The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, July 21, 1910, Image 1

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    Y o u ’ ll
R egret
In v est
N yssa
T he G ate C ity J ournal
ical Compan
OWEN, tlanuzer.
i Main St., Bohie,
N ever
A C o n tin u a tio n o f T h e N y s s a S u n
sy f
J U L Y 21 1910.
$1.50 PER. Y E A R .
5c PE R C O P Y .
Mrs. Van Dyke was in Ontario
Owing to the hot weather the
C. C. Wilson left Tuesday for
services in the Opera House will Portland Oregon.
be discontinued uutil
A Picture of Commercial Value and
iewiug th e w ork o f th e !
J. H. Ainsworth and wife were
Not of Scenery is What is Seen
3U111V a ssessors it has bo-1 a „,( , ‘ Jf pla,‘ l we with th,; abple tree'.'
Ontario Saturday. •
iU ' "
, •
8weets for a hundred flowering spring-
Earl Pounds
From the Mitchell Butte—A Pic­
held Saturday, but nothing of very
«rent that c e rta in cla sses ; To load the May winds restless wings!
ture Telling W hat This Couuiry
W Lee Blodgett went to Port­
much importance was recorded, only
A party of Nyssa’s population
ty have n ot been d u ly
When trom the orchard row he pourb
Will Sometime Be.
Monday on business.
that the matter of employing a resi­ went to Vale Saturday to attend
¡1 by all o f th em .
It a p -
lt» fragrance through our opeu doors
And, that sometime Is not at a time
Attorney McGouagall of On­
,t in som e c o u n tie s inortg-| A world of hlcsaoms for the bee,
the assembly. The party consisted
l his is, of course, of great import­
s an- p r a c tic a lly
n ot ^ low, ra fo1 the sick girl's slleut room, | so long hence that the youngest gen-
of C. C. Wilson, VV, Lee Blodgett, tario, was in town Saturday.
A ssessors,
| eration will not see it hut in time for
the old settlers to see the developing
here the tax p a y e r fa irly i Oreut interest is being taken and of the now dormant land. The period
hat h is m o r tg a g e n otes many thousands of dollars are being of transformation is one that is looked
assessed, so m e assessors ' exP*nded in the planting and the care forward to witli pleasure ami anticipa­
V boards h o ld in g th a t it: ul the am’ le tree- throughout the Unit- tion as it means wealth and prosperity
led States and especially the great to ¡ill In this great domain, even if
p u b lic |K)licy to tax
Northwestern uomain.
Among' the they are not holders o f a desert claim.
A s a m a tter o f c o u r se i siaies
states cultivating
Mitchell Butte affords a beautiful
........ ..
p .V 'i' q u ic k ly u n d ersta n d s orchards, Oregon claims her part, es- vision of which no one can ge.t too
o f the officers o f h i s ! Peclally the eastern portion in the much From the summit of this hill
ul readily, an d w illin g - Snake river valley. Just across the one can look for miles and miles and
see the most beautiful stretch of coun­
H Itlvuntagu o f it. and as a river and adjacent to Nyssa, many
thousands of acres of Idaho's lands try that one can see In this western
oil s th e in clu sion
empire. It may not be as picturesque
are being set to the apple tree.
ftgage n otes in th e list
The companies, the Idaho Land Co., as a scene in the mountains where
jii ity fu rn is h e d th e us- The Oregon-Idaho Apple
C o,
and ihere is tall and stately pines to clothe
)n the o ilie r h and m any others, that are at the head of these the sides of the mountains but one Is
imbued with the spirit of awe to stand
bsessors are m a k in g a large orchards, have cut their hold­
ings .into 5 and 10 acre tracts, and on this peak and see at ones feet and
bi t to g e t all c la s se s o f
are selling on a five year contract, to as far as the eye can reach an ocean
su bject t o a ssessm en t be cared for by the company and of roiling land which can only be
luu upon th e roll an d are turned over in bearing condition at the compared with the prairies of the Da­
lip the R e c o r d o f M o r tg - end of five years. $500.00 per acre is kotas in extent and undulation.
