* 4 .- Che Oat e City Journal A Alike thou that sleeJH-St Slid iris-- f "in tile deli 1 eonditinn into wliieh you have fallen and take on newness of life. Intelligence Published K very Thursday By with her ({rent stretch of know- t:dge and her ¡gold n rf- Id " f wis Vahl Me^orde.n I. jdoni lies within reach of voui At Nyssa. » Irt-gon pathway. Von can enter ill and enjoy to the fullest or sou mn • • Harold S. Vahl hi li tor | ¡drift with the outgoing tide, out O A. Meg<mJ**n Anso Editor you will never liehold ¡ill the ilorj of the Creator unless you Apj.l ¡cation for entry ¡ in second improve your opportunity. cliiSb ino11 matter limile. b A S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S Ons year, in advance ............. $1.50 Six months, in advance F K M IN IN K 0 3H B 0 YD E LL M ERCANTILE CO. Corner Good Ave. and First Street APOLOGY "I'll like to lx- ,| suffragette." More (iood BARGAINS On Hand She said with truth sublimi-. ............... 75 Three Bianths, in a d v a n c e ,........... 50 In Hats, Boots and Shoes, Men's Shirts and Underwear "I ought to claim my rights; and yet A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S . Sinirle column inch, one issue ..$ .15 SiiiKle column ii.ch, per m onth.. .50 25 inches or larger, per inch, per issue ......................................10 LOCAL READERS. First Insertion per line, per issue..10 I cannot find the time “ I have no leisure to go out BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 35, 50 and 65 cents With s|x-eches brave and strong Because of tots who climb alxmt To hear the mother song. Bargains Every Day “ I'd like to be extollt-d and sought, HOW ABO U T IT ? With lofty thinkers ranked; Last Sunday afternoon some Blit I have girls that must be thing out of the ordinary tixik taught place on the corner of Main and And boys who must lx- spanked First streets. A crowd made uj In Groceries and Dry Goods of old as well as young men as- "And so admiringly I let semhled to enjoy a little revelry We don’t know Remember We Don’t Keep Anything, Mv friends to glory climb; what brand of I ’d like to be a suffragette. water they used, beer or near, made some feel ! pretty it We Sell Everything But can not find the time!" iiilarious Washington Star And Give Our Cash Customers the Bent-lit of and use all the words in their cus sing vocabulary however. great traffic during that time of the day but still 5 per cent for cash M A R K T W A IN It is fortunate there was no few came int Samuel L. known Clemen, as Mark |xipularly Twain passed into the Great Beyond to meet his town, a few went through on th God last Thursday after a long train, a few stayed in town that illness Mark Twain was a man came in the duy before Among that had more than the usual these were prospective settlers. rocky road lo climb but he never Some were here out of curiosity. faltered. He. like Scott, and a Still all these visitors said to them few other editors became a bank selves, “ what sort of a town is rupt in the publishing business this? It has two of the nicest but prov»-d bis honesty and pulled churches for a town this size m through with his honor only. He the west still there are the ball had a great many disnp|x>iiitiiients teams on th»- diamond, there is a in his life and it is marvelous that buucli of men rn miming.'’ All this man could make thousands of this could be s«-en from th«- depot people laugh. He is one of the and it did not act as the b«-st ad greatest humorist the world has vertisement for Nvssn ever known. He was a clown with Now. don't blanu- the marshall, a broken heart. The world is the mayor, the president of the richer that this man lived anil it Commercial Club or even the mourns its loss. YVe will u-ad eoum-il, who gets the in lid general his name with Washington. ly. They ordered the places Franklin. Greely, Lincoln. Roose elosed and they were a week ago velt and the rest. but evidently one of the places forgot to look the rear door. As we said don t blame tin- council or our public officers I’hi-y are the T H E APU( »R T K )N M E N T , Tin- apportionment of the coun was as ty school funds, in the County much our duty as their obligation treasurer's hands April the 2nd, This to see this thing stopped. Some was given out last Week same as you and I It tinu- ago a league was formed but Was a tentative aniioucemcnt for t h«*y were not ¡-war«- of I he earrings the information of the districts. on or surely they would have stop- ped it. Neither »iid you or I know what was going on As long ns th.