send us the coupon. F a c t o r Please send tne full particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name.................................................. Address...................................................... A N G E L A HOTEL $1 P E R D A Y O n « R a te ; R o o m w it h P rivate B a th , B r o n c h lt la . Bronchitis is the name given to any inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes. In a fairly healthy adult an attack of acute bron­ chitis Is not a very terrifying thing, although It Is most distressing and disagreeable. It Is as If an unusually severe cold and cough Instead of confining Itself to the head and throat, wandered on down the chest. The Irritation of the tubes results In a constant cough and sense of breathlessness. The tempera­ ture rises, the patient feels sick, the more so that the Incessant coughing does not result ln the throwing off of any secretion to speak of. In a day or two the inflammation ln the tubes subsides, the temperature goes down, there Is less and less sense of oppression, and the secretion grad­ ually becomes freer. From this point there is gradual recovery, as from an ordinary bad cold. On the other hand, ln the very ol 1 or the very yours, or with those whose powers of resistance are lessened from any cause whatever, bronchitis Is a dangerous disease. It has a tendency to run from the acute Into the chronic form, In which the sufferer may be perfectly well during the summer months, or while ln a warm cllmato, but at the least chill or exposure must expect and will get his inevitable at tack of bronchitis with symptoms per­ sisting until the return of warm weather. The moral of this Is that It is mosl essential to give proper treatment dur­ ing the acute stage. The need of watchful care during a bronchial at­ tack will be the more appreciated when It is understood that such an at­ tack may be the beginning, sign and warning of a tuberculous trouble; and furthermore, that whooping cough and measles sometimes begin that way. In any case, whether the attack be simple bronchitis or a warning of some other trouble, the first rule should be, "straight to bed." In tact, this good old-fashioned rule at the out­ set of any type of so-called “ cold" cannot be bettered. A wise secondary rule Is to stay la bed till the temperature has been nor­ mal for a day or two. If this were observed, relapses would be fewer and convalescences shortened. Never mind how mild the Double promises to be, a physician should be at once summoned, not only because be only Is competent to recognize dan­ ger signals, but also because there are many alleviations in his power of the numerous painful and distressing symptoms of this disorder.—Youth's Companion. T h e A T T E N D IN G T H E ROSE FESTIVAL To o«» w a rero o n u . W . will offer . p ~ * l ™«nU to those wishing to purchase » i*” »ort]and the Festival W eek. Y our railroad fare to •nd re tu rn will b e paid should you pure a e f a m il y • 5, * 4 , * 3 .5 0 , * 3 , * 2 .5 0 A * 2 Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Is a regular cough m ed icin e , a strong medicine, a doctor’s medicine. Good f o r e a s y coughs, hard coughs, desper­ ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don’t take it. Never go contrary to his advice. Frank. Miss Mary Morris, daughter of tho late William Morris, poet and crafts­ man, said at a dinner ln New York: ”1 like ths American taste for Its frankness. Better be frank, even i f wrong. The pretty American girl waa by no means hopeless whose comment on first seeing the incomparable glory of the Venus de Medici was, ‘I wouldn't be seen dead with ankles liks ♦hit!