The scene is beautiful and to tell
eir several c o u n tie s w ith tile realized price at present, and this
the feelings with which one views this
Bit view.
thereby making it possible for most tx-act of land is impossible. To one
any one to own a beautiful home, a that has been raised in the mountains
V COMMISSIONERS, AND place where they may raise a garden it would seem an Eden that could
IT TO BE DISTINCTLY or any thing they may choose, the make the most unhappy as gay as a
child and that it would seem to them
THAT SUCH III I, I. 1- climate being equal to ones desire
as the big world to one that has spent
this year is a banner one, and many his iile in a mine and saw tile sunlight
j are looking forward to the outcome as only at intervals while to one from
* hap. _(>M, L aw s 1907 the fruit industry is expected to com­ the prairie stutes It seems to he the
mit: All Real P r o p e r ty maud a prominent part in the future place of the parental roof and with a
little imagination they could picture
■ s state, and all personal of this country.
the dim mountain to the north as an
■ f tinted or owned within
thunder cloud that is too
aggerating in the least, that no better
except lo assessment
apples ever grow than in this valley. far away to effect the atmosphere.
n in equal and ratable And for that reason, and others just Then too there is
Sections 4 and 5 of as good, stands the proof of a sure to thread—Owyhee river— winding along
2*W set out what pro- be greater Snake river valley. One toward the north that would be the
delight of thousands of hearts were it
ompt from taxtation; that will some day lead the world in
the production of apples. In the large only in the middle states. There they
iroperty should be as-
orchards, just a few of the clioloest know nothing of a cool clear stream
?c. J of the same law
varieties are resorted to. Those that where fish abide so bountifully and
taxable property “ All are the most marketable, the best fla­ where one can see the rocks and peb­
r tobecome due from soi­ vor and good keepers, in all we might bles on the floor of the stream through
feet of sparkling water.
ls. whehther on account say, No. 1 commercial apple. And it
Then one compares the cultivated
¡age or otherwise, either
of some of these large orchard tracts. land with the dry. Only a small strip
without this State.”
Heretofore 75 per cent induced to is cultivated compared to the expanse
red by mortgage, like- grow was considered a royal success. waiting to be irrigated and brought
ured notes, under the Last year the Idaho Land Co. put out to productiveness. It only goes to
and Supplies
28U acres and only 2 per cent were show what a resource lies dorman
iject to taxation,
They have above the Owyhee Ditch but will he
izing between the coun- lost or failed to grow.
at y o u want wh(
made equally as good a record‘ this bruoght forward with the turning in
purpose of apportion-
year on something over a thousand of the water into the High Line Ditch
e y o u the prie te tax and of assigning acres more.
in (dare we say) 1912. The WilsoD
tion of public service
The Oregonidaho Red Apple Co. ranch is located in a lovely spot be­
which this board will haB broken the record this year on low the butte and is surrounded with
trees and alfalfa that is indeed a pleas­
is important that we all of their planting by saving 99V6
per cent of their trees, this being their ure to behold and this ranch can boast
consideration, the ex-
first attempt at the orchard business. of one of the best orchards in the
ph the different assess- This unusual success of course de­ country if not the largest. On the
fvo succeeded in listing pends a great deal on the proper care south side of the butte is a hot spring
personality on their given, not only in setting out at the that is very popular and a curiosity to
visitors in this section.
)RU MAKING THIS EQUAL proper time but the matter of irriga­
If one of the inhabitants of the city
SHALL UNDERTAKE BY tion is to be considered.
The varieties being planted are the of Nyssa is blue or pessimistic as to
I on t o
Winesap, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, the the growth of the town they should
F t h is r e g a r d .
Delicious, and other varieties of good take a trip into the country and visit
|ry truly yours,
quality. And thus we find the apple some of the pleasant and beautiful
homes that are so abundant in this
p c Tax Commissioners, industry gradually increasing as time
section of country.