- |mol hall is dosed and likewise the “cigar store" we should "close" the streets and .at- l«-ys lest they ta-coim- a resort. In this week's issue, you will Hud an exhibit of tin- funds nnappor- tioin-d in the county April 2!ird, ID10. This treasury fund is now ready for distribution Since districts are rt-quired (Sec 281 to spend 87 per cent of this fund in B. Nyssa, M. CO. “THi GATE CITY’’ J ¡0 POINTS REGARDING THE CENSUS. Oregon Short Line. Business^? Professional' & The census begins April 15 and must be completed in two weeks T IM E T A B L E ! V. W. Torniinson w. II B ig ««, in cities and in thirty days in all WEST other areas. D R O O K E & T O M L IN S O N The enumerators will wear a No 25. . dtinmeijH-ui b u r badge inscribed "United States No 5 . M o il.) U> luimuu i 111 ,, o v .,1 Census. 1910." farms No 27 . ........................ 7:05 p . m . The law requires every adult Ontario Oregon EAST person to furnish the prescribed information, but also provides that No 28 . ..........................9:05 a M. H. S. TH AH 1». it shall I»- treated confidentially, No »! u. G. HAND ...................... 4:54 P.M. so that no injury can come to any No 2»! ..................... (5:00 P.M. The Livery, Man [icrson from answering ihc ques -AUTO I .I V R H Y tions. " :,l ph-use yon—if he « The 1’resident has issued a pro H " h" " ,;ors" s- great and s in «» n y s s a .. G . clamation. calling on all citizens OHKGOJST;. And keeps rigs- ,,„ough for . i T B . W IL L S to cooperate with the Census and F. C. W IL S O N assuring them that it has nothing P ro p rieto r of UR. J J. SARAZ1 to do with taxation, army or jury j A WYKK service, compulsory school attend ance. regulation of immigration, Kenl Mutata I usui aure S u rd o n or enforcement of any law. and TH E C IT Y DRAY Nyssa, tluit no «nit- can lx- injured bv ans Oregon n yssa , wering the impiiries. It is of the utmost iiiqxirtance J. E. SHARP, D.M. D. Oregon that the census of population and INysaa DENTIST agriculture in this state be com plete and correct. All kinds «if dental work done in ! A first class order Therefore every person should j promptly, accurately, and com ( Office over Caudland Drug Store! FOR Cffice in his residence | pletely answer the Census ques flu tar io () re^on. tions asked by th«* enumerators Office Hours, 8 to 12. 1 to 5. I'litjsicmn and Probably one of the most payment of teachers wages, within unique banquets ever held in the ami during the year for which the Stst«- is tq be held rcmii by stu apportionment is made, it will be dents of tlm University of Oregon better lor th«- districts' financial It is a "Know Oregon" bnuquct, advantage not to call for their at which none bnt Oregon pro ducts will N- on the menu. Kvery funds until after tl-»- annual school commercial organisa ton will lie meeting: sic«-c tin* unexpended bal I f you are interested in secur ask«-d to furnish its reasons why ance (over and alxive No |x-r cent) Call on the ing an orchard tract of 7 acres its locality is the l-est in the state reverts to the genera! scluxil fund. writ«- us or conn- and s«-« them lor snd thi-si- reasons will I*. set forth To prevent such a catastrophe, the yourself and we will show yon some I in characteristic Ixxmter speeches district should avail its*-lf the pri land that will reach the heighth of by prominent students from the various counties. Likewise, on vilege granted in S<-<- 27. of the your imagination. They are lix-a- the belief that the proof of the Sch<x>l Laws, and r«-quest a |xir- ted on the banks of the Snake Twenty pudding is in the eating", each tial ap|x>rtiounient. sufficient for with a view unexcelled, minutes walk from Nyssa YVe commercial organization must current exi»-ns»-s until after the will atiswcr any <-orres|xindeiic«- at back its reasons with the gixsls annual scluxil election in June. once 6 tracts at #d77 and 5 tracts Thus Ho»xl Hiver will vie with 1910 I f the fun«! is collect«»»!, at $400 per acre «-ach. Medford for apples. Marion Coun th«ire should h*- in the neighbor- •L H. Aiusworth. Mgr ty with Lane for cherries. Astoria h.xxl of $23.0<X)0U of County Nyssa, Ore j will show its salmon, Yamhill go against the world for walnnta mid School moneys for nse of our We also write Fire ami Life As $17,02,7 f!7 potatoes, aud so on through the «H-InxtU this year. Insurance. Agents for the I. O. 0. F. list. It is expected that tbc ban will be given out through the | Northwestern Life Insurance quet will be a time of great merri- •priug apportionment, there be , « - W C I t j l.n d(* Ho. t i l I O. O. r Will Company, of Milwaukee. Wis aud ¿at the ».mu- time serve to probably, only about $7,00000 0f| « « « m u-.im.ii Rnu « « « , K»Iurd»y «irom / v liro,fc show the students the great re the fund to be distributed in October. I n s. rarc . er , * ,a sources of all paru of Oregon w. skxtor > , B . H o x ie otarij Public Real Estate Bargains MINTON md NELSON LAND COMPANY N. J. Minton - - Orep on T. N. Nelson N yssa O re t * j l THE B0GUE REALTY CO. Ltd special Bargains in Relinquishments t and Patented Lands ♦ ♦ i Tire Insurance Written nyssa OREGON ■ *♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦*♦ L. G R I G 8 B I C ontractor and Builder Nyssa Oregt