*" __________________ Of the year to h.ve your teeth out and p l a t e a n d bridge work done. For out- of-town patron* we ! finish p i n t o a n d bridge work in one day if necessary. B S w e d is h they! follows: lo n g th a t !. th e ' M bs T h is w o n d e fu l man has m ade a life stu d y o f t he rop erties o f Roots, ierbs and Barks, and is g iv in g the w orld the ben efit o f hia services. a» *1 l o o k » up NOW The Chinese Doctor Prayer. I r o n ic a l th e C. Gee Wo M e a n t, The wedding was over and the guests had departed, when a terrilio din broke upon the stillness. The tooting of fish horns, the beat­ ing of tin pans, and the ringing o f cow bells could be distinguished clear­ ly. while agonizing screeches from un­ identified Instruments and the diaboli­ cal noise produced by drawing a scant­ ling across one edge o f a dry goods box contributed their share to the vo l­ ume of sound. The bride, a young woman recently from Boston, turned pale. “ Harold," she said, turning to the bridegroom, “those friends of yours doubtless mean well, and I appreciate their heartiness and sincerity, but I shall consider It a great favor If you will go out and request them to dis­ continue their epithalamium. It Is quite too boisterous and may attract attention.”—Chicago Tribune. $ DOPE HABITS CURED ishope I r EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN a man Is ln a burning bd no fire escape and the stairJ irnlng or the hall filled wltht hould shut the door and tnl rep out the gases. Thenhel w open the window to get col to let the firemen and nel|| ,’ here he Is, so that theymtff Ider to the window. SOME MORE OF THOSE BISCUITS WNAH WOKDERFUl HOW THOSE PAW PAW PILLS GIVE ONE APPETITE If any one has an uncomfortable feeling that one's apartment la Inade­ quately furnished and that It Is In­ cumbent upon one to stretch a point and buy a few enhancing objects, spend an evening or two contemplat­ ing the subletting of your place fur­ nished. At first you blush to expose Its bareness and try to recall the price of the last reading lamp you liked, the New York Evening Sun says; then, being of a practical mind, you make an Inventory, and never was an apartment so changed by so simple and Inexpensive a method before. The place Is not bare; It is crowded. You have written until your pen staggers and you are being momentarily re­ minded of things you have neglected to put down Out of kindness to your possible tenant you could not for a moment think of buying another thing. It Is not fair to ask anyone to ac­ count for so much You are surprised that you, who have always given your hearty support to simplicity in decora­ tion, almost Japanese blankness, should have permitted your place to become so cluttered, though with un­ commonly good things. That tiresome bowl which you have for years been offering every opportunity to smash ltrelf reads very well as “ One large blue crockery vase, uncracked." And “ One small table, spindle legged, good condition,” Is a most noncommittal Item. It describes the table ln all hon­ esty, yet says nothing regarding It. character, which you, to your sorrow, know as a morass of Intentional tip­ pings, changes of location which al­ ways take place while you are away from home, and only disclose them­ selves while you grope for matches, as well as other minor failings that will be kept a secret between the table and yourself. On the whole, there is nothing like an Inventory to stop expenditure and make one contented with one’s lot. SHOES A. Cough Medicine T a k a In v e n to r y o f F n r n ia h ln f« o n i Y o u W i l l F in d It C ro w d n d . WHV JOHN *WJ MWUYfi uked rue* you must , Bt LOSING TOUR V> PETITE TAKE A PAW PAW PI U P NIGHT l don’t aee very much vesetattr« here, ob.erved the visitor. 'T he Mil I aeems to he too eandy’• W. L. DOUGLAS WHEN THE HOUSE FEELS BABB. S p e c ia lis t . Servant—Come quick, sir. Madam Is In a fit! Husband—Just tike her. She knows my specialty is diseases of the chest, and she gets an illness for which I shall be obliged to call in another doc- j tor.—Pele Mele. L adies' parlor; spacious lobby; elevator; steam heat; running N ew brick, splendidly furnished, w ater; phones in all room s. In quiet neighborhood, Take car from Union D epot, tran sfer to W ash* in gton street. Phone Marshall 1960. Ita S e v e re D ig n ity . Joweled sunbursts in which one ®e| **I see you're staying at a strictly of ray® is made to revolve over anoth­ first-class hotel, anyhow. How do you er by clockwork have been invented gy an English woman. find the accommodations?" "Accommodations? There aren't any. Everything I get is a concession." h a r n e s s C a ta lo g Free! Headache Send tor our IOO-page Harness Catalog Free. Will save you 20 to 50 per cent sure. ’ fa •j ! ' KELLER HARNESS CO. My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five year» and never found any relief until he began taking your Caacareta. Sine* he haa begun taking Caacareta he haa never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Caacareta do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of using hia nam e."