The present re­
'ned) J. B. Eaton,
better than
Eastern capitalists are becoming
greatly enthused with the golden fruit the average person that sees them
uix payers, as you will raising and are purchasing numerous every day realizes and they lose con-
the above, I am com- tracts in the orchard vicinities for fidnee in their own ability to develop
these very things. There is enough
t all notes secured by their homes, so to speak.
The great orchard tracts will be­ land under the Owyhee Ditch to sup­
th erefore
come in time just like sisters grown port twice the population if not three
ru y o u r s e lf aocording-
up as It were, with all the modern times the amount that it is doing to­
Rayne. Assessor of conveniences becoming to a city. A day and with proper handling an£
place where beautiful homes will be manipulations it will be .a tract of the
established fbr their quiet surround­ richest and most productive land in
If the High Line
ings. where the owners may live in the Northwest
should never be built this country
the I n t e r i o r ,
' - Land Office,
would forge tq the front anyway as it
- in, July It, 1910.
-nteet affidavit having
has the quality and quantity that is
ffle by W . Lee Blod-
Portland. Ore.. July 12 .-A n apple necessary to make a good, rich and
' ri1 against desert land
" rial No. 0900. made show that will reach big proportions pleasant community
and prosperous
1 for S R i; s w ' i . section
NW 14. section 22, has been determined on for Portland. town. Some people are under the im­
H E. W llllam ette
■Kot.ert o. Applegate, con- The first such exhibit will be held in pression that the High Line will make
T,! H Is alleged that aald November and it is expected to have or break this country but that Ir not
■Plegate has not expended
first yea r for each the entire state represented In a wav the case aa the territory 'oeiow it is
' “ 'M b> ij 1 in lor me
r ■ ’ ing and reclaiming never before attempted. The Com­ as good as the high land only there is
l 1 "ired by law. that he
not enough of it when one compares
l ' 1 said entry and moved mercial club, business men and hotel
T - - id parties are hereby men's association have all entered ! it to the vast amount lying idle and
Bh'ar respond, and offer
that can be so easily mad«' to pr du'-e
I 1 • "aid allegation at 16
hearuly into the project at the in­ j and the greater amount of products
September I t. l r'l "
eglster and Receiver at stance of the Oregon State Horticul­ I that this will make. Nyssa is on the
Land Office In V a l e .
tural society, which proposes to ce.e \ move and nothing can hold her back
ft'-stant having. In a pro­
1 and there is no reason why she won't
filed .lime 1 5 1910. set brate Its quarter centennial this fall
I " 1, h show that after due by inaugurating a big annual apple I be a town four to six times her pres­
ent size within a few years
ynal service of this notice
‘ It | r hereby ordered fair that is expected to grow with each
Our prescription for the despondent
|l<at such notice be given ,
until it attains proper- is: “ Go to the country and see where
passing tea
. ,n_
you're at and see how prosperous the
R R K e s t e r . > t « n » 1 tlons where it will attract na
people are.”
F,s of entryman: Owyhee. ! j ereg^
,f listed, o n ly
: ool
a ll kinds
i do not need
I B C cookies a
e nz Pickles
ned meats of
and 0
V IL E *
E R C H A >1
ance with the directors and they are
therefore using their very best ef-
forts in obtaining the best man.
Not only a man well qualified to
handle the work properly, but one that
will make his residence here and so
iai as may he deemed necessary, give
hi. undivided attention to the work
This is to he a very large undertak­
ing. and aside from mere knowledge
of engineering work, will require prac­
tical experience and skill. The direct­
ors voted oh F. Farmer, as the man
capable and worthy of the place, but
it was discovered later that he was
not available, as his services have been
engaged by the Kingman Kolony dis­
trict. Therefore leaving the place op­
en as yet. Aside from the matter of
an engineer, nothing else was sub­
mitted, only the report o f news from
Geo. 11. Hinckley in Chicago to the
effect that he had a large crew at
work on the plans And specifications
and that he would finish them soon
and he hack in a few days.
