m m o im m o o s o m o m o i UlflflTSflPS FOR SALE-Geoarel SERVICES FOR REUT FOR SALE: Two pvakects with cage Call 4296B3?________ » t i c PROFESSIONAL PA IN TIN G 19« - J6 foot Utopia trailer for sale. Double entrance; rear bed­ room. floor ducted heat Su­ perior Insulation - 4-Inch top and aide*; 5-inch bottom Side mount­ ed awning. *3995. Also »-foot camper with jacks Good con­ dition. »600 Will sell both *4495 429-5061____________________38tfc — Free Estimates — Special Summer Rates BEG INNER S Trombone for sale Good condition. Needs new mouth piece. »65. Call after 7 00 p.m. 4293513____________________38t3c C LA R IN E T with case—used, ex­ cellent condition. »50. Phone 429 3331.________________________ 38tl TAKE sod away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and uphulstery. Rent electric shampooer »1.00. Brunsman Hardware » tic —---------------------------------------- -re------ GOOD Hunting Trailer. Steel frame and bos. 4' sides, fenders, tail and signal lights, spare tire and wheel. Phone 4293854. ____________________________ M B TRADE custom made Furniture for Auto Repair, auto painting, etc. Also for hay or livestock. Phone 755-2513 _____________ 37t2 FOR SALE — Custom made fin ­ it ure, built to last forever. Rea­ sonable prices - See next to Ben's Barber ShSop. Vernonia, Phone 755-2513 _____________________37t2 12-FT. Aluminum boat. Call 429 3181.________________________87t2 FOR the home Seamstress - Full line of Simplicity Patterns at SEW S IM PLE SHOP, 725 Bridge, Vernonia. Phone 4297441. ___________________________ 17tfc CUT FLOWERS, weddings, fun­ eral designs, plants. Also flowers wire. Artificial flowers and gifts. CHALET FLOW ER SHOP. Phone 4295733 or 4296301. ___________________________ 13tfr FOR SALE-Rl Estate GOOD Sized modern three bed­ room. two bath home on large corner double lot with family room and double fireplace Wall Io wall carpeting, drapes and ap­ pliances Near schools Asking »35.000. Phone 4296425. ___________________________ 38tfe FO R SALE — 4-5 acres for sale an Mellinger Rd. Phone 4295011. __________________ 38t2 'FABRICS 'n FASHIONS'’ Busi- n a s for sale u r t r e at store Make offer ln- 5f>tfc Rill Horn Q3 Realty G Rl »53 Bridge St.. Vernonia B IL L HORN. BROKER SALESMAN: Deri Roberts—429-3804 Sue F ilter—4297014 FOREST GROVE BRANCH — Arlie Satterlee, Mgr.—Ph. 357-2321 FOR S ALE-Anloi 1 9 5 » C H EVRO LET Biscayne Good work car. 4295651 days; 4292522. eve_______________ 38>3c 1952 M IL IT A R Y Jeep Full cab. Good condition. Extras. 429 3195._______________________ 38t3c 1953 FORD A. ton 4-speeJ. good tiros and new battery . Has '59 motor in it. Ph 4297902 37tfc MOBILE HOMES M O B ILE HOME - 1973 Freedom, 30x44. 2 bedroom, skirting, storm windows, double insulation, gable roof, ail electric, carpeted, ap­ pliances. in excellent condition, »9,595. Call 324-7012 after 5:00 pun.______________________ 38tlc FOR SALE - 1966 - 10x55 Lake- wood Mobile home, skirting, awn­ ings and two metal storage sheds. 42967B3____________________Mt3c CABO »1 THANKS OUR smcore thanks and deep ap­ preciation is offered to those who thought of us during the long ths of Guy's illness and on recent passing. The cards, calls, flowers and contributions to the Cancer So­ ciety and to the Vernonia Am­ bulance Fund are gratefully ac­ knowledged. To the Masonic order, particu­ larly to Glen Hawkins we give thanks for a beautiful service. We thank members of the Ne­ halem Chapter of O.E.S., the La­ dies Golf Group, West Oregon Electric wives and the Bridge Clubs for all the delicious and abundant food brought to us. Y o w kindness w ill always be remembered Mr«. Guy Thomas M r. and Mrs. Chuck Macy and fam ily M r. Charles Thomas L _____________________ 38ti r WE WISH to thank everyone for their help and love during «or recent loss. Also a special thanks to Pastor Wooten and the Vernonia Bible church. M r. and Mrs. Thompson