—K. M. Dickaon, lis o Kesiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind. 4 9 North Sixth S t. Portland. Orogom j COFFEEt; TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER ► EXTRACTS Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tasta Good. Do Good. N ever Sicken. W eaken or G rip«. 10c, 26c, 60c. N ever sold in bulk. The gen­ uine tablet stam ped C C C. G uaranteed to cu re or your m oney back. «JUST R IG H T < E z s a f lQ n z m f r - CUOSSETA DEVESS PORTLAND. ORE, REOUCE THE COST OF LIVING; use CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND N a m e d MARK i c O ABSOLU TELY CURES DR. WHITING’S REMEDIES MANUFACTURED BY N A T I O N A L M E D IC IN E CO ., L TD . 4 2 2 S h e lle y Blk., M orrison S t., R o o m s 3 an d 4 , For¡l.ind, Or. Phot e M h rubai I 2119 1. A P P E N D IC IT IS R E M E D Y . 6. "S P E C I A L " R E M E D Y . The only known cure for Appendicitis wlthoet the aid of the knife. Gives immediate relief, and offeota a permanent cure in a abort time. PRICK lt>. For W omen'« Ailment«. Tumor« o f the Bow­ el«. Aleo Dlabetee. Kidney and Bladder Trou­ ble« PRICE »6 Thia New Scientific Work i« a home treatment W rite or oall and we will explain. External treatment only. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY P a in less E x t r a c t io n ........Free S ilver F i l li n g s ........................50® G old F illin g s ........................... 75® 22 K. G old C r o w n s .................M l P orcela in C r o w n ® ..................99 M olar G old C row n® ................ 94 B ridge W o r k , 22 K. G o ld . . . .91 Inlny F ills, Pure G o l d ..........99 V e ry N ice R u bber P l e t e . .. .94 B est R u b b er Plate on E a rth ..................................... 97 A L L T H IS W O R K iS G U A R A N T E E D . D on ’ t throw your m oney aw ay. A dolla r saved 1® t w odollars earned. O ur original reliable M od em Painless M ethods and ou r p e r fe c te d office equ ip­ m ent saves us tim e and you r m oney. BOSTON DENTISTS. 5th M orrison , Pert land Entrance 291 M» Morrison, opposite Pottoffice and Meier A Frank. Established In Portland 10 years. Open evenln®« until 8 and Bundaya until 12: JO. for people who work. P N U w ! N o . S 3 -S 1 0 H E N w r it in g t o a d v e r t is e r « p l« a ® « I m e n t io n t h i s p a p e r . I SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland .-Wattle Spokane Ask for Their G oods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA ENDSEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE Thay Will Sacure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost bFi TRAOF. M A R K LET EVERY PERSON TAKE CARE OF THEIR TEETH I B»?t«r H.aUh will ba th«4r r m r f . I( ycmr Uatk ara Dwafad kava than, atrtnd-d to at our affica b , n y , U J y T H E or ona of our axport Workman who aro aklllod In DR. W Y T H E 'S v, - om f K N O W what to do and how to do It. That'» why nil my work is pooitivaty PAINLESS. That*, > why all my work la G UA RA NTEE D Ut rtva laatinw aatlafaatw Popular sriteo wiU.ia ika raaak Cox piad with my inromparnbly loar piieaa (or d o n t -try of puarantawd reliability i» I ha fast that H a do not « p o e t the pay ualil the work la aatUfaaUry to you. I Am M o k in , a S pecially o f f o r c a i pip ratines In Geld. Rilrer. Pla­ tinum end Porcelain M e la ti Gold Crown« and Brldrw- work ............... S3. » 4 ml S » P a sS ea ssIsa , 'T h ey are going to lock Jones up for - the good of the community.” “What's he done?” "He's talking of setting Brownlng’ c poems to Richard Strauss' music."— J Cleveland Leadei I 6 2 5 W a s h i n g t o n S tre e t PO R TL A N D , OR. i S i M I p t ; Spedar». S iJ * la a . Bridpewprk. This la without doubt tho moot l e a ttful and lastlnp work known Co don- taj aelenee Space, where ope or ipiwa teeth have bean last I replace to leak as natural that detection Is ImpoesIMn Art to oee .ampto. of this beautifal work. All dentist, hare are «rnduaert ad from 1» to 30 year»' mperlaaea. 148 Fifth Street Opp. Malar « Frank’ s Fiflh-Straat Entrap a^ A s.latest. Always la AUendaaca. • i