Others Are Dissatisiied.
Owing to the infinitely rotten ser­
vice given the people o f Council and
Council valley by the Rocky Mountain
Bell Telephone Co., together with the
exorbitant charges inflicted upon the
people residing herein a meeting of all
persons interested is hereby called to
be held.—Council Leader.
The Valley Record says:
“ The cost
of living in Medford has gone up.
saloons have all combined and sent
the price of beer from 5 to 10 cents.”
We have pondered over the problem
but we give it up; tw o propositions
confront us while a third one looms up
in the background. We cannot decide
whether beer is the chief article of
diet of the Medford citizen, or whether
it is absolutely necessary to drink beer
in order to live in that city.
We have
known ever since we could reason
that the alcohol habit raised the cost
of living by creating conditions where
drinkers failed to pay their obliga­
tions for the necessities of life and
other persons had to bear the loss, al­
W . L. Gibson and W .
B. Van Dyke.
Mrs. F. A. Goeltz went to Seven
Devils, Ida., Saturday on an out-
Dr. Chester, of j Los Angelest ing.
Cal., who is on his way to New
Typhoid is raging.
Three of
York City in an auto stopped here W . L. Gibson’s boys are down
last we«k. He has his wife and with it.
child with him and is making the
Mr. Share from Ontario was
trip for their health.
looking over Nyssa’s possibilities
The Gamble Bros, and Mr. Fowler
say they would like to leave to the
Miss. Gurtie Ward is reported
next generation a few specimens of
that beautiful and useful bird, the getting better from her attact of
Prairie chicken. So that posterity may typhoid fever.
see what their forefathers did not ap­
preciate or protect, hut allowed the
Mr. Meek has taken charge
ruthless baud of the pot-hunter to of the Depot during Mr. K in-
literally wipe them out.
Dallas autl Felton Duncan are
visiting with relatives and friends
at Twin Falls, Idaho. *
The Rival hat at Boydells now
only $2.50 former price $,'150.
Shoes sold at liberal discount.
Mrs. Farmer accompanied Mr.
Farmer back to the mountains
where he is doing engineering
Joseph Minton returned to his
home near Boise, Tuesday, after
spending several days visiting re­
W e desire to extend our thanks latives of this place,
and appriciation to our friends
Don’t wait until winter to get
and neighbors for their kindness your coal!
Now is the time.
during our baby's sickness and Rock Springs Coal $7,50 per ton
Empire Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hand.
Gay Haydeu has resigned his
G. L. Lafrenz leased the R. van position with
the Studebaker
Gilse building yesterday and will Bros, and taken a position with
put in a complete line of general the Nyssa Hardware Co,
merchadise about August the 1st
Prof. Schmidt of Salem, Miss
when the building is to be com­
Vina McConnell and Mrs. Davis
pleted. Mr. Lafrenz is a man
of Nyssa are three of the teachers
that is pleasant to meet, and will
engaged for the next term.
make a good citizen and do his
Hon. W . H , Brooke and C- H.
share of boosting for Nyssa. He
comes trom Spokane Wash, where Brown were in town Friday to at­
he has been in business for the tend the Directors meeting of the
past fifteen years, His lease is Owyhee Irrigation District.
W e are glad
ness, but the Medford proposition is our prosperous and growing city. sets in. Rock Springs Coal $7.50
too much for us to solve; we give it
The officers of Gate City Lodge
No. 214, I. O. O. F. were regular­
ly install by D. D. G. Master, J.
Boydell, on Tuesday evening July
Pleasant Prescriptions,
12th for the ensuing term.
Bro. A. H. Boydell, N. G.
One word, you liypochrondriac;
Bro. James Duncan, V. G.
Let nature heal your woes.
Bro. H. T. Francis, Sec.
If you are blue, despondent,
Bro. Geo. Closson, Trees.
Just call on Dr. Rose.
Bro. F. O. Carman. Warden
With thorns, mayhap he'll lance you,
Ross Soward, F. S.