and 38tlc afl Interior - Exterior LELAND SEIBERT Phone 42961(1 • - __ Mc KELSO SALE BARM R. Vaughn Baker, Auctioneer AUCTION F R ID A Y 7 : « P.M . Phone 425-3212 130 Sales Barn Road KELSO. WASHINGTON M626 49tfc VERNONIA SANITARY SERVICE Phone 4296711 _ _ _ _ _ _ _______________ aotfc SHOE REPAIRS — Open 8:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m. Tandy Shoe Repair, D St., Vernonia, 4293301. ___________________________ Side ARCTIC INSULATING CO. Blown-in Insulation Rockwool Batting F R E E ESTIM ATES Call C olled 397-1670 ST. HELENS lOtfc Norman Hillsbery, Builder New Homes Built To Your Specifications New Construction - Additions • Re- modrlng - Roofing . Foundations — F R E E ESTIM ATES — 429-8942 42tfc BAIR Logging Co. 429-7485 The Place To Call For A ll Your Rock Needs! rrucking, Excavating. Bulldozing. Backhoe NEW VERN O N IA Hotel - Rooms by day. week or month. Also, trailer hook ups Phono 4295091. »tic NOTICE FOR OREGON JOURNAL ser­ vices call A1 Iman, 4292081 be­ fore 10:30 a.m. and after 5:30 p m _______________________ 29tfc PERSONAL REDUCE safe and fast with Go. Bes Tablets it E-Vap "water pills” . Vernonia Drug______ 37t2 BOWLING SM KM M M aunO O M M M M M M WOMEN'S LEAGUE T H U R S D A Y League. Septem ber 12 The Chicks 2 2 Bob’s Union 2 2 Vernonia Eagles 2 2 Chevy V-8’s 2 2 High team gam e and series. The Chicks, 833 and 2327; high individual game. Darlene W il- coxen and Rose Dunaway, 172; High individual series. Rose Dunaway 479. Splits picked up; Pat Larson 3-10; Betty Holsey 3-10; Jeanette Hood 2-7 MONDAY LEAGUE September 16 Quinn Insurance 7 1 West Oregon 6 2 Tim bem ook 3 5 Vernonia Drug 0 8 High team gam e, Tim bem ook 893. high team series, Quinn Insurance 2439; high individual gam e and series Bettv Fuquay 199 and 538. Splits picked up; Bobbie Enneberg 2-7; Gladys K im m el 3-10; Hazle Wendling 4-5-7; Sally W right 5-10. Tuesday afternoon M arios 6 2 Daves Arco 4 4 Rose Motel 4 4 K im m e l’s 6 2 High team series and gam e. M arios, 2408, 832; high indiv­ idual series. Gladys K im m el. 472. high individual gam e, Isa Andregg, 185 Splits picked u p ; K im Koosier 2-7 and 5-6-19; Lee Chandler 3-10; and Carol Bodenhamer 3-10 SEPTIC TANK PU M PIN G Licensed - Bonded and Insured PHONE 317-3172 If no answer call 397-2281. Columbia County Septic Tank Service 18tfc Sept. 17, C n tan d U u rl 6 2 Standard-OU ___ 6 2 Bill Hom 3 5 p iiis r r High team series. Standard O il, 2469; high team game. Standard oil 872, high individual series and gam e. Joyce Johnson 511 and 229 Splits picked u p ; Sharon K rie ­ ger 2-7; Joyce Johnson 6-7-910; Trudy M agoff, 7-910; Irene M eyer 3-10; Donna Price 5-6 INSTRUCTION MEN'S LEAGUE Sand • Gravel - Reck Stockpiled la Vernonia for —Immediate D elivery— 16tfc LEARN A TRADE R A PID CONCENTRATED TR A IN IN G Heavy Equipment Operation Refrigeration?Air Conditioning Small Engine ZMotorcyie Mechanics Approved for the training of veterans Resident Training 'Portland Ore.) Day and Evening Classes Home Study Call for Information: Portland — «595181 Oregon (Toll Free) — 809452-6717 WEST COAST TR A IN IN G SER. INC. P. O. Box 224«. Milwaukie, Ore. 17222 37t4c LOST and FOUND FOUND: Irish setter wearing col­ lar and shot tags found in vicinity of Keasey Route. Dog is full grown. May be claimed by iden­ tifying and paying for ad. Phone 4295023 or 4297171._________ 34tfc CLASSIFIED RATES M IN IM U M charge » 1 .« for 26 words or less. Words over mini­ mum 5 cents each. NO information on classifieds w ill be given out until after paper is mailed. CARD of Thanks and Notices: »1-25 for up io 12 lines. Addi­ tional lines. 