But then, to heal the smart,
Wilson, Con, Wallace Lynch,
He'll charm you with his beauty
C. D. Forbes O. G., Wm.
And sweetness rare impart.
Sexton R. S. N G., M Dunn, L.
If appetite is flagging,
S. N. G., Roy Crockett, R. S. V.
Just call on Dr. Green.
G. Fred Clingbuck, L. S. V. G., J.
He'll take you through the meadows Ainsworth, R. S. S., Sam Niel, L.
Where beauties rare are seen.
S. S., O A. Megordeu, Chaplain.
up.—Monmouth Herald.
One treatment will convince you
His medicine is good
Mayhap,ennui afflicts you;
call on Dr. Lark
(You'll, find him in the meadows)
And to his music hark.
He'll tell you of the woodland.
Breathe »«-ciem of (he hills.
And listening to his sweetest notes
Will vanish all your ills.
Therefore I am repeating:
Let nature cure your woes.
There's healing in the meadows;
There’s health hid in the rose
Go revel in the gladness
That's rampant In the hills,
And flowers, birds, and beauty
Will rob you of your Ills.
— Buffalo News
Last Sunday a few of the young peo­
ple of the town undertook a trip to
the Butte and the vicinity. The sun
was blazing hot and there was a warm
breeze but little did the gay bunch
think of that as they were going for
pleasure and the tan and sunburn
could not stop them. They got more
of the latter than they bargained for
but the memory of the trip offsets the
pain and discom fort that it may cause.
The imrty left \i y . * ? shout six thirty
and had a very cool and pleasant ride
the forepart of the day but when they
reached the canyon it was hot and
somewhat disagreeable hut neverthe­
less they were enjoying themselves
through it all to the fullest extent.
The party stopped five miles or about
that up the river for dinner and there
they stayed until time to return The
only shade was that of the perpen­
dicular wall or rock but It was much
appreciated Those in the party were
Misses Ennis Ruse, Gertrude Pounds.
Helen Sharp, Messrs. Kendrick Bled
gett. Sherman Tharp and Harold Vahl.
>\flu \
® .ivi
c fj
f j
h f
fa* f i yte
U O m '
t % l ,
4 V-
Be provident and get your win­
cause of crimes induced by drunken­ to welcome him and his family to ter's coal in the bin before winter
And spices from the wood;
’ äji
naird’s absence.
Last Friday the dreaded reaper
entered the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Hand and took their 14
months old daughter who had
been ill over three weeks.
little one was patient through the
long illness and never cried or
complained and thus making it
harder to part with the dear one.
Their host of friends showed their
sympathy with assistance in time
of need. The child was laid at
rest on Saturday in the Nyssa
so that increased taxes resulted be­ made for five years.
He’ll give you the green-leaf tonic
J, Boydell,
per ton.
• I ; ;
Empire Lumber Co.
Get a liberal sample of Conkey’s
Lice Powder and a copy of Con-
key’s Poultry Book free.
Powder kills lice instantly and the
Book is full of valuable informa­
tion for poultry raisers.
By mail
7 cents.
S. F. Foster.
For sale, a 7 room, 2 story
house and 2 lots. Located in the
nicest resident portion of Nyssa.
W ill sell at a bargain. For fur-
thur information call at this office.
Nox-i-cide disinfects’ and kills
the germs. It mixes with water
and is cheap and effective.
it now and prevent disease.
S. F. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinnaird
are off for their vacation.
will visit relatives and friends in
the east and return to Nyssa in
L. L. Lockwood returned from
Missouri lust week, accompanied
by his sister who will visit with
h im for a short time before going
on to the coast.
The Gamble Bros, and H O. Fowler
wish to request of the public in gener­
al and hunters In particular that there
be no more hunting on their island, as
they have it stocked with Boh White«
and a line family o f young Prairie
Just as they have that noble wild
Least, the Buffalo Go to the island.
next spring if you want to be ca rrie d .
n mind back forty year to the vast
. plains of the middle west ,nd hear the
real thing, but don't take your gun
nor your dog.