8 cents each. DISPLAY classified are »1.20 per column inch. T H E E A G -E assumes no finan­ cial responsibility far errorr that may appear ia ads pub­ lished In its columns, bat in canes where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an adv. In which the typographi­ cal NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. W ILL B E ACCEPTED A F T E R NOON TUESDAY E X ­ CEPT FOR N E X T W E E K ’S PAPER. B U N D ADS with answers to be handled by The Eagle: mam charge (2.N. No iafs tian given relative to such PO ETR Y accepted only aa r: Rate: 1» type Mac. September 11 6 2 Sentry 4 4 Don s Auto 4 4 Vernonia M ilk 2 6 Mist Shake High team series. Sentry 2639; high individual series and gam e, B Sm ejkal 523 and 185 Splits picked up; Del M ickner 3-10; Don Huss 3-10; C. Bowers 3-10; B Bates 3-10; M F eth- erston 5-10. D Johnson 3-10; L. Alford 3-9-10. Septem ber 12 Alpine Lanes 7 1 Mikes 4 4 Funsters 4 4 Smith and Hult 1 7 High team series Alpine Lanes, 2843; high _________ individual series and gam e Jim Johnson 520 and 195 Splits picked up; J. Johnson 3-9-10 and 3-10, H Anderegg 3-lU; R Bodenhamer 3-10; T Bodenhamer 5-7; and D E llio tt 2- 7. Septem ber 13 West Oregon 3 1 Vernonia Drug 3 1 L e w ’s 1 3 Sunny Side 1 3 High team series. West O re ­ gon. 1557; high individual series. Henry Anderegg, 487; high in ­ d iv id u a l gam e, Rick G arcia, 175 Splits picked up; G ary Lizzo, 3- 10; Claude Bowers, 3-10; R an ­ ey Holce, 3-10. Coach's Corner Vernonia Harriers Take first Invitational 14 at Monroe Tw elve of the top 15 teams from last year showed up at the invitational to run the long course which took its toll on a M E L V IN NICE number of runners It was the Football Conch Vernonia Cross Country team e I first irsi ye The year only three run- that went to the invitational with ners turned out and it takes a < “ The gam e against Salem a bitter taste of defeat from the m inim um of five to have a team . A cadem y’ ” said coach M elvin State Cross Country Champion “ As a coach, I was slightly dis­ Nice. "H ow did I feel’ w e ll,” he ships of a year ago What was couraged,” said Roberts, "be paused. ” 1 rem em ber one sum well in their minds was revenge cause when you enter every m er when I was 17 and working and how sweet it is. meet losers before you even on a fa rm There was a cute girl It was VHS winning going start, it is hard to keep your also working there and I wanted aw ay in both JV and varsity m oral up but the three runners I to ask her for a date but my races with no one coming close. had stuck out the season and did shyness kept m e from asking The varsity won by 24 points a creditable job of representing until a fte r m any weeks I finally over Pacific, the team that took the school.” found my nerve, and to my sur second place at state last year 1971 was better and VHS had a ’ise she accepted All that week Pat Curl beat B ill Sharp, the full team along with a few extra was excited and worried-about Pacific runner who beat him by runners They found themselves' my clothes; m y c a r; money etc. 15 seconds at the State Track in the Class A league that year, But finally F rid a y evening a r ­ Championships last spring. Pat running against schools they had rived, m y clothes cleaned and beat Sharp by 36 seconds taking never even seen before. They pressed; my ca r waxed and first place with a tim e of 15:54 also started winning most of vacuumed. I even bought a out of a field of 60 runners Jeff their meets due to the hard work perfumed skunk to put inside I Curl cam e in fourth place with a of the runners and that y e a r was was sure I had left nothing to tim e of 17:38 followed by John also the emergence of an out- chance for a perfect evening Rhoady who cam e in eight place ling freshman in the field; standing “ At last it was tim e to go and w ith a tim e of 18:27. Pat Curl. "W e finished the year full of anticipation, I a rrive d at Jeff and John have started the winning all of our league dual her house, all the w hile rehears­ season off real good and should meets but the one which gave ing what I would say. I rang the be in the top ranks come the Western Mennonite the ch a m ­ doorbell and her fath er answ er­ state championships. Dale Webb ed me that she was sick and pionship but VHS cross country and Dave Clason are the most team managed to qualify for wouldn’t be able to go out afte r improved runners on the team state finals and caine in 13 our of all Last F rid a y night I was also this year 18 schools that y e a r” Roberts disappointed ” Dale finished the race in 10th said Nice went on to say, “ I know place with a tim e of 18.37 and “ In the 1973 season, our fo r­ the Vernonia Loggers are a Dave got 16th place with a tim e much better team than the 22-0 tunes in Cross Country continued of 19:14. Dale started the season to im prove," said Roberts. "W e score would indicate The sta­ off slow with a blistered heel had a turnout of nine runners tistics also hack m y reasoning,” and in just one week he has gone and managed to win the league he continued “ We had 11 first from ninth man on the team to dual meet championship, came downs to Salem Academ y's ten. fourth man and still improving. in second at district, which We had 270 yards offense and Dave started the season about meant another trip to state then they had only 242 yards and we 1>2 weeks late and has moved place eight out of 18 teams had only three plays that lost from llth man to 5th m an on the th ere .” yardage w hile they had eight team. Last year Vernonia had the Vernonia never had to punt while Stuart Munroe and Brian W il­ largest turnout since Roberts Salem punted three times but son finished out the varsity team had become cross country although we averaged 3.6 yards getting 18th and 21st respec­ coach. Fourteen boys; which per rush to their 3.1 yards, we tively. S tu ait's tim e was 19:19 meant that for the first tim e VHS lost.” and Brian's tim e was 19:36. The could run a varsity and a JV A fter a mom ent Nice said, final score was Vernonia 39, team . Both teams managed to do “ N early every statistic was in Pacific 63, Monroe 86, Salem an excellent job with a great deal our favor except the one that Academy 126, Lowell 131, Port of inter-squad competition and counts-the score The 22-0 score Christ 163, North Douglas 197, the varsity team won league, would convey that it was a rout W aldport 226 Harrisburg, Silez, district, the Catlin Gabel Relays but the statistics tell a different Crow and Ed dville had incom­ and ended up in fifty place at story, one of a much closer plete teams. state., while the J V ’s won sev­ game. Six fumbles added much The JV race was the most eral meets including the Western to our undoing and so did a exciting race of the day with the Mennonite Invitational. couple of dropped passes that Vernonians completely demol­ “ The turnout this year has would have been touchdowns.” ishing the other teams. Lane been excellent,” the h a rrie r The head m entor added. Daughtery, Boh Rhoades, and coach stated. “ I have 15 runners “ Even though the score was bad D .J . Cole w ere the first three including many returning letter- I am not disappointed to the runners in m aking it a very fine men I know that this y e a r’s degree that I think I overrated showing. Lane won the race with team w ill be one of the strongest the Loggers. I saw good m aterial a tim e of 19:19 a fte r he passed and we hope it w ill be the strong­ w ith a few first gam e mistakes. Bob with a q uarter of a m ile to est at state.” It was Salem Academ y's second go Bob ran a strong race but the Profiles of the cross country gam e and that added to the d if­ heat caught up with him a varsity and JV team members ference ” q uarter m ile too soon when he w ill be carried each week with F rid a y night Vernonia Log­ became exhausted. Bob also is two seniors featured in the ed­ gers w ill meet Scio on the Scio im proving very rapidly and ition. home field According to Nice, should be tough competition Scio played M cKenzie last week throughout the year. and lost 51-19. "T hey have been a D .J Cole, who is in his first strong team (he part two years ye ar of running since 8th grade, and they have a q uarterback is doing quite w ell. D .J. finished that is six-foot three inches tall third in the JV race w ith a tim e and weighs about 250 pounds.” of 19:56. George O ’N eil was the Nice said “ He also happens to hbig surprise of the day as he be the state discus champion in walked aw ay with a fifth place track and field. In m y scouting ribbon. George ran the course in report, Scio was listed as some­ a tim e of 20:42. Roy Robertson, what slow on team speed with Brad G ardner, and G aylan only average size M cKenzie was Weigand w ere the last three ru n ­ able to run wide a t w ill. I know ners on the team as they finished they w ill m ake some changes but 7th, 9th and 12th respectively. All we hope to run wide too.”’ three of these runners are doing This week in practice the team quite well and a re im proving. w ill be practicing the sweep 15 Vernonia was the only JV team minutes each night on the sled that was complete. and working on their total pass­ Ann Munroe the first g irl ing game. They w ill also m ake cross country runner in school’s some changes in the defensive history finished llt h out of 20 set PATCURL girls. “ We plan to start w ith a 5-3 “ In discussing the members of against Scio and I feel w ith our this y e a r’s cross country team it lack of big defensive linemen is m ore than natural to start w ith and adequate supply of sec­ m y number one runner, Pat ondary men, this defense w ill C u rl,” coach Roberts said meet our needs b e tte r,” said the “ Pat is the defending cham ­ Open registration at Portland coach. pion of the league, the district, Com m unity College w ill take Nice singled out K ris Crowston the North M arion Invitational, place from Septem ber 23 for outstanding offensive player the Western Mennonite In v i­ through October 4, in the College of the week with B rad Belling­ tational and he finished second Center M all a t Sylvania and in ham named for outstanding de­ at state last year ” the Auditorium at Cascade. Stu­ fensive player. A senior at VHS, Pat spends a dents m ay register for credit “ O ur hardest hit of the week great many hours practicing for classes to be held a t any PCC was between B rian T ra y lo r and cross country, running many center at either of these lo- Brad B elling h am ,” the grid miles every day •cations coach said “ I was unable to “ I feel Pat is the most ded­ Registration hours on Monday determ ine a winner so con­ icated athlete I have ever been through Thursday of both weeks gratulations to both of th em .” around in any high school," w ill be from 9 a m to 5 p.m . and Roberts said. “ I say this because from 6 to 8 p m On F ridays the he didn't win all those meets due hours are from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . to special talent but rather due to Advisors and counselors w ill K E N ROBERTS many many hours of w o rk.” be on hand to aid students in Head Coach Although Roberts adm its Curl class selection and to answer has a slight tendanev toward questions concerning proced­ mischief, he continued, " I feel ures. Students requiring career fortunate to have had Pat on m y counseling or financial aid team for four years and an should call 244-6111 looking forw ard to what he can do this year for the team and him self He is a true leader in spirit and dedicaion.” FOOTBALL r Open Registration Scheduled At PCC CROSS COUNTRY THURSDAY, SEPT. 1». »74 M IS T —Saturday evening vis­ itors at the L a rry Garlock hom e w ere. M r and M rs Lloyd G ar- lock. Mrs. Ray G arlock, Vern W agner, and M r and M is . Ken Simmons, of Clatskanie. They cam e to honor G ary on his 9th birthday. D D B a rr spent Wednesday of last week at the Vets hospital for a medical check up. M r and M rs Chas Sundland w ere in Portland on Thursday of last week M r and M rs Fred Busch of Estacada visited Sunday at the Bud Hemeon home. Chas Tudor and Lee Hudson from Vancouver visited at the Serby home on Saturday. The men are cone workers. Mrs D D B a rr received a phene call from her daughter. M rs. Turney of Irvin g , Texas. She is recuperating as well as can be expected from recent surgery. Recent callers at the W illard G arlock home were, Don L a r ­ son, and F red Larson Also M r and M rs. Blem of Clatskanie visited them Saturday evening. M r. and M rs. Sam Sweeney of Clatskanie visited Sunday even­ ing at the D D B a rr home. Douglas Tatelm an visited his brother and fam ily , the D avid T a te lm a n ’s at Seattle from M on­ day until F rid a y . Don Wanllands Visit Sunday Afternoon R IV E R V IE W — M r. and M rs. Don W antland spent Sunday afternoon here. They attended a fa m ily get-together at Anderson P a rk and visited her parents M r. and M rs. C arl Webb. The Wantlands are moving from Cosmopolis, Wash, to W ickersham , Wash, where he has been called to pastor the L ittle Brown Chapel. T H IS L A N D IS Y O U R LA N D K E E P IT C L E A N r-i nehalem LJ valley MOTOR FREIG H T, INC. Phone 429-3462 MARR & STAFFORD MEAT CO. Rt. 2, Box 879, Forest Grove, O e. *57-7281 Slaughtering, Catting, Wrapping, and Caring Cattle received Sunday It Monday until noon; hogs received Tuesday and Wednesday until noon. Meat for sale, any quantity. — Come mook hand Call for Appointment — through Banks, take T illa­ road 1H m l., take first left- road. ltfc HUNTERS S P E C IA L 2 - 3 0 f l.P r o w U r .w llh s£*U$5$95 * * * * * * * Eye level oven Double insolation Storm Windows Sleeps Six Duel 4» gal. holding tanka 2 - 7W gal. propane tanks 4 Wheel electric brakes Clatskanie Let—Highway M City Lknlto of Relator Hwy. 80 R a in ie r .............. Phone 550-1581 Clatskanie......... Phone 728-877» Owners Steve It Lotus Gaskill TROJAN HONES Old CourthouM Basement ST. HELENS, OREGON Phone 397-2268 - After H oun 397-1730 r Cross country coach Ken Rob­ erts moved to Vernonia at the beginning of the l®70-71 school year, coming from the U n iver­ sity of Montana afte r teaching m ath in Anchorage, Alaska for two years W hile not actually involved with coaching while in Alaska, he did spend some tim e helping in different areas and upon arrivin g at Vernonia, he became cross country and track coach and basketball assistant coach Roberts smiled as he said. “To be honest I had to look up in a coaching book just how fa r the usual cross country course was, since coming from M ontana, 1 thought cross country was a sport exclusive to colleges ” ll 5 Boy Honored On Birthday VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE J. Mist Bridge Now Complete M IS T — The new riv e r bridge at Mist is now completed and ready for tra ffic . It was built by lyingview F ib er and Columbia County. Visitors at the home of M rs Jane Hansen w ere M r and M rs Rudy Schroder of Marshland on last Monday, and M r and M rs Chas Ford and daughter. Andrea of Portland on Wednesday M rs Bob Grim sbo and little son from G erm any are here visiting the G rim s b o s and other relatives They w ill be here in­ definitely Visitors at the Shalmon Libel home F rid a y evening were, M rs and M rs Ed M oore of Longview and Eldon Shelter The Vernonia Cross Country team started off in the right direction this season by winning the first invitational in school history last Saturday September Uernonia Eagle M onday - W ednesday - T hu rsd ay 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon LANE DAUGHTEKY Lane is a senior also, and a two-year letterm an in cross country “I^and has consistently represented Vernonia very well in cross country,” said Roberts “ He has shown steady growth and has been the type of runner I like to coach as he is w illing to do the workouts you have without com plaint I nope to see him enjoy his finest year yet because Lane